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I IS jcS5w3 Hi £."• £jt/r( Jt ome liK'i I a W The 6fli£K 3% -, jbr A young dAt 000,1 06 mmh'.si N'Kw^«»\Pi-:tj in rnr. urskkvation. rsxaumsiiko HD2. By C. N. .InilNSoK. »f N I a N a C. N A 1' 1' E N. O W N O N O W I N I N I E W O A N O 3 L-AN KS Oftlcial County, Paper. Official City Paper. Purveyors of Good Printing to the People S S I I O N I E $ 1 5 0 E E A S N A S O S a AbordiH'ii dithi'r ""_• -it anv i-, .tu. i- x1 UL» '.'."waig in Sissoton have muuiiituiiuil dypopMn a a A W a Gov. VKiota in his inaugural message to the South Dakota legislature recommended with particular em phasis the indeterminate sentence for criminals. Tts possible he h,id some ''reformers" in view. Kate ThysOK Maur who writes Chirps of a Cherub in the Minneapolis Journal says "Never trust another woman with your husband: he may not be such a cold storage battery as lived in Soo Falls. you suppose." Maybe. Kate onee There seems to be several politicians whose habitat! for the next two months will be Pierre, who imagine that thfey are embroye statesmen. W ell, maybe, there are several of them who have bee ome statesmen whose sole qualification for the office is that they bad the money in their overalls to pay their fare to Washing ton. monthly report of the state treasurer for the tirst day of the new year, will not be an incentive to heavy appropriations at the c'oming session. The show ing is that of general fund 7 per cent warrants out to the amount of $403,00'.) and deficiency warrants bearing ." per cent to the amount of $250,0 )(). To off set these warrants there is fs('.,00 in cash in the treasury, leav ing a net tl ol {omciumI ly to begin the new year.—Aberdeen NTews. I This shows an increased indebtedness of $-100.000j during the past two years. h. M. lAitKEit. of the Watertown Shoppi-r Xews was sued S a turd a by lv\-State.s Attorney C. ii. Sehull in the sum of .|2500 for damages sustained by Mr, 8'diull in the primaries through the publication of the libelous article ordered published paid for at regular advertising notes. This is the second libel suit Barker has had on his bands lately. These libel suits may not make Barker popular but if the opposi tion want to give him notriety, which is a-kin to popular ty and a big circulation for his paper which is better than popularity both let them keep sueinghim Barker can af ford to pay them a bonus Fer doing so. subscriber writes the Standard has just taken a correspondence course in political econotriy and that he is thinking seriously of making polities a life work with a view to eventually entering the House of Lords, otherwise known as the senate and asks us what a candidate's first duty is. Well, son. as a candidate is supposed to be a "thing," legitimately used iy the central committee for leg pulling pur poses the duty on the same should be about S3i per cent on his "barrel'' and the aforesaid candidate should always have this sentence committed to memory am eternally irrevocably and everlastingly opposed to everything that will stand opposition during such time as 1 may be iu a position to draw a salary for opposing such things as may need opposition." This is not exactly uew as it was supposed to have been invented by Mr. J. Caesar who built the first summer cottage at Gaul, but it reads like Alcibiades, sounds like oocrates, and doesn't mean any more than the democratic platform. However we have known men to get to the United btates senate on that platform. Jan. !20th the members of the two houses ^.is,"lerre met in 'joint session in the chambers of the JHMise,anu after the reading of the journals of the two &{ouw» Crawford of Huron, was declared to have been elected United States senator for the term expiring March 4, 1915. In a short talk. Senator XraTr. declared that he held no malice for any of the bitter contest of the campaign, and would stand pledged to the principles on which he had been elected. 1 1 ®0ll8'dered himself the servant of the whole people, and none need hesitate to come to him f°r any aid which he could possibly give them in his position. Stale State Iluii'k hiSUlH" Couiity. lit'lifrul County Schf". (.'