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t\\xvc«jSewwa Cleanses the System EjjfecXuaWy Dispels colds awd Hea&a&hes &ue\o CO\\SY\\OXVOYV Ac\s xvaVwaNVy ac\s\vv\^ as a LaxoAwc. BesX^ov McuWtmveTY awMMi: tea—yoox^ awd CM. To $©t Ws beueJWxcA ejects, a\ways buv N\e Qe.wi\we, manufactured by tke CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price 50* per bottle. Wise Woman. He—Will you share my lot? She—Yes, when you have a house on it that is paid (or. DREADFUL DANDRUFF. Girl't Head Encrusted—Feared Loss of All Her Hair—Saby Had Milk Crust—Missionary's Wife Made Two Perfect Cures by Cuticura. "For several years my husband was a missionary in the Southwest. Every one in that high and dry at mosphere has more or less trouble with dandruff and my daughter's scalp became so encrusted with it that I was alarmed for fear she would lose all her hair. After trying various rem edies, in desperation I bought a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuti cura Ointment. They left the scalp beautifully clean and free from dandruff, and I am happy to say that the Cuticura Remedies were a, com plete success. I have also used suc cessfully the Cuticura Remedies for so-called 'milk-crust' on baby's head. Cuticura is a blessing. Mrs. J. A. Darling, 310 Fifth St., Carthage, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1908." Potter Drag & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. A Victim of Fate. Williams—I understand that your son has married a widow? Walters—Well—yes—but I should not put it that way. She married him. TRY THIS FOR COLDS Mix half ounce of Concentrated pine compound with two ounces of glyc erine and a half pint of good,w.hiskey shake it well each time and use iu doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoon ful every four hours. These ingredients can be obtained from any good druggist who will pre pare the mixture, or it can be mixed at home. This is said to be the quickest cough and cold cure known to science, and at the same time it has a splendid tonic effect which benefits the whole system. The Concentrated pine is a special pine product refined for medical use and conies only in half ounce bottles, each enclosed in a round case, which is air tight, to retain all the original strength of the fluid, but be sure it is labeled "Concentrated." A Vein Question. "Yes, he's very dark. You see. one of his parents was Spanish and the other American." "And on which side is his Spanish blood?" "On the inside of course." Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle old Druggists, "5c. Hall's Family PlUs (or oonttlpttlon. of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years, uuuuicu, auu &co tuai it The Kind You Have Always Bought Too Much. "The Lord told us to love our ene mies," said Mrs. Taukaway, "but even He didn't ask us to love our deceit ful friends." Deafness Cannot Be Cured local applications, as they cannot reach the d!» •aaed portJon of the ear. There Is only one way to care deafness, and that Id by constitutional remedial. Deafness le caused by an Inflamed condition of tha raucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when It 1b entirely closed. Deaf* •ese Is the result,and unless the inflammation can ba taken out aud this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases •at of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothloc bat an Inflamed condltlou of the mucous surfaces. will give One Huudred Dollars for any case of RrWe eafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be curet Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. k. J. cufiN A co.( Toledo, fr fekeby The man with a "yellow streak" la the one who gets the "blues" quick est. Z5 "Guars Gov. Vessey, in his inaugural ad dress, congratulates tlie legislature on the unequalled prosperity of the people and the high place Soutli Dakota has attained in the sisterhood of states. He invitub tlie careful attention of the Members of the legislature to the rec ommendations contained in the mes sage of the retiring governor. Continuing he says: It is your duty, as a legislature large ly Republican, to carry into effective legislation every principle advocated iii our party plaform, and faithfully to ruhill ovary promise that the Republic an party has made to the people of the state. There will cump hpfore tlip present legislature many problems to solve that are not party issues, but which will ifor the best Interests of tlie cit»zci»' ship1 ot the state. I trust all such measures will have the thoughtful con sideration and support of all the mem bers of both branches of this legis lature. GOV. VESSEY'S INAUGURAL The New Executive Addresses the Legislature— Economy in Appropriations Is Strongly Urged by the Governor. The affuirs of our penal and char itable institutions have been ably anu honestly