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jgfgj r*f r 5 *r ,. f1 1 3 r-ft "•fib. 5TT?. :p Fresh Hash Wanted—Girl for general housi *ork.~ Thos. Mani. Two furnished rooms tr ivm. Warm and comfortable. Ai-ply to Miss MeQ 'tf1 Farmer Hopkin- Hie *lvnv and.Band Opera »me night .-niy *5 Mrs. Ed Hunt and Harold, returned Thursday from a visit with Mrs. Hunt's' lister at Browns Valley. The military play, "Santigo._" which was successfully given in this city in the summer of IIXKj, will be repeated soon, for the benefit of Company I. Rehear sals are already in progress. 6- Hon. Haivai Oien and Hon. Olaf Negaard, came home from Pierre to-day to spend, the recess, until next Tuesday with their families. Mr. Negaard savs. the two cent rate bill passed the! Af Di .n'»»n nn tKfl ^C\ 1 •vuoc a v»» v..~ As each house has now passed its own bill one of them must be concurred in by both. Dr. A. K. i.\ fc.i^rd from Sisse tonS. D. will be in Windom on Feb. 3, 1909. |Aii veterinary work donp skillfully and un to date look for my hand bills at the Windom store. Prices reasonabe. A. H. Nygaard V. S. Mr. C. N. Rostad, a registered •harmacist former-lv ut' llalstad, ilina, arrived tne cay jtsui liay and has accepted a posititr. at "the Palace r'msr =tore. ft Dr. D. E, C'JJ.V who"'bought cut the dental practice of Dr. Barton has arrived 'and is no« in possession of the business and prepared to take care of those whoseteeth need "fixing." Examinations. Koth\- is birtby £mn iba.1 rjguiarexamit a %ions lor teichers certificates, to be held a Wksseton, are tel for'i hurs«1ay ami Kridnv on Ui* following dates: February 4th auO 'Ah April Mb and 9th June lOtta and Utb July 29ib and 30tli septeraoer lull and ]7tL 1nal examinations Tor E gb:i. Grade Pup •111 be hc|d at sMsseton, Wilmot. summit, Whitf Rock and Efbugton. on Toesouy find Wednesday of the following dale*: May 2Mb auii -bill Jure li.'nd aud 23rd. Thos planning 10 take any of these exmi «L&Uons will pvuaee retain copy, of ibis toUce for reference, u, U. '•oy Couri\y sMpcnrtc-ndt-m. Days of Dizziness Comej to .Hundreds of Sisseton People. Tiierc are 3aj" of ali-ziiiess Soil's of UeodachcK. bsdeaclie, ntn-kncbe «om"iiiiio! rhpumatis pair Ollen urinary disorders. All '.el! you jila.nlv ilio kidneys are sick. Upan*?IvldLtrv Pi:is cute all ltittnes ills. MTE. Franlt Sccl)-ier. living in the NortJ.JI part o! 5• D., euya: Down's lvlilniy 1'ills Lure IJCPD o.' btnoEt to ray husb uiu fcodlie Is alw.'.ys tlaJ recoa-.meud them Ko buftci. tb kidney coaipi^iai 'or -j-. crii •DODibs B1M ai tinges his Luck tlia ke oould nul lilt aoyvhuig. He- bad dul •chliiE iti his back, at times chaDt-in, J1 ukarp. SljootlDL" pains He was alfo it lu di/.r.y pariicularly iD IJV oruii Bime time a^o he reaU ol Doao's arm I{Mm-. I'Uis aau as they were endorsed by rcspohsl fcle poeple be procured a lox, lie improvei steadily fret tbe iirst and la a fcbori .1 U»e symptoms of his ucuhle lias CDtlrely dis srP^areu. iic i» now woritiog every flay, ?.na lias 00 kidney trouble '.Tbaterer." For bale by uU deiilerb. Price cenu Koster Milburu Oo.. iiulfnio. New York, son vrer.tK for ibe l'uued Stales. Bemember tbe name—Doan's— and take JO tlier. (JALK OF INWKHITKL) IN ."IAN LANl MSSHOU Aptncy. S. Dy Tbe pub!Ii berebv mtormea tbat inliv ileii ludluti llotn the itmitn 01 ibtj •etOD Agt-ai.-y. souib uakota. off«»r 0 for sa «naer 7 of the Act ot Congress a. jirovtil May 27, IVK12 |S2 stut*. 275/ will I •OOUO JJUBLJRIY .SATD AGENCY WBEI fteaicrt bias, for vbc purcbaeo of any lrArt wufi llbt ViUi ttu rccciv^d by tbe UDderslgtu vp to 12 boon of The day upon Iii bids are sidvenii^eil to be open. All bids cbull oe enclctsud in a seal* eavelopp coat-picunuslv marked "Hide for 1 herilMl Indian Uusd." Tbe date of Ibe pr posed bal« must alwo lie written thereon, aoibin^ elite. Each bid muhl be accompany bj a-du!y oertitled cbecu on some solvt baj.i. payable to the order or Cm tea stati Indliit. AEent... for the use of the srantors, li -11^ p*r uent of the amount offorr. as a .