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.'ifi 1?' 'll* I 'U I s, rW: I Sr" '•iM itfSrXi ^•-\:V.: ..../ •-'Vr:v: vV -y- •v QJlf? S'tBBPtnn &tatti>ari» Fresh Hash. The stores close now at 6:80 evenings. If your land is for sale, John C. Perkins. a a •b it it Get a handsome set of ware, worth $7.50, free. See Haas & Mann's advertisement this paper for partictlars. ft A ft Among those who took advan tage of trie STANDARD'S big offer for a pair of shears this week, was G. F. Larson, of Luff man, W. K. Dimick. F. C. Nejedely, and P. 0. Dahl. of Sisseton J. P. Nordquist, of Effing ton. Dr. E. E. Cook who has taken up the practice of Dr. H. E. Bar ton Dentist, will be here on or about Jan 15. Dr. Cook wishes to state that he will stand back •f all work done by Dr. Barton. (tl) "Hurricane", in Waubay Clip per: We recently passed over tne Sisseton branch of the C. M. P. R. and we believe the branch is the only railroad ment ioned in the Bible. The passage says: "And on the fifth day the Lord created all things that «ree,." The city ccuicil at Waubay ©ffers a reward of $10 for infor mation in caes wherein boys are allowed to frequent pool rooms in that town. We wo'.ild suggest that the city council of Sisseton take same stand and enforce it. The state law would up-hold them in the ma: ter. James Laughlin, the local agent for Bakers remedies re cently received a ton of these celebrated remedies and siivs that his sales are increasing daily. Don't fail to read carefully Haas & Mann's advertisement in this paper. See our offer of a pair of $1.0C ateel shears free. This latest and most useful Housenold Inven tion will be sent free, with one years subscription to the STAND ARD, new or renewal, by paying •p arrears. If your subscriDtion Is about to expire you einnot af ford to miss this opportunity to secure a. pair of shears whose cut ting edge will never wear dull, and which will cut anything from wet (issue paper to a korse blanket. OLDK8T NBWSPAPBli IN THK KBSBK^ATIOJI. B8LABI I8HBD 1*92. By C. C. N A E N. O W N O N O W I N I N BRIEF" WORK ANU LEGAL E3 L_A N S S S I I O N I E $ 1 5 0 E E A see (tf) C. 0. Preston arrived from Corona Monuay anu taken a position with Schindltr Bros. here Two furnished rooms to rent. Warm and comfortable. to Miss McQuillan, (tf) Apply Fred V. Dale, formerly of Browns Valley but now of Mi not N. I). was in the city the first of the week. heavy The Majestic Mfg. Co,, of St. Loui, Mo., have a man at Haas & Mann's store this week, showing the Majestic Range in actual operation, baking and serving biscuits to the large crowds, A clergyman recenty married a woman from whom he received a dowry of $10,000 and a pros pect of more. Shortly aftei wards while occupying the pul pit, he gave out a hymn, read the first verse, commencing: "Forever let my grateful," then he hesitated and exclaimed: "The choir will omit the fifth verse." Some of the congrega tion read the verse for them selves and smiled as they read: "Forever let my grateful heart Hi* boundless grace adore. Wblcb glveaten thousand And bids •riiS bleaelni* new, me bop* lor more." kv- Tou are cordially invited to at tend our exhibit any day this ^reekand next Come ana have it ciip of eoffee and hot biscuits, if you intend to buy or not Harry Beach, representing the A. Beach Printing Co., of II.IPWIW|I! Sioux Falls, was in the city yes 'relay looking after the interests of his firm. R^ad Haas & Mann's advertise ment in this paper and you 11 not wonder why they have such :rowds every day. Mr. Edward Johnson, of Lien township, some time ago by (he us of Baker's Anodyne Lini ment. A ucticn Sale. fleineke, of section 21, Wm. iiituerprise township will sell at Jan- public auction, Tuesday, uary 19: 1 Minneapolis Separator 40x60, complete with belts, blower and feeder. 1 twenty five horse power Minneapolis Engine with 24 inch drivers, 1 complete Tender, Truck and Straw Rack. 1 Shed 22x30 with Shingle roof and drop siding- can be moved. Any person wishing to brine in Machinery or stock to sell at the sale, can do so. Terms of sale:—cash or Bank able Paper. WM. HF.INEX^. Prop. H. D. Messiruham, Auctioneer. Have yen pet a pair of slv nr^ yet? They are going fast Br and Shorts at Sissetor Mill, now selling at $19 and $20. A s^erial sale of Fountain Pen? ac the Palace Drue ?tore. Get one now and save half. Notiee. To whom it may coicern: Biuer a Sippel 'ha.