administered. The money ex pended in enlarging and improving them has been utilizer] to the fullest extent, and with the best possible re sults. With our advance along all lines of modern thought and a clearer ap preciation of the brotherhood of man. reformative purpose in dealing with nave come, of necessity, new ideas as to our treatment of those whom cir cumstances have brought under the :liscipline of our penal laws. The old punitive idea has been largely out grown and in its place has come the this class. Our laws are adapted to the old conditions and do not give suf ficient opportunity for the exercise of the best influences in this direction. I recommend that you give careful at tention to the subject of the Indeter minate sentence, and the use of parole !n dealing with our convicted criminals, for the purpose of adapting their use fully to our laws and the present con dition of the state penal institutions. The governor says that the free and liberal support of our educational In stitutions is the highest duty of patri otism. and urges a continuance of the wise and liberal policies of the past, a :areful husbanding of their endowment, and ample provision for their growing Semands. The need of careful economy in the administration of state affairs is pointed out and the retiring governor's recommendations In this connection are Indorsed. The governor recommends the enact ment of a law providing for the desig nation of depositories of state funds and the payment to the state of Inter est on the daily balances In such de positories. The regulations governing such depositories should be uniform and open on equal terms to all the banks of the state, and no bank out side of the state should be eligible to selection. The funds should be scat tered among as large a number of banks as is compatible with their safety and the efficient administration of the treasurer's office. They should further be carefully safeguarded so ss to make It Impossible that these de posits should be directed by personal influence or political favor. There is a strong public demand for the Insurance of greater safety for ,alik deposits. The people are calling for some action to protect them in this respect. Our party platform declares in favor of the insurance of bank de posits in case of the establishment of postal savings banks. 1 believe that a wise measure should be framed by which it will be made possible that all bank depositors shall be assured against loss. Our laws should be amended so that no bank may be allowed to incorporate with less than J10.000 capital. No bank should be allowed to invest in its building and furniture more than 0 per cent of Its capital and surplus. The amount of money a bank may loan to Its own officers should be reduced and carefully restricted If, Indeed, such loans should not be wholly prohibited. The primary election law. which had its flrst test in the past year, has proved a success and has the approval of the people. Experience, however, has shown the possibility of some im provement in its details. It should lie revised with a view of eliminating as far as possible whatever of un necessary expense Is connected with It. The office of immigration commis sioner, created by the last legislature, has done much good and its creation has been amply justified. This office, however, has too much work placed upon It. It should be a department by itself, and the work of the secre tary of the board of agriculture should be separated from it. There Is a large field of usefulness for this office as yet unfilled, and every ad vantage should be given to It to fulfill Its appointed work. For years we have done nothing to advertise to the landseekers of the East the splendid onportunities that lie within our bor ders. The use of proper advertising in showing these conditions to the buyers and Investors of the East will add millions of dollars to the value of the lands and mines of the state, in crease the revenue derived from taxes upon them, and abundantly justify the expenditure mad? to advertise them. One of the best forces for advertise ment of our resources has been in the state fair at Huron. This has grown by leaps and bounds. Last year was the most successful in its 1"/story. Am ple provision should be made for its support. Tiie farmers' institutes held through out the stale have been very ably con ducted and the source of much good. I recommend that the appropriation for the institute be somewhat increased and every measure used which will in crease their influence. The rapid development to the coun try and the fencing of hitherto open tracts have recently given vital impor tance. especially to our farming popu lation, to the question of good roads. Under our present system the respon sibility is divided and the general char acter of the work done upon