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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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•V 1 I -S 1 4 •W 1 v' tlllllipilWIIIHIIIIII I'lll IIII»'H|» m»H I -'XT rr a BOORS OPEN EVERY| MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK. ALL SALES GASH *VT ~^lL- A VY O v'ij Luiies' Corset Covers in good Quality Musiin, Worth 15 cents. Sale Price 5c rokn Bhtelds mvet Ism Bilk Finlib KmtiraM «r (•tton. ftll WW) worth 5c where, per spoolXv Bkttenberg BnM wlittn noaecm ne» •Deas tmm IcJ^q per yd P»per Ping Ml SOU count Ladies' Corset Covers in good Quality Muslin, Lace olee, a ./ cent seller, Sale'Price lie Notions and Small Wares Every day necessities at economical prices. Sis seton women need no second invitation to realize the great value offered. The crowds at the notion counters daily are evidence of appreciation. Soloty Pins all sizes 6c vfttue porl dozen Cotton ut •orn wirth Sol r\ spool •1A-' 10c spool Knitting silk, all colors per spool... 8 and 10 In, square wash ragsScral-fT uesafov Boobs and Eyes black or white alii sizes per card.... Cotton Up* black or or while all wld 1 ph^q (hi per roll.... DON' Pearl Buttons all sW.n» no limit SoO^ value per fljz.. Ov 6c package feather stitch braid fjl -'"V FPeever Merc. Sisseton, RAISE THE MONEY. We are getting more desperate in our efforts to unload, and prices have taken another tum ble. Look for theblue pencil prices.. Price Wonders in Muslin Underwear Ladies' Co rest Covers, 1) Lace and Lnser trimmed Muslin, value up to 4o cents, Sale Price d')er0Q package 4 Velveteen blading all colors perl yard Ladies white hem stitch ed hdkehts lace corner l&Qyj value "XV/ one lot oriental laco up to 4 in, wieeA/» lOe value per yd.Ttv JLv cents, An liO. So. Dak. re simply swamped with eager, enthusiastic purchasers ever since this sale started. In fact, W1 the store became so crowded that it was impos sible to wait on everybody, and it's no wondei the crowds are buying when the prices are considered, Consists of Worsted's c^ssimei This sale is already_town_ talk, it is already recognized as the biggest bargain event of the year. Our stock, however, is still enormously large, and we MUST REDUCE. MUST Ladies' Muslin Drawers, 4 inch Flounce. Quality Muslin, worth )5() •ale rice. stay away if the article you want is not advertised, as space will not permit the advertising of every-article. But remember everything 8al«*. •.... is on luiarens nose Sizes 4 to 8-2, 10 cent vaino" THE LADIES SKIRTS We still have 150 skirts to choose from, too many at this time of the season. The balance go at almos half. One'lot Ladies' Muslin Petticoats, tuck ed Jiounce, with 2 inch lace bot tom, Fine Mus lin. Real 75 cent values. mixtures in plaids and checks dark and light colors® 0 QR worth up $7.50 qU.UU Sale Price Ladies Skirts in fancy A fine lot of Chiffon Panamas, Serges and mixtures in black, blue and colors. Plain or trim med with self folds. Pos itively worth up to^ 95 At $9.95 you have your choice of our very finest skirts, circu lar or plaited. Some trimmed with buttons, some with bands of taffeta. Worth up to® AR $15.00 ipinhi 'I --r Lot I This Lut Contains Men Suits in Lot II. and Cheviots that for Lot Price. .... Lot V. We have selected for Lot.") sonu Men's Overcoats in Fancy Ca aimers .worth up to $8. During this sale at 100 Boys Kne? Pants age 2 to 154 worth up to 35c sale price Unequaled Half on $Q ('assaniers. Uliov- 0 0 \\r Kirs ami vv v'i Mm rhat sold up to $10. Sale Price... 0 QQ mevly sold up to |l3. 