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I Wl w. fe-St-iiV W*- S'3- 9$? a M§i fil 1 1 yXVZVf.'itiw IS C* sty $ 5Ai&<i£fcv fit THE STANDARD BY C. C. KNAPPEN, •I8SETON. SCUTH DAKOTA. NEWS OF WtEK_SUMMAR1ZCD Digest of the News Worth Telling Coi densed for the Busy Reader. FROM THE CAPITAL. For the lighthouse establishment throughout the United States Secre tary Straus submitted to congress es timates amounting to $406,600. Senator J. B. Foraker, in a signed statement, set at rest the story •which recently has been printed to the ef fect that after his retirement, March 4, he would become the counsel for the discharged negro soldiers of Iho Twenty-fifth infantry. The story, he says, it not true. President Roosevelt has created a council of fine arts and directed that hereafter the heads of the executive departments, bureaus and commis sions, before any plans are formulat ed for public buildings rr grounds, or the location or erection of any statue, must submit the matter to the council. The United States supreme court de cided against Former President Moy er of the Western Federation of Min ers in the damage suit brought by him against Former Governor Pcabody of Colorado on account of Moyer's im prisonment on the governor's order because of his alleged connection with riots at Telluride, Colo., in 1904. Clarence E. Richardson and L. A. I'rndl, counsel for the Chippewa In dians'In the case Instituted by Gus II. Beaulleu for the swamp lands In Minnesota, are preparing to try and have the case reopened in the depart ment before taking an appeal to the supreme court of the United States from th| court of appeals of .the Dis trict Af Columbia. An announcement was made that another'alleged trust Is to be investi gated. v|jy the federal authorities. The eoiiipany concerned is the Atlan tic Tertfa Cotta company, a $3,000,000 corporation, with offices in Washing ton. jjfc is alleged that the company is a inonopoly operating in restraint of tra'de in violation of the provisions of the Sherman anti-trust law. II PERSONAL. Joshua W. Caldwell, aged fifty three, one of the leading attorneys of Tennessee, is dead. Capt. Paul Powell, Sr., one of the best known steamer captains on the Great Lakes, died at Erie, Pa., aged llfty-flve yeavs. William Dean Palmer, youngest brother of the lato Potter Palmer, died in Chicago in his eightieth year. In recent years he was engaged in the insurance business. John D. Rockefeller has given an other $1,000,000 to the University of Chicago. The oil king's total contri butions to the university aggregate $24,800,000. President Roosevelt has added the name[ of Capt, Henry H. Allen of Chi cago to the list of six engineers al readjfc appointed to accompany Presi dent-elect Taft to the isthmus "to re port 'upon tbe present status of the canal work. Charles Henry Gilman, father of Mayblelle Gilman Corey, wife of W. E. Corey, president of the United States Steel corporation, died at San Fran cisc of heart failure. He was being cared for at the expense of the city at the time of his death. Gen. George von Schack, United States army, retired, died suddenly in New''York. He was eighty-two years old. (Qen. von Schack served with dis tinction In the Civil war. He was bom in Berlin and was a captain In the Qerman army. Mil. William Graham McCandless, who fought with the Army of the Po tomac In every one of Its battles dur ing the Civil war,, died In Pittsburg, aged seventy-one years. He was a di rector of the American Window Glass company and of several of the largest financial institutions in Pittsburg. SINS AND SINNERS. Robbers dynamited the safe of the Farmers State Bank of Hadar, at Hndnr, Neb., and escaped with $2,000. Evading two nurses, L. H. Reed. Jr.. a business man at Kallspell, Mont., locked himself up in a bathroom and stabbed himself to death. Albert Leminwood, a farmer living near Bergholz, Ohio, shot and killed his wife and then "himself on the road cear' Annapolis. Jealousy is supposed to have been the'cause. After a trial lasting exactly on* weeky the jury In the case of Gov. B. Comer of Alabama against the Montgomery Advertiser for alleged libel In the city 4°urt, awarded dam agei of 1 cent to rthe plaintiff. H. Rhys, a well known expert ac countant, was found" guilty at Butte of forging nine checks for $200 and glvetf'a five-year term in prison. He hadfibeen employed on newspapers andjFln banks there, and enjoyed the hlgfftt confidence. DSwItt Hillegas, an Insurance man ,-of Philadelphia, was held In $5,000 bailey United States Commissioner Crate ofr the charge of aiding and abetting In tbe misappropriation of