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Vil $1 'I VQ- 'V| 1 VOL 16 Absolutely Pure SBBSfiK Frank Curran, Minn., arrived in day last and is daughter, Mrs. C. T#* -'"sy4 ~trk *1 i* .• j® •*•£5 SPSS! ill -h U, •b "tf. 1J & princi healthfulness solutety Insures wholesome and deli cious rood ror every aay HToring Fred Sheldon and wife, of Winans, were in the city Mon day. FOR SALE—About 300 bushels oats and barley—Jacob Jacomet, Easter township. (It) Bert Beard, manager of the Unique Theatre, is visiting his parents in Montevidio. A special sale of Fountain Pens at the Palace Drug Store. Get one now and save half. 0. P. Rask cashier of the Citizens National Bank, went down to the cities Monday. Mrs. Edward Johnson, of Lien township, was cured some time ago by the use of Baker's Anal yic Liniment. Phosphates Alum 0USJU Pictures of Current £r»ents of Northfield, the city Fri visiting hie C. Knappen. D. R. Thomas, of Minneapolis, an old classmate of Thos. Mani's, was in the city Thursday, the guest of Mr. Mani and wife. Miss Dorothy Olds left last Saturday eivening for Aberdeen in answer to a telegram an nouncing the illness of her brother. Mrs. Kellogg left Wednesday night for Somerset. Wisconsin, to consult Dr. Till in regard to her illness. She was accomani ed by Miss Maude. Miss Emma Brush has re signed her posision in the Stavig Bros. Store and will leave to morrow for Minneapolis where she will enter the Swedish hosp ital for the purpose of taking a preparatory course in nursing. The 1910 calandar samples on hand at the STANDARD office are the finest thing ever put out. Order early and get your choice. Deliverly made any time before December 1st. We also have a fine line of samples of blotters and fans. States Attorney J. J. Batter ton was taken suddenly and ^seriously ill Monday and has been confined to his room ever since. Mr. Batterton was so ill Monday and Tuesday that there were three doctors in attendance. We are glad to say he is some better at this writing altho he is not out of danger. The G. A. R. are making ela brate preparations for celebrat ing Lincoln's birthday ii Sisse ton, February 12th. An excel lent progrkm is being prepared and no expense is being spared to make this comemoration of the martyred president an im pressive one. Full particulars will be annouced next week. Mrs. P. A. Schocher arrived home the middle of last week from a visit with friends in Culbertson, Mont. Saturday evening a number of friends organized a suprise party and proceeded to the Schocher home to welcome her back. The crowd was a large and merry one and all present enjoyed one of the best of times. V(..v_ .-i I Kinetiscopfc Views of the Local Happenings of the Week Bran and Shorts at Sisseton Mill, now selling at 19 and 20. Leo Lukanitch left Saturday evening for a trip to St. Cloud. Arthur Wampler returned Monday night from a few days visit at Wilmot. W. D. Sloan, the hustling real estate man, of Summit, was in the city Monday. R. O. Pearson left Monday evening for Hot Springs to try the medincial Value of the springs. Dave Johnson was among those who came in from Lien township Tuesday on business. Justin Hammond, of the North ern Implement Co. of Min neapolis, was in the eity Tues day. Ole Seising of Effington came in Tuesday to pay up a year subscription and get a pair of shears. C. G. Knight formerly of this town but now of Lemmon, is in town on his way back from Fayette, Iowa. Ole Hogaland, who went to Minneapolis about three weeks ago and was operated upon for pleurisy, is reported as much improved I health. Hogan Larson «.nd family re turned Tuesday from Milan, Minnesota, where they have been visiting for the past few weeks. One of the children, while away has been very ill with pneumonia. Among those who called this week to renew their subscript ion and get a pair of shears were George Veeder, of Effing ton, H. C. Nieland, Fred Sheld on, of Winans, Geo. Jenkins, of Seattle, J. H. Negaard, Mrs. Smith and Swan Moe. Geo. J. Jenkins writes us from Seattle, Wash., as follows: "I enclose a postoffice order for $2.35. One dollar and fifty cents for paper for coming year, 75c for arrears from July 23rd 1908 to Jan. 23rd, 1909 and ten cents for postage on the pair of scis sors you offer to every one who complies with your conditions. We have had quite a touch of winter out here, about a foot of sncw has fallen, that is during a week, and one night for a few hours the thermometer register ed 80 above