the roads so inefficient that a change seems im perative. I recommend that road taxes be required to be paid in cash that the office of township road supervisor be abolished, and the office of countv road supervisor created. This officer should be appointed by the board of county commissioners in each county and should have authority, outside of Incorporated towns, over all the roads in the county for which he is chosen. The question of the proper regulation of trusts is one of the most vexatious problems now confronting the state ind national government. At this time I urn? upon you the enactment of a law prohibiting, under severe penalties, the sa'.e of a commodity by a corpora tion in one part of the state cheaper than in another part, cost of trans portation being taken into considera tion. Further, Industrial corporations should be prohibited from owning stock in other corporations, and we should authorize the filing of quo war ranto proceedings to dissolve any cor poration, tiie majority of whose stock is thus acquired by a holding company. I recommend an entire revision of our insurance code and the enactment of a new code, modeled, so far as our conditions permit, upon the codes of Massachusetts, Colorado or Connecti cut. The Insurance commissioner should be given more definite power to ex clude from the state such unsound companies as are not up to our stand ard of safety. Our party stands pledged to the passage, as you have noticed by the governor's message that the railroad commissioners have materially re duced the freight rates west of the river. We urge the continued super vision and watchfulness in regard to these rates, so that the farm, the fac tory and the mine In the western part of the state are able to send their product to all parts of the state at a reasonable freight rate. Our scattered population and the ab sence of large cities, has heretofore left us free from a crime which has npw begun to make its appearance. 1 alluae to the crime procuring young girls for Immoral purposes. For this crime against the foundation of society, I recommend that you provide the most drastic penalties. The penalty should not be less than twenty-five years in the penitentiary, with corresponding penalties for ail accessories. In thli connection, I would recommend that the penalties for keeping houses of prostitution should be greatlv in creased, and when girls under the age of legal consent are found in such places, that the minimum sentence for this crime be ten years in the peni tentiary. The establishment of a state hospi tal for the cure of inebriates is rec ommended. The governor urges the enactment of drastic laws against the sale of cigar ettes In the state. AN ATHLETE STILL AT 75. President Diax of Mexico Climbs a Pole Hand Over Hand. Diaz is the commanding personality of Mexico, the founder and preserver of what is called the republic, writes Dr. W. W. Boyd in the National Home Journal. Republic, however, is a mis nomer, judged by our ideas of a re publican government. There is a show of voting, a form of a representative assembly: hut the congress is created somewhat after the way In which the czar elected the last Duma. I was told by a leading diplomat that when a governor was to be "loot ed by a state the nam? was selected in the City of Mexico, and the day after the election that name was sent to Ihe state with the polite official announcement: "On yesterday the people chose as governor of your state Mr. So and So," the man selected at headquarters. Nevertheless, let it he said that out of a heterogeneous mass of discordant and belligerent states, where con spiracy and revolution were rife, and human life and property were unsafe, there now emerges a strong, intelli gent government, liberal and just to all. And in the accomplishment of this stupendous task to Diaz more than to all others is due the credit. Not only intellectually, but phy sically, the president is a remarltabie man. He was addressing the young cadets of the military school and em phasizing' Ihe importance of caring for the body by temperance, chastity and self-control If one would nnke the most and best of himself, when lie ran to a tall pole in the arena of the gymnasium and climbed it liand over hand to the top. Then gracefully sliding down, he said: "Young gentlemen, if yoti live as abstemious a life as I have led. when you are seventy-five years old, as 1 now am, you can do the same feat." Pessimistic. "Talk amout pessimists," said the man who sells farm implements, "I ran across an old farmer up s:at? who was pretty near the limit. He had been grumbling about the condi tion of things generally, and I tlmu'jh I'd show him that he was better off than he supposed himself to be. "'You've had good prices all ine year, I understand,' said I. 'Pretty good,' he grudgingly ad mitted. 