tunfi of the Boyertown National bum which suspended more than FOREIGN. Baron Eduard von Oppenhelm, the banker and sportsman, died at Co logne, aged seventy-eight years. Shall Khan, a Persian prince in the Russian service, committed suicide at St. Petersburg because he had been relieved of the command of the Fif teenth dragoons. A serious "no-rent" campaign has been begun in Tipperary, Ireland, ow ing to the refusal of the landlords of several estates to sell to the tenants under the land purchase act of 1903. Statistics are published by the St. Petersburg newspapers showing that during the Russian year just ended 1,957 persons were sentenced to death In the empire and 782 execut ed. Consul General Aagaard at Trom soe, Norway, has received a telegram from Walter Wellman requesting him to procure, If possible, a ship to carry his balloon expedition to Danesgate this summer. Including the wrcck of the British steamer Fidra off Amnnn, with the loss of sixteen sailors, it is believed that the drownings in the North sea recently will total between forty and fifty. The storm was the most severe in several months. CRIMES. Sabino Mellillo was electrocuted in the slate prison at Trenton, N. J. Ilo was convicted in Hudson county of the killing of Alfonso Tellicliie. Griffith Van Fleet of Susquehanna, Pa., shot and fatally wounded his wife as she was fleeing from her home, and then killed himself. Joe Everett was killed, his brother, OTHERWISE Wesley L. Jones was elected to the United States senate by the legisla ture of Washington. An amendment to the state consti tution of .'West Virginia prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors within the state was introduced in the sen ate by Senator William Carroll. Anthony Kelly was awarded $250 damages and costs against Policoman Samuel Emmons at Anaeonda, Mont., because the latter mistook him for a fugitive and shot him in the arm. More than a hundred cases of ill ness are reported from Belleville, Avalon and other suburbs below Pills burg, said to be caused by drinking water taken from the Ohio river be low the mouth of Pittsburg sewers. Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest wom an in America, Is taking the rest cure in Hoboken. She is in rather poor health as the result of too close at tention to business and Is: not visit ing her New York offices these days. She remains in her apartments in a flat house on Bloomfleld until late in the forenoon and then goes for a walk. It was announced at Fort Worth, Tex., that the Hill interests will put on what is said to be the longest through train service in the world June 1 next. The train will run from Galveston direct to Seattle and pas-' sengers will not be required to change cars. The train will run over the Texas & Brazos Valley, Fort Worth & Denver, Colorado & South ern and the Great Northern. To d»te fully 30 per cent of the Iowa state dairy cattle have been found to be tuberculous and have been destroyed by order of the state board of control. In all 286 head of •cattle show suspicious symptoms out of a total of 887 head of cattle. The customs statistics of Imports and exports for France in 1908 show a decrease of $26,400,000 and $64,000,000, respectively. The principal failing off has been In the export of manufactur ed goods, which is attributed to the re cent financial situation In the United rnsii1 MANY KILLED AND INJUREDJN WRECK Running at High Speed, Train Crashes Into Another Which Had Been Disabled. BODIES TAKEN FROM DEBRIS Railroad Company Refuses to Allow Newspaper Men to Oo to Scene of Disaster. Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 24.—Running at a speed of nearly fifty miles an liour, the second section of the St. Louis express on the Pennsylvania railroad, which left Philadelphia at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, crashed into the first section, which had met with an accident at a point between South Fork and Sumner Hill, known as "running ground," with terrific force, early this morn ing, killing and injuring many per sons. The second section was a dou uSe-headcr, with two !an engines, and is said to have plowed its way through the first section. John Everett, fatally shot, and a third brother, Walter Everett, seriously "J"" Y^^'uon. When "theTpechil train left this city officers were sta- wounded in a pistol duel at Little Riv er, La. When informed at the hospital at Washington, Pa., that his wife could only live a short time, Michael Big ler committed suicide by shooting himself through the bead. Emma Goldman, the anarchist, who was arrested several days ago on eight charges of