Newspaper Page Text
zv. PsL% liivi-,' WM L* wm^ tr O. 0. F. Lodge. The gentlemen having in charge the organizing of an Od Fellows loitee in this city arp meeting with great success in getting names, for the new lodge which will be February ^ISth. the (.rand Mast will bo ere t-» lod J: UO-I C£ wV"- aw I ®T greKEvv [^ST instal le .1 about at which timt assist u.- OuJ 0 Ivs 0-i: in PVl niX'1'. ivLi.:u lll.v.l."! ltt)t:on sly he ous ei vi h.- a1.. t:ik'. Sco'Wii! Kt Commissionfrs S'rormlinn (Continued from Dih page.) »-'V- Tho .MH! i-'O fur quarter otjtl Moved ami •rlv .. •t1'". '•!. ''''-v A -M p- AMONG THE OIURQ.ES WltKKK TO WORSHIP. i.OTHttUAN (1\KV. k, N. Ituil». I'Aritur Kesulnr pceftcbinj »erviecs will bo b«id at |h« (vburch uuxt. sundjsy l-'KE^nYTKlU AN (uuiy.:p. J. mtBTiMR. pasioO hervicos iu Luc Prtisbyinr.uH ^burub svviy uaday »t 10:J0 a- m. an S p. Hohool at 11:4a. Prayor mooting ovory Thursday rTUviap *t o'clock. Allure vrolc»m.'». CATHOLIC KBV KK. KKlvriiKtt, iMstor Sorvivoa at 10:30 a. u-. Kveuin:r dovollons at 4 :IK) p. tn. MKTHi ms (itrcr. u. c. MiiKAiiKK, !*asior Proftchlntc service* at the W. H. Cfcnri #T6ry Sunday at 10:^) A. M, and 9:0 P. M. Sunday-Kcbool at 11 -A- Junior League at 55:00 i\ M. Sunday. Epworr.b League aU7:ou P. M. Sunday. Faryer uieutlu^ every Thursday evei.m^ S0. All of Iheie services ftie opem tt the publb and & oordtal weleoue will be garta »u nil who cone. KP1SCOP A L. (BBT. ••I^SON TRAGirr PAHtof.l Epleoopftl services will bt held t» tMf •sillr Ball, the Sad nud 4th Sunday of •a*n amitli. 10 30 t. u. Heruinjj Praj«r L4»nay (t«Q BMrtaoa. 12:00 neon Suudojr seliovL 1:90 p. ra. Kvenlug grayer aad Mrmi. MU free »a4 all welcome. Notice of Disaoiuti»si. Mollco tA ht-reby given Ibuitka parliters^tp heretofore existing between T, W. o«bili an A.J. Necha*. under the flrtu naat of Co hill and Nechft-t, ia hereby diaotved and I wiffc i# advise my friendH that 1 a*n to May f«r scaie time to daiiver ffoodfl, according %o the a«r%# Meet with customers Days of Dizziness Come to Hundreds of Siceeton People. There ar-'divs of di/vi-ess Spells of headacuen, Jeache, backache St^metirnoH rhcuiiiatitt paiMf -Often urinary dmoMei h. .. All toll you pin nly the kidneys «r* sick. Boan's Kidney Pills rure all ki^npy UIh. Mra. Krank Socher, living in the Nortbom yurt of Mllbank, S. 1).. tavs: DoanV K'dney Fills have beou of ff*eat benotit to my husband and he Is Hlwaj« ^bid to re -ommond them. He sufTored with kidney complaint for Bcvera' Months and at times Ids buck o.vae lAiue tha* fce could not lift anything. He had a doll aahlng is his buck, at tluioa obanglug to •barp, shooting palna He «ai also Kubjeet todlzzy spells partioulurly in the moralilg. Same time ago he read of Do&n*s KWnev Fills and as they were endorsed by respol si poeple he ptoeured nb»x, n© imptotetf •laadlly frem the Hrnt and in a fcb re time ah tfaa symptoms of bin trouble ban entirely dta appeared, lie la now working every day. and tea no kidney trouble whatever.