zero, cold enough to make havoc with the water pipes.'' The Episcopal Guild wrl give a birthday social in the Guild Hall, Friday evening at 8 p. m., Feb. 5. Invitations have been issued to the same in the shape of shipping tags with a small sack attached in which the reci pient is to put as many pennies as years old. "If your age to tell you do not care, put in a quarter and we'll call it square." If you should not receive a sack, come any way with a quarter and you will be welcome. A literary and musical program will be rendered, after which lunch will be served. Come and help a good cause along. ertmt I ASr NATIONAL Opening Postponed. Washington, Jan. 22. Under the original plans the date for making entries under the regis-i tration and drawing held during I the last fall for lands in Tripp' county, S. D., was set for Maichj 1, but owing to the uncertainty of weather conditions at this time of the year the department has decided to postpone the opening day until April 1. Notice of the time and place and when and where entries are to be made will be shortly mailed to all of those who drew numbers entitling them to make entiies. ... The general land office has is- same state. By reason v,* establishment of the new office old Mitchell and Chamberlain districts are changed in that all remaining public lands of the RrosP?rous 4 pace. 'Quality Folks"1. Basket Ball. We understand that some of the High School girls have formed a basket ball team and are practising regularly and ex dect soon to be able to give all the best of 'em a hard game. Ortley's Best Butter. The Ortley Optic facetiously remarks: "Alas and alack! Little Minnie Whitefoot-Kottke-P ay den Howland is no more. The gentle creature who was such a. ., familiar feature of the landscape ican ln mal visits might be expected any time of the day or night, will never be seen again. Many's the tale that is told of her friend- Lincolns Hundredth Anniversary. Feb. 12 will be the hundredth anniversary of the birth Lincoln and the Grand Army SlSSKTON, ROBKRTS COUNTY, S. 1). .JANUARY 29, 1909,-10 Pases No. 82 ALTAR AND GRAVE county, S. D., aire transferring' American beauty roses. Follow the records from Mitchell, in the J"*the ceremony a damty break- ago Mr and Mrs KIhodes oo— rst tw fast was served at the of l"e at Gregory the boundaries of the ,. mer*y old Mitchell district east of the ,na: After a visit river are attached to the Cham- «.a Yes,in —e berlain district, while those west of the Missouri and south of the White river in Gregory county and including Tripp coun ty, which is detached from the Chamberlain district, are placed within the Gregory district COUNTY. Parker's Landscapes. Pitt Parker's landscapes are different from the ordinary kind. He can make a "lightning sketch" so realistic that it will look like thunder and a storm of applause will follow. P. P. belongs to the a Marriages. ARCHAMBIO-ORR We take the following account of the wedding of two well known young people from the Browns Valley Tribune: On Wednesday, Jan. 20th, eleven o'clock, at the home Father Tniebauit was solemnized the ceremony uniting the lives fortunes of i?liss Margaret Ann Orr and Mr. Fred Archam bio. Attending the couple were Miss Minnie Orr, sister of the ai}d 1 1 ,• ii of KLSRFTFON IT FNFI of Sisseton, S. was beautifully sued a bulletin regarding the establishment of the new land,. .. ... office at Gregory in Gregory *an messahne silk and carrying at 0f ^taftord D. The bride attired in buff messaline silk Angpl of the House is missing, Time alone that great physician, aj thepast summer and whose infor- wounds and soften the sorrow nn/-l vt ly calls and many's the night we j?e done not till have heard the pit-pat of her en W1" little feet on our porch in the breavement but dear friend, wee sma' hours, and wondered ,Ye sleepily whether anything mov-1 ?. 4fath shall be laid upon you, able had been left outside. Poor when your final farwell to Minnie. She was only a kid I ^|s ,wo,r.