Newspaper Page Text
rJ-JsH. W '•jf-F LOCAL LACONICS Wanted—Girl for general house work.—Thos. Mani. "Quality Folks" Feb. G, at the Opera House. Have you srut a pair of those •hears yet? They are going fast John O. Moen. of Lien town ship, transacted business in the •ity Tuesday. Wm. liattcrton returned from Minneapolis Monday where he kid been visiting for a week. P. A. Dahl and Ban Ellingson were in from Lien township Tuesday with loads of hogs. The third number of the High School Lyceum Course will be given at the Opera House, Feb. *hMr. and Mrs. Prilns, who have been visiting ac the ioebel home left Monday evening for Min neapolis where they will remain a short time before returning to tkeir home at uritton. Mrs. S. L. Goan and daughter vii jjuudiiun, Oic.. who has bscn visiting her mother Mrs. Mann .1—„_i uc[ioi t* «d for home last Saturday even ing. Will went to Milbank ith them. Old Farmer Hopkins. The celebrated "Old Farmed Hopkins" company will be at tiie O^era House next Mondsy might Feb. 1st. The following are some of ihe press noteB taken at random from a num ber of others. D. Chunn's "Old Farmer Hopkins" company in the city. And will give a performance in the Opera Houhe to-night. The band have a concert on the street at noon. A better band lu never been heard in Novinger and the show is no doubt is equal to the band —Ex. D. Chunn'S "Old Farmer Hopkins" brought to town today about the best band that has been the streets of Garden tati' E'incipal |r* Corners and played for If an hour. It was about the first band that ever came to town that did not play rag-time exclusively. It was worth going •ut to hear William Tell and aoch selections. They are at the Opera House to-night.—Lamed (Kan.) Tiller Toiler. LECTURE BY G. 0. SHIELDS All Beautifully Illustrated With Stereopttcon Slides. |b A letter from Maurice Schin dler, dated at Kit Carson, Col., Informs us that he has made ar rangements with G. O. Shields to deliver his illustrated lecture inSisseton at the Opera House March 3rd, 1909. No man in this country ha9 accomplished more in the crea tion and moulding of a healthy public sentiment toward our wild animal life than Mr. G. O. Shields, President of the League af American Sportsmen and Editor of Shields' Magazine. He las labored energetically and fearlessly for the preservation of aur birds, animals and forests, achieving a national reputation In the movement for a prqper re cognition of the value of Nature and the kindred of the wild in «or national life. Mr. Shields]jis an enthusiastic "%nd shrewd student of animal fife. He brings to a full know ledge of Nature a rare gift for aarrative and a fund of witty .an interesting anecdote. He is A man of fine presence and speaks ,, in alear and distinct voice. In the hands of so proficient storyteller the picturesque vagioiiofthe Canadian Roddes ^^••ijiiOTsatod in rill its fasdnatioa. The beautifully colored lantern slides accompanying the lecture showsnowslides in various stages of transition, from mountain peaks to and the high the vividly rirer beds, represent the ap palling force and destructiveness of these avalanches. Leading up to the subject of the snovTslides Mr. Shields puts on the screen many beautiful pictures of live wild animals and birds, and tells of his persona' experiences creatures. with these wild Card of Thankr. We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the kind frienbs. our neighbors, for their sympathy and kinuly services rendered at the hour of death and burial preparations of our loved one Mrs. Laura Andrews Rhodes. I1'. B. Rhodes. J. O. Andrews. Lizzie A. Andrews. Bonnie Andrews. Fred D. Sinclair. AMONG THE CHURCHES Churrlt Not«s. 1 ho Ladles Foreign Mlssioucry rioeioty of the M, E. church will aiuci with Mrs. i'errlu