-e disolved partnership, W. F. Bauer a=sum insr the entire business, he wil" pv in rlnhts contracted by Baue' & Sippel and collect all outst inn ing accounts due to said firm. Anyone n"':rtr sa:d firm se'tf ith W. F. Bauer soon as possi ble. Signed BAUER & SIPPEL. A Worthless Slave Baby Ttip negro pfantet trnewa a» Tom, who dlfd recently, was a wonder to the cenaraUoBH that knew him at the keys. Had he p»rriwd suHk-Jent Intellect t* explain himself h* might have tired ta IKtar/ The paartea far Hardy Trees aa aamathUi^ higher than a am trtmk nature. When the last •wmrr af hia alav* moth er made his bargain a bllad and faahle hab* which aha —nisi ta kor arau was "Ibrtwi k* Tn faaai Inter, whaa the aiavaa «m al IM k? grate •f Fatfaar Abraha haba waa aalalat •••tar aa a bllad planar. I art Miad. bat aa taahacOa. MI «Mlla4 Btte4 Vaaa *iti Melt ha ww aa hflwC ul aerer Tarletf aan^e aa« hiiailiy. puiwi. wv« lift vru* the aUllt/ Mask a Slav*. He bad fanclaa af kki «wn, but no will. He waul* fWlaw abedk ut ly the prograaiOM aat far MM at lila performancea. wbtreaa whea laft ta klDiseir be WM dlapaaa4 la Imptarlaa tlona and rambling ivealleeUoaa. Ha was happy at the plaM a ad aeaiaed ta Uve ouly whaa playlas. his life WM a blank. Psychologists haro din over the case o( Bllatf Ton. but have come to aa aatiafactary axplaaatim af the extraordinary pheaaatenaa af his genius for remembering aMI rap rod ue ing musical compoeitloM aa tha plana. He was simply a freak, and It la Mketr that there will be no clear nadciataad Ing of the remarkable twtet mt aatnra which gave him bis ualtij ever MM Whatever good effaet tka vMt at Slag Edward VI1. Bay have had a pom the autocrat of hlM ta put and to the barharaM kllltag af pa Utlcal affeodera. TMrtaaa agMatara pat to death aai tka taU tanea glTea to aaveatMi day that htag tmt mm ptatitadaa at BavaL iiWiii*! and Shrubs. We have on hsnd a large stock 11 gurranteed free from disease. I $ 100,000 Ash, 20,000 Elm, 10,COO Roses, 500,000 Boxelders, 25,0tX) Soft Maple, GO,000 Evergreens and many other ornamsntal trees and shrubs, besides a large stock Fruit Trees, Vines and Plants. You ci.n get no better stock than this. HOWARD LAKE AND VICTOR NURSERIES. W. II. EDDY, H. HAESCH, Prop. Agent THIS SETTLES IT! About 850 Pages. T[ No lriore guess-work about election figures for 1908 or for vears ne by Tf No more hunting through libraries for names of former rire-sidents, senators, governors, the populations of citie?, states, countries, etc Tf Never again need one rack his brain in trying to remember facts and figure* about war. sporting events, v,'eights and measures. Universities and Col leges, religious orders in the United States, the navies, armies ir.d debts of nations, weather forecasts, fatality tables, com merce, taxes, monks, banking| nsurarce, secret societies and, in short, '0 000 FACTS ABOUT 1,000 SUBJECTS THE WORLD ALMANAC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA for 1909 is with ut exception the handiest and Tiost comprehensive ready-re ference guide to facts one wants to know that has ever been orinted. Tf No merchant, farmer, busi ness man. housewife, school boy or girl should be without a copy of this greatest compendium of iseful nformation ever set in vpe. Tf Order a copv direct or through vour newsdealer. Now on sale everywhere Price, 25, (west of Buffalo and Pittsburgh 30c.) at newsstands. By mail 35c. Ad dress, PRFSS PUBLISHING CO., Pulitzer Building. New York City. Blooa and Nerves aro very ciost related. Keep the blood rich, pure ji:d healthy, willi Ilood'8 Sar.snpariila •uicl ion will have no Hood's Pills are best after-dinner dmcstion, prcv-utcousliDMior 0 2 S a a a a O Trua file. •ii'.' "-'w 1 Purifier, Great Vpitn NfMt wttk ht veloua OcUlitr what h* hmi tart heard Immediately tefwa Mm Mpradwtlaa and t* remember It always afterward. In one raapaet Bltad Taai Nerve vwu S'onwn ltegulator. To tliou- «di it* groat r.ierit 18 KNOWN. ft GREAT record of euros, nno- quailed iu medical historv, proves lood's Sara *.pari! a possesses merit un ••"owu to any other MEOICINCa Ip The Kind You Haw Always Tho S WM alwaya TANDARD For FRWF. EAM FOR BUSINESS 1 havu reeeuily equipfd and opined a firwiclaHS BARBER SHOP next door