conspiracy to incite riot, was released at San Francisco on $2,000 bail. Having evidently carried out a pre arranged plan to die together, Schuy ler C. Carskaddon and wife were found dead in their bedroom at Nor folk, Va. Each had been shot through the back of the head. Philip Martin of. Montezuma, Iowa, who is serving a thirty-five year sen tence in the Fort Madison peniten tiary for the murder of an old man named Roads, near Brooklyn, Iowa, four years ago, has confessed in writ ing to having been' implicated in the murder. "Good-by, all you will find the corpse inside," announced a placard posted on John Osmer'st front door at Franklin, Pa. When neighbors en tered the house they found Osmer had fired a rifle ball through his brain. He was a farmer, fifty-five years of age. While seated in the basement of his home, Giovanni Cardlnello, one of the wealthiest Italians of the South Brooklyn colony, and whose nephew, Joseph Cardlnello, was mysteriously killed In Coffey Park some time ago, was shot and killed. Two shots were fired simultaneously by his assailant through the window. Hurry Call for Doctors. Immediately after the wreck hurry calls were Issued for all available physicians at both this place and at AHoona, and in less than an hour fifty physicians were on their way to the scene of the accident. The wreck occurred between telegraph stations and it is a hard matter to gain defi tioned at the depot to prevent news paper men from accompanying the physicians. The latest information at this hour Is to the effect that five bodies have been taken from the demolished cars and that many injured have also been rescued from the debris. Refuse Information. Pittsburg, Jan. 24. All efforts to secure information from the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad company here regarding the wreck near Johns town have failed. Most, of the local officials are stated at the offices here to have started on a special train for the wreck soon after 1 o'clock this morning. IS FENCE, SAY POLICE. Minneapolis Cigar Dealer Accused of Running Thieves' Clearing House. Minneapolis, Jan. 24.—In the arrest last night of Marcus Weisman, a ci gar dealer, following the arrest in Chicago a few days ago of Harold Kerstnn and Harley Webstert the Minneapolis police believe they have caught one of the best fences west of Chicago. The police also say that the confession of the two boys has clear ed up the mystery surrounding about twenty recent robberies in Minneap olis. According to the police the boys not only confessed to having commit ted the robberies, but also confessed that they sold the goods to Weisman. In addition to many other specific robberies, the boys are said to have confessed that the mysterious robber ies at the state university and the Berkeley hotel were committed by them. BABY BOY BURNED TO CRISP. Mother Returns Home to Find Char-, red Remains. St. Paul. Jan. 24. Leaving her three-year-old boy in the house alone while she went to the store yesterday, Mrs. Edward A. Shafer returned to find the child writhing in agony on the floor, his clothing burned off and the flesh on the tiny body seared and charred. Dr. A. M. Johnson was called and worked heroically to save the child's life, but after four hours of agony death came humanely to the little one's relief. It is thought that the babe awaken ed during his mother's absence, and while playing around the coal stove ig nited his clothes. 8T. PAUL MAN GIRL'S TARGET. Jealous Girl Suspected of Waylaying Alfred Newstrand. Dickinson, N. D., Jan. 24.—Three shots fired by a girl, it is believed by the local authorities, nearly re suited In a murder inquest instead oi tn tbe marriage of Alfred Newstrand, set for yesterday. Newstrand, who formerly was an automobile repairer In St. Paul groused the jealousy of a young worn an to whom he had paid some at tention, when it'was announced that 'he was to wed Miss Annie Stewart. He was waylaid last night and three bullets whizzed close to him. His assailant was concealed by the darkness. 146 Beltrami. Wolves Killed-In Year. .» Bemldjl, Minn., Jan. 24. During "the year 1908 the State of Minnesota paid $1,063.50 as bounties for wolves killed in Beltrami county, according •to the report of County Auditor John Wilmann of this city. $400 Team Drowned. Red Wing, Wis., Jan. 24.