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bo»e also one I in on no re ?. scion e(t store 1 r- •OM1* lable. siness •oar trade IGEgN, tcs ftnu .... ivi 187-4 akota 1 be If you rain, no ilic) Insnrance ai is. business be pleased 11 be trea OR JSlflESS equipped firat class SHg ie Unique se wanting courteous' ted to call. MLCOX 3T Milium The Largest C\t« I *****. ietiool I WS o( £?X-N 0 I] rn, DaK. 0 (Tin4 S»ia«id»n DO YOUR BUSINESS WITH Bank 1 Price 25 and SO Cents A A E O O Sisseto n- S ••E[g^[sinn^^nfn^m^mmfoifN)m[Yr I CLOSING I STILL DAVtO I0lt« I SONS CL01KINC CO. Ba* Sissetoo In Roberts County OFFICERS .lOSI'.i'H Pr-e.s. O- I u.i.SS,C::f.l-,ic A ,i. NONBV. V. F'rcs. MI-::VMY MK1.VKJ, Ahsl, Cush. JOHN M. SWAEBERG -Dealer In N E •••••StolSBlllIJnntEOSElIlDjSElJllJC Cure That, Cough Now Nf vcr p«rrait couuh Hi iiii)_'fr from month 1.1 month. These iCi-sis tent coughs are the (iannenuis rf all enuuhs. am! all cmi[ihs «re cbirit'ir oils. Cure them nuw. If you lwive nut I'een llncl remedy that will cure, use our WHITE FMINE WITH TAR hctrm using thi? utisfill'tioti or re- Xn vcMijili can remain after you remedy. We truar.intee to nive fund vour money. S O E Ladies Gents, Misses Repairing- Promptly Bail? STORE L. ON The Greatest Cloudburst of Clothing bargains ever known in Sisseton. Never before in your life have you seen such qnaltities at such prices. We are doing won derful Clothing Business and you are going to be here, you will buy because you can't help it. W are slaughtering thousands of dollars worth of Fall and Winter Clothes. when we hold a Clear ance Sale we make things hum, we want room—we want to clear out each sea son's stock before the next arrives. We don't mind the loss—we can use the money, but not the goods. CALMENSON'S CLOTHING Sisseton, S. D. NATIONAL s. 1 aliie the 18 VOL 16 SISSKTON, KOUEKTS COUNTY, S. i). FKBIUWKY 5, 1909 -10 Pathos No. 33 !0 RETAIN snums' COM. Titlr to Land 0 ih Will Be Given to North Dakota., Ilumrsteart-ers. A dispatch from Washington last Saturday stares that the-rewarding o'f at house committee on public lands! per cent of the recommend for pas-' homesteaders as chasers must pay proper dama ges to the owner of the land. "The land owner shall have ths right to mine coal for domes tic use until the government sells the coal deposits. 'The. homesteader shall nave :cl 11 right to hearing to deter jmine- whether trie land is chiefly valuable for cn:!, and if it is not. he -.hall have a right to a full 'patent to the hind. The pro vision chiefly valuable for coal vnii, 'tis helfiiwyd, result is thr. least 90 or claim to the little of the sage a North Dakota coal 3and ''i ignite coal has any commerical bill which! reserve to the value." government the title t-j all coal The position of the home found on lands which have been stealer is made hard, however, hotnesfcervSed.-aad to which pat* by the fact that each individual ei,ts may hereafter be issued. claim will have to be contested Congressman _Groana state.1 with a considerable exyence. that he would bring i.K a -minor-! Commissioner Bennett of the ity import, ar.-.l it is understood!general tod office stated yester Coagressman Hammond of Min-lday that "the policy of the d« nesota may join hira in this. repc-rt!pa.tmeni has been te give 'every recommending either that the possible advantage to the lands settlers be-given full title to Sheibtt he admitted ihe department land a'sd al! it contains, or else {would be Dowerless to pater that the go^ernmeot right to,any of the lands to the hotn-3 thc^CGJi] deposit shah 1c Iin^iteclir?t.e:idorg without a full to five years or tenyetrs. Ujf each :.ase. Congress man Marshall appear- _U ed before the committee to :pro-j test against any bill which did Sa:tiers (tiaim a Point. not give_ to the settlers a fullj Vvashington, jar.. 30—An im and-gualired title to the hind, fportant. announcement has iust Mr. (j_ro ina, as a Kiember of the j' been made by the secretary of cornmittef made a final stand-'the iiit-crior with reference to the same principle. iiinterpretation to be placed upon The report o^ the committee the phrase in the reclamation substance as follows: '..-act, which reads: "The occupant Any person who has made a thereby residing in the neighbor homestead entry :in good ::aith hood -of said land." upon land which has since been The prime motive of the classified as coal land, shad allowed to secure a-patent to the' trVS: rid jiand, the United States reserving bui kiers It was provided thati ja coal, and the rignt to pro- jin order to obtain a water right| "Quality Folks' spect lor 2oai. the applicant must reside on the 1 the Opera House. I "The ^overnmerit may dis pose of the coal, but the pur If- ir I $ ir neari-ig "1 be |-claina.tion act was to-make Tiabi- the'trVi. re- id lsp.3s for actual 1'ome a^- -v- V-- -A •'V at A :e» ica" St:i» diiUOM.. land or in the'' neighborhood." 