0 Q, QQ Sale price ill. Shis Lot contains Hard Twisted Worsted's and Fan steds worth up to $16.60 Mon~ AQ eyy Raising 'Price. HIl Lot IV. This Lot is exceptionally good, consisting of' Fine Clay Wor steds ahd Fancy Worsteds and Csssivners sold up to $20 50. Sale 5c Mens red and blue handkerchiefs 2c Mens 50c caps at Mens 25c wool socks 9c Ladies Tailored waists. poplins£| AC| all colors values up to $3.50 I I prices Marks the Progress of This izi- siS I 19c Mens Leather face mitts val. up to 65... 39c Mens 25c suspenders .13c Boys Leather face mitts value up th 35c .1 Boys Knee Suits i' worst-CT A eds. Sold up to $2PPnce. $1.25 larsre .cob batting, all tied 1' floe whitegQQ Thls sale- nriffinai nrices remain on f°°ds. The blue penciled prices show savings you make on each anfr Purchase. Look for the blue penciled 3 Mens Heavy sheep lined Coats, sheep collar $5.50 value $4.25 200 Mens pants in cassimers, dickeys and cheviots value up to $3.00 $1.48 Less Than Half on Children ami Misses Storm Alaskas. Hi to worth 7f cents, Hoys Shoes in Satin Calf, size: •it(^5-i, sold regular at $1./5, Money Raising Price. lioys 1 Men's Shoos, Vici Kids, Yeloui Calf, Kangaroo a vVorth up to S3.75 a Price Triumph Ml Dongola and Box Calf Shoes, sizes 9 to J, sold $ 2 0 0 liaising' Price UA l.'cU 1 98c Ladies' Yiei Kid and Patent Leather shoes, value up to $3.5'), Money Raisins- Price 50 Boys Knee suits age 3 to 8 soldtf»HI e%m up to $6.00, this sale $1.95 Ladies heavy fleeced union suits 75c val. 39c Ladies Percale wrappers $1.25 value 95c Childrens heavy fleeced underwear gray only 30c value.. J. Ladies ^Fleece Hose, ail sizes, IT) cent rallies \J N l-k' byii'i vara. I9c ABOUT" as Slaters cambric, all colors noth r, reserved. price per 1000 yards out ings, a good 8c quality. To close out per yard THE LADIES COATS The beginning of the season was two mild the result is too many coats left on our hands. We are willing to take a loss in order to move them. A special lot of Ladies and Mis ses coats in fancy suitings, grays and checks and plaids Sold up to $13.50 todQ AR close out CpO.aO Ladies Black Kersey Coats trimmed with a 0 collar. A real $20 00 value this sale(tj^r pnee O Ladies Heavy Black Kersey Coat Fur Collar, fur lined a a at $25.00. Sale price. rt "*vl, a a a $16.88 Li jZ 1^ A Ij 1° 1 1 hL I 1 1 1 *Lare enjoying this sale hugely because we are giving the people 41 habitants tell us they cannot recall the time when any store in this city held such enthusiastic crowds. THERE'S A REASON FOR IT. You will tind theart *c!es advertised--yes evenbetter. It's a genuine slaughter sale and there is no chance for an argument HERE as a glance at the exceptional values will convince most skept ical that they HAVE NEVER BOUGHT RELIABLE MER CHANDISE ATSUCH PRICES. A Big Saving In Dry Goods Standard Ameri can prints (no seconds") always 7 and 8c. 10 yd Pint, pit- rnu*-Q-j !, !'i 'hi vnUli' Yoasl Foam Iiucku '*1 lb, can pf«»n 10c^^ 2'lb. can swinge^ Beans hht value ou^ EXTRA SALES PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU ALL SALES FINAL SOME THING TO TALK and it's music to our ears when old in Windsor LL un bleached muslin sold everywhere 8c our price 3ii in. Cotton suitings fancy plaids and checks values up up 25c sale price Groceries and Crockery Economical prices for the economical housefwi.e (Ct L/ he CaUo Toiict ro°?.':..s...r8ioc 'OO ol'1, "iin Lr.niu "1 ir»c v.iiut' XVJL/ li.'ii?!'' kyo p^rT1 c: o- V.4,1 e.- O KiT's isuHdry fcaroii ljc 7^ •. atue O ralumui or hunt HaktnK packa^o jiar Q/~» d#-pound lor matches at OL Arm aiiO Jlamiuer a rountl \J Fmaoy ^^Callfornla Good Rio Roosted 'Prnues p* rA a 8 a *-of 125.00 or over km Coffee 20c 1 pound value l&C towh buyersfwe will refund year railroad P0W*2QQc IMuin aud fancy cov a 15 In. glass tusos, 1 4«k pitchers 9 in. MfTT tOlNrl'-Q DIM itaik .Ou 5 a a 1 $ .s» li Si r:» 4