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THE STANDARD BY C. C. KNAPPEN, I88ETON, SOUTH DAKOTA. NEWS Of WOK SUMMARIZED Digest of the News Worth Telling Con* densed for the Busy Reader. FROM THE CAPITAL. The senate has ratified arbitration treaties with the Argentine Republic •nd Salvador. The proposal to establish a United States court of patent appeals is un der consideration by the house com mittee of the judiciary. An extradition treaty between the United States and France has been signed in Paris. Ambassador White acted Tor the United States. It has cost the government $15,000 already in the employment of private detective agencies to investigate the Brownsville affair and the contract* are still in force. According to the announcement just made at Manila none bu unmar ried men will be accepted by the gov rrnment in future to serve as officer# •s the constabulary force on the isl ands, and officers already in the serv ice will not be allowed to marry without the consent of the govern ment. Plans have been outlined by the bureau of construction of ihe navy for a great battleship cf 25,000 tons, designed to carry eight fourteen-inch guns. The possibility of asking for an appropriation for a ship of a larger type than the Dreadnaught is attracting attention among members of congress. PERSONAL. Henry C. Watson, editor of Dun's Review, died at his home in Engie wood, N. J. Rev. J. A. Lambert, a Jesuit mis sionary with the Davenport (Iowa) diocese, died in Chicago from pneu monia. M. Chouillon. president of the French chamber of commerce at Montreal, has been made a member of the Legion of Honor. Anson R. Flower, aged sixty-six tpecial partner In the firm of Flower & Co., bankers, of New York, died at Ms home in Watertown, N. Y. Chairman Martin A. Knapp has been sworn in for the third time as a member of the interstate commerce commission for & term of seven years. Mrs. Randolph H. H. Hersey, wife of an aged millionaire iron manufac turer of Montreal, died at Riverside, Cal., of pneumonia. The body will be Interred in Canada. Gen. John B. Cotton, formerly as sistant attorney general of the United States and a prominent member of the Washington bar, died suddenly at his home in that city. Mgr. O'Connell, appointed auxiliary bishop of San Francisco, will be suc ceeded as rector of the Catholic uni versity at Washington within a month by Bishop John Carroll of Helena, Mont. The resignation of Rev. C. F. Win blgler, pastor of the First Baptist church in Washington, tendered be cause of the advanced Ideas of reli gion and therapeutics, was accepted by the congregation after an animated discussion. Mrs. Harriet Estes, who is said to have been the only surviving daugh ter of the Revolution, died at Ithaca, N. Y., aged eighty-seven years. Mrs. Estes was born in Elbridge, N. Y., and was the daughter of James Dunham of the Fifth Connecticut regiment. CASUALTIES. Fire In the Selger block, at Oak land, Cal., damaged the building and contents to the extent of $100,000. A huge snowslide in Provo canyon, Utah, stopped traffic of the Denver & Klo Grande to Heber City for two days. Fire destroyed the large elevator of the Western Milling company at Cal gary, Alberta. The loss is estimated at $75,000. The pinnace of the British cruiser Encounter was sunk in a collision with a collier at Sydney, N. S. W. Sixteen of the sailors were drowned. an hi William Nix, aged seventy-two, an '''employe of the Illinois Central for thir ty-five years, was ground to death while flagging a Waterloo (lowa) crossing. The total annual mortality from ac cidents In the United' States among wage-earning men is between 30.000 •nd' 35,000, of which at least one-third and perhaps one-half should be saved by rational and intelligent methods of factory inspection, legislation and con trol. There were also approximately 2,000,000 accidents that were not fa tal. A. man Identified as Patrick Henry Pendergast, a bachelor farmer, who lived near Berlin, Ottawa county, Mich., and an unidentified woman were asphyxiated In a room at one of the Graad Rapid" (filch.) hotels. William Moeltentiri,.fifty-nine years old, of Chicago, who had been threat ened with death unless he put {500 at -a place named in a notice posted on bis door, borrowed a rifle from a friend and'after waiting in the dark shot and killed Garrett Schollens, the son of the frieffo who had looped him