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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
r- -t /fcif- '-r'ir 1 TT Lv •:ltm T: I ,r JBSPi? _i ^L. PiJ-p"-' »r*. 25 EXTRA SALES PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU Fancy I 4 This I.ot Contains Men's Suits in Cassimers, Ch-vints and Worsted?, that sold up to $10.00. This sale while they last.. NOTIONS Little things needed all the time and priced so poses skin is easy. Fins paper 1° Hooks and Eyes Card, .lc Cotton Ta,,e roll lc Fmiicv Han Velveteen Binding all Colors, yd lc Pearl Buttons per. doz.3c Featherstitch Braid 5c value pkge 3c Bleached Cotton Toweling 16 in. Wide per Yard.. "TERMS No (juods (Jiar^Til No (})!s Kxi'llUlltfC li N'u (foods (in A[ipn val AJI bales ( All Sales Final LITTLE PRICES ON O E I E S 10c. h. Pint Jar Mustard 2c east Foam per package 3c 21b Can of Peas 2it Can String Beans -^c California Prunes, per lb 4|c 12 Bars of Golden Soap 10c Cake Toilet Soap -5c 3lb Can Tomatoes 15c Package Parlor Matches oc 31b Can Apricots in Syrup Arm & Hammer Brand Soda 7c Good Rio Roasted Coffee, per lb 12c Eagle Lye per can Eddy's Laundry Starch Calumet or Hunt's Baking Powder lb can 20c Men's Heavy Sheep Iiiifd Ti ck Coats Sheep Collars, 32 inches in length \V rlh $4 50 WK3l3BSjS55J» LOT I. 39 Half-bteac^d all Linen Table Damask 64 m. a worth 75c per yard at.... W will 2^c 15c $3.48 I A A I N A E S I N Lot 1! Consists of Worsted Cassimers and Cheviots that I'oi merly sold up up 5f.13.50, During this sale only S3.88 1 S6.88 I $9-88 We.are determined 4 Consists of Fancy fix tures, Dark and Light Colors. Plaited and with Folds sold up to $7.50 $3.95 CROCKERY be the 150 Covered Vegetable Dishes all go at each ..76c 15 in. Glass Vases, lqt. Glass Pitchei 9 in Berry Bowl Celery Trays Cake Stands Creamers 6 in. Fancy Plates sum of muney in a. in this nnrpri Store Sale'endTsaturday, DON'T 50 Boys knee Suits, Age Three to Eight, only Sold up to $5.50 and $6.00 peever Sisseton, Lot III This lot Contains Hard Twisted Fancy Cass'mers and Plain Worsted Values up to $16 50 money raising price A N This Lot Comprises Pana mas, Serges and Trimmed with Folds of self material worth up to $9.00 at BIG Siiv« wholesale IVJ ICCCliv Oiuugi tvi once reduce this immense stock in order this or any other store. It's the most collosal sacrifice oi high grade hort space of time, prices must be slashed until $12.88 to close out every skirt in the store during tins sale and for easy ciioosing have arranged them in $5.95 $7.95 CORSETS Our Special Casino Corset 50 .cvalue during this sale—39c Royal Worcester Girdles Regular $1.00 value 69c Royal Worcester Corsets $1.00, $1.25 values, a special lot at. .69c closed all day Friday to arrange the stock and mark down the stay away if the article you want is not advertised, as space will not permit the advertising of every aiticle. But remember everything is on sale $1.95 Merc. Co 33 MEN'-Q So. Dak. O Lot IV This is an F.xcn tirrr.l lot oi' fine Clay Worsted, Fancy Worsted and Cas simers. Suits sold up to {?20.50 now O S This Lot Includes Chifft Panamas, Serges, in Black and Blue, Plain and with Foids of self material Positively worth $12.00 .. slaughter. Nothing reserved. No matter* SOMETHING NEW EVERY MORNING OTH1NG Let About GO Mtns Overcoa:e in Fancy Cassimers and Cheviots worth up to £8.00 this sale-at $3.95 4 This Lot Contains our Fin est Sk.rts in Voiles and Chiffon Panamas Trimmed with Buttons and Bands of Taffeta values up to $15.00 $9.95 LACES AND EMB. One Lot Val. Laces up to 2 in. wide, at per yard 4c One Lot Torchon Lace up to 3 is. wide per yard Sc One Lot of Embroideries up to 3 in. wide per yard 4c January 30th, at 10 P. M. _Bring, your fnen^ and COME! LlrrU. A 29 in. Rajah Silks popular shades sold up to $1 yd. four®^p 32 in. Black Taffata Silk regular price Mercantile Company's Ladies' $1.50 Wipers $1.19 Ladies' $1.25 Ifcpers .95 MONEY RAISING SALE greatest bargain giving event ever inaugurated by this store. The death of Mr. T. H. Peever makes it necessary to at to settle up his estate. It means price reductions absolutely withoutparallel in thehi?torv of mercll lanc*lS6 i«®sii If :OHSP ISISi Positively The GRATEST of all Sales SILK JMSATION From 8 to 12 Saturday only jj \m $1.20 four hour price Saturday, Jan. 16. Dooropen admit crowds in 19 in. Dark Gretn Taf fata, 27 in Reliance VI 1 affatas in tan, red and/LAI br wn worth from 85clVy to $1 four hour price... 