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*7 $ I w* I -Mm tefe€u: Hj- S^£«^»ww .. ... :,'..tQ»-, *& W. -.VSfc (Shf #taniarii I!Y (/. N A 1TKX SISSETON, S Jan. BVTCHER.ING ON THE FARM In billing hogs, us with everything else, fie work may be made cuu'h easier by simply studying the best methods to pursue and by providing miltable tools with which to work. When the SIJSB of the kettle to be used la determined, usually of quite large size for general purposes, a Jacket made from heary sheet Iron or light boiler Iron la formed about the base of the kettle at least eighteen Inches from the ground and making a sufficient fireplace beneath It for build ing a good fire. With a door cut Into the front of this jacket and place in the rear near the top fixed for a siove plpe Joint one of the handiest con veniences about the farm Is made. This cooker can be set upon the pound in any sheltered location, or i* the day becomes stormy before the task is completed It may be removed to an outdoor building or shed, where the lard may be rendered out without any Bmoke or danger from fire sparks, •s a few joints of pipe can be added to the flue and run out through the roof or side of the shed and the work proceed as though no ill weather con ditions existed. Only healthy hogs which haTe been properly fattened should be selected (or butchering, as It la Impossible to aecure good meat from poor, sickly •tock. The Inside of every bog killed should be carefully examined for tu berculosis, especially hogs which have been fed on sklmmllk or whey from creamery, and the carcass discarded tf the disease la found in an advanced Btage. The most profitable time for killing hogs is when they are from nine to twelve months old, and the best pork is made from hogs of this age, provided they are well bred. Pork of good quality cannot be made from ecrub pigs. The most important thing about butchering is to get a good scald, so that the hair can be easily and quick ly removed by the scrapers. It Is bet ter to hare the water too cold than too hot, for a "co!l scald" can be remedied by an application of hotter water, but a scald with the water too hot "sets" the hair, so that the skin, being cooked, will scrape off with the I bn!r, making It necessary to shave off the hair with a sharp knife, doing a a found hogs-170 degrees is about r'iirht tihonld not be above 150 or 100 de flpees, and then they should not be k&pt in tho bath too long. P®' 8 •h the horse more than common snettiods. Teach him to stop at ft* word and stay stopped until told* co on. He should, be taught to back pt the word. Too mtich dependence Is placed on the lines. When a horse has .y* learned these things he does not ,*t6!tt them as a man does. A horse |«oald also be taught to-walk a good The fast walker Is the horse that along with top work. Where are taught* more things neces *b«» will: not be so much occa to complain at them for not do what is required of »Kam xbe ji tractable an4f will do wtet is of him It be knowa what Is A hone la a poor geeiwr. iV^Ublamotttt diN«li COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS ^(Continued from last week) Sissolon. S. IV. .Iuii. V-\ I'll'-1 Hoard met as pt-r adjournment, rs all prrsont. Hills wore then :il]wed or ro'hvtod fulJow.s: OmuKa J'niiiinR Uo.. toilut paper I IV-rKius Hros, Co, »ftU:e Mippht1* K'2.US aUowi-d -I A. K. Yaplin. iuc:i:r siM vico for pOt-r -Ml* Seliiniilcr 15ms.. nulsofnr uoor l'nrm r. -s.s^ton Pro* ihi«*'n Co.. meat for pour fni'Ui a I lowiM I'1 Mrs W.! T. atxt. supl. salary of poo:- 'a rn: -5(1 l!aa\,Maiui. One convcnleuce thnt Is especially essential with the present day butch ering and scarcity of fuel and which