vlu* Unique Ti.eater. Those ivunlioK pood work und courteous treatment invited to call. BERT WILCOX Will's Place BEST EQUIPPED Poo! end Billiard Parlor IN THE NO vTHWEST. Tl ose games are a unlinit' mid foo»i iur 11111 of Drains iud nhould- m* vu oourit^od in all .sufo Iwuys. It must is one of tlie. mosi churning .'iifiitM invnniod. No'rocr^iUIon I'limniM lJ0.ilLh-^ivint?,» venM8«' .uxl pU-asjuit com i»tir.iOiio!i:p a decree bill lardn and ponj. 1 h-ive a billiard table ii. my house. —Henry Ward IUm.'cIht. isio KI KSH LINK OF nlectionery S ft rinks Fresh Fruits 1 1 Cigars, Etc. CLEAN, |LIGHT, COMFORTABLE Wm. Swedlund, Prop. (Mar^h !, I9i7.) MIC AT MA UK I RIGHT ON TI»*)E WITH CUR MEATS, IS THE REPUTA1 ION that we have ended the Old Year with, and it is the policy that we intend to carry on through the New Year. THE QUALITY CF THH CUTS that we give our customers, shows that we select our cattle with great care and cutituo with great skill. We supply the best meat and poi ltry in Sisseton. Try us. Please phone your orders early, as we IT'S A WELL BEATEN PATH THAT LEADS TO THR Sisseton Standard a O W N O N O W I N I N a SISSETON WEEKLY STANDARD 1.110 A YEAR THE BEST NEWSPAPRR IN ROBERTS COHNTY. mtmfM/fWfffmmwffwtffwtpmwtri N S E 8unset Magazine offers the readers of this paper the best epportuuitj of the year ALL ron REVIEW OF REVIEWS S3.OOl SUNSET MAGAZINE .... I.50 WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.23) close at 6:30 P. M. and all day Sunday. Open until 9 p. l(. Saturday. MILLER & CO. Managers Peev«r. Meat Market PAY- THE- PRM 1 A IU 1 No. 4 Remember the old quotation, that "He who cheats the printer of a single cent, will never reach that heavenly land where good Elijah went." DC SIDE Largest I I mm S3.OO CD C*rT with your order, bmutirut premium, a 75-rmte Saoli AND jr HC.U iiiostuttd in four colors willi 125 \VcBtern vicw^. S N S E A A I N E •*H MT *ctsco. ewromu ftt.b -A 3DE Our 1 nvit at ion Once each week we pay for this space for tho privilege only of inviting you once again to become a depositor of this bank. The person who read? about us fifty two times a year ought to know us at least fifty-two times better th^n if he. had read of us but once. TI.e better he knows us the more likely he is to like us and our business methods. Your account, large or small is urgently solicited and respectfully invited. First National Bank THE LD RELIABLE SISSETON, S. D. rpHE man who knows where NL- every cent goes is better able to dispense with luxuries. The thirds that you do not need are the ones that make the expense high. Might it not be possible to cut down in some places and save a little each month. A Check A.ccountassists to save by -pointing out useless expenditures. a CHECK account will fur nish you with an accur ate record of all amounts spent It gives you a grip on expend itures because you can tell what was bought, when you got it, and from whom. This method will put you ahead. If you don't know where you can save, a check account will tell you. RESERVATION STATE BANK SISSETON, S, D. iicaiiiiiuieaiiuiuirjanHuue:=Miiiiitr.a -a IB--ill! ^Iiinmp uccessful Farming Depends as- mui-h (n tliu li ol up-Ui.fliUC farm tUHC.Iiiiics ns it fires iipun yond judir niefct. in plftisri)f:irn. work. Goon jU«1K i.ip 't must le l.bcked up with tmils thai will analile the farmer to ciny oin hisplans. Thai !w precisesiy tin: kind of farm machin ery that is fold by A. W. TOWER Sisseton, S. D. 1 handle Bn^eloo. Watfor,*, Slpluh*, Cntl^rf Binder*. Mowert, Rake*. Headers, Plows, Harrows, WlndiBilli, Pumps Gasoline lEni:tiea, Oream Scparatora. Oora Binders, HusKers and Skreddera. HaveJRecently Leased Ithe RED FRONT LIVERY and have put in a first class outfit of all new buggies, surreys and carriages, and a lot of the best horses that could be purchased. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. RALPH KIVLEY, Sisseton, S. D, ra What Makes Good Meat? Moxt'people know tbat tbe aga of the stock makes the meat tough or tender. There are many other things which are of Importance la tbe making of good meats. WE KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AND WATCH OUR MEAT! If you want good rout or steak, or chops, let or cot it for TOO. OTITMI PI»M IHO MMIIN |IA»OK* Sisseton 8MM« door north of Thoavaoa'I Hardware Store. Sisseton House