the rifle. It wa* a cafcf of mistaken identity. FOREIGN. The designation of Washington as the place of meeting of the next Pan American scientific congress gives general satisfaction in Chile. Four men were killed and three wounded In an encounter between Pol ish socialists and Nationalists at War saw. The police did not interfere. King Edward and Queen Alexandra certainly will visit Emperor William at Berlin in February and probably will be tendered an elaborate state reception. Yellow fever has broken out In San tiago province, Cuba. Ten cases of the dreaded plague were reported Satur day. It is not believed, however, that an epidemic will result. The exports from Great Britain to the United States in 1308 amounted to $11.G75,000, as compared with $17, 320,000 in 1907. The decline is prin cipally in manufactured textiles. The prohibition by the police, in def erence to Hindu feelings, of Moham medan sacrifices of cows, led to seri ous riots at Tittegun, just outside Cal cutta. Troops were summoned from Barrack Pur to quell the trouble and were compelled to fire upon the riot ers. several of whom were killed and sixiv seriously injured. Two hundred arrests were made. The military eourt at Yekaterino slav, Russia, pronounced forty-one death sentences, of which nine were for recent crimes. Thirty-two of the condemned men were strikers in the railroad troubles of October, 1905. in addition to the death sentences, twelve strikers were condemned to penal servitude for life, forty-eight to lesser terms of exile and thirty-nine were ac quitted. ACCIDENTAL HAPPENINGS. John Reed and Jesse Reynolds were killed when the boiler of a sawmill at the Shenango Limestone company's quarries at Newcastle, Pa., exploded. The large warehouse of Codville & Co.. grocers, at Brandon, Man., was gutted by fire. Loss, $25,000 on build ing and $75,000 on stock. Guests of the Central hotel at Gray ling. Mich., had a narrow escape from death when the hotel was destroyed by fire. The loss is about $8,000. Four men lost their lives and-a num ber of otLers had narrow escapes when the steamer Samuel collided with a raft during a heavy fog on Green river, at Rockport, Kv. Seven persons were injured, three seriously, when a crowded auto earlv crashed into and demolished another machine in Lincoln Park, Chicago. All the victims are wealthy. Fred Lowe, nineteen years old was dangerously injured at Kansas City when he was struck by a motor car owned by Walter S. Dickey, chair man of -the Republican state commit tee of Missouri. The plant of the Puget Sound M^lls and Timber company at Bellingham, Wash., probably the largest shingle mill in the world, burned. Loss, $415, 000. W. L. Cleveland, a saw filer, was burned to death. The Transcontinental Express of the Canadian Pacific went Into a ditch at Gull Lake, near Medicine Hat, Sask. The baggage and colonist cars were ditched, hut the locomotive stayed on the rails. Two people were injured. A spectacular Are at the stock yards in Chicago destroyed a large part of the fertilizing plant of Darling & Co., and after burning large stores of chem icals, causing explosions and injuring a number of firemen by falling walls, caused a total loss o£ $500,000. GENERAL. The official call for a national tariff convention, to be held In Indianapolis on Feb. 1C, 17 and IS. has been sent out. Gertrude Atherton, the California novelist, announces that she will soon Issue a novel written around the reign of Ludwig, mad king of Bavaria. James J. Corbett, formerly heavy weight champion, has announced his willingness to meet Jack Johnson if It were necessary to bring the cham pionship back to the white man. State wide prohibition laws went into effect last week in three South ern states, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Alabama. Georgia is the only oth er state wherein statutory prohibi tion exists, the law having been in op eration one year. W. J. Bryan was last week Initiated as a member of Lincoln Aerie 147, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Mr. Bry an was hardly a novice in the initia tion, being a member of nearly a dozen secret orders, and he came through the ordeal happily. George Washington Hough, profes sor of astronomy at Northwestern uni versity and director pf the Dearborn, observatory, died suddenly at his home In Chicago. Prof. Hough, who was seventy-two years of age, was found dead In his bed, having retired in ap parently good health. Prof. Hough was one of the world's greatest astron omers. Prof. Thomas C. Chamberlain of the University of Chicago and his son, Dr. Roland Chamberlain, have left Chicago for an investigation of econofnlc and educational conditions In China, as well as the study of the geology of "that country. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road announces that it will operate the entire main line from Chicago to the Pacific coast by telephone instead of telegraph. The entire cost will about $2,000,000, but the company be Heves it will pay and Insure greater safety. REV CARMICHAEL JUDGE UNFIT FOR CUTS OWN THROAT Minister Who Murdered Man in Michigan Church Kills Self in Illinois. Carthage. III., Jan. 13. The Rev John H. Carmichael, who last Tues day nisht in the little Methodist church at Rattle Run, Mich., killer flideon Browning, the village carpen ler. and then burned the body in tht: stove, committed suicide here yester day bv cutting his throat with a pock et knife. He died at the county hos pital after he had been taken from lie boarding house of Miranda Hughes, where as a stranger he had been living since last Friday. Under Hypnotic Power. In a long letter which was found in his suitcase. Cnrniichael told in detail the story of ihe killing of Browning how he had fallen a victim to Brown ing's hypnotic power, and meeting him in the church Tuesday night was com pelled to obey his every command how, finally, when Browning attacked him with knives, he (Carmichael) de fended himself with a hatchet. Aftei finishing his victim with the hatchet he said, the red-hot stove in the church room suggested itself as the best method of disposing of the body Before putting the body in the stove however, he exchanged some of the dead man's clothing for his own. which had become bespattered with blood. Death as Horrible as Victim's. Carmichael's death was almost as horrible as that of his victim When he arrived at the Hughes boarding house he gave the name of John El der, and as he said he was a wood worker and had come here to start a factory no suspicion was attached to his presence. Yesterday morning he informed Miss Hughes that as no sat isfactory site for his factory could he found here he intended to go to Bow en, 111. "I think I will find a better silc there," he said. "I'll take the 9 o'clock train." Saying Ihis he went cut into the hack yard. Throat Cut From Ear to Car. As he delayed coming back and had not returned at train time to' get his uitcase, the landlady Instituted a search. A passing teamster .s hail and he, with others, joined the searchers. But Carmichael already, by his own hand, so far as he was able, had expiated his crime. In an old wooden shed back of the house he had cut his throat from ear to ear. The dying man was carried into the house, but he never recovered con ciousness. Every effort was made to revive him, but he died at 1 p. in. His clothing and suitcase were searched and two letters were found, one addressed to his wife at Rattle Run, which was sealed and remains unopened. The other letter was the confession, which was addressed to the sheriff at Port Huron, Mich. Two Crushed Women. Adair, Mihc., Jan. 13—There are two crushed, heart-broken women in this sensation-torn little village. They are Mrs. John H. Carmichael, widow of the preacher-murderer who com mitted suicide in Carthage, 111., and Mrs. Browning, mother of Gideon Browning, the victim of Carmichael's murderous mania. Not only Adair village, but the entire countryside is wild with excitement over the day's developments In the Rattle Run mur der mystery. Mrs. Carmichael is sick in bed at her home. The shock of the day's news after the strain she han endured since the crime was discovered was more than she could bear, and for the first time she broke down. But she is still fivm in the belief that her husband was insane when he killed Gideon Browning. Alleged Colored Thief Captured. Elroy, Wis., Jan. 13.—George Boyd a colored cook at the Brainerd res taurant. left in a liurry early yester day, taking the cash in the drawer, a goid watch, a revolver and other smaller articles with him. He was ar rested at Eau Claire and will be brought here for trial. Twenty-six Miners Dead. Zeigler, 111.. Jan. 13.