GoUlu^haui tho tlrsl Friday la February. lMin topic of lh* Htuily for thi» mouth is "The Islam." Tho Epworth LCUKUC will hold a Hoolal at lljo home of VV. A. Robinson this ovonln g. Hey. crouch, of Veblcn. will conduct services In tbo I'reshyieriau chuich oil bunday. Tho Guild of tho kplsoopal Church wore very pleasantly upturned Thursday after noon »t the homo of Mrs. W J. Towlos. WHERE TO WORSHIP. LUTLiEUAN (IlKT. K.N. llCDia. PaRtor.) KcKulitr preachlug services will be beld at Die Lutheran church next Sunday forenoon, I'KKSBVTKUIAN Services 1B the Preebyienaa ohuroli Sunday at 10:» a. m. nod 8 p. m. .Juuday school at 11:43. Services at 10:30 a. u. Evening devotions at 4:00 p. m. for •ome time. The band marched ap Main street just before noon today, and stopped on one of the next Prayer mealing every Thursday uvunlng at J:MU e'.ock. all are welcome. CATHOLIC (UT. Mi. KIRIJR, P«tOr.) METHODIST (RBV. B. C. SHIAIUH, PaalOl, I Preaching aervlees at the H. E. Cliurch everv Sunday at 10:10 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday-school at ll:A. Junior Leagae at 8:00 P. M. Sunday Epworth League nt.7:00 P. 31. Suudaj. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. All of these services are open to the public and a cordial welcome will be given all who come. EPISCOPAL. (HIT. HBUiON THAG1TT RectOr.) Eplsoopal services will be held the Uuild Hull, the tnd and Ith Sunday of each month. 10:30 a. m. Horning Prayer Litany and Sermon. 12:00 neoa Sunday sohool. 1:30 p, m. Evening prayer and sermon. seats free and all welcome. Literary Review. The February Housekeeper, Ux. O. Stanley Hall, so well known tor his trenchant paragraphs about education, is no less wonderful in his dramatic pauses than usual in an intensely interesting article in The Housekeeper (or February, The title is. "How Can We Make the Average Public School a Good School." The article is one of a series on Public School Conditions by well known authorities. Mr*. C. N. Williamson has stopped writing best sellers for a ilttlo while and has contributed to the number a short story, "Colonel Caylcy's Tea Party.' It is charming. ''The Pink and White Valen tine," by Edith Livingston Smith, Is an ap pealing story timely to the month. "Prevent ing Fire Losses," by Edward Peterson, in for practical application. The fashion, flowers, fancywork, cookery and helpful pages are as useful and suggestive as ever. The House keeper Co poration, Minneapolis. Minn.. Seventy-five eenta a year. Teachers' Maetiiur- The following program will be rendered in the Court Room at Bisseton. Saturday February 6,1900: AMBKICAK BISTORT AMD ITS GSOGHAPHlC CONDITIONS. Chanter III. Frank Dudeek Chapter IV Ida Streeter Chapter V. Haxel Chandler PRINCIPLES OF TBACHINO. •'sfc (While's Pedagogy) Prinoiplofi I and II Esther Wilkins Principles 111 and IV Maud Shank Principles V, VI, VII Oscar E. Ronning A cordial welcome to attend this meeting is extended to the public. The program will be. gin promptly at :3o o'clock p. m. a Program Committee, A. WING, FRANCIS HAMKOWl),..,: O. il. JONBS. »v.: .O& Sarsaparilla is the One Trua Blc Purifier, Great Nerve l'oni3, S'jomac£ Regulator. To tliou mda ite grcar merit Is KNOWN. OUSLSTOBlXA. goatfc In Kind You Haw Always Boitf A CHEAT nsoora of cures, une quuiied in medical history, provec Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses merit UB aowato Mor other HHEOICINC. School Report. Following is the report of Hie .usse ton I'ublic Schools for the month ena III January S, lUOi): FLKST I'LLIMAHY Total enrollment, 3!). Average attendance, '2H. .M'lllier absent nor tariJy: Carroll liiilx.'uck, Kiilnna hnsteii son l.otla Lrickson, John him-ison, A it lies Kavanaujrh, Knth Matthews. LII.A I-:VkiiaNCI:. A S S I A I A '1 olai i-iii'olliiieiit, .it). Avernpe Mlteiidance, 23. Neit'ier absent nor trilv. JCrvin l.nikson. Irl I licks. Howard Oldtjcru'. Arthur Thuinpson. Kalph Kriiglit. Diinorin OI.DS. Si:roNi (ikadi-'. 