*1 For sale by all dealer*. Price eenW fMer MUbtarn Co.. Buffalo, Now York, ao mku for tbe United Rtatva. Veraeaber the oatte-Dou^i-aA Hk« jo The Standard For News, »!,n County Hrlti: Srii 1 1: 1 n' it Di tii'.-i Si-hool.-* 'I t^wnt-hip-1 ri:jes IN u.'ruptiou Sal in r. Wot. *-li rni. Ol.l VKU. :o. Auditor. ::1 !J' Library Review, 'V\ 5 0 UJMii ,f Hiusok*k«MM»r. '*Vht» hljstory oI Uoons" thowa to Ihjuvory c^nipUoaU'd mjstery ir.d«.''cd in an arucii.- by Joliu Hoborts appe^riu^ tn THE IIOUSKK BKl'KU for January. Mr. Kolwris r- principal 'J? lb* f«m»u»s i*utUc Scliool G! in New York's KmhI Side. The ant!,or laktis up the methods by vfhli'U tevt.-'tyook.s an? s-'i Tted f»»r tho.vthoo.g throughout, the coun try, Hnd thr m«.'liK'ds of 'be book «*un:]»:inlHa in plaung th»-m on tb^ market. The s'.nlo tsiciits .startling. Mr. Koherls advocates frc4a i«'Kt-books and open lir,ts troin which HChoo: principals and teatrher.s cho»).s*. Jm the .same number J.imuR Hugh Harris riles upon "'Tbu Absur».»Itt»?»* oi Ccriabi Ttxl-lKioks." Kvery luriua with achild in lb public *ohoo!s should read tf ariio.t.s. TimroHro s'Vt* il capital Kh.rt ^101 '"'I he HoimV by Mari.'n Hamilton Carter. iml 'A 'iMi.'.at"r I'inv of Tw.i," h.v Kuth WJlfOn llurrb'k. tH'Ina parli«,u,.arl iu.Ui wor-hy. 'J'iie fancy work, fashion* and ru iniiry nrtiejoH ar-' up to lb-' iitttsai iiMin'. i»r 1 a »1 many d«.»p »,u:t nts uru loupfu) Mid turn The llou^rt:wpr*r Corpo^nTtoo MUinr* od b\ no, .-un .-oty lh'• veir. i-r "t M*hool l/itrjdt .. Sihio u» ci 5 -cbool Interest on :.iin..'i.'tinri .. Li'ipuy Ki.i.d In'or-.'st on neTerrv I'nar I'uriu VUHU l.Hke & Leu Ditch Fund .Sale of School Lands AUDITOR'S AND TREASURBTS Detailed Exhibit of Receipts and Disburs ments in the Oouiity of Roberts ioi Quarter Ending Decern- bar 31, 1908. ig Amount of Foods in the Treasury and Where D: MSI 'ountv Auilit.-r and Olertd oun' Tr» iwjursr in!v Jud^e Tha, \W '«»#h In Coanty Funds 'oor% Riium and Urouads. 'ountvJall P»ar Fau cs Tov«2s STATft A. J. WacttASw OF Name of Patle&t ueiken. Carl Mr nomas Dj y-in. Tlmotl isix r, Allittton laasenson. /udrew.... 3amm. WMMam Hanxon, Carrie Ilatvorso. »els Modstm, Anna Jamm. Lo isa Jennlntfo. Kimball. 1. H.. Kirch, John Moe, Hans O son. Louis **inccmb. Vernle Quam John. B-n en, Halaten ioado. Olol S. Charlea "Iberj ohrl4 Tracy, George TREASURER'S EXHIBIT. FUNDS Where Deposited CitlzvnK Nutton.'jl llfttik. Slv«cton 0l Firht N-itional U'oiU. s,«Hi.'lon.... 2,M4s Jin »tv ti.ion S'ai" t»k, .sissetoo 2^14 7' First. Siato llanto l-'^ovnr 2,'J4X S'-'i 1 r.uei-s a'e itanh, vs iiujul ... UJ'JH 0'. S Jtnmii Hnitk, Suiiitnif 4j ^tate avjn^s Uftnk. Ji Lley I '-'^1 (^oronM Stao- Hank, Corona (.1» '4| Kirst. Staie Dank. Pium.ui» VS C2j tierman SR»in^fi HanV, VVilmoi- I.1S1 b'Ji STATK dTTH a')T -.if lo 'i. 4 -512 lr. Birrs 'l H'nua? Kbovo eochH':\ a jtppe i.?t* 1 r. 41 4wjy v»j wis f» 2H7f I6| r, s'ii. •ho *i.i ft iry -.i :"'f! .r. ff.:". S ale Ati'»rnov t)i Alt rney by Ordnrof Court it) tj «*rk of r, ,o. mm! oun v''o"it rt» :jn tenoR'-aphir Total Amount of Scliool Mono' Loai 