.)!jii t»f Schooi l.and U. Permanent School Fund Inter* on School Loans. rile S i- a l.inrary fund Interest nn Deferred rayment. {'cor I K'-n-: .. T.aUe «kv LCfl piieit t* titM« Sale of tcuuol l*ui\ds rKTAlL[*:i» saying he Oihf is'issrtmt ~?ta»iUirii. AUDITOR'S AND TREASURE PAY THE PRINT® Detailed Exhibit of Receipts and Disburs ments in the County ol Roberts tor I Quarter Ending Decem ber 31, 1908. IShowiQg Amount of Funds in the Treasury and Wliere Deposited FUNDS Where Deposited TREASURERS EXHIBIT. 1 U. HA I. Acol ov I !»At., er drawn IV'vi"U.s l'rcvinu» Qu.irter .. S Hrith'*' I'ouniv Sinking rouniy lusutMe. H» ll'u Si'l'. .•!* i') ir* Ke»!r -ton Subscribed and sworn to before me nth day of January, LIST OF W Care:- Forward .. 20 Assf.rrs oi' cmiwty in dktaii. liaiulitiks oi-- Total Amount of School Mouo.v, l.o.'tned. soMjri.'d by Mortgages andj HoihK 0 Utipani Tax. County l-'uno^ :j2Js 4 Cupaul I'ax, loo Couniv Fu ds,.,„i 1.225 57 Unpaid Tax, I County d8»«.s «i33 I'npau) Th.\, J!05 t'oinity Ktuii :i45 4:j, Unpaid Tax. I'.'Ol County Funds lyti 12 l.'npald Tax, County Funds 2o!» 17 Unpaid Tux* 1002 Countv Funds.. ,f 77 07 I'npanl Tax, l'.wi County Funds 102 X£ I'npaiti Tax, iDon Conniy Funds.... 75 51 Unpaid Tax. is'.Ki County Fwuds r»5 Unpaid Tax, lsis County Funds W2 01 Unpaid Tax, 1*07 Coonty Funds ... 40 0»i Unpaid Tare, lsl« (Jounty Funds To the County Auditor of Roberts County,S. I aerewitb band Name of Patient Oeiken. Carl B' Drew, Tham&s Donoran. Timothy Fisher. Alllatou H&aganson. ndreiv Qamm, William Hanson, Carrie Httlvorson, Neis Bodson, Anna Oamm, Lonlsa Jennings. George Kimball, J. Kirch, John Moa, Hans Olson, Louis Pincomb. Vernle Quam. John... Bosa, Ben Busten, BaUten •undo, Olat Stois, Char! es Solbarg. Qhris Tracy, George CAfln linsuuus UVH 'VTS MKMT8 Tills This CKii yseton.. SP'M Oil He Hrvatum Statf Hank, Msscton. Tirst Slate Bau'K. iVover Farmers ^tate Bank, Witniot Summit Ttnnk, Summit Sttue savinfis Bank, Ortley Corona State Bank, Coronu t*irst State B^nk. Summit (iennun Su^iuge Rank. Wilmot STATK SOI'Til DAKOTA!^ TOTAl. 28. SAL. Quarter Quarter ,vj $ T43 rj'C TSt WW 4: 2r»o on ik !u:HJ UM mi: s't! fH ^-IS Total in fiaiul Tre.isurw. $10,f8 0t?»i Currency and Com. H' Amount in Hank*. u.Mt T'*' Ca^tt ltem ii!oi6 btj 1.201 5-1 010 74 S9S i.JSl Thomas Thompson. A County Auditor ami Clerks Countv Treasurer Deputy Treasurer and Clerks ... KegisU'.-uf tJocds Deputy Register of Deeds & Clerks County Juilue Sheeifl. ncpniy :unt Uuiiifis SnperinietNVnt of SchooU & Dep Commsr'sof Insanity & Local In? County Commissioner, W njst... County Commissioner, 2ud Dist .. County Commissioner, 3rd l)ist •. County Commissioner. 4th IMst .. County Commissioner, 5th Dtst... State's Attorney —j Attorney by Order of Court clerk of'Ciu'uit and Countv Couri. .j Stenographer 1'etlt .luror.V ir'ces \Vitness Fees Circuit & County Court,' Ju-iire of thf I'oace ON N C. 1'erkioB, Notary Pnbiic. S l» AUDITOR S EXHIBIT 3! Unpaid Tux. ls «5 County Funds. tl) 40 Unpaid Tax, is'.M County Funds ?A S8 linuahi Tax, County Funds Unpaid Tax. 18^2 County Funds (1 0.'i Cash in County Funds 7,X0S 25 Court House and OrountU 1 50,000 00 County Jail 5.000 00 I'oor Farm in.000 00 Totals 17S.211" II STATK OF SOUTH DAKOTA ANTS ISSUED DURING QUARTER r, 00 :ft 00 l'S:, 03 :m oo 261 (.»s 22 00 :u 1'.* 00 24 00 47 r,o r2 60 oo 41 00 lioO ou 10 00 o'J 45 fM» W :.{» 70 re. no cot n,tv"of HOitKKTS I I A I Id* ti T-S( DULY- orn DOL SAY THAT TL»c 'I'L easo jci 'a exhibit HEREON is true and curt'oct ntatemeut ih« (iiiani'tai cujidttiuu of Kolt?rls County. a appear* by his booUs and that the Auditor's exhibit is a true and corroct statement oi all warrants drawn on the treasury during th« quarter, and that the statements of assets and liabilities is true and correct. Subscribed"andtsworn to before tneihi* 11th day of .January 1909. I A I O N E I N Notary Public. S. D. QUARTERLY ISTATEMENT CF- Superintendent of Hospital for the Insane. D. Insane, for th* quartar ending Dhcambtr'31, 1908. V- Total.. AtMat: W I 1 E3E 1 TOTAI. Aat. 0T6r dravn cad «f q't'r E CU. KAI.'NCE Cash on Imml iHt 11 inn :r.i'i 15W5 4K mm :*2 j.'