'i otal enrollment, .{I. Average attendance, 28 Neither absent nor tardy: Verna llimipfnei, Ida U'vim. I.ilas Mci^oieman, hvemi nlavn Melvili (•hristenson. iM.IZAltli'ni CKOAI.. I IIIKI) URAIVK 'i otal enrollment, 17. Average attendance, 12. Neitbe.r absent nor tardy: IIBII IU atiunaiuitii. ilcittrkv jjOVl lett, Klizabeth Morris, Joh nine l'lul. Williard Tew, ICdmond Soden. STATIA 15. AI.I.I'.N. FOUKTII (!I:ADI: Total enrollment. 35. Average attendance, :$2. Neither absent nor tauly: llelmer Brantseg, Lyman jliabcoek, Harl (.antield, George Johnson, Otis Marirk, Nora rhonipson, Lillian Kava nangh, Willie Mclveever, Clara Kocpke, Arthur Kmerson, ilolen Kmerson, Francis Warring. IIA/.EL UlIANIII.KK. FllTll (jltAl)l', Total enrollment, :17. Average attendance, 81. Neither absent nor tardy: Gordon ISabcock, Aubrey Knight Lois HaaSt Mildred Hicks, [Gladvs Lewis, Lucy Linster, iva McGee, Esther 'Morris, liisinsrk Thompson, Karl I'rice. FKANOHS H. 11 AMMONI). SIXTH GKAOK Total enrollment, 31. Average attendance, i0.42f. Neither absent nor tard): Web9ter Auberberg. Vernon lJiuwu. EeJ Eck, Lily Eck, Albert Grover, Leo Grovcr, Magnus Ilustad, Flossie Hicks. Ltav Haas, Leslie Morton, Ethel |Hall, Karl McColeman, Josie Piute, Lau^a stavig, Hilda Stavig, Mabel Swenumson, Eva Wynn, RuthjMinder, Edward Gee, Clive Uaas. MAIIKL CKAY. SEVENTH GKADE Total enrollment, .20. Average attendance, 19.75. Neither absent nor tardy Geneva Brown,Hazel Brewster, AI in a Hendnckson, Helen WolfT, Mable Sweeney, Clarence Sunde. WILLETTA JIUYANT. EIGIITII'GUADE Total enrollment, 25. Average attendance, 18. Neither absent nor tardy: Viola Kouts, Frank McKeever, Wyllys Morris, EH« Satve, Earl Knight fester Price, MAKY C. CAUI.AY. HIGH SCHOOL Total enrollment, 37. Average Attendance, 33.7. Neither absent nor tardv: Emma Erickson, Martha Morris, Hazel Spackman, Gerda Nekander, Josie Siefert, Melvin Axness, Clarence Anderberg, Clifford L'erkins, Marshall Okeson. ADAH STKEETEIS, Prin. A. G. WING, Supt. LEASE OF COMMON SCHOOL LANDS. Notice 1B hereby Riven that on March 30fh 1909, all the uuleaaedcommon school lands In RobertsOoanty, will bs offorod for lease at public miction, between tho hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and S o'olock p. at mo front door of the oourt house In said county. Oated at Pierre. January Ziith 1809. O. O. DOKKKR, Commisssoner of School mid (9t( Public Lands. Examinations. Notice is hereby Rtrln that gularexamlna tions for tCMChers certiflcatea, to be held at sisseton, are set (or Thursday and Friday on the following d^tes: February 4th aud 5th April 8th and 9th June 10th and llth July 29ih and 80th Feptemoer lflth and 17Hi Final examinations tor Kishth Grade Pupils will be held at Sisseton, Wllmot summit-. Whltn Rock and Kdlngton. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the following dates May 25th and SOth June 22nd aud 23rd. Thos: planning to take any of these Dimi nutions will please retain a copyj'of this notice for reference. .... O. H. JONBS County superintendent. •it j—ir NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Lena Wilson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Samuel W. Wilson, administrator of the estate of Lena Wilson deceased, to the creditors of and all persons harm? clalmt against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, tb the said Samuel W. Wilson, at Sisseton, in the County of Roberts, South Dakota. Dated January Kth. HOB. Sp-.S BAMUBL W. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO Their Unceasing Work Keeps Strong and Healthy. All the blood ir. the body pusses througe the Uidneye once every turoe uainutes. 