fcs- takes the place of the inconvenient backlog and open Ore which smoked Use workmen's ryes almost out Is the trch aud scalding pans for large jobs otto lians'Mi. nouniy tf butchering or sheet Iron lire pots orin wiiiio, jnuiiors Hilary fo.1 for ordinary work. These latter ar- ir of .w»v. :i:ul niomi' *.r urr rnngements are very popular, sr.J EOt cmzeus Ml. Hunk. acci. conn scrip! only do they come In (food service at butchering tSnis, fcst as well in case «f botlln* off a batch of apple butter er homemade soap they do not endan ger the women roifcs by tie sweeping fiames of Are often occasioned by high •Inds. 1 fur pour farm 1 !s( ton Mill i'o., liK'l for poor farm i" Pt-OM-r Wcrr. •».. :ndse for pour farm Su-^eton 1 .)r iM., lumber for :suor fat ni 1" 4* Slavic liros., isuUc for poor farm 7-'. '.)? Cifizens Nil. Hank. suvt. "o primin ittid janitor- salary •i 50 •J IM I 1 00 i) W. H. Mel.eun. court script Frank MeNuity, for salary as state* attorney f*jr i'.b nnarier -"j0 U' K, H. l»udley. for .stationery and nriutintr ««.i .!. I,. Minftrtr. for eolleeim^' iie!in •luenL taxes i.Ms t»«? 1. Jsverro. for aeids. cfiemleais and preeriplitnh for ccumy I A. H. MKiihews. merehandi?e for EOURII'NOIISF .. 11 George Jordan, to ossisiing innitor pulling on storm windows '.• Peever Alercaniilo Co., rnerchasdlsc for court bouse 6." Stavig Pros., merchandise for court houe I ."id Jones, expensoof attendance Sujn. meeting at Alx'rde« ii j: W Gal. f.hadwicK, livery for Andt ison ctmnty poor K. '1'rocU.stad, county priniiuj: -0 Krank McNuliy, expense for qu.irier eudniK liec. lst UkW.. 1m 7."» Will A. lloaeh Printing Co.. supplies 2sl' OS J. !. Minder, jailers t'eos and com uiiiinient ill 00 J. I., Minder, lor hoarding pnsonei'.s for Uh quarter IW*.... ^0 (ritrut iussuraiKe Co., Hr IiiiuruJiee |s Uakoia Cmirai Telephone Co., for phone servicAi t*. county Uurrouglts Addiuir Maehiac Co. pau pajmeni lor tUiiu.« machine ... |TJ2 ir. Application ut P. A. i»abl for .oan ol 10^1 from pei uiuuent jj:tiool fund on the sw, o! see. iwti. J'JS. nig. 50 WHS on motion ai luWi.U. Appncatidn of Kver Lnirsua fvr a loan ut •fjuO irom pt imaneni school fund «-n the .s'2 ot sw 4 *)fsec. Siwp. IL':{ mj-. !'.• aliowrd. freini Auinud report of coumy ireaourer from July 1st 10-S lo Jan. 1st 1901' uad intere.-L collected oil couoty deposits Irom July 1st U0* to Jan. 1st 1W9 TOJ.W. was on inotioo duly approved. liicts upon County Deposits having been received were then opened and were as follows: iMrst National Uank, Slssetou S. I). S'-JOXK). 'J percent on naiiy balance. Cilzens National Dank. Sisseton S. D. 2 per cent on daily balance, liescjvation Stat.e Jtuuk, .Sigecton »S. l. per cent on daiiy balance. .First 5iato liunk. Summit S. I). ffJOOO, 2 per cent on daily balance. *J per cent on uaiiy oai.*t. .-e. atate oavm^H tia^k, Ortloy D. i2v00, 2 per cent on dauy balance. irst rsatwnai liank, White Rock S. D. *.v* 2 per cent on dully balance. ciii%eu» tolute lia.u-:. White Uoc.u S, D, 8it)0u, per ceni on daily balance. 1-irat: Tlnte HanK, WnmOtb. D. i."»0000i 2 per eciiiOS dw*:y bitld.2c* Farmfrrs Mate Dank. Wiimot S. D, ?5(X)00. 2 per ceni on daily balance. Uerman Savings Dank, Wiimot S. J3. §3100. 2 per cent on daily balance. First state lJank. PeeverS. D. ?-"000. 2 per cent on dally balance. On motion duly carried all of the above Hanks were named a» Co. Depositories at 'i percent on daily balance, at the amounts asked for with the exception of tho Coro a State Bank which amount was approved at, *£00. Application of Frank N. Nobles for a loan of from Perm school Fund on the sc!