1. -eonred by MoTsgag^B and Komis paid Tax .. Co ...... Unpaid ax. 1:»07 t'oantv Fund*.. Inpatd Tax, 1 (ni County Fund* Wnj aul Tax. IBTi County Fund*... Unpaid I ax. ItMH County Fund^... Inp tld Tai. Oounij Funds.... Unpaid Tax i'Jdt County Funds.. Unpaid Pax, Itf-U couutj Funds. .. Unpaid Tax, Jtcu(.Utuniy Funds Unpaii Tax, lftPB County Fond-* •paid Tar, M«&t\mnt,y Funds '•npalfl rax, 1WT Coenty Funds... Unpaid Tax. I8'.4 Couaiy Funds Unpaid Tax. ixi'5 County Funds. Unpaid -x 1R»4 County Funds Unnald Ta*, JfM Cvumy Funds.... Unpaid Notfirj f'i»t)iiei AUDITOR'S EXHIBIT S S S O :m •& AU 1*' 1 i'elit urttrs* Fees. itnoss Keew'-iriuili. A, County 1 oai :»H 70 luslice of Lhe i'caiic (.K' Carried Forward $3,W4 2*» fotal. 1 VSKKTS OK C' JfJJSTT IN DKTA 1L SI Counvy Funtf... 41 et nno (X) II .#00 so SOUTH DAKOTA) couwrr eir sk»jwiw W. f!i. in a tree and aerreot «taK-meu% of id cf '«V- ,A( i'.su v.::\ rrt| w\ r»u VM 'l-i. :!il-• il r.i!»» hi lift I'Uj 2: »4 f.U iH.r.i ii! r.' !U'Al 1 :ii 7 £K SVaS .f.i 1 in "f! H-'*) t#\ 1 WO 0"! 2J- «i S7 wi 1 IS' T{2 (s), z, -fxtTXi ho| s:i t'l 4 Total cns.i in Rands ut Tfjt» OnrreiJt^ a»to c. Amoiuu in baukn (,an.h I tnis. Treisyror, bc-inc .j 1 •. u-ro em- ne cav.oni. 1 ,y .i t'0 S s: »*d •I iW i-J •7 vH .4 M'TS Oroug^t Vorward s:j nu f'*iysi«ianb for ±*oor ni i^t 'p«!.v Tieasui er nnil rbrks .... .'| 1 v' I'«i»r H«ii-f 3* •».'^"fr of 'ertds :wi IK.' ithih- :iu«i rtataooery VT Deputy i- 4 O'h-' I'rmtiujf antl Adverttsitig TvSl Jo Infections 2 Shft^ilT. neo ity *v»id BaMrPs ... if) idt/hts, Fuel A Repaits of Co. hldf up riuteno* ut .-?eb *1 ot 2i»* fJ lluilding A. Repairing of Co. ilridy L*«« 00 onimsr'si'f losamiy A. la»« al 1 uuily ("ummlssioner. 1 »ia ... 24 ^iuM'p inspection 1 aimy timims^ioip'r Snd D'st 47 r»- MNfi'lliiriHins ... 0 17- 1 %tiotT onMiiissiouer, 3rd Uist r»2 I'otw Karu) H'" ouioj ..••'Uirn.s^lnni'r. 4 Hist .. op Perr* sehool 1 .tC* 1 0 'ountv t*omnii«»6i'ini r, Sib Uist.... A1 'hi Js*Vr lVf 4U0 44 T« 134.1H7 «\r Olivap Auditor balng Hwbdaly s»arn, detb M.v that, tlie Trecsorer's etlobit hereon \ht ttnanaUl •oadUlov orf Robert Ooanty. as appears by hi* book* and fchu.1 the Aetflwr's axlkitd) la a trae and correct statement of all wariHAU irawa am tbe ir%Mte«rj daclax tbe after, and that tbe aMltnaemttf or assets and ltabilitle« is true and aexract. •alMttrl^ed tuid swora W btfun- »e this llt-h day erf January innl. IMAL) JOHN U. PWIKTNS. Notarv Punllo, S. D. QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF- uperinteiident of Hospital for the Insane. To the County Andtto^of Roberts County, «. herewith baud yuu rftaieinent of account, .if Robert* County ith the Hospital for tie lnsune, for ihv quarter ending Dheen.ber '61. liM. barge 14*00 4#.* 4* .00 4s 00 48 00 48.00 48 JO 48.00 48.00 48.00 4- 00 4800 48.00 48.0J 48.10 4s.O 44.00 40.00 48.410 4800 4800 Total. y, Ls^e Dtieh Iftttid I 1') LlABlLlXiKS OK CO. IN DKTaIL. 11«1 A »eonn' o* «,.jj ,0| reived i»o Datr tm. »w Audit--r ru r. '.7 162 Si 7"i Ti" 6.r» or •*X 49 I*- ^%L 4- on. Re VYmii 1.,..