^ ^ou ^ave when she came here, and while 'ie down to your sleep she may not have been the and you approach the bnnk of "flower of Ortley," she uniform throughout the country !more and the local posts are requested to see that the day if fittingly observed and to that end the co-: operation of the schools, the chruches and press are earnest ly requested, the Militia are especially requested to h^lp make this day what it should be, one of patriotic rememt ranee. "eai the then and not till then will he be able to adequately contem plate the glory of that home to which she has gone and say reconciled to his Wi if£rda"'£e comforted by was certainly the butter, and we th°ught tha.t she will meet shall miss her. 1 ~e a?d Reqmescat in holiday and have asked the gov- family joined the funeral party ernors of the different states to at St. Paul. bring the matter to the atten-. PIOGRAPHICAL. tion of the legislatures. Nat- hand sa1^ a°d go over with you. The funeral was held at the late home of the deceased Tues day afternoon and the remains were taken to the old home at St. Peter, Minn, by the husband and brother J. O. Andrews of and wife. A nephew. Fred nf Sinclair accompanied the party. We lonal headquarters of the G. A. -American Woman" by Francis E. have formulated a program is!Z' other""oV4K tar.-#. are indebted to the book |E. Willard and Mary E. Liver- for much 0f the data __________ F. B. Rhodes in Dec. 14, 1875.! mill which has not been work She possessed in a remarkable ing right for some time, decided Two furnished rooms to rent. I degree musicial ability which is it would do no n.ore, and ac Warm and comfortable. Apply,the heritage of the Andrews cordingly broke its self up in to Miss McQuillan, (tf) family, possesing as she did a'business Saturday night. The lyric soprano voice of great purity, richness, and compass, she soon became a great favorite on the stage she was a member of the Andrews Opera Company at the age of seventeen and was Prima Donna with this company for years, winning applause andi favor in nearly every state in the union: When the company formed what was known as the "Andrews Swiss Bell Ringers" she became famous as the sopra- |no bell ringer. Among her r» J? muai^ai mouuuima wcic iui. W. N. Burritt, of Chicago, Prof. Lowcnthal, of Paris Conservat ory, Madam Corain, of the Conservatory of Milan. In 18,90 the constant strain of daily singing and the weariness of incessant travel brought on a severe attact of nervous pros tration from which she never rpmu™,! to m,home .... ""de mother. The bride18 j. one of Browns Valley popular teaching voeal and instrumental m, you1?^ The £T°0i" for is a of Effington, S. D., rnar* from with and ea? Mrs. Archambio will make their home in Canada. Their many friends extend congratulations. Deaths. RHODES. Died in this city on Monday Jan. 25, 1909, Laura E. Rhodes, aged 55 years. It is with sorrow and genuine grief we take up our pen to chronicle the death of one who for the few short years we had kiiiW- K?r, had been to teas a f'ritAw c6iJ a sibber and, we sin gle our tears with \hose of the be reaved ones, not forgetting that any attempt to measure their loss would be vain or that no words are adquate to assuage the grief of those who remain. The hmband, especially who has watched the loved one gradually, wearing away to the land o' the leal like the snow when its thaw,'' will miss the sweet companion ship of the one whom we now fancy waiting for him in the 'palaces of ivory with win jdows, crystal clear," besides the still waters bordered with silver lilies and the waving palms of paradise, but his heart will not be comforted for the Four years Sisseton during which much of her time she has time been music and appearing at Cnau taqua assemblies. The family remaining are J. O. Andrews, of this city, Dr. J. Wesley Andrews, Mayor of Mankato, W. I. Andrews, and Edward M. Andre 7 s, of Mid ford, Oregon, George Andrews, of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Mre. Florence Clayton, of St. Paul, Mrs. Mary Stone, of Man kato, Mrs. Alice Parker, of New York City. SISSETON AND VICINITY Lien Pickups. special CorrcspondeaM: Pete Anderson has gone to McLean Co. N. D. Sever Arneson left today his home at Macoun, Can. Tommy Connangton returned from Britton last week. for Andrew Brodale has gone Valley City N. D. Thomas Harrington has cousin visiting him from Wis. Miss Martha Prigan is again clerking for Dr. Morton at Win the dom. you Ada Hendrickson is again giv ing music lessons, Augusta Stor dalen is taking her place at the telephone office during such hours. which follows. Laura Ellen (Andrews) Rhodes was born Oct. 1, 1854 at Casey, III. but removed with her family to Minnesota about 1860. She was the daughter of Rev. John R. lar west of his store in which he and Deliah Andrews, her father Y'." to Dr. Morton was called out M. L. Ruds Saturday. Mrs. Joe Class returned from Britton last week. to Gus Rud and Bessie Arneson won the