'In fact., prices are as high as yon could reasonably expect.' 1 remirked 'Possibly they be.' he agreed. "'And,' I continued triumphantly, •you've grown the biggest crops you ever did.' 'What if I did?' he argued. 'Don't, that exhaust the soil jist that much more?' Where a Miser Hid Her Coins. A death In a poor part of Budapest has just brought to light an extraordi nary story of a woman's double life. She had lived apparently In poverty and semi-starvation, subsisting partly on charity, but a search of her rooms, which were In a terrible state of neg lect, revealed that she was worth more than a million kronen, chiefly in house property. A number of stuffed cats in her room were full of coin. The woman was well known in th» better part of the city, where she own ed several blocks of flats, tbe rent of which she collected herself. He -wouldn't when he should, And he would when he shouldn't He couldn't when he would. And he could when he wouldn't PATENTS. List of Patents Issued Last Week to Northwestern Inventors. Reported by Ixithrop & Johnson, pat ent lawyers, 910 Pioneer Press build ing, St. Paul, Minn. E. Biss, Sher man. S. D.. cultivator J. H. Furtney, Clenwood, Minn., grain-door I„. J. (iehl St. Paul, Minn., flue-cutter H. Knudsen. Minneapolis. Minn., fire men's mask A. J. Koistenin, Bryant, S. D., separator A. I.,. McGregor, Du lutli. Minn., fonder for vehicles C. W. Stark, Mountain Lake, Minn., end gate fastener. The Original Picture Show. Aladt'in had just secured the won derful lamp. After a careful inspection he began 1o rub it. "Mere," said he. "is where I give a magic lantern exhibition." TTon. 1'mil Kianp. Vienna, Aus., one of the world's greater horsemen, has written to the manufacturers: "Sl'OHN'S DIS TKM 1*1011 COMPOUND lias become the fUindard remedy for distempers and throat diseases in the best stables of Kurope. This medicine relieves Horses of great, suf fering and saves much money for the own er." SOc and $1 a bottle. All dru^ifits. iSl'OHX MEDICAL CO., Goehen, Ind. Diplomatic. "Don't, you think." queried the maid »f more certain than uncertain years, "this hat makes me look too girlish?" "No. indeed," replied the mere man, "but it does make you look as if some other hat would be more appropriate." Garfield Tea, the Herb Laxative, agree ably stimulates the liver, corrects constipa tion and relieves a clogged system. Write for families. Gariicld Tea Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Not a Weighty Matter. "They sny that Cholly has lost his mind." "Is that so? Does ho know it?" 1'II.ES CUKKI IN O TO 14 DAYb. I'AXOOI NTMI-NT ts KmiranU'i'ti to cure aWy CAM of Itching, Blind, llluedlnK or Protruding Piles in u» 14 days or money refunded. 50c. The Reason. The l,ady—Why do you men tramp al out the country? The Hobo—Gee! A guy can't lay down an' sleep all de time, can he? y\r. s»:u, am tratr CUKAV buy Furs & WMes. Write for cntnlog 106 N. \V. HI-.1* & Kur Co.. Mlnnoapolitt, Minn. And Hero never would have boon imicU rnlve if there hadn't been muck somewhere. Allrn rool-Faxo, a Powder for swollen sweating leci. (.Sixes instant relief. The ori«i nu! pi'.xdcr for tho feet. 2lc at Druggists. Majorities get the hurrah now, and the minorities get the monuments a ft cr ward. BUSTER BROWN MAPLEINE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE WHITE HOUSE FREE Upon receipt of lo rover postmae. we will mall to those Bending n. certificate properly BWd ly*«hoo«Kvlcr.showlngthepurchase of lour volumes ot tbe "WHIT* SocsifHlsreaY." Or will wnd for 16c. without ccrtillcato. Martha Washington Comfort Shoes ot» pilrof "White House" shoos, a complete set THE BROWN SHOE CO. 2s* St. Louis, Mo. S A I S E O 1 8 6 7 HIDES, FURS,WOOL^fc DIRECT TO U,S'..AND SAVE ^MAU. DIALERS' PROF IT.S. D. BERGMAN & CO.. ST. PAUL.MINN. .135 l--IVINps-rpM AVE, TO'P..MARKEX,PRICES. Immediate CASH.RETURNi \VRITE FOfflPR'JCE Ill5f AND SHIPPING" TAGS. You will never know what genuine aot comfort is until you wear Martha1 Washington Comfort Shoes. They re lieve tired and aching feet and make walk inga pleasure. They fit like a glove and feel as easy as a stocking. No bother about buttons or laces—they just slip on and off at will. The elastic at the sides "gives" with every movement of the foot, insuring free action and a perfect fit. Absolute comfort guaranteed. Beware of imitations. Only the genuine have the name Martha Washington and Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole. Refuse substitutes. Your dealer will supply you if not, write to us. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Rod Banks, Miss.—"Words are inadequate to express what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I suffered from a female disease and weakness which the doe tors said was caused by a fibroid tumor, and commenced to tliink tlierc was no help for inc. Jjydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman after all other means bad failed. M.v friends are all asking wliat lias helped me so mucb, and I gladly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound."—Mrs. Willie Edwards. The one man who hangs a Jury is quite as apt to be right as the other eleven. All shoes are made in much the same way. Here's the difference. Stylish White House Shoes fit Not the ordinary binding fit Not the fit that takes three weeks to break in. But the graceful fit that feels snug the first time. And stays snug and graceful all times. WHITE HOUSE SHOES FOR MEN S3.50,S4.00,SS.OOund*t.OO FOR WOMEN S3.CO, *4.00 and SS.OO SHOES IND ••••ox Hampstead, Maryland.—" Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was weak and nervous, and could not be on my feet half a day without suffering. The doctors told me I never would be well without an operation, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done more for me than all the doctors, and 1 hope tills valuable medicine may come into the hands of many more suffering women." Mrs. Joseph H. Dandy. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not. try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and lias thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkliain invites all sick women •Sv to write her for advice. She lias guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkhain, Lynn, Mass. «!HL8—""nmrii'lm1,1,1 A flavoring that is used the same lemon or vanilla. By dissolving granulated sugar in wa ter and adding Mapleine, a delicious ayrup it made and a syrup bett«r than maple. Mapleine is soki by grocers, bend 2C stamp for sample aad recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co.t Seattle. FREE—If yon will send us the name of a dealer 1 docs not handle Martha Washlnston Comfort Shoes, we will send you free, postpaid, a beautiful picture of Martlia Washington, size 15x20. We also make Honorbllt Shoes, Leading Lady Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes. F. Mayer Boot &Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN WOODWARD & COMPANY ESTABLISHED lift. Duluth GRAIN COMMISSION Minneapolis PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more poods brighter and fitter colon th»n «n* other dn. One 10e oaokaae coln-t all libers. Thei dn In rnii) oarmenf without rtopinfl apart Writa lor Ire. booUM-ttai toD».BleachaniMixcl"a™Mo^ROea^a^ol^Qul^y /Ulnola" Representine Independent Grain Shippers" "ST 4c- Giving In. Jack—Just one kiss, dear? Eva—I wouldn't think of such thing. Jack—Well, I shall try with all my might. Eva—Well, er—in that case tnaybs might is right. 320 Acres "W IN WESTERN CANADA WILL MAKE YOU RICH W I '1 Fifty a a rf] O •veragegrcater than in any other part o# the continent. Undet new regulations it possible to secure a homestead of ICO acre# free* and additional 160 acres at $3 per acr* **The developmentofth-ecountry hn* marvelous strides. It is a revelation, a rtf.* erd of conquest by settlement that is remark* «ble."—Extrmct from correspondence of a N#iivrmi Editor, toho visited C*nad* in August last. The grain crop of 1908 will tret inany farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Grain* raising, mixed farming and dairying am the principal industries. Climate is excel lent social conditions the best railway ad vantages unequalled schools, churches and markets close at hand. Land may also ba purchasedfrom railway and land companies For "Last Best West" pamphlets, maps and infortnution as to how to uecure lowest miW way rates, apply to Superintendent of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Government Agent: B» 111. J. M. MAC LACRLAIt. Waiertswc. South BOYSSHQES !.0QTD*3.0Q The Reason I Hake and Soli More Men's $3.00 fit* $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufactanr is bseaus I glvs the wearer the bea«fit of the most compute organisation of trained xpert! ud efeeeatftkera lc the csustry. Tfcs selection ef the leathers for each osrt of the ska fookeTtSL?*7 1,1 every »h.0 department. Is «hoeuia*er« ia the aho* icdaatrr. It I eoold ahow you how carefully W L. Sosglan elw*s tben anderiUnd whjr theyhold th«lr At better, and wear longer than any ctaer aaka My Method of Tanning the Soles makes them HHof% Flexible and Longer Wearing than any others *h»es for F.very Member of the Family, Meu, ttoye, Wonii n, Uses and ChUdres. A hy tl,Pe nAIITMN dealer®everywhere Non® without W. Do-n*iaa unUMUll uaiiiu and iriee stamped on boitor% Fast Color Eyalete Vied Exclusively. Catalog a all*) frea. W. L. DOUGLAS, 167 Spsrk St., Brocktes, Matt* j1 Virginia Farms and Homes i'ttKB CATALOG UK OK SHLBNU11) A KU AlSI8. K. B. CHAIftf IN CO.. Inc.. Kr.ihmoiul. Ya. READ OUR mmil'MVSSSSl ico, it will be very interesting and money* la yqsi 6 ^.Uw^«4, Vl^cl or ,.feissssr S N —NO. 3.— 190*.