^ tuU in tiam'.- o'' '.V-irrHiitn Cntstandin^ (Hate of In nt 7 per •enli kto&d* OuusVaudin at per cent 1,1-. 57 m: 4: lX«i 12 W. C. OUVKH. L. C. MEAD. superintf nd^-nt. lit .9110400 iHNt: W. O. Ouin Co. Auditor. M\l CoU action*. .•ne.« (flrit December It-lutJinuirB.) NOTICE OF MOBTGAG 8ALB. Whereas, default has been made In the con ditions ot a certain moiMgane containing a power of sale, given by NelM Tolfson, a Blcgle limn, inort^ugor. to George F. Hoth i.f Koek I-land. 11! mortgagee (luted July lt, 1902. and Illed fur record i" the office of the Register of Dttedsof Kobort* (.'ouniy. South Dak 'la, July ".El. 1Wv!2. it'd recorded in Hook 111 of rourt tragus, on pace 82, niortgikgiitg the land 911 tiniuin KoImti.- C', -u'lih liakoiit. 1I1-8 crHio 1 as tin' -oulh halt of the souihwtin (SV s. w. ij) ,.f t-.-i-iKin thirty (!'». and 'h" west i.islt ot *th'' r.-'Mhwi'si (iiiaiirr N. W !i' iii ion 'tiriv It 1 township On.' iiuii.i' i-ii I tivf l-.'-i l' in::i' liliynvn 1: 'linn'.) 1:.. 11n1:i 1 •1'' 1N 1 11:1' I k1n•s. 1 1 i" .1 t' ?he It •X 1 J- .M:. sa cy- .s:5s 7 •j i: 1 id i: ui! 10117 I40« 10: ^!4 id run m,. 1 To! r*\ H\Z fill 1 1 1 liinn1 !t»r S' nch nt W--2 i-si .1 M,. i: •«i nud IK ||\V|1" 1 ill -henn of Ki.tienx Comii\. ••i.'v t!: on ^uturday the .^inl dsiy of January A. I). 1 a'. Hie hour o'oio' o'clock 1*. «Nt. ot said day. at the :ront door of »he Court hou-v. in he *v Of Si.-eton, in i! -beri 'ou:ny. South Dakota. lt satisfy ai« indebted!'? of fS'»K.l"' and sa.d taxe.s amnuniing ^«.) :.*»')t. which amount mo1-* due upon said luor'.ir itre. to aether w\!b tn-jrc.ins inturesi fi:d of sii'o allowed b\ Ui'v. Ibit'^l necfMher IP. IMS, An-»i ,'r Sta •1 •. P. Mr. The 2i"i4)l 4'i i"U. doth s: of R«o. ri th a' Coo ii THO«i*fOS. *arj\ 1903 ev -o: co' hcreoy given that the. above sum mons's |itd«Udnt pur-uant to an order of ••as Court rnad Jamiorv 7, 1'.«09. and that the •oinplajut in said action was Uhjo in i.b»* olbi-HO- be clerk of tbe Ciicuit Court of e.wd •oujoy !.oe» rotter M. l'.us, ib.jVf Alto HARCC.r First V)r. 2r»-La.M Sti»tc of .ou:b Dikold. l« County of U»bcrt«. William lb*ttiel Johnson. vs. i'taintiff. (j. Tlerrnan Schmidt. An-/ mi Schmidt and Ameri' i-H Mortgagee t\miiumy of Scotland. Ltd.. a cor-V poration, Cout fur bt. r-e.litii dcnian'' pi atn t. Duit-i o, iln'cii. South DaUoi of Juii-. ix, iv*7. &2S 4 60,lXi( 0i It is her^liv ordered ihat the next nf kin ot the suld mud. and all per-ons in lie said evt .i«, app.iar btfo. this 0.1ai on M"n'Uiy. tln.Hth dn.v of F-!bru»ry ltlOA, at nine •'clo.'.U a jf she Oaurt ronrr of ^a!d ^oui't i- the i'y of Siteton. In .Hid lioberts 1 o.ini.v. ih-n and there to show muse why in order ah iuld not be granted for tbe sale of uch estat* 1 it further ordered that a copy of this ri. lie published in the Sisseton Weekly tan "«d. a leqal newspaper of said eoouty. to. jur a CJtive weekly publication* uext prior to thi duty of n*td hearing. D^ted January 14th. 1WK». By the tiurt: E.J. Ttnttrn, FlratJan, 1-UMJai.U NOTICE or iay Ot '•.on, Cunu 1 In WlH-:: NIih'.V e: U'l a^*' tlsniiM •.Til in IJ W'tn- il II Utui '1 b-Tidf- Kl I' iioih r* a »i- N f: p. I sii! no i.'in.'i-iM in^--'t iw* «r neer: i.