1 lie Kid neys filter the blood. 'J hey wonv mgbi aud d«y. When healthy they remove abeut y00 grains of impure mutter daily, \ben un healthy some part of this iiiipuu n.utter is left in the blood. 'Jbn orint's OIJ many diseases and symptoms'—pain the back, headache, nenoutness, hot, drysUin, rlmuma tism, gravel* disorders of iIjc eit-sight lau.l hearing, dizziness, imvular heart debility drowsiness, urupsv. deposits in the urine, etc. Jlut if jou Keen the idlers light you will have no trouble with Your Kidneys. Miss Vernif Koune. living in tho north wostern part of Sisseton, D. sa/fe. 'I suH'cj'cd fur a long time with kiduey trouolo, a tired worn out feeling clun^ to me, was» un abhi to rest at mgirt and on arisln}.' In the inormug would be weary and unretrtished. I had hardly sufficient strunmh to move about the house, was nervous and Icit reneraliy miserable. 1 hnally h-arned of Ijoau Kiu ney Pills and deeming to try iliem. procured a box ai the Palace Diuu' fcture. 1 "id not have io take all the coti .eats of that one box nud relief. now e:::ov refresr!i!n.!.' s.ocp' aud am feeling better every way. am I glad t.j recommend Uoau Kidney 1U& to anyone suITerwi: from any ympion of hid ney tro.ibie." L- or sale by all dealers. Price "»o cents Foster Milburn Co.. liuHalo. .New\orii, solo for the United ^14*^ Remember the name—Doan s—and take jo other. a n. -Last Feb. }'. NOTICE Ob' IIP. \Hi \(i PICTLTTUN* KOI: UISTUII'.r'nox op KSTATL: -KXLMPT. Stale of i?.'Uth ^Dakota, ss. lu Countv Court. County of Roberts. In ih malierof the estate of Ta suu«ka-was te Deceased. !i«* stale of eolith Dakota senae ^'reeliu^ u\ y.n KO'hl ni-hi-da and James bweetcori: heire at law and next of kin of Ta sun ka was ic deceased, and to nil to whom thnse presents may come is Hereby Oivon hat James Sweet eorn has tiled with the itidge of this Court a vended petition in writing settintr forth that said deeeased left eetate consisting of rea: property, to wit: Lots numbered cue anu two. aud the north west quarter of the north we1 quarter of section fourteen, and ihe uoi ih east quarter of the north east quarter 'of section fifteen in township one hundred and iwenty st.x, North of Kange forty-nine, ft est of the Mfth Principal Meridian, con taining one hundred and sixty nine aeres and thirty three hundredths of which h« alleges to he wholly exempt from execution, attachment or other mesne pro- Judge of tho County Court. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Nam«iof Mortgagee Fred V. Dale. Name of Mortgagor Moses Williams. Mortgage now owned by Henry Goebel. Date of Mortgage Marcn 19,1906. ^Ued Janu ary 25,1909 in tfie ofllce of the Register of Deeus of Roberts County, South DaKota. Amount duo UDon Mortgage at this date JE •163.50 principal and interest. Default has been made in the payment of the promissory note of il'jO.OO and interest secured by said Mortgage duu on October 15, 190H and interest at luper cent per annum from the 19th dayof March, 1908 until the 24th day of January, 1909- Notice Is Hereby Given, that, under and by virtue of tbo Statute in such case made and provided, the said Chattel Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at Public Auction by the owner of mortgage or his agent ia the County of Roberts and State of South Dakota on Saturday, the 6th day of February A. D. 1909 at 2:uo o'clock in the afternoon of that day at front door of (Juaed .States Post Office of the City of bisseton, South Dakota in said County and State of South Dakota, the per sonal property described in said Mortgage as follows, to-wit: One bay mare about nine years old. weight aboui 1200 pounds. One half douole work harness. Dated January 27, 100,V 11 ENRV liOKnEI,, )wner of Mortgage. J. W. BAHRINC.TON, Attorue". First Dec. 25- vst Jan. 29. State of South Dakota. 