* of sec. 1, twp 12s rng, 49 was on motion duly 1 Hp pro f»il. The deputies and ilerk hire in the various otlices were then takcu up and lixed for the preMtutjeur as follows: Kesfisterof Deeds to have one deputy at a salary of $55,00,per month, and what addition al clerk hire required to keep the work of tho office up in a tlsfaciory manner at $40.0U per month, not to exceed 2sj per cent of the balance of fees over and above the salary RTSA.DY FOR CUTTING. ol the register of deed and deputy's salary, each clerk and deputy to draw their salary requiring much time, from the salary fund, on warrants of the Borne butchers think they can tell the Auditor. proper temperature Of the water by The deputy aud clork hire of the auditor's flitting their hauds in it, which is oftlce was lixed as follows: one deputy at iMther doubtful. The exlict tempera- $55.U0 per mouth, and one additional clerk at tare can be secured every time by the $io.oo per month for the actual timo a clerk IBe of a thermometer. For large 300 18 neetk said dtJ P« Ito small boss and Dies the wntor I The treasurers are allowed on deputy at salary of $55.00 per month and one additional clerk when necessary, at $40.00 per month to be paid monthly on the salary fund. -frogs and pigs the water For the Horseman. ami clork t0 ho paid moulbly Uy warrlmta on tb alar fund The states attorney's salary was Ifixed at $1000, a year. The jailors salary was fixed at $15.00 per month. Moved and carried to adjourn to Jan 13th iwi). Attest: Signed W. C. OLIVBR, Y:' p. MOE. Co.. Atudior Chairman. Sisseton 8. D. Jan. IS 1908 Board met ae per adjournment. Members all present as on prmous day. The board tben degnn checking up the treuarara, and auditor's receipts and voucher and spent part of the day at this work. The following warrant* were cancelled according to paragraphs 589 and SIX) of the compiled laws. No. 8171 Chaa. Borman. $2 00 9122 Hugo Engle....... 2 00 100M Stanley Harris... 2 00 iift'PetoJdrgenaon -s OP lOllS Otaaa. Johnaon 2 00 Mania too ..«»•&.-*.'Nan*fc<i r- jnom Uarr.N Mt-jjel t1*' OlM C. H. swanxon V) A. W. Craw fold 7 Ml !TO K. iJrandproy '.•IW Cli-i", Johnson -.MHI L'7'Y 1/ L). I.M'SON 1 50 1007S Nils Martinson. 00 !oo!H .)n!in PtMlorsor. -00 I'O'*!1 L. H. SpOarboeU -00 Thi' ofticial i'ujul »l A. .1. Kay as oounty a'.idilor in the pi'nal sum 2V.X«) with tne Nort Investori: Surctv To. of MiU'Ucl! as sureties as un motion lin'.y m'tprovcU, Moved and carrio.i tn t'ij •ton .lan. II. i:u Attest: i:. A 1 i.N. !'. M»»r, A udiwr. I'hairtnnn. s:-etun. Jan. 14lh Hind' met as per adioummeul. iiiciulii'^ .til p-.esont as on ptoviou- iy. Atlidavit nf l-'ranK !•'. Hendrieks for an abatement of lxo school poll town of Wiimot P. for tho year Piallo'.vetl. A Hi htvil i)f Howard HubeoeU adu. inist VA\OV t)ftln' rstaleof I- I.. Carter for a refund of property mad tax Msseton t,wp. for the year was on motion duly allowed. T'» Ituaril then linished eheckinj up trea urer's aud a ditur's honK and vouchers ami found tho Same all correct and in jjood .shape. The annual report, oi h. Win. ross eierk of eourts lor ihe year ll'iS hhoNviii} fees of :he tnu»- to bt3-. $22'^ '.7 'IM-I.-S salary L'JOO tVI Duo County *:,Tt Was on motion duly approved, The dtltctni bond uf A, I'«. ip!iu is jo"niy coroner ic the pmal sum with 1-. .1. Oiiatnd and H. K. spaekman as sureties was on motion duly approved. Hills were ihon allowed or rejected as fol lows: C. Knnppen stationery and print ing Dr. I. Sverre, medical service for county $ ot W. Foas, postage and rxpress for 1th jmutt.'r HKW L. W. FOBS, clerks fees li. W. Fuss, transcribing judgment docket I. btadrftad, box rent and postage for llli q.iavter 10os O. H. Jones, pi)iat-c, o:prtt^s box rent for Ith quarter 190} City of Sissetnn. water rent for county issi»inn Mill A. Light Co., coal and feed fi-r poor farm v: 00 1119 sU •Jl to IO 2 oi :iu i*) Moved and carried to adjourn lo Jan Attesi i^ned. W.C. OHVKU. I*. Co. A uditor, Chairman. Sisntou, S. D., Jan. lo, l'JC.), Hoani met as por adjournment,, members all present as on previous day. The following nills wer-! then allowed. J. H. Liwis, couuiy trey&urcr court sciipt..,. $ Ou T|H- Hell Fourche Hoe. oflietal est ray pa per 1 ,• The First National Hank of ais.'jeton s. 