-! to nolleet. *ai 1 d'-lit. :r," Ki USii -I r-aiu ui tb« tiavi Nn.v. Therefore. tioiK-e h^r^bv iriveti iliat -aid :n"riirau'C wi'l be foreeb»^«-d hy a «alr ol he a'o\r ). sffi'ieii niort^aced pr inises l.y i. Plaintiff's a tiorufy. Ju«4ic-ti Circuit Defendants. vhs s.bov* The isiiite uf south Dakot n-imed def*MTd?uit s: You are hereby summoned to nn«\ver tl compi«*it*t in this action, and i.o snrvn a cop of vour answer unon the suopcoiiier. at otlb'o i/\ the Ci'y of Huron. -iaiefd' South L) iioi a. it iin 1 hirt days a fur tbe. ser\ oiibi-Minon^ns up-ui \ou exclc^iveor lay of sT ice and in case of von failur oi-jjear "r at.w. be plaintdT will npnlv '.I »i the. r. lay H, iNi Lt.. !•". A HAM,. if. li. CoSIH'N. IMaint ill' A torui-ys. The complaint mentioned in the above summons ib low on file with the Clerk of Courts at his o-rtoe in SUseton. tvobert* County, Smith Dakota. T. H. NtTTJ.. Attornev for PlaintifT, First Jan. 15—Last Feb. S. Order to Shew Cause or Application Guardian (or Order of Sale of Real Estate. State of South Dakota, Id J-ss. In County Cov.n. Ciinntv of Roberts. I ilitt nmucr of ih« ffuardlanshlp and eniite ol UUmtle i/HrtlldR''. nitoor. it ii oiwiiriiic U"his Goal i. irotr. the petition -wented and filed by P. B. M., thr KU..',ii»noi the esmto of Cl'iude Cartlldite, niinor. pr.yint fur An oruer of sale of certain l- .al .'Male heionRlne to salil wurd, Un.t li Is nece-s»'jr anil wuulil be hen.'flclal ®o the that such ,il estatu tbouid tn Bold. Jud^e or tho Coanty C«urb. Atteet: IfiKlL.) I. Btaostap, Clerk of tha County Court. First Ja» to. L*ast .Tan 29 Netlee of Application to Probate •state of South Dakota? rr.nntr rn-it*. coun of Koberta 8 ln County Pursuant to an order of said court made on the 14 day of lancary, \. D. 1009. notice In eby irlven t^at. Tuesday the 2nd day of February A. D. 909. at 9 o'clocK a of the dav, a' c»urt tto of naid court at Sisf-ei' d, tn the county of Hoberis, 9. 1) h'VM bi i-u upp I Hi .18 the time and place for pr- tijt the Will of said Thomas Poev eased, and for hearing r.he petition for probate thereof, and the issuance of Letters Terttamentary therein, when and where any per.-on interested may appear und contest h^» satne, Witne-s tne Hon. E. J. Turner. Judge of the ''ounty I'ourl. and the seal of said court this 14th day of lunuary A. D. 19J9 at his offlce In tie eity O Sisseton, Conuty ot hearing petition fok LETTERS OP ADMINIBTKATIOH. State of South Dakota,) SB. In County Court. County ot Roberts. In the u.atterof the estate of Lena Wilson deceased. The taie of South Dakota sends greeting toamuei W. WiLson and riamuei J. Wiisoi.. Li irs next of kin of Lena v\ ilMn, deceased, and an lo whom the.