36 In Black Taf feta Silk always sold at $1.60 jW fcur hour price Leathers, real $3.CO to $3.50 values. During this sale... $1.95 Our Stock ot Ladies' Coats if 4 A Special lot of Ladies and Misses Fancy Suit ings, Grays in Checks and Plaids, formerly sold up to $13.50 to close out S4 .95 years, as we realize that in order to raise a large Don't wait a minute. Cost and loss are entirely ig~ hat you bought goods at before, you can buy them for less now. prices. Sale starts Saturday, January 16th. at 8 Free Fare BIGGEST EVENT OF THE SEASON Vici Kids, some Patent Sisseton, DRESS GOODS 36 in. Cotton Suitings, Fancy Plaids and Checks so up to 25c ,o Ladies Black Kersey Coats, Trimmod with Mammoth Collar A real $20 00 value money raising price $12.95 Wool and Cotton mixed Suitings full, and long values up to and Fancy Mixtures, Plain and $7.50, this sale $3 9S Fancy Pattern regular up to 52 in. Mohair Blue, Red, Brown Genuine Pox Scarfs, value up to and Fancies, sold up to 90c yard $22.50, to close out $13.75 48c 1 ATM. sharp. To out of town buyers we will refund your railroad fare for a distance of 25 miles on all purchases of $25 or over. A Limited Amount of Boys Knee Suits A in Cotton Worsteds that sold up to $2 5oMnP tlis sale price l/l/U Peever Merc. Co. ]'\vs Dongola iid Box Calf Allies sizes .9 io ], r.cver fold lets than £2.00 money raising price. South S7 Pair Ladies Shoes in I linvs Drmonln p,,,. "T —«. ii7 Pair Ladies Shoes in Dakota. A S A E I N O S O E E A E N Mens Dress Shoes, Vici Kids, Velour Calf, Kan garoo and Box Calf. Posi lively worth up to Sale Price £3.75 $2,48 till enormously large and we are frantic cur efforts unload. Read our ex oeptional offers. COAT BARGAINS 4 Ladies Heavy Black Kersey Coat, Fur Collar and Fur Lined thruout. A bargain at $25.00 during this sale at $16.88 FURS Genuine Marmoth Furs, very TERMS No Goods Charged. No Gno(is» Exchanged NoLGoodsJon Approval. All !Sale8 Cash.* All SalesDFinal Felt Soles, Sold regular at $2.50 everywhere else, Sale price $1.48 $6.95 LADIES UNDERWEAR Ladies Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, value 75c, During this sale 39c Ladies Extra Heavy Fleeced Pants and Vests regular 75c ee lers, at each DOORS E N S Red and Blue Handkerchiefs ,2c One lot Mens 50c Caps igg Mens Wool Socks 25c values (limited amt.) pr.. 9c Mens 10c Rockford Socks Mens Neglegee Shirts all sizes 50 to 75c value. .39c Mens Heavy Fleeced Underwear 50c value 37c 25 doz. Wool Shirts and Drawers $1 value each.69c Mens heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers $1.25 val.98c 100 Pair Mens Heavy Cotton Worsted Pants some Cheviots, worth up to $1.35 pair, ,88c 209 Pair Mens Pants in Cassimers, Dickeys and Cheviots, values up to $3.50 Mens Ilea-.y Felt Shoes, OPEN AT 8 A. M. EVERY MORNING S NISHI N||G Sj $1.48 Chikls Vici Kids Felt Top Shoes sizes 5 to 8. A real $1.00 value at to Misses Coat in Black, Red and Blue Kerseys, Bultns and Braid Trimmed. Sold at $10.00, this sale at 59C Exceptional Values in DOMESTICS Wnidsor LL Sheeting 8,^ value per yd 5c Ah Dress Calicoj (limit 10 yds to a customer) at '(i Ladies Tailored Waists Poplins and Linens, light and dark colors value up to $3.50... 39 Ladies Wool Vests and Pants, Gray and Cream all sizes $1.25 valuea 88c 8:00 5c 11 ruit of the Looms Bleached Muslin every where [2£c yd 9c One Lot Outings worth up to 8c per yd 6c $1.95 89 $1.25 Large Comforts, fine White Batting all tied. Ful size. This Sale "i 1 ,-v«i vi jti lit* 1 VI & Jr wmi t- -::5! 1 1 1 V" .. 1