—A $400 team of horses, the property ol Charles Brown, broke through the ice in Lake Pepin and was drowned. An other team broke through, but was rescued L" BIG MEN MIXED UP IN FRAUDS Sensational Developments Expected as Result of Grand Jury Probe at Muskogee. Muskogee, Okla., Jan. 26. Sensa tional developments which will prob ably involve some of the most promi nent men in this state are expected during the progress of the federal grand jury investigation of alleged town lots frauds, which will begin here next Tuesday. M. I. Mott, attorney for the Creek Indians, who brought the 20,000 suits in the federal court to rocover on be half of tile Creek nation lands of im mense value, alleged to have been se cured by fraud by the persons now controlling them, last night dictated the following statement Does Not Absolve Haskell, "There is not a word of truth in a statement quoted by Gov. Haskell as having been made by Scott Mac Reynolds, attorney for \V. R. Hearst, to the effect that I had said that I mid not found evidence to connect Has kell with any criminal conduct in re lation to the Muskogee lot matter, but that I might be abie to force an indictment which will answer our purposes. 1 never made such a state ment to MacReynolds or to any one else." It is believed that many indict ments will follow as result of the investigation. Pear Suicide of Accused. Sensational reports are iu circula tion here to Hie effect that at least one of the men against whom the fed eral grand jury will probably find in dictments this week is being closely watched by his friends as a precau tion against his committing suicide. Some of the accused have offered rep resentatives of the government to sur render the greater part, of their wealth for the benefit of the Indians if assured that they will not be prose cuted. These propositions have not been considered by the officials. Use Judges as "Dummies." From an unofficial source it is learn ed that the government will offer the evidence of hundreds of "dunnfiies," whose names were used by the ac cused to schedule lots without their knowledge or consent.. These "dum mies," who will begin to arrive Mon day, in obedience to subpoenas, are for the most part men of affairs and of the highest standing in the com munity in which they reside. Some are judges, some are prosecuting at torneys, one an ex-governor, and a number are bank cashiers. They are all friends of the men against whom they will have to testify. TWO SLASHED BY MAD COVICT. Insane Man Shot and Killed and His Two Victims Fatally Wounded. Pittsburg. Jan. 26. One man is dead and two are believed to be fatal ly wounded as the result of an attack made upon a male nurse by an insane convict patient in the hospital of the Western penitentiary yesterday. The dead man is John Bulloch, twenty-five years old, a foreigner. The tragedy occurred yesterday morning. Bulloch had secreted a ta ble knife in his clothing. While the nurse was bending over a patient Bul loch sprang at him and plunged the sharp knife blade into his back up to the handle. The nurse, calling for as sistance, turned on his assailaut, and although unarmed was defending him self as best he could. While the pris oner slashed at him again and again with the knife, Beall, a guard, rushed in an began firing at the madman. Two shots took effect. Beall stopped firing and began to examine the in jured, when Bulloch sprang to his feet and plunged the blade into the guard's abdomen. The latter fired twice more at Bulloch, who fell mor tally wounded and died a few hours later. Beall and the nurse are both alive, tfut the surgeon holds out little hope for the recovery of either. HOLD DOTSERO ENGINEER. Colorado Coroner's Jury Blames Him for Train Wreck. Leadville, Colo., Jan. 2fi.—A coro ner's jury found Engineer Gus Olson guilty of manslaughter at Red Cliff, for killing twenty-six passengers near Dotsero siding, on the Denver & Rio Grande, Jan. 15, when he allowed his train, the Pacific express, and a heavy freight to collide. Thirty-four were badly maimed. His defense was he misread his* watch. KILLS TOT WITH ALCOHOL. Mother, Said to Bi Insane, Slays r.,Three Children. Fairfield, Neb., 'jan. 26. Mrs Charles Mock, aged about thirty years, killed her three children by giving them wood alcohol and then committed suicide by drinking quantity of the same liquid. Mrs Mock had been mentally unbalanced for some time, the result of illness •«i»«w..i**KMUd by Falling,^ Furs.,., New York, Jan. 26.—John Waller, salesman employed by the Redelshi mer-Steinfeldt Paper company, while returning from lunch, was struck and instantly killed by a heavy bundle ol furs which fell six stories in front ol 600 Broadway. Boy Finds Death in Gun. Colfax. Wis., Jan. 26.