-.j presents ma come Notice Is Hereby Given, That Simu»-1 W Wilvon has li hm! w.l Mm udi:e of b0"iiri .» ptUilitni, piav iii^ for Iftti-iN of a:lrniui-i ra trii'noi the esia.t«. uf L»»na Wj!si»i). derc vs» ami'bat Mon^ia'-., the 18 u.t.v of .iai.u.ii,\ I' inni' CKi.'k A M., iv1 suul dav, bei it* '.! a I nit li «»l id lOll«:ll,v I.a it! t,» .,v, cruiii, rl mtn-ii •f till ill. .it iu- Si. i:. .!. A I Court n-)U-o u, j,,. '"h ,,i Sis«-!f'i. Coumi --J Cb'fk. •vLK OV Tnor't "l!H\ ojw.VUD iH.K. Attorney l:: First Jan. S—Last I l-U SUM MONS. 'otHh DuUota, In Cin'ui: Court. ^Sa. Kiitb way of Koborl s. 1 Ju«:ieiai Circuit, L. James, l'biintilf, vs. Jr»*do A. W«jst odant. State o( South Dakota t^" the abo\e llauo-o ib'feltii on. i^r'-CtUli! V.»u are hertdtv summoned and required to oi-w j?r the eomidalnt of tin.* plnntitt iu the aiun'i-' ••ni it ed aeiion, bicb *ahl eomplaiui will t»o bled ibeoJIlceot the Ch'rk o' the Circuit C«»ur o! ho Fifth Judicial Circnii ol the .State of South Dakota, within nnd :or the t'ou dy of Koberi?, and to Strive copy n| your answer to s*i id ei m:iaint tipou »lit- «wb er h«*rat )iis ob:ce li. the t'ity id Si-»set.M). K'.hfjfs County, South L)akota." wltbin ibiri.y dnys after tne .service of this summons upon yon. exclusive of i-ho day of such service: And you rue hereby nntibed that if you to :ipne if and answer yard coinpiaitit vv'thin thi iia liter I lie service of I hi* summons up*.n ton. as nhovo required, said pluintilf will take id_Moont ai:»dnstyou hv (iofaidt for tbosutn ol Two Hundred Dollars wiih ii here ti at the uitc ten per c«-ni p« tinum fiofn November ii. 19'IV tou'etlu:r win r»e co»i a i'.d ni?,rurs. nu nt uf' bis action I».**•• Su\•mrJor2.S. UH»s. Ttie pubiii! isl urebv mioi nied tl:at mhor m-d i'ndien Jr» iO^ v.- 1 ::j ibe Co- .-i^ eton Am-ficy. -o'uh uakotit. oiVerel for sale under ction 7 of tbe Act of Congress up proved May 27, itH?2 |32 Stath. 27ai will be ound puniic.i lisi^d .it, said agency whore •a.-aloii bias for purchase arjy I ^ct on said Ust v\ib b»- rc-coivd 6y ihe undersiKuco up to o'clock noon of ib« day upon which uiu.•"• are ad el Nt'ii I» l#c open. All bids shall be enclosed iu a sealod envelope conspicuous} ,- marked "UidBfor In herited i»!«.*-a?» I'bedaie (ii tho nro nosvd sale must al-o bo written thereon,"bui. nothing else. K.ieh bid must be «iecorspunicd by a duly eortoied i-be.cU oh Home solvent bank, payatiie to the oroerof [Toaed »Sta.ies Indian Aj/ent. for the uaeof ibe ^ranior?. for twenty-tHe per oer.t of lo amount offered, sis a guarantee for the faithful performance by the bidder of his proposal. If the bid shall be accented and the successful bidder *ball. within ji ro^unable time, after due uoiice, i.iil to comply with tho terms oi bis Dii. ibo moiit-y r«-ofenented iy sut.'h check ^hall bo i,,rf»dte-i to tne use of tbe ov^ners of tho land. i'bt right. *o reject any ard all bid.-is to served and bids will only bo accepted by the r\i:ont or other officer in charge subject to the approval of the owners of the land. I'urcua^ers shall pay all costs of convey ancing. and in addiUpu tbe folbnvint sum, to wif: I The purchase j»r co is S'lbOO or leas. rl.if it is n.ore thwn sind le-s than ijti.i wii€r« ?fi« purcria.