'Summit Hank, summit S. D. fu)00. 2 per cent ou naiiy balance. having tiled their bond as one of the county Corunu State Bank Coroua S. D. §«SCKR 2 per depositories at 2 per cent daily balance, in the cunt on uan.v balance. sum of $12u00 with the Northwestern Surety ivuberus i.'ouaty ai-atc iiauk. Corona S. D. Co, of Mitchell. S. !).. as surety, and *:,•( with 1 J. L. 1 imier, .shirill' fees 2fi 20 L. J. Adkins for laoo'r and ahCjas. line 2 .*(1 I. L. Minder, bherilf fees \',s 01 D.F.Stevens, register of deeds re cording tax deeds for county. :t 30 R. Udj-eth. co, commissioner per diem and mileage and looking utter poor »JO O. A. Vreim county commissioner per diem and mileage l.*i 00 M. L. S&teren, ounty commissioner per diem and mileago io iMi Peter Moo, coftnty Commissioner per diem aud mileage :ind two days at poor farm IV oo Harry Graubois. »ounly commis sloner per diem and mileage to the United Sliucs Pidotily & Guaranty Co of iiuliinJore, Md., u.-s surely, was on motion duly approved. The Roberts Co. State Think of Corona, S. L), having filed their bond as one o? thv» coun ty depositories. at 2 p'jr «*ent dally balance: with the Northwestern Surety ''o of 'ditoheil S. D., as surety, was on motion dtdy ap|.roved. Tin? Hoard then inspected the jail aud found the same O. Moved and carried to ndjourn to Feb. i'Jlh mi. Attest: Signed, \Y. •, OU vKii. p. MOH. Co. Auditor. Chairman. Swino Breeders. It Is to tho breeders of pure bred swine that thp farmer feeder looks for his improved animals. The breeders must produce types which will meet the utility demand, and I maintain that they must never allow this fact tu be ubst-tifeu by any nonessential matter pertaining to the various breeds. There is reaiiy no war between tho breeds. All are or should be wanted In the general campaign against the Bcrub wherever he may be found.—G. C. Wheeler. Show Ring Destruction. Apropos of remarks on "the injury the show ring 13 doing to Jersey cat tle" as -well as "all other breeds," Hoard's Dairyman says: "A large pro portion of the judges at fairs are utterly unfit to judge dairy cattle. They have no clear understanding of] the makeup of a dairy cow, and a: majority of them are men whose Ideal #f a cow is that of the beef outline." Value of Whey For Feed. Results of experiments at Danish, experiment stations show that twelve, pounds of whey from separator skim-i milk cheese.are eqaal to one pound of! irain for pig feeding, or one pound of' ikimmilk equals two ponnds of wheyi In feeding value. Experiments at the' Wisconsin station show a higher feed- tag value for whey, as it contains more! (at and casein than that used abroad. OD Sa'-gaparilla is the One True likK Purifier, Great Hervo i'omo, Stomacii Kegulator. To thou uids its great merit Is KNOWN. A CHEAT record of cures, one* J" quailed in medical history, prove# Hood's 8arMparilia poseesses merit un a»y,other NVEDICINC. 2 S AMONG THE CHURCHES WIIKRE TO WOKSIUP. LC'TH KHAN IHKV. K. •. LTRI»!K L\i-T«»r Ke}.*u!ar pieachi:: .' services will lu held at the Lut.L :ia huivh next S:nda.y forcjeo!). !'!vK!5VT KU1AN ni v.'i'. .i. 1 Ki:u Mi I'asior) Services in the I'rcsbyteriai rluire): vvcrv unday at 10:S0 a. m. and p- ni. :o'.!