prizes at the squer ade in Effington for having the best costumes. Effington Echoes. Special Uorrofipondttnee, C. B. Perkins returned Satur day after a months vacation in his home at Spring Valley, Minn. The diphtheria scare is keep ing some pupils from school. We hope it will soon blow over. Archie Ellestad who was ac cidently shot last week is rapidly improving. Justice Fisher had a case last Wednesday between French and latter had unlawfully taken a camera from him. Mrs. Prigan is entertaining friends from Wilmot. Miss Hattie Veeder has been or. the sick list. Dr. Morton was called last Sunday, and we un derstand she is improving. The warm weather has stop ped Mr. Tigler from putting up ice. N. G. Beito is digging a eel- st°re being a Methodist minister, doing the digging. She was united in marriage to! The gasoline engine in the ic.e- Anton Dahl is result is that it will not be repair ed," and out miller, Mr. French will leave us. We regret to see him go as he- has given us ex cellent service. Because of theexplosion in the mill, Mr. Mesick, our blacksmith will also leave us, not because he is afraid of explosions but he says it breakes him UD in busi ness. The shop which was all repaired Lust fall and is being well equipped cannot long be' without a blacksmith. Wilmot. The following from Wilmot was crowded out last week: A FAMILY REUNION. A/1 j* Geo 2sxtcr re turned Thursday evening from Lincoln County Wis., where they had been to attend a fami ly reunion gives at the paternal home of Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter cn New Years day and where the entire family was represented. From one who was there we glean the follow ing facts: The Grand Reunion was the idea of their son George W. of Wilmot S. D. who summoned every member of the family to Clifford Wis. for New Years day. None were obliged to send regrets and on the eventful day the father's home was a scene of the happiest event ever chroni cled in the history of Lincoln County. The guests, numbering twenty in all arrived in plenty of time for the big New Year din ner and most of them remained for several days. The father had the coiaplete entertainment of the family in charge and from morning till night there was nothing but thorough enjoyment and pleasure for all. On New Years day at 6:00 o'clock P. M. when the family had the specious dining room to themselves' the reunion din ner was announced. The air was filled with happiness and good cheer and until eight o'clock merriment with young and bid alike reigned supreme. The happy spirit was every where even in the decorations which were arranged by the skillful hand and artistic eye of the hostess. The long table was arranged in the spacious dining room and at the head were seated the father and mother while on the one side sat the old est son and on the obher opposite the oldest daughter then the next oldest and so on down the line, This unique idea of the hostess's being carried out to the youngest of the grandchild vcn. During the serving of the sumptuous dinner, which lasted three hours, impromptu remarks were indulged in in which the entire assembly joined heartily. After the close of the dinner all gathered around the organ and sang the old familiar hymns, "'Twill All Be Over Soon" and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." All voted it the time of their lives. The members of the family were: John Baxter and «*ife and Wm. Harcourt and wife of Clif ford, Wis., Wm. J. Baxter and wife of Weyborn, Canada. Mrs. Hattie Borland, of Madison, S. D., Mrs. Marian Samasac and son of Janesville, Minn., Mrs. Win nifred Burnett Smith, of Mill, Minn., Edward Baxter, of Ash land, Wis., Misses Clara Baxter, Lillian Baxter and Iva Baxter, of Clifford Wis., Harr.v Bax er and Geo. W. Baxter and wife of Wil mot, S. D. See our offer of a pair of $1.00 steel shears free. This latest and most useful Housenold Inven tion will be sent free, with one years subscription to the STAND ARD, new or renewal, by paying up arrears. If your subscriotion is about to expire yu cinnot af ford to miss this opportunity to secure a pair of shears whose cut ting edge will never wear dull, and which will cut anything from wet tiss«e paper to a heavy horse blanket. Lost,—Pocket book containing $27, in bills on Tuesdiv night between the Post Office and Calmensons Clothing Score. Finder will be liberally rewarded. RII a® J. A. LELACHEUR. 'j"** 1 iff 3JC "$ *1 ^5 -visli "i i.% a 'H $ ifXfi FL V. i.