—While play ing„with a gun in" his room Joy King nine years old. living in the town of Otter Creek, shot himself through the heart and was instantly killed NEW MAINE NOW HAVANA HARBOR Arrives on Eleventh Anniver* sary of Arrival of Wrecked Namesake. IS ANCHORED NEAR WRECK American Battleships to Be Present at Inauguration of President Gomez. Havana, Jan. 27. On the eleventh anniversary of the arrival of the old battleship Maine on her ill fated mis sion to Cuban waters, the new Maine, with the still more modern Mississippi following in her wake, sailed into Ha vana harbor to be present at the in auguration of Gen. Jose Miguel Gomez and the new Cuban government on Thursday next. This is the first visit of the naniesalir of the wrecked war ship, and her coming excited great in terest, not only among Americans but among all classes or residents, who lined the harbor walls from La Punta battery, opposite Morro, to Machine Wharf, off which the two Ansorican battleships are moored to anchorage buoys within a few hundreds yards of the tangled mass of steel and the old lighting lop, the visible remains of the vessel destroyed Keb. 15. 1908. Salutes Cuban Flag. The new .Maine arrived at 11 a. m., precisely the hour at which the old Maine steamed into the harbor on Jan. 2f, liioS. The old Maine saluted the Spanish flag over Morro castle. Yesterday the new Maine, which is the flagship of the third squadron of tlie Atlantic fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral Arnold, saluted the Cuban pennant (lying from the historic old fortress. The salute was returned by the Cabanas battery, on a high hill, overlooking the harbor. Yesterday afternoon calls were exchanged by Rear Admiral Arnold, Gov. Magoon and the American minister, Edwin V. Morgan. Last night the streets of Ha vana's down-town section were filled with hundreds of bluejackets on lib erty. The Main and Mississippi will re main until Jan. 28, when they will ac company the scout cruiser Galen, on which Gov. Magoon will take his de parture from the island immediately after President Gomez is sworn into office. The Salem will arrive here to day. TO WINNIPEG BY OWN LINE. Northern Pacific and Great Northern Will Erect Depot at Once. "Winnipeg. Jan. 27.—It is announced here that the Northern Pacific railway will construct its own line into Win nipeg, having acquired a half interest in the Midland railway from the boun dary line to this point. Work will be started this spring and finished this year. A union depot for the Great Northern and Northern Pacific will be erected here this year on the million dollar termnal site on Ross avanue, seecured three years ago. BLAZE IN WILLMAR STORE. Fire From an Overheated Stove Causes Loss of Over $6,000. Willmar, Minn., Jan. 27.—Fire from an overheated stove resulted in the destruction of the contents of the S. E. Magnuson Fair store here about 1 a. m. yesterday. The building was slightly damaged. The Insurance is $6,700, while the loss on the stock alone will be about $6,000. Mine Explosion Kills Two. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 27.—While Su perintendent J. G. Logan and a party of miners were investigating condi tions which had been unsatisfactory in the coal mine of the Merchants' Coal company at Boswell, Somerset county, last night, a was explosion, occurred which cost the lives of two men. dozen others who were in the mine escaped. Seek Fair Grand Jury. Muskogee, Okla., Jan. 27.—With a view to obtaining a grand jury free from local environments in order to relieve possible embarrassment, the federal authorities have called men, with two exceptions, from outside of Muskogee to investigate the Charges of conspiracy and fraud in connection with the holding of Muskogee town lots. Judge Baly Kills Self. Albequerque, N. M„ Jan. 27.—A spe cial from La Luse, N. M., states that Judge William Baly, one of the origi nal promoters of the Big Four road and formerly a prominent figure in Eastern financial circles, killed him self with a revolver |n a lonely cabin in the mountains two days ago. Child as Burnt Offering. Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 27. Mrs James Pollit, living near Ridge Farm 111., was trying to put her child into a fire as a burnt offering to the Lord when she was discovered. She had become insane on religion. Auto Victim Is Identified. Chicago, Jan. 27.