1 In Circuit Court, Fifih :uicia! Circuit County of Roberts. William Daniel Johnson. vs. i'laiutiff. G, Herman ScLmidt, An na bchmidt and Amerl can Mortgage Company of Scotland. Ltd poration, company I., a corA nd&uts. I Defendants the above The State of South Dakota named defendants: Youarehnreby summoned complaint in this action, and to serve of your answer upon the subscriber. office in the City of Huron, state of South Da kota. within thirty (30) days after the service oftbis summons upon you exclusive of the day of semoe and lu case of your failure to appear or answer the plaiutiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. answer tbo Dated at Huron. South Dakota tnis 1th day of Juno. A. D., 1907. 11, NI?Li* F. A. BALL. K. H. CosnuN. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Thu complaint mentioucd in the above summons la now on file with the Clerk of Courts at his office in Sisseton. Koberts County, South Dakota. T. H. NULL. Attorney for Plaintiff. irst Jan. A—Ljjst Fob 12 SUMMONS. State of South Dakota, In Circuit Court ss. Fifth County of Uoberts. Judicial Circuit, F. E. James. lMaintin, vs. Jessie A- West D?foudant. Tue State of South Dakota to the above named defendant, {,rrnctlnK' You are hereby aummoned and required to answer tho complaint of the plaintiir in the above entitled action, which said complaint will be tiled In the ortice of the Ciork oi the Circuit Ceurt of tho Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of South Dakota, wiibin and for the County of Roberts, and to serve a copy of your answer to said ccmplalm upon the sub scriber at his ortice in the City of Wsseton. Roberts County, South Dakota, within thirty days after tho service of this summons UDon you, exoluslve of the day of such service: And you are hereby notltled that if you fail J£ill?pejirani. Wiuoa, ?&V Admlntstratur of tkecstate of ausw«r "pon said complaint within than thlS. thirty days after the service of thl«. summous First .1 a 1 •». I JA 89 NotfM of ApplieatlM t* Probate Stale of South OaPota County of KoUerib 5 Us ^issr?i*n, hi the roursty apjHiiiti'd 1 IK Wll ss. In county court. Notice of Time appoint ed for T'rovinp will, et In tl)£ matter of tho rotate of Thomas H. I'eevrr. Decayed. Thebaic of South Dakoia sends Greotitig to Kmuia J'eever. Davnl Bryan Peever. Daisy Kicr James l»ecver, ,d all other heirs next «d kin of Thomas H. IVuver. d.-ee.ised. Pursuant to an ortler of si'id omrt made on the H'h day of Jaurary. U. lfK»0, nolle hcrebv given that Tuesday the 2nd »v I briinry A. U. \W\ Hi said day, at of tile fourt Uo' iu of said rouri at. of Roberts. S. I tiiiit* and place lor proving 11n* Will of s:tid ihoinasH I'eev* fJ'vctjahed. and for hearing the petition for probate 1 hereof, anil the Nsuumv of U»tterB Te-»!.anieniary therein, when and where any I persoo interested may appear and coniest the sauie. I \Vi'tii.'i tut' K. J. .. li.-i, nf 1 he County C'uarl. and the seal of *aid «.mrt Uns I Ith day of January A. i- a", his otiice in lh»' ci'y ti Sisseton, ronuty of Uoberts Skate of South ]aNota. K. Turner Attest. Judge of county v'ourt, fs.-all 1. stadstad. rlork. i'irit. Jan. IT,—T/i-'l l-'eb. Order to Show Cause en Application cf Guardian for Order of Sale of Real Estate. S'mU- -i Oakotn. It is hereby ordered that the next of kin ot *ne .eaici wTi.rl, ami bi« persons interested ii! the said esi iie, appear before this rourt on Monday, theFLII day of February P'0. at nine o'clock A. M., at the i.'ourt r"«m v)f said rourt, MI tbo nty of Sisseton. in satd Roberts nur.ty, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of sue"'! estate A ud it i- further ordered that a copy of this order be published in the i?t*seton Weekly standard, a le«j al newspaper of said county. Ur tour (Consecutive weekly publications next prior to the date of said hearing. I Dated January Hth. 190!) K' cess, and praying that said estate be dis- fo-iud pubhciy lisled at said agency where tributed amoiib' the heir.