-jc prico i? more than .S2t)"0. W.oti Inherited Indian lurid, listed for sate Novem ber vl. li-«W Posted November 2:^, HHJS. Utds to be opeu'.'d Jaiciaty2I. M09. 1. 1 -abelbi l'ark-', Maud F. Bail1 v. orge H. itutiiyeiAi. seV^, hoc 10 \v.c f-w1, tec. l*i. town lr.i. ranj^o 52 2. M»ry l'?oy. Henry T?ov Matv l»'oy or Ctuhu se!4 sec. J7. it-wii 127. ain?e 52. 3. AmcsTukn"saL-icoyc Tukansabv» y»~. vxA. Uuwar- l5A»h:o K. iaini,iiT A orney. Sisseion, S. IC Huv-« hec. Mai A Hbo-ksf^M, Aioiii ^ui^cvooi «.Tr' r.e\. ts^nw'i -sec. n, 12'3. ranye 4tt. 5. Cut herii 1. Thom't? it%$ r^iuil section and to .s 1. Want Hurl, bra: a oil!sv.d t.11iv 11 O'l iy i'-• tl pv '.V 2 Knappi 1Si 1'S bo t'«lUi'iy I'niiri, and »l)o «.«. said Court. tles:jM-|, la.y oi te«•* n, ber l. 0-. i'• to- »*0i.'e in Uo.jerls. Stale l.Mktu 11 INUFdil I'Kl) lN?Ci.V.\ |.A,\!»S j^isrsi-icn Atrt-ncy. S. Dak. 22 MW't n*H. ck5.| see. town Ji!7. range 1 *ue :y aoj* sec. 7, town J2)». ran^e fib. 6. Hnnnab Harker, Sarah Harke". v4OT ^oart. Notice of Time appoint ed for Proving will, et fn the matter of the estate of Thomas H, p..« v»»p. Doeaaed. The State of 8 uih Dakota sends Greetlne Cuiuja David Bryan Peever, Daisy iee, Jame« Peever, a'd all other heirs next »f kin oi Thomas H. Peever, deceased. Roberts State of Souih Dakota. ... E. J. Turner [oo.ii 3 Judge of county court. [seal] ,T, staditad. clerk •Si. t-i^W T'z- ?n\?- Darker, lot I. see HI, town 12 4. range 30, se'i nf"/. ?=ee. :5o. wu 124 ran,e "J5. 7. Hanrrh Ibirker. -arah Hyruor. ThcwaR H&rker. DapM^t^ tt*rke'f 12.") ~Aiih" i- nurfc, hif'b 1^, tvp. B. !:. A 1VN, Sealed bids for the following de*«T.l»ed tracts of inherited nOlan ind listed for sab Deeemher li, 1WW, posted December 21. wil{ be received by the U. S. Inai'in Atcent at the Slesftton Agency. S. D., up to 12 o'clock noon of February IS. V.x-fl. No. 1. nw'4, -wYt sw!4« sec. ?2, tw. 'T.i, rnf. 58. No. 2, Lots *, 7, 8, sec. 3P, twp. 127, raj. W. S. S, /u.nflN. IL S. India-5 Acer.l. (First I)ec. 18- Lust Jan. ifr.) NOTICE KOlt A'PIOV DIl'A Rl IS NT Or 'Ml* IKTKKlOlt U.S.Lund umco at Aberde-n, aoutb Dr. kotu, Uoc 14, I'J -H. Notice isbcreby K'^et that Henry Perlinfff-r, o" Kdeiiftoutb i/akota, who. on Fvbmary lfltii. il.07 made Home^toaJ iuiie kutry. No. I'Oi'.M. -tria. iNo.0120) for Lot Section A i'own il}» 12." Nor.b. HufliiO W. Wtsi. alb Crincipii uridtan, has tiled imi, ce of ,iiiej),n»ti Filial Com muted I'roof, to eM.ablisb a to land above described, before V/. O. Amphb-n clerk of Circuit otiri Marshall County, at Hritton, nouth iukota, on the 19 day of Jan.. ID- $). Claimant names as witnesses: Philip PatBch. Anthony Koppt, Stefan ^chmidt. Carl Fleifhauga, ull of Kden. South Dakota. P. D. Kkjbs, Register. THE SVRBDKRE- elttEBf FOB ALU rORRU^ SF RHEUMATgSH LUBIBft8@, SGIATiai, NEURALGIA,, KIDNEY TROUBLES, CATARRH, ASTHMA end KINDRED DISEASES GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost in stant relief from pnin. while perman ent results are being effected by taking