—Of the twenty sight workmen in the mine owned by Joseph Leiter, twenty-six were killed by the explosion Sunday morning, ac cording to official Information given out at the mining offlce last night. The last of the bodies was recovered yes t.erday morning.' TRIES TO BRIBE SOLONS. Indianapolis. Jan. 13. Rumors of attempted bribery in connection with the content for the United States sen atorship are under investigation by Elliott R. Hooton, prosecuting attor ney of Marlon county. It was report ed: to Mr. Hooton yesterday that the legislators had been approached by representative of one of the senatorial candidates. "If it appears that there is any ba sis for an investigation, the matter will be laid. before the grand jury," spid Mr. Hooton. A-. BENCH SUPREME State Bar Committee Finds Judge Root of Seattle Guilty of Gross Impropriety. CONffSSES CRIME IN UTTER WANT GRAND JURY TO PROBE Says He Had Fallen Victim to Dea Man's Hypnotic Power—Killed Him in Fight. Dickered With Great Northern Over Money Matters and Accepted Transportation. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 12.—The state bar association committee appointed to investigate the conduct of Judge Milo A. Root, who resigned as a judge of the supreme court two months ago. made its report Saturday. Judge Root was recently elected for another term of six years. His resignation affected only the tern to which he was elected two years ago. If he fails to qualify Monday, Jan. n, the office will be de clared vacant. The committee finds that Judge Root has been guilty of gross impro priety, which unfits him for the su preme bench. Findings Are Sensational. The report, makes these conclusions and recommendations: That Judge Root, had correspond ence with M. J. Gordon, attorney for the Great Northern Railroad company, concerning money transactions. That Judge Root accepted from the Great Northern and other railroads free transportation. That Judge Root filed as the opin ion of the supreme court an almost verbatim draft of an opinion dictated by M. J. Gordon, attorney for the Great Northern, in the case of Harris against the railroad company. Some Points in Doubt. The committee is unable to obtain any facts to substantiate the rumors of the giving out of advance informa tion concerning the decisions of the supreme court. The committee is unable to obtain any facts to substantiate rumors of bribery and corruption. The committee holds that the con duct of Judge Root in receiving free transportation is highly censurable and requests the judges of the supe ior eourt of Spokane county to call a grand jury to investigate fully the rumors of corruption. Decide Course in Future. Believing that its suggestion will be acted upon, the committee feels that it is only fair to withhold any other recommendations. Whether such inquisition be held or not, the supreme court and the state bar association will then confer to each a basis for further action or proceeding. FIGHT IS FATAL TO THREE. Row at Kentucky Dance Stirs Up Feud and Ends in Bloody Battle. Williamstown, Ky., Jan. 12. One man was killed, two fatally wounded and six other men were seriously in jured as the result of a fight that tarted at a dance Saturday night and continued through yesterday morning, which was terminated by Sheriff Car ter and a posse arresting the alleged ringleaders In the killing, just as a mob was being formed to avenge the death of Ethel Ransom, who was beat en to death after he had received sev eral wounds. The dance was held at the home of Wesley Barns, and during the festivi ties Ethel Ransom and William Thompson are said to have begun shooting after an altercation. Thomas Turner interfered and was shot and beaten. The men then came into town, and while George Lautern, who was wounded, was in Dr. O'Hara's offlce, Ethel Ransom assisted In dressing his wounds. After leaving the offlce the Lautern crowd attacked the Ransoms. Ethel Ransom was the first to fall. Not satisfied, his enemies, as he cried for mercy, beat his brains out with blocks of cement. The Lauterns, finding that their op ponents were gaining in numbers, took to flight. The sheriff and his posse surrounded the Lauterns' home and they, on learning that they would be protected, surrendered. As the sheriff departed by one road for Covington with his prisoners a mob was being formed. The second fight, which was a battle, was not a sequel of the dance row, but was the outgrowth of a feud. Battleships at Naples. Naples, Jan. 12.