-iy sehoo! at ir,. Prayer meeting every Thursday eve::!!'. at '.o'clock. All are weleoni.?. CATHOLIC (KKV. »•'I{. IUIRN.KN, P.ITFTV»R Services at, ]i .!0 a. u«, ICvening devotions at 4:ooji. m. KT'.lODI.'iT\. i\. «•. :?AI:::SE. I'ast'U- Proachlm: or\ice!i at the M. F.. Churcii ererv Sunday at IOJUI A. M, and V. .M. Sunday-school at 11 :l"» Junior Le:« at ".:"0 P. Sunday. F.pwortli League at^'uM P. Sunday. I'arycr mceiiuH ovTy TSiursJay MI All of thes. servit'es are open to the public and a cordial welcome will he iru'rn to aii who come. K1MSOOPAF.. (IU:V. NKI.SON THALILT I' Pastor.) Kpiscojuil services will be hehl in the Guild Hall, the 2nd and ith Sunday of eai mouth. in:S0 a. in. Morning Pray»-r l.itauy and SerTnon, 12:eu noon Suuday school. 1:Ii0 p. m. Kvening prayer and sermon. eats and all welcome. Fir-t Dec. 2*i- Last.Ian. 29. In Circuit Court, Fifth Slate of South Dakota. Judicial Circuit County of Robert*. Yni -. Wiiiiuin Pe1111e 1 vs. Plainiin. C. Herman Scl-.rnidt, An-/ tin M'hmidt and Ameri can Mortgage Company. of Scotland, Ltd., a cor potation. Defendants, The Siate of South Dakota to the above namod defendants: You are hnreby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a. copy of your answer upon the subscriber, at his otliee in the CVy of Huron. State of South Da uota. within thirty (W) days after the service ofihis summons upon vou exclusive of the day of s»v»'iee: and tn case of your failura io appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to Ihe Cnurt for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated at Huron. South Dakota this lUh day of June. A. D., 1907. H, NULL. F. A HALI.. li. a. Cosnu.N. Plaintiff's Attorneys. The complaint mentioued in the above summons is now on file with the Clerk of courts at his o'lice in Swseton. uoierts County. Sontli D-ikota. H. NULL. Attorney for Plaintiff. J-' Jan. L:i^t Feb. 'IC. SI'MMONS. State of South Dakota, In circuit Court. ss. Fifth County ot Roberts, Judicial Circuit, F. F. James. Plaintiff, vs. Jessie A. West Deiendtuit. The State of South Dakota to the above named defendant, ^reetimr: Vou are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action. which said complaint will he tiled iu the onio-o« the Clerk oi the Circuit CVmri ot the Fnt-U Judicial Circuit of the State of South tin kola, within and for tho County of Kobens, and to serve a copy of your answer to said ccmpluini upon the sub fccrihor at hi* oitice in th»-. ity of sisseton. Ivob-MMs County. South D. ko-a, witliin thirty dayb after r.ho serv i-.- of t!iih suiitmoiia upon you, rxvluMve of tin* day such ^.ervicp: And you :no hereby rhat if yon to up: ear and ausuvj sai ". i.)]'!aini wbhiu thirty days after the servv of \h.-» suMin'ioii?. upon you. as above required, ±".U\ plain in' will take judmjiotit u*_'.iinr. yon V»y uefau:t i.»r the sum of Two Hundred I.ioliars with in terest thereon at the rate «-f ten per cent p"r nnum from November together with the costs and disbur^-n'M-nt- of this action. Dated Novembers'-. l'i'K. LLOW.\HO ivAIKOCK, Piaintiu'M A utorncy. Notivv i'-s hereby Miar, the above sum mons is published pursuant t.u an ojL'ler of said Court, made January V, I'.Hi'.l, and that the complaint in said action was tiled in the oilice oi the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county on December 11, l'-U^. How UT HABCOOK", PhiliftitT's Attorney, Virst.ian. 1*. i.ast .Jan 2'.) Notice of Application to Probate Wit State uf South Uutota( conniy i.l Roberts =b- lu Witness tnc Hon. E. J. Turner, Judge of the County Court, and tho seal of said Court, this 14tli day of January A. D. 1909 at his ottJeo in the city 0i Sisseton, conuty of Huberts State of South Dakota. E. J. Turner Attest. JuUj of county court, [Seal] I. stadstad. First Jan. ir,—Last Feb. 5. Order to Show Cause on Application ef Guardian for Order of Sale of Real Estate. State of South Dakota, I BS. In County Court- County of Roberts. 