- at law and next of sealed bins for vhe purchase of any tract on kin of said deceastd, without the regular .said list will be received by the undersigned administration thereof as piovideo by thn up to 12 o'clock noon of the day upon which I robato Code and that Monday the tirst day bids are advertised to be open. of March 10OU at 10 o'clock A. m„ of said day.! All bids shall be enclosed iu a sealed being a day of a regular term of this Court, to wit: of the March term, 1909. at the Court Room of said Court, at the City of Sieseton in the County of Roberts have been appointed as the time and place for hearing said peti tion. when and where any person interested mar appear and show cause why eaid petition should not be granted. Witness th* Hon. b. J. Turner, Judge of the county Court, and the seal of Seal of said Court,this 9th day of January •j County VA. D. 1909, at his ofHce in the City Court )of Sisseton, County of Roberta Ftate of South Dakota. E. J. TURNER, My the Court: K. TUHNEU. Jud«e of the County Court. A Most: C*!:\U I.STAOSTAO, Clerk of the County Court. T#K OF TNHKR1TKD INLMAN LANDS Sisseton Atreney. S. Dak. The public is hereby informed tb it mher led Indian lauds within the limits or the Ms- an acre property seton Agency, South Dakota, offered for sale n\\v ovpffint. f",m under Section 7 of the Act of Congress ap proved May 27, 1902(32 Stats. 275J will be envelope couwpicuously marked "Hide for lu lierited Indiau baud." The date of tho pro nosed sale must also be written thereon, but nothing else. Each bid must be accompanied by :i duly certilied check on some solvent battk. payable to the order of Uotted Statos Indian Agent, for the use of the grantors, for twenty-live per oent of the amount offered, as a guarantee for the faftbful performance by tbo bidder of his proposal. If the bid eh all be accepted and the successful bidder shall, within a reasonable time, after due notice, fail to comply with the terms of bis bid. the money represented by such oheck shall be forfeited to the use of the owners of tho land. The right to reject any and ail bids is re served and bids will obly be accepted by the Agent or other officer in charge subject to the approval of the owners of the land. Purchasers shall pay all costs of convey ancing, and in addition the following sum, to wit: If the purchase prtce is tlOOO or less. 11.50 If it is more than $1000 and lees than 2000, S2.00 and wtaero the purchase price more than S2000.12.50. Sealed bids for the following described tracts of inherited Indian land listed for sale December 19,1008. posted December 21, 1908. wil* be received by the U, S, InnKn Agent at the Sisseton Agency. S. DM up to 12 o'clock noou of February 19,11)09. No. 1. WJ4 nwJ4, swM, sec. 32, twp. 124, rng. 52. No. 2, Lots 6, 7, S, sec. 19, twp. 127, rng. 49. No. i. K*4 seU, sec. S4, lu j. in. g.r2. S. E. A1,LEN. [J. S. Indiau Agent. MEAT MAttKEI GREAT A 1 J.ou: as above required, said plaint,iff Dated November28, 1908. •«., HOWARD BABROCK, Plaintiffs Attorney, ,: v..! Sisseton, 8. D. Notice Is hereby given that the above sum mons is published pursuant to an order ot said Court made January 7,1909. and that the complaint in said action was filed In the offlce of the clerk of the Circuit Oourt of said county on December 14,1908. 