—The young wom an who was run over and killed by an automobile last night was identified as Miss Emma Winkelman, twentv four years old, a dressmaker, who lived in Chicago. GRAPHIC TALES Of CRASH Bravery and Good Behavior of Crew* Praised—Something Wrong on Florida's Bridge. New York, Jan. 27— Less than sev enty-two hours after the crash be tween the ocean liners Republic and Florida off the Nantucket shoals, which eventually sent the former to the bottom and reduced the latter to a state of staggering helplessness, the survivors of this thrilling deep-sea tragedy have found a haven at last. At nightfall last night 1,650 pas sengers from the two vessels were safe in this port, brought here by the Raltic, while nearing it were the res cued officers and crew of the Repub lic, safe on board the derelict destroy er Seneca, to which they were trans ferred from the revenue cutter Gresh ani. after staying up to the last mo ment by their sinking vessel. At her dock in Brooklyn was the battered Florida, aboard which her crew had remained throughout her trying experience. Graphic Tales of Crash. Willi the important work of rescue thus practically finished, attention be gan to be turned to endeavors to learn definitely if possible how the two big ocean travelers had come to crash into each other and whether their fateful meeting was as unavoidable as at first appeared. On the Republic's side little was to be learned. Her passengers told graphic tales of the crash, of the excitement on board, of behavior of the crew and of the effi cient work of rescue. That all had not gone so well with the Florida and that, possibly on her bridge might be sought, a contributing cause for the disaster was indicated by a late de velopment of the day. Wheelsman Felled by Captain. There are two versions of what hap pened on the bridge of the Florida when the Republic loomed up in front of her through the morning fog. Lit tle could be learned from Capt. Ros pini when he was seen on board his essel on her arrival in the harbor. According to others who had been 11 board the Florida and were rought into port by the Baltic, how ver, something went wrong with the •'lorida's steering wheel when the col lision was imminent. One story had that a quartermaster had the wheel when the commander yelled for it to be jammed to starboard. He put it to ort instead and the liners crashed Into each ot •. Marin* ^jrt May Settle It. Another on of the story is that he man p». fiis wrheel in a panic vhen da" impended. Both versions igree .. a.\ ing that the commander felled i.uartermaster with an iron pil?.' owing what he must have "ed tie seaman's recreancy, not until both commanders CO If 1 heir formal statements tfil facts be known. Pos verdict of a marine court '.led to determine them, out prominently, on the ill tho- *ibly iii will be Standing uj other hand, is the conduct of Capt. Sealliy ol the Republic, who, true to the best traditions of the sea, kept his ship beneath him as long as there was enough of her afloat to afford him a foothold. Worked Like Heroes. Survivors had warm words of com mendation for the officers and men of the Florida, who worked like heroes, with their own ship in a sad way, to get the passengers from the worse damaged Republic to comparative' safety on board the Italian vessel. When the Florida reached her dock it was learned that it was three and not four of her crew who had been killed when the steamers collided Eugene Lynch, one of the Repub lic passengers, who was severely in jured, was on the Florida when she th^r ,^'hen f^.L°nS rhfht ,'S I I he Was taken Iater to Is and hospital it was found egS Wcr brokGn, his right thigh fractured and tnat he was hiternally injured. It is feared he will CREAMERIES WIN RATE CASE. Commission Decides Against Roads Entering Chicago. Washington, Jan. 27,-One of the most important decisions by the inter sUte commerce commission for many Tv ^anded down yesterday that body in ordering material re n? ih railroad rates in the cases and nth HC1 Creamery company and others and the Fairmont Cream- !nrt ntn agn'nSt the Illinols Central and other railroads, and the Blue Val "V £,re? 'nery comPany nv IfD sustain^rt et al. against CeDtral Railr°ad compa- r0adS' The roads as distinguished emission sustained the contention of the com plainants, who operate creameries us ing the centralizer method, wherebv °'cfam are obtained by ran- {rom th /, creamery method, which nJ=. cream by ^vagon, that the rates on cream to Chicago betweeen Mich^n points on the east and Colorado pS on the west are excessive. FOOD SUPPLY IS SUFFICIENT gj Quake Sufferers in Messina Are Lack ing Shoes and Clothing Messina, Jan. 26.- The American supplies for the earthquake sufferers brought here by the steamer Celtic are being distributed along the coasts of Calabria and Sicily, noth and south of Messina and Reggio, by Italian tor pedo boats. There is now sufficient food in Mes sina, but the people still need clothing and shoes. A thousand more blankets were distrlbuetd yesterday moraine '*ik*