1 In the matter of the guardianship and estate of Claude Uurtluige, minor. It appearing to this Court from the petition presented and Bled by P. K. E. Lee, the guardian ot the estate of Claude CartlidKe, a minor, praying for an order of sale of certain .Teal estate belonging to said ward that it Is necessary and would be beneficial to the ward that such al estate should be sold. It is hereby ordered that the next of kin ot the said ward, and all persons interested in the said estate, appear before this court on Monday, .the 8th day of February 1909, at nine o'clock A. m., at the court room of said court, in the city ot Sisseton. in said Roberts county, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of such estate. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be puWished^in the Sisseton Weekly Standard, a legal petrspaper of said county, tor four cousecutive weekly publications next prior to tbe date at said bearing. Dated January Hth, 1909 By the Court: E. 3. TURNER, Judge of the County Court. Attest: (SEAL) I. STADCXAD, 'aiif'sesw Clerk of the Uounty Court. (Pit St December 11 last January 22.) NOTlCl. OF iMOli TCJAC SALK. \Yhe:«*as delault has been made in ihe con ditions '.'I a »-T'atn moi'tgakre containing a 1 junvi.r ot sale, ^sven by Nels 'I'olfson. a Mt -le inai.. lnortgiigor. to (ieoive F. Ifoth cd lioek 1 Island. 111., miirt^-.igee dai*d July 10. and tiled for record mtheonicf ol the Register of Uetuls of Koboru County, Soul I ak»«ta. on July a- rei oided P.iMU :t| of n»urt- on page *2. mortgaging the land sit uaiem Kotjert.- Countv, M)tih Dakoia. des crdiC-l as the Mjnth halt ot the southwest (S1 S W. d' section thirty and the half ot the «juarn-r (U of section thirty one •:!). in t:wi^shi|) one hundred twen live l2.'d rniiL-e tifiyiwo »*-2.i. een ainlng on*' handreo sixty 11'0 acr».s. tn r*.: or Je«s according to the gov«- ri»mout. survey thereto', io M-ciire the paymeni of one certain lio-e therein described t-.r S»'\en iiundred Dollars and interest, which martunge was, on the 2'.Hh day of September i'.» 2. bv s-aid m«'iL i/ayee duly tissiu'!ied -o S C. Denkmfinn ot Uo"ck Is.and. Illinois, by an assignment writ in«. which was on ilje tn.h day ol Decrember T.KiS. at I0::l0 o'eJo.ik A. M. duly fiied for r.vord \n the otHcc of the Kei-'ister of Deeds ol Rob erts County. South Dakota, and recorded in Hook .7.) of niort ages, on page 2r which do fault consists in the nonpiivni'-nt of the deb', and interest secured by said mortgage, amounting at this dale to Kight Hundred Fifty-eight Dollars and Fifteen cents, besides the sum ot Fifty-flight Dollars and Ninety-ftix cents, taxes levied aud assessed against said property paid by ihe owner of said mortgage, and no procueOiritf'* at law or ether\vi:i0 have been had to collect said debt. Now. therefore, notice if- hereby given that -aid mortgage will tie foreclosed by a sale of the above described mortgaged premises by the s»herin'of Roberts County. So.n.h Dakota, on Satu ni ay ihe :ird day of Jau.iary A. D. U'09. at Ihe hour one o'clock P. M. id said day. at the tront door of ihe Court house, in the City ot Sisseton. in Roberts County. South Dakota, lo satisfy said indebtedness of •? and said taxes 'amounting to ihV*'M». which amount is now due upon said mortgage, to getherwnh ue-jiuiuK interest ?in.t eosis uf sale allowed law. Da'.t-d Deccmt)er h», 1IH.i\ S. C. DKXKMANN. Assignee PI mnriaitf '-. HOWAIIIJ I'»A li'll li. Attorney