'vwurl there should be some great and juicy picces of meat to make it all riyrht for the particular palau\ We sell meats that are all right in cut, quality, and appearand). When It Gome to Prices we defy competition. All orders properly and piomptly died, and all Kinds of meats and poultry art here for your selection. I E & O Managers Peever Meat Market —„UI1JUU „,u You can get no better stock „AI .. HOWARD BABOOOK, Plaintiff's Attorney. & Hardy Trees and Shrubs. We have on hsnd a large stock gurranteed free from disease. 100,000 Ash, 20,000 Elm, 10,000 Roses, 500,000 Boxelders, 25,000 Soft Maple, 60,000 Evergreens and many other ornamental trees and shrubs, besides a large stock Fruit Trees, Vines and Plants. HOWARD LAKE AND VICTOR Will take judgment against you by default lor •v tvjiviv the sum of Two Hundred Dollars with in terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per nnum from November 6.1908, together with the costs and disbursements of this action NURSERIES. W. H. EDDY, H. HAESCH, Prop, Agent. Legal Blanks Standard OOu Want Column. FOR SALE -Six room hoose and si* lots in bissoton. Good location. Will sell cheap if IAKEN at once. Address K. STANDARD of fice, I HWK a quarter block oi city lots, fine* location in the city. E^ots broken and trees set out and posts set for fence—t&jQ taikes them. A snapC. C. Knap pen. Fok FOR hard coal heating stove small house cheap, also SALE -A tabic is suitable for bedsteads iu ffood Bhape, one two wooden r-lofic A M. t'f Un rhild's bed. Apply to C. C. Knappon. FOnori. SA US-n acres of timber land in ern Minro*sot.:i, a small house on th san.e ami timber enough on it to more than pay for it. A snap at fJ2 an acre.—C. Kriappen FOUND -Ladies furs found at the Slseeton opera house December -i»:h. Party can get same by calling at tho lied Cross Drug Store proving paopcrty and paying for this adver tisement—Manager Opera House. «3t) KENT TWO FPUNISLJKD ROOMS with or without heat. Kates reasonable' inquire oi Mrs. Henrietta Steele. tpolt Sale or Trade Lot and small business $j ty hall, Sisseton. for land. !h County Court. County of Koherts. In ihe lu ttl- of the {.'uardiansbip and estate of Clau ie Cartiidtf*4. minor. 11 appraring to this Court from the petition pre-rntcd arid filed by !•'. i'* the t^uartii-it» oi the estate of Claude Curtlidjje. a minor, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate oesooKinu to said ward, that it is it c.'ssary aud would be benplii'ial to the ward that such al estate lie sdd. Will soil cheap or trade! LODGES M. W. w. A. No. MI OD TUTIBDSYS Meets month, visiting brothers ways welcome. 1 I.SON Wll OX. A. li. MAlTltRW&s, Cleric. OR. \V. S. HOWARD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON bfllce over Waletich & Plut's Store Sisseton, S. D. JCJ,- VKTKR1NARV SKKGKONS. Fred McDonald, V. S.' Ganduate or Veterinan Science School London, Ontario. Trcai« all diseases to which live stock is snbjeot at all times Surgical operations when ncc cessary. All work done in a practical, conscientious and profe'srffonal manner. at Pryor's Liter Barn, Sisseton, so. DaK. When in need of a VETERINARY SURGEON, call on A. H. NYGAARC Be treats all diseases of hones and cattle. Office at the City Drue Store and C. Christensen's Peed Barn Office Phone l±i House 187-1 Sisseton, South Dakota OPTICIAH8. Examined and Consultation E E W, C. Wren will be in SISSETON at Dr. Bobb's'Office. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Call and see me. If you have no eye strain, no charges. W. C. WREN INSURANCE John C. Perkin (Rotary Public) Real Estate, Loans. Instance ai Collections. When you have any business these lines, I shall be pleased serve you. You will be treai right. DEAD) FOR I BUSINESS 1 have recently equipped and opened a firat class next door to the Uoigue ./Theater, Those wanting »'IWIGOOD work and courteous treatment invited to call. BERT WILCOX