-uaruniee fur the tuittiriil performao. by tbe bidder of IIIH proposal If tbe !o »ha-l] be accepted and the successful b'.dd. aba 11, wlihm a reihonablo time, atter J. BOtlce, foil to comply with the terms of bid, tba money represented by such cbecl fllftU h* t/v mi« USC ImC S'wmC 1b*)anQ. The right to reject any and all bids is SCrrod and bids will oi,ly be uccepted by tb jigeDt or other officer in charge subject, to lb approval of the owners of the land. Purchasers shall pay all costs of convej •Being, and lu addition the followlnii sum, wit: If the purchase pr'.ce Is $1000 or lee if it is more Uian $1UOO and le» tb» :-VM0. 62.00 aud where the purchase price more than S3000. ».S0 Sealed bids for the following described trmcts of inherited Indian land listed for salt* Beoember 19,1906, posted December SI. 1968. will be received by tbe U. S. Indian Agent at the SlBMton Agency. S. D., up to 12 o'clock Boon of February 19,1009. Wo. 1. W14 nwii.»J48w^. sec. 38. twp. 12L lag. sz. Mo. 2. Lots e, 7, g, see. 19. twp. 117, rng. 49. E)4 »e!4, see. ai. twp, a, »ng. Mo. 3. S.B.AIUH D.LMIllA|«it crib ALCOHOL M«.nd Feb. Dtnsl si Variety Way Now Made Legally. "i'.vc years a?" congre** f.i.j-sed jaw i.ikiuc Uie taterriai revenue- tax from deaniurvJ This lii'. w.':.- passed with the aid and ly the in I fluciHf of farajcrs. wl.o were led t» believe Uiat this Mil WcaJd be.:p tbeiii I Betxle a hard question of light unci I foe!. Many of them thought that after the bill was passed the average fa nr. t_: v,"cu!d le able to make nkohoi on SMAI.IJ FEKNCH STILL. tbe furrn at a low prKo onil that lie could nse this alcohol in place of other file!. The result bae been disappoint ing to socb farmers. The price 0' al cohol Is still so high tiiai it cannot used in place of wood or coal. At the lime the bill was passed many v. oil Informed farmers all over the couiitrv feared that the alcohol industry would be iMK-h the same as the beet sugai business—that it would not be made 011 the small farms, but concentrated in the factories, where fnrni produce is brought, very mnc-h as sugar beets are brought to the factory or m'lk 01 cream to the creamery There is still, however, a demand for a small distilling apparatus, but so far nothing of practical us" is t.t-ei. made in this country. The illustrations given herewith aiv taken from a French catalogue and show two devices for making alcohn! ill small quantities. They are i.J1uI.n In France. These pictures give an idea of the w.iy the machines are operated The small ones appear to be protn close to toys, but there are larger am more expensive devices which are r.- ii ly practical. A great deal of the alcohol mala IB France appears to be done by trav SIMl'Li: TAIiJi ..KFAiATUS. eliug distillers, who go from plate to jn place very much the same as graiD' thrashers travel in this co"ltry. Tliey will go to a farmer's place aud work apples, potatoes, beets or other mate rial into alcohol at a mated price. It Is doubtful whether this method will be practical in this country for a good •®any years, as the conditions here arc very different from those on tbe other side. Weed Seeds In M*nure. it is well known that there is con Biderabic* risk of Introducing new weeds by the purchase of manure ami hay and other feeding stuffs. E. I. Oswald of the Maryland experiment station undertook to obtain more dtfc aite information on this point, esjx.' rially as regards dissemination through manure, by studying the effect of the fermentation of manure handled in different ways and of passing through the digestive systems of animals 02 the vitality of various weed seeds, in eluding seeds of about fifty of the worst weeds found in Maryland. In experiments in which the manure remained for six months in a barn yard heap and for a short while in piles, as when shipped In carload lots from cities, it was found that in the first case there was no danger and in the second case little danger of dis tributing live weed seeds. In the ex peritDents in which the weed seeC were fed to yearling steers and thr. manure handled In various ways i! was found that— Kirsf,—When? the manure was haul ed directly from the stable as a top dressing an average of only 12.8 per cent of the seed fed germinated. Second.