LO Dtil'.S M. W. A. A No, r.'ci.ts 1st a nd I»d Tuetdav in each month, visiting al wayjj welcome. NI l.SON WILCOX. Y. C. A. H. MAITUKW^. cu-rk. DW, \v S. HOWARD. RILVSICIAN AND SURGEON OHice over Wah.dieh Pint's Stort: Sisseton, S. D. KTKU1KAUV SR LUI K.JNS. Fred McDonald, V. S. Gandiiate of Veterinany Science School London, Ontario. Treats all diseases lo which live stock is subject at all irues Surgical operations when nec cessary. All work done in a practical, conscientious and professfonal manner. Office at Pryor's Livery Barn, so I)oK. Wlien in need of a- VETERINARY SissetoinS. D. -°"iity,,Ourt. Notice of Time appoint ed for I'ruviiig will, et. Tn the matter of the estate uf Thomas H. iv.i'Vtir, Deoasort. The !*iaie or South Dakota senris irceiiuK iu i^uiuia Peever. David Bryan Peever. Dai^y kice, .JamesPeever. a^U all other lieirs next oi kin of Thomas 11. Peever. deceased. Pursuant to an order of sold court made on the 11'li day of Janrary. A. D. 3909. notice is hereby irlveu thsit Tuesday the -rid day of February A. D. 1900. at o'clocu A. M. of ihe saul day, at Ihe Court Uoom of said court at M&setun, in tho county of Koberts. 1). liave been appointed as the time and place for provmgiho Will of said '1 liorrias Peever lec.M6ed. and for hearing the petition for probate thereof, and the issuance of Loiters Testamentary therein, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. W, V-' call on-SURGEON A N A A no ».fva t? all uf hordes air cntiic. Ulii.'c at the City Prutf St,j re 'J. '.'hnstimsfn's Pectl Barn Office Phone 14-2 House 137-21 Sisseton, South Dakota VI C/PTICrANS. Want Column. FOR I 1 -1% Eyes Examine! and Consultation E E Wren will be in [C-. SISSET ON at Dr. Bobb's Office. -"Eyes tested and fitted. Call and see me. If you have no eye strain, no charges.) "wTsCr: WREN INSURANCE John C. Perkins (Notary Public) Real Estate, Loans. Insurance and Collections. When you have any business in these lines, I shall be pleased to serve you. You will be treated right. At The Standard Office SHI r^'L-1 3 *, \Li-i -Six room house and six lots in Sis-eioo. tJood hi«' iiion. Will sell cheap ii taken at. once. Adlress K. STANOAKH of fice,' IH.W I-: a ijuaru-r block ol city lols, llnesl local ion in the eiiy. i.s broken and' tit a set out and posts sei for fence *20o taK»'S them, A snap C. t.\ Knappen. F')K 1 \. W N.M.i, ,\ iiard coal healing iovo suit-u Ide for a .small house cheap, aNo .vo wooden bedsteads in good shape, oiu child «, bed. App'y to C. C. Happen. F«w ALlv Ful) -nil acres of limber laud n«»n eru Minnes(»ta, small liou^e on he sa'i and limber enough oil It to more than pay for it, A snap at tl2 an acre. C. kmippeti L"'O N!) Ladies furs found at HJ Si&seton opera house. Di ceinbor 20 b. Party can ret sattie hy callinu at the Red Cross l'»rng Store pro\iug paopei ty aud paying for this ndver ti.semeii -Mana uer (Ipera (^i) Ill-NT- TWO IT RN LSI! Kl ROOM^ wnh or wuho it- heat. R.Jies reasonable' uiijutt o' ,M rs. I ni let a Steele. FOR Saic or Trade -Lot and stna11 busjuess buildmii now ret.led on Main AM-, near ty hall, Sisx'tjn ill .sell chea or trade for land. \I.I-. ui-' I MI I I I KII I N: I A LANDS '1'ln- j!:Ii.• 1 ei-L'iiy ini'onnuii ii",:.LS.inlier-Dak. ilea imlKiM 1 it i.i^ w11tiin'tlie limits or Uil- ,^is Sl-llMi AfJril.'J-, .--OUl.ll U:i!iol:L. OlVt'l'C'.l f»r UlllLT -.'• I 1. Hi I till' ACl. llf f'iillHI'Pss"ill) DiDMil May '-'7, r.nw .:i-J staib. will in rouiiH piiL)iu-i.y I.,:, .: n-ur.ry where SCMIC.I imi." lor ILIU |MiiTli iyc nf any U'act on li-l will be IVIVIv«l bv tl.u nhilci'sir-NED ::P LO 1" .