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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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material for the next 30 da vs. Furnishing Bargains Men's best heavy working shirts, worth 75c, at sale price 39c Men's best quality, re-enforced unlaundered shirts worth $i. go at 39c Men's $1. dress shirts 39c Boys' fine embroidered suspenders I9c Men's all wool hose, worth 25c 19c Men's extra heavy Rockford sox 3c Men's white and red bandanas, large 3c Mens heavy fleeced underwear worth 75c sale price 39c Men's wool underwear, worth $1.25, slaughtered at 69c Men's wool hose now 16c Boys' and youths' extra good fleeced underwear, only 19c Men's good heavy leather working gloves, worth sale price 50c 19c Jress Goods This will be a grand opportunity for the ladies of Sisseton and vicinity to buy a season's supply at a mere fraction of the actual value: Dress goods worth $1.60 now 79c Dress Goods worth $1. no*v 47c Dress Goods worth 60c now 39c Dress Goods worth 50^ now Sheetings at the price of weaving. 12c Cotton flannels only 8c and 10c fast color prints, now 5c Thousands of yards to pick from. Every yard in this department will be placed on sale at prices that will tempt you to lay in a supply for the next five years, as this golden opportunity comes but seldom in a life time. Gloves and Mittens Now is the time to buy your winter supply of gloves and mittens—all the Gordon makes, the best on the market Men's Gordon gloves and mittens regular 75c kind 4wC Men's Gordon gloves and mittens regularAQ^ $£.00 kind now .DOC Men's Gordon gloves and mittens regular| $1.25 to $1.50 now A line^of cravenettes and tubbed coats at 35 per cent off the regular price. Notify Your Friends Neighbors Will be here. BANKRUPT Stoek of High Grade Fall and Winter Clothing, Dry Goods, Cloaks. Ladies' and Men's Furnishings Building, Next Door to the Opera House, Sisseton, Ho. Dak., Saturday, January 30th, 1909, This Stock of High Grade Merchandise was bought at Bankrupt Sale at 39 cents on this stock of high grade merchandise among the people of Roberts and adjoining Dont Buy a Dollars Worth Of Goods Until This.Great Sale Onens. 19c 5c :98c QuUts. Look for the BIG. RED.SIGN and 15,000 Dollar IN THE Sisseton has had so cahed sales before but do notcompare them with a sale of this natuie, and everybody should avail themselves of this great opportunity. If you value money, don't buy a dollars worth of goods until the the opening of this GREAT BANKRUPT SALE, SATURDAY, JANUARY :30TH, l'H)!). Don't miss this great bankrupt sale. It will pay you to travel many miles to secure a season's supply of high grade merchant iso such as this at less than half the regular price. Just stop to consider what it means to throw a stock of this kind on the on the market at the mercy of the public. It is certainly a rare chance. Take a day off and attend a sale such as you will never see again. It is impossible to enumerate the articles included in this $15,000 stock of goods, but the quotations given arc samples of the thousand and one values we are olt'ering in this BANKRUPT SALE. We mention here a few of the extraordinary bargains that will be offered Our gaurantee We assure each and every purchaser absolute satisfaction. WE GUARANTEE every garment, every price, and every statement made here, and will take back, exchange or refund your money on any purchase unsatisfactory for any reason whatever. Railroad Fares Paid on all Purchases of $25.00 Ladies' and Children's Cloaks Pine ladies' cloaks worth regular $8(| and $12 sale price price Ladies' plush and fur lined fur collar, gular $25.00 to $30.00 Ladies' finest- cloak, fur collar, regular' $18.00 A lot of ladies' short cloaks worth from $8' to $16.00 Misses' and Chiidrens, cloaks size 8 to 15,« latest styles, regular $6 to $9... Ladies' cloaks in different cloths, latest styles, price $9.48 t»o 15.89 regular $12 to $25 sale Overcoats and Suits Sheep lined coat,, corduroy collor, regular $6, sale Pnce 2.98 Sheep lined coat, regular $7.50, sale price 3.87 Men's overcoats, reguler $15, sale price Men's plush lined overcoats regular $35 19.48 Men's suits, regular $10 and $15. now 5.29 Men's suits, black all wool and worsteds regular $16 and $18, now 9,97 Fancy brown stripes, $20, $22.50 and $25.. Men's brown strips, worth $10 and $12 s.78 A fine boys overcoat, regular $10 and $12 4.98 Boys 2 and 3 piece suits, long and short pants, sizes 10 to 15 worth $6 and $8 1 98 Boys short pants, regular 75c and $1 23c Boys suits from 4 to 10.. regular $5. $6, $8 2.19 Boys and young men's suits, 15 to 20 regular $8® and $10 4,29 Men's single pants, heavy, all wool, $2.50 and $3.00 1.49 Men single pants, heavy, all wool, $2 and $2.50 98c Dry Goods Turkish towles, largest 42x20 inches regular 35c. 19c regdar£L50, sale and and 13 to 9 00 $15.48 9.68 12.48 price 98c now ..8c Outing flannel,^ regular 8c, now 5C A good print 8c, now The Great Opening Day Saturday January 30$h.1909 in the McKeever Building Next Door to Opera House Sisseton S- D. Come, bringtthe Children JOQ SISftETON STANDARD PRINT 3 knot the store, McKeever Block, Next to Opera House so. DAK:, Will Continue Without Stop or Over 17.39 2.98 2.98 of Sale. l.e on Huh* A fine d»*ess flannel, 75«- to, Nice dress goods, regular $1 00 Nice half wool dress goods, 50c in Ladies fleeced lined fine shoes, regular d* I 1 2. to 2.59 \pl« 1 v7 Ladies fine dress shoes, regular 3. to 4.50. Iiats In this department we offer you our entire line at slaughter prices. You should buy hats for yourself and boys now. Remember we have a full line of the celebrated Gordon Hats. Men's Navahoe hat $3. now Men's hats $2.50, now A'J. y'S Men's Wiskena hats $1.50 to $2.00 now Assorted lot mens caps, regular $1.50 now..... J)S: Lot of caps $1.00 Lot of chiidrens caps from 50 to 75c sale price. Men's and Boys' Suits Wonderful clothing bnrgains in men's and boys' suits. Never again will you have a chance to to buy this high grade Nothing at such a slaughter price. Our men's and boys' suits in black and fancy worsteds, made in the very latest styles, guaranteed each and every suit. These suits are all the newest and up-to-date fall styles. Nobby styles for young men also. Overcoats in all styles at prices that will make you buy them. Men,s Shirts 50 Dozen men's negligee and flannel shirts, all the best makes and grades produced by the country's best shirt makers. It will do you good to come and make your purchas eof these early at slaughtered prices. the MrKeever for oO Days. the dollar and we will distribute counties at less than the cost of raw This Greatest of all Sales Opens 30th, 1909 Building now. 39c ..68c 19c jviw. Fine Mohairs, worth and $1.25. ... Fine China silk, regular 7rc to !)0c. .. Bargains in Shoes Mens finest patent and calf, hand^ O 1 flj sewed, regular .$0, sale price 1 7 Mens finest calf, gi lar $?. and $3.50 1.98 Mens fine Kid and calf, regular I. and -1.50. .2.-48 Hoys fine calf and kid dress shoes, 1 /|Q regular 2.25 to 3 A lot of ladies shoes, button and lace, /y short lots regular 2.50 to 1.50 ^"C5C/ Ladies fine shoes, regular 2.50 and 3 39c 1.48 $2.29 ,98c ',+ Sr .-Joe An Event of the season that COMMANDS your attention 4' *3 id W T. •V':