it, internally, purifying the blood, dis solving the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. C. L. GATES Hancock, Minn., wrlte«!' A little ftlrl here had such a weak back caused by Kheumatlcm and Kidney Trouble vnat ene could not etnnd on her feet. Tbe rnun*nr they pat her down on the floor eb« would pcream with pains. I treated her with "M)ltOPS"and today she roan arouiidH« wen ana Lsppy as can be. I prepcrlbo^'b-DHops" for my patients and dm it ln my practice." TEST "5-DROPS" If you are suffarlniwlth Rheumatlnu. Lumbago, Soiatlea. Neuralela. Kidney Trouble or any kindred disease, write 10 "2 ,£L£«i£la!,botUe 01 "5-drops." s-DftOPS ia entirely free from opium, oocalne.morphine. alcohol.laud anum aad other aimllar inKredlent*. JlMlfcw« --B-M0M"000Dm.) •I.O#. Pt Sala kf Drvulate. tWAHM MiiOaATIB Mil OOMMMV MM.M. IT« Lake Stmt CMM«* 4 Column JPOR SALE SALS -81* room house aim .• Mlsaeioii. Quod location. W|n!l|i'*li flee* onee. Address K, BtakJ^ Iloentlon»|uarter AVE a in the fitj. .I'M, a ImIo I!i of Iti Attest J. A ni.o .Uu!i» ul lite County Court. \Y:.t Ko.-s. --'Hi KI--M a. .s il.h v. «1 'ill .\ I blook Ol 01 If lul,l ?.s .'""Csl roes sut out and«, \sul takep them. A snap c. c. knitiifx.Q ii. .-ii.)- IJv liurd riaI Silttahp. f,,r 5l Ml|,t|| •V4 \v« »t ttli'll ilrtils'l'.uU ij, A op vi.i a lo in ih 1 hibl'x bed. pa Ji•€.: »»!tO i'.khi should not be .1udr.'f» •O'U' •tup,., 1 'i\ -a «r nun ''V.iuiiio^ novv r«.• i,iV I'UIH 1 to -oro.-r "V ft I'fUji 1 t-irt i! II... !{. 1 11v! pa -O ''ii- 1 H'j lilH: i.ot nu c.ty hail, ?..»• laud ri.iM'i.jn 1 on Mi hi .. v|- Hi M-i I I, .' tir !•. -.'.v.'• LODUls M. W A. it., It. '•Jl.ll. A s. '1 lo VISJUI-.j fi t/iue 1 M-N \V|1 i.i h. A 1 .' '1 OR. W »1NV M5f run 'CI A Is AND SU !.# °V«|- Waleil.'h & l'lui's nniri Sisseton, S. 1). •K* *y -K- -¥r v.- :.r -y- ri'Utl N A KY l:. Fred'Mr Donald, V.S Gaudiwie ot Veleiinany bdir.-^ Silm London, .Oniano. Treat* an d[joa\)i ••'Mik dre i- s.nhjcfit Snr ji.j-/*. ,-u*. cess.iry. aJI work donv pr ic.'iN:), o».si:ic-'«i,.«i oual Offiw st Pryor's Livoi-y Sisseton, 3 !Bk •jtsiimm When in need of a——• VETERINARY RUFGi call on A N 6 A A He treats all diseases horseK «fid catiio, OPico a' C:». City Druf. Store .'Hid «Chrlft\eoHcL»*B 4-firf Uarn. Office Phone li House 1? Sisseton, .South' DakoU OPTICfABa. By&s Eidisined and Cossiliaii® E E C. Wren will the SISSETON at Dr. Bobb's Office. Eyes tested and glasse# fitted. Gall and see 1*9. If you have no eye strum, bo charges. W. O. WREN 1NRUKANCB gfe John O. Perkin^' (Motwy-Poblic) Real Estate, Lo2as. Insurance CoVJ/inHoTIC VlACUliOUO* When you have any business thesejpines, I shall be pleased serve you. You will be treat rip:ht. 'JSiiM fROCUREO AND )N 1 DEFEN0t0.8»l,d®^!aadneuron drawing orpboto. for expert free ropw Free adnoe. bow to obtain paWnta. trade mora copyright^ etc., nLL COUNTRIES. Business direct vUk Washington A* Monty and often the patent. Pitam and hfriapmeni Frttfici WrHe or oome to oe at •tt Rtatk Itmt tffp- TTb*M Matw Met CM WASHIKGTON. O. C. &J A S N O W