«IUIUII of Ihe ii iv UIHIII wiiioli bids arc adv(rrtNed to be open. AH hid* shall be enclosed in a scaled envelope conspicuously marked "Hiii*. f,,f in. heriied indinn Laud." The Unto ot tho pro posed sab must al.-.o bo written thereon, but nothing else. I'.ach bill must be accompauicd by a duly certuied check on stime solvent batik, payable lothe order of Uniten State Indian A«»nt, for I he use of the grantors, for bv'in y-iiv'e per uent of the amount offered, as a narantec fur the faithful perh-nnanc by the bidiler of his proposal. If the hid shall be accented and the successful bidder shall, within a reison.ible time, i.ttrr due notice, fail to comply with the terms of his bid, ihe moiuy rcprosetned l»y .-u-h check hall b» lorfeited !o I lie use of he owners of the land. The righltn reject nny nnd a!) bids is re served and bids will only bo arccpietl by the A^ent or other officer in charge sit"bj«vi to the approval DI theowners T»f the land.' I'iiicliarcrx ha!l p:».y all c«»wi« of convcv anrinc. ano in aldition the folhwin^ Mim, to wit I he purchase pr ce is or less 51..M*: 1 it is more tban $lu(H and less than :.'n00. r'J.lH!: a ml where tho purchase price more tlian *V.Vi Sealed bids for the following descnbisd tracts of inherited Indian I uni luted for sale Decomcci' in, r.n». posted l)e«-eiuher "Jl. UK's. uil{ be receiveil by lie U.S. Inoian A^entai tho Sisseton Airencv. S. 1)., up to 12 o'clock noon »f Ktduuary 1'.'. I'.ic.i. No. I. Wlmvvj. w'j sw1.,, sec. wt twp. \:l\, I't'LT. r,i'. No. hot- vsee. l'.i. twp. 121, rii£. K. \i.l.F.\. I*. S. Indian Ayem Notice of Dissolution. ^^otice is hereby ^iven that the partnership heretofore exiatir. between T. W. cahill and I A. J. Nuchas, under tho linn name of cahill and NechoB. is hereby dissolved and I wish I advise my friends that I am to «»ay for some time to deliver soorts, according to tho apree* men' with customers A. ,1. NKCIIAS. Blood and Nerves are very ciosrv :y rr!:ileil. Keep tho hlood rich, pure ,iih1 lic.-ilthv, willi Hood's Sarsaparill.'i und ion will Imvc no nervousness. Hood's Pills arc best after-dinner •oili.-.aid d'yc.rlion, ])rev^utcoiislij)»tio» THE STANDARD REMEDV FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY TROUBLES, KINDRED DISEASES GiVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally ft affords almost in stunt relief from pain, while perman ent results are being effected bv taking it internally, purifying the blood, dis solving the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DRn C. L. GATES £2 Hancock, Minn., FFIG A little «JII hero had Mich a weak hack Z& caused hy Uhomiiatipm and KUlnev Troublw thnt. t«ho could not stand on lu-r i'oot. Tho inuuiQut they put her down 011 tho floor slu* would scveam with pairiP. I treated her wi DROPS"and loilfty HhorunHnround as well andliappy as can he. I pr»»wrlh' "ft PHOTS" .»r my patients and nso It In my j.rHct! e." HI FREE If you arc suffering with Rheumatism. Lumbago, Sciatica. Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble or any Itiudreti disease, writo to us for a trial bottle of "5-DHOPS." 5-DROPS is entirely free from opium, cocainc.morphine, alcohol.laud auurn and other similar ingredients. Large Size Bottle "5-DROPS" 300 Dosec) $1.00. Per Sale by Druggists. SWANS0N RHlUMATIG Dept. AO. 174 Lake Street. Chicago copyrights.eta., IN.ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct with Washington saves titue, I money and often the patent. Paten* and Inftfng&mant Practice Exclusively. Write OP come to ua at 62S IVintb Street, opp. United States Patent Ofllce,| WASHINGTON, P. C. •?s L( ship vV 4\ last -S Baki also Pow stocl Jo fronr ••y'r'i Nor* woul raon if th as a Sisse for Lou •ft (VAAWi the 1 the short from •3$ li 11683. We K'SSS t-i. CURE COMPANY Bend modal, •m