-.N wo 11 rji r»i JH t'A 1717 4: •1779 W l«T»« 55 V.NI 1S 00 -ML' im :. 4 j:: wi 5i 5 i*:n tWtt Of- u'-iil li IN75 15 tU (is 44' 1 :w: b711 -|S \r,l 11 :«u in »r» s«!: !»1 4u! \\*y lb*, Ml *1'2 ',n' 2ll«i il'.tj IV. I LV y.)1 I i:t 1 \v.\'A r.r. SM i.»I ',y-i •JTi'l W Ill-: v.-)?. I ri 40 527:^11 If. 1 Tutaj.. Lot'.MY Ol HOBKHTS*. ThomasJTUompsoii, Treasurer, being duly Kworn. doth «uy tbut the above esfcifcit is a true and correct statement of the tlnancial condition of Roberts County, an appears by his took*. I ltwu 18 -6397 22 oe 121501 46 AM'TS Brought Forward I 53,604 20 Fhy^ie.ians for i'oor. 50 oo I'oor Itellef 36 Hooks and Stationery 507 26 1'rinung and Advertising IISL 15 Kleelions 2.251 2" Lights, Kuei Kepaits'of d. Hldgs.! 74S :i? KuiWiiiir& Kc{»aulng of Co. Hridges! oo Wolf iJounty .... 2 01) ?heep Inspection 48 00 Miscellaneous 2.47:5 87 Four Farm 4PR sj Perm School l.MOixi Lake antl Ftind 1 ,ijs2 70 ToisiI.. ?U.3M 52 co. Total Amount of School Money 1 reived up to Date Warrants Issued and Hands Auditor \V:i.rrjiMis Outstanding {Kate of at 7 per cent) 15ond$ i^'itstandi at 1 .per cent. a L^5 00 Iltt 58 28 47 Totals.. 134.107 05 W. C. Omvkk. you statement of account- of Koberls County with the Hospital for the I.. C. MEAD, Superintendent. Cburga. MK.OO 48.00 .... 4».0» .... *800 .... 48.00 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 48.00 48.K) .... 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 4*00 .... 48,00 .... 48 00 .... 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 43.00 .... *8.00 .... 48.00 .... 48.00 .... 48 00 .f 1104.00 Collections. .«MJg w. c. Own, Co. Auditor. ik y!i ***. IJjjljL fPHE man who knows where evory cent goes is better able to dispense with luxuries. The things that you do not need are the ones that make the expense high. Might it not be possible to cut down in some places and save a little each month. VE Remember the old quotation, that "He who cheats the printer of a single cent, will never reach that heavenly land where good Elijah went." SOE •E O a I a Once each week we pay for this space for the privilege only of inviting yon once again to.become a depositor of this bank. The person who reads about us fifty two time.s a year ought to know us at least fifty-two times better than if he hadread of us but once. TI.e better he knows us N 4 the more likely he is to like us and our business methods. Your account", large or small is urgently solicited and I'ospei.-ti'niiy invited. THE OLD RELIABLE First National iBank SISSETON, S. D. A Check Account assists to save by pointing out useless expenditures. IN THE COMING ELECTION YEAR withfe teoae infant in the trusts, the tariff, the railroad?, politics generally and pooncal parsonages, the Review o( Reviews will be doubly valuable to you. .000 00 THE AMBRICAM otfw people an education in cnrceat events tbat is «*w» ooaprefaensirc and aothoriutire at a miDtminn cost of time, effort and Money ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE Wth Dr. Albeit Skaw's mooditv of tba World," elha vriih the Mrtw katay of ike month, vitb tfce tMMif OMtdMted article) on Mia «m are interoted f* cf tin really impot /J CHECK account will fur nish you with an accur ate record of all amounts spent It gives you a grip on expend itures because you can tell what was bought, when you got it, and from whom. This method will put you ahead. If you don't know wliere you can save, a check account will tell you. E S E A I O N S A E A N SISSETON, S, D. awrao AL»bht mkw rig Tl»e Review of Reviews. S3.00 WANT REPRESENTATIVES OTB REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO. IS ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK BoonSN »MMt KaeaHuc oficrs ihc readers of this cod- taut ailicle* ali the other man. ziaeaofthe world saved up to yoiv •w Wriaws o( oew book*—one keep iatelligendy up with the time* Him cost ol time, eSort and aoaqf. v!a ,cr the best opportune of the year REVIEW OF REVIEWS S3.00) SUNSET MAGAZINE .... -X" WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.25^ AND FREE vvItl1 ,our ord a ALL FOR $3.00 bmctifial premium, a rS.p5Ee book i!!utt«ateU in four colors with U5 Western views. S N S E A A I N E •an nuHraaco, oaumwu*