—The United States battleships Connecticut, Kansas, Min nesota and Vermont, under Rear Ad miral Sperry, the commander of the Atlantic fleet, arrived here at dawa, anchoring between the Italian battle ship Bendetto Brln and the cruiser San Giorgio. Board of Health Is Fined. Chippewa Falls, Wis., Jan. 12.—The members of the board of health of Ar land have been fined $25 for violating regulations presclbed by the state board of health. The complaint was made by A. F. Hanson. It appears that diphtheria broke out in Mr. Han son's family and after being let out of quarantine the board of health re fused to fumigate, as requested by Mr. Hanson. Later diphtheria broke out again in the Hanson family, and Mr. Hanson then decided to begin action against the board. SENATOR TIUM REPLIES Senator Declares Roosevelt's Charges Are Based on Personal Malice. Washington, Jan. 13.—Being greet ed by applause from the galleries when he entered the senate chamber yesterday to reply to President Roose velt's strictures in respect to his con nection with Oregon timber land transactions, Senator Tillman of South Carolina proceeded to read his lire pared remarks with little attempt at oratorical effect. He was accorded careful attention by senators on both sides of the chamber, the public and private galleries being taxed to their full capacity by visitors. Charges Personal Malice. Mr. Tillman accused the president of personal malice, misrepresentation, falsification, cowardice, "hitting be low the belt," contempt of the senate and violation of the law in use of the scrvico. He charged that Important papers bearing on the case had beer, stolen from his desk at the capitol, probably by some of the "secret serv ice sleuths." Me arraigned the presi dent for permitting ihe so-called steel trust to absorb Ihe Tennessee Coal and Iron company, and for "helping his dear frie-nd Harriman" hold 2,000. 000 acres nf the public domain, be cause Tillman wanted to buy 1,44(1 acres. Asks Investigation. The senator demanded the most rig id investigation of his conduct. He ad mitted that lie was "perhaps disin genuous in the statement to the sen ate declaring that he had not bought nor "undertaken io buy" any of the lands in question. Everything, lie de clared, hinged on the meaning of the word "undertaken," as he used it. He had not paid any money, nor had he taken any one's receipts, "the usual process by which one 'undertakes' to buy land." Net Guilty. "I have not attempted to deceive anybody." he declared with emphasis "I have not (old any falsehoods: I have not broken any law I have not been guilty of any immoral conduct. 1 had the right to purchase the land if I could." Replying to the president's charge I hat he had made improper use of his official position. Mr. Tillmin said: "I fail to see any sense or reason in this attitude I had not become a party to pny litigation I was not in terested. ext ept as a private individ ual wantijig to purchase, and as a sen ator des'rimv to eu'-blo others to have ti opportunity to do so. "Cf ecu rye. the president is sure thi't 1 have dope something very dis creditable and outrageous. He hates me and v.ouid destroy me if he coti'd." Roast President Later. "The president lives in a glass house, with even a glass floor in it, and should remember the old adage. He has exerted all the power cf the government to destroy me, but I feel that 1 stand unscathed, because if all other arguments fail to convince men the character for rectitude, truthful ness and honesty which I have buildeo in the sixly-one years of my life would at last be my bulwark. Men who have always beeen clean and honorable do not suddenly become liars and hypo crites at sixty-one without any neces sity. "Later on in this session it is my purpose to devote some time to bring ing Theodore Roosevelt face to face with his true self and let the people of the United Slates see what charac ter of many they have been so bowed down to." WASHINGTON TOWN SHAKEN. Trembles Cause Considerable Damage at Port Townsend. Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 13. An earthquake shock caused consider able damage here at 3:50 yesterday afternoon, lasting from ten to fifteen seconds. The trembler took the form of a vibratory convulsion, swaying buildings and breaking many win dows and fragile roofs. Reports from adjoining localities available by telephone state that the force of the shock extended over an area of at least fifty miles square, and in several districts two- distinct shocks, separated by more than a min ute, were felt. In many places in this city where water pipes had been frozen the earth quake broke the mains and flooded the houses. For a time it was fear ed the city's entire water supply would have to be shut off. Officers at Port Worden state that the investigation so far shows no apparent damage to the fortifications. The signal corps Officers report the parting of the Alaska cable several hours previous to the shock here. Investigation will be made to ascertain if there was any connection between the circum stances. THREE BANKS IN FAILURE. Brainerd Institution Had Money of Closed North Dakota Concerns. Brainerd, Minn., Jan. 13.—That the failure of the Security State bank of Brainerd was caused by the failure of the Barton and Rugby banks, in North Dakota, became known yesterday, the local institution bavins $20,000 of the I funds of those institutions. D. D. De vine, bank examiner, admits this, but refuses to make any statement of the condition of this bank, pending the arrival of Public Examiner Scliaffer. PJOWAKD BABCOCK Attorney at Law Office over First, National Hank. SISSETON, J. BATTERTON SOUTH DAKOTA. Attorney at Law Practices in All Oouris. Office rooms ow Calmenson's Store. SISSETOM. SOUTH DAKOTA c. I. THOMAS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon All calls answered day or night. Offlce opposite Palace Drug Store S1SSETON SO. DAK. PAY J. W. OSTEOPATH Office in Wood Bros. Block Farmers Phone 110 MILUANKS. D. E. TAPLIN, Al.D. Physician and Surgeon Office East Maple Street SISSETON SOUTH DAKOTA YOUR FACE IS MY FORTUNE Come to our gallery and let us sbow you some of our work. K. BOWE THIS PHOTOGRAPHER HENRY GOEBEL THE LAND MAN, Deals in wild and Improved lands. ODI? complete abstract of all Indian lands. Faros lor sale in Huberts. Day aud Marshall counties Relinquishments bought and sold. Always has real estate "snaps" for cash buyers. Minnesota and Cauada Farm Lands for sal* at from 13 to W per acre on easy terms and small payments down. SlSSBTONi SOUTH PAKOTA. ATTORNEYS ATTENTION Type Writer Paper Type Writer Ribbons Carbon Paper Docket Covers Legal Blanks Constantly on Hand at the STANDARD Office ECKS DRAY AND TRANSFER LINE Does a general Dray and Transfer Business. Furniture ani Piano Moving a Specialty. Gardens Plowed and Harrowed. BEN EOK, rop'r tE man who hollers down a well About the goods he has to sell Won't reap the shining, golden dollars Like the man who climbs the tree anrl hollers. Advertise in the Sisseton STANDARD. •J H$» H5«$1 A PROMPT, EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF 'RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Mmuralgla, Kidney Trouhlo and Kindred Dlaaaaea, GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost. in-| stant relief from pain, while permanent I results are being effected by taking: it in-1 temally, purifying the blood, dissolving I the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. S. D. BLAND I Of Brewton* Ga.» writes: I "1 had been a bUfferer Tor a number of year* I I with Lumbago and Kheumatism in ray arum and I I legs, and tried all the remedies that 1 could I I (rather from medical works, ant! also consulted I I wlthanumberofthe best physicious. but found I I nothing that gave the relief obuined from I I "fr-DHOPS." shall prescribe In my practice I for rheumatism r.nd kindred diseases." DR. C. L. GATES I Hancock, Minn.* writes: "A Uttlegirlhereliadsacha weak back caused I by Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble that sbe I could not stand on her feet. The moment tbev I put her down on the floor she would scream with I pains. 1 treated her with **6DKoP8'*and today I I she runs around as well and happy as ean be, 1 prescribe "&- DROP8" for my pMitnUaad use it in my practice." If yon are suffering with Rheumatism, I I Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidney I I Trouble or any kindred disease, write to I us for a trial bottle of "5-DROPS." PURELY VEGETABLE "8«DROPS isentircly free from opium. I Odcaine. morphine, alcohol, laudanum* and other similar ingredients. barge Slee Bottle "5.IKOP8" (800 Dotes) I 41.0U. For Sole bj Vrugfflftts SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY, I Dept. 43. 174 Lake Gtreet, Chicago