—Where manure was hauled directly from the stable upon the land and plowed under 2.3 per cent of the feeds fed to animals came up. Third.—Where the droppings remain ad on the pasture fields unadulter ated as they fell an average of only 8.1 per cent of It Is safe to. the seeds fed to ani mals germinated. Tbe results indicate that In seeds weed general to assume that the vitality s»trujed In well Wills Place F.KST KvjriiTKI) Poo! end Bifiiard Parlor IN THE NO .T1'.WEST. nv.,. aro :i :rjt? :*i5l3 Lri !. brains 1 houiJ t't !1 a!I •*.:»f'• ays. Jl i. oiH* of in*, HJO^I .1 IIJV rb.»rmiu? No'rc-iTt'ation r.nubjnf^ :n^Jev'i*rr:?c .in«i pleasant oc»!n- i) a ^rca-r. ue^rec ilinn ::»r-1.e anu i-ool. 1 ]n\*e a li!!iard tablt' r:.y.L 'U^t-. Hfur* Wurd Heecht-r. JUG KiiK^U l.!SK OK Conlectionery Soft Drinks Fresh Fruits Tobacc Cigars, Etc. I I I 1 I r%\ IJIVTII 1 A I Wm. Swedlund Prop. THIS SETTLES ITI About 850 Pages. No more guess-work about election figures for 1908 or for I years gone by: No more hunting through libraries for names of former presidents, senators, governors, I the populations of cities, states.! I countries, etc: j* iNtver again need one rack his, I brain in trying to remember! facts and figures about wars, sporting events, weights and measures, Universities and Col-! leges, religious orders in the United States, the navies, armies and debts of nations, weather forecasts, fatality tables, com merce, taxes, monies, banking secret societies and, short, 10,000 FACTS ABOUT 1,000 SUBJECTS! THE WORLD ALMANAC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA for 1909 is with out exception the handiest and most comprehensive ready-re ference guide to facts one wants to know that has ever been printed. No merchant, farmer, busi ness man, housewife, school boy or girl should be without a copy of this greatest ccmtendium of useful information ever set in type. «T Order a copj direct or through your newsdealer. Now on sale everywhere Price, 25. (west of Buffalo and Pittsburgh 30c.) at newsstands. By mail 35c. Ad dress, PRESS PUBLISHING CO. Pulitzer Building. New York City. Subscribe for this pi. sri-ii qt ril Paper ZOFFICAL1COUNTY PAPER You See It's This. Way We handle \Ytji Card Index Files Wei- Ledo-er Acct Files Typewriter Ribbons Typewriter Brushes Typewriter Paper Document Covers r'arbon Paper Letter Trays Letter Files Fountain Pens Fountain Pen Ink* iiiM yj -'t I THE STANDARD Stationery Hapartment YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR SU PERIOR LINE OF USEFUL OFFICE STATIONERY Jy a typewriter ii gn-"price u, Yon would buy they weren't so hi you? Why not come to the STANDARD IIK1 let us show you what we can sell you typewriter for? It you WIIUId like to investigate further, come and let's talk it" over. All kinds of typewriter ribbon, car bon paper and typewriter paper on hand at the. 3 STANDARD Sisseton, S. D. S ...U Standard Printing, See our offer of a pair of $1.00 steel shears free. This latest and most useful Household Inven tion will be sent free, with one years subscription to the STAND ARD. new or renewal, by paying up arrears. If your subscription is about to expire you cannot af ford to miss this opportunity to secure a, pair of shears whose cut ting edge will never wear dull and which will cut anything from wet tissue paper to a heavy horse blanket. it Co's. 10