1 .. ',1 The secretary has, therefore, extended the definition of "neighborhood" to fifty miles in all cases. STATE Farmers Convention at Watertown. The second annual convention of the Farmers Grain Dealers' association of South Dakota will be held at Watertown, February 17th and 18th. A very elabor ate program is being arranged, including speeches by several prominent men of Iowa, Min nesota and South Dakota who are "interested in the Farmers' elevator movement. A reduced rate has been secur ed on all railroads entering into Watertown fare one and one third and every fanners elevat or company in the state is urged , send their board uf directors 955 and if possible to attend in a body, as. this will undoubtedly he the greatest meeting of its kind ever held in the state. Any one desiring further information write L. M. Duvle, secretarv, 1 etcher. S. D. Provide For Two ]S!cw Judges. Pierre, Ff.b. 3.- If the recon-i mendatkms of the joint, judici ary committees of the two houses count for anything., there will be fwp. two new judges added to the supreme bench of the state by the present legislative session. In joint session yesterday the two committees decided to re coisHneitd such a. bill, the only differences between them being in what should, constitute the bfsindsiries of the new districts. For the purpose of settlement of this feature, a sub-committee was appoimted-consisting of Sen ators Seward and Hitchcock, and Representatives Taylor, Fowler and Bartij&e. This makes a com mittee of three from the eastern portion of the sti'te and two from the western portion, and they will no doubt agree upon some division of the state which »will be satisfactory. -,w Lincoln's Birthday. The following program will be rendered by the G. ±\. R. in commemoration of the 100 anniversary of the i:Dirth of Abraham Lincoln. Feb. 12, 1909: BY SCHOOL Arrsirir.frz Hyrms... Clior\iS 3r_vocatfm Ik'v. Slmuror Hyt-.n of Utij-'ubSic," ... HnJo wiih Chorus Liii(»cln U. ii. Jones L.i cf)!it's Crcttysfciirj Address i£:' critL'ts uiiJ Lions fruin the Writings ami Spoccht.'* of Lincoln. ur HK.unt5t" My Amlionce A :'.v. l*itv A::d Charm. i,er of Lincoln f. W. Harrnigton By Au(iion«*e }?Y G. A. R. POST. liietrunuintHl lnvoruiun Uy Ho v. Halph Srliearer. "Ajwe":ica." By the Audience. Sk€t»rtof Lincoln O. iJ. Jcnes. "St-aT Span«i»J Banner," By the Audien^'i. A Mom.age.. Dialogue By .School Onldn'.n. ••Nt'Ujt My (iod To Thee By the Audience. Ad^rouL and Char- cf Lincoln," J. W. Barrin^ton. Doxolpfy By Audience Hcbedtenon liev. Ralph £hear*r ).:#U V* v-A-vr"A"v.*v.- vv in connections with most of! the projects, so far undertaken, the term has hem construed to mean two miler,. Since actual operations were begun, however, Court Date Postponed. railroads have been extended to practically .all projec:s, and it is found that people can live in near-by towns, while developing their land on projects, with a view to establishing residence thereon at a later date. Soil on many of the projects requires several years for com plete subjugation and in the meantime it is desirable to en courage owners to put it in the best possible condition, and to plant orchards, utilizing for this purpose any money earned at some Jconvcnient point in the neighborhood. & I Hy Kelei teJ Fup-lB Kt'V. Halph C. Shearer i.*0 iL'U0s& "X" vr vv wr -A- ... COUNTY. Judge McCoy has notified Clerk of Courts Stadstad of the Vo 0 N*. -m sr' postponment of the opening of the February term of court from Feb. 16 to Feb. 23. Jury List. The following is the list of jurors drawn to serve at the next term of circuit court: Adam Greeley—Lawerence. John H. Benidt—Norway. O. P. J. Engstrom—Summit Village. H. M. Fellbaum—Minnesota. M. J. Smith—Lee. Erick Johnson- White Rock Villrge. L. V. Warring-Sisseton City. Anu'-ew Johnson—Sissetiou City. A. K. Eggen Hart. Rudolph Aspelund— Drywood Lake. J. A. Gilliland—-Ortley. Peter Peterson—Lee. C. M. Fonder-Easter. James Jones Bossko. Ed Broick- Lockwood. John E. Grismer—Lockwood. Sigfried Olsor. AJOllg John Cloud—Goodwill. Amos Skyman—Sisseton Twp. Fred Seiger—Lockwood. LOCAL LACONICS -Jr If- v^-X" *4" vr "l^r vr Feb. 6, at The third number of the High I School Lyceum Course will be given at the Opera House, Feb. 6th. Miss Barry has resigned her position in the postoffice and Miss Johnson has accepted the position. ,, John Gaukler, of Veblen, was v5 in the city this week making ar rangements to incorporate a Mercantile Co. at that place. The W. R. C. and the G. A. R. will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Matthews in the even ing of Lincoln's Rirthday. An oyster suoper will be served and all members are requested to be present. A meeting was called by Pres. Marvick of the Sisseton Gun Club Jan. 23, for making ar rangements for the 1st, big Annual Tournament of the Minna-ko-ta League to be held at Sisseton June 2 and 3. Com mittees were appointed on ad veitlsing. managements, and trophy. L. J. Onstad, was elected secy, and treas. of tourn ament Edvv. W. Ruttlidge, was elected Hon. member of Sisse ton Gun Club, he was also elect ed as a committee of one on out side advertising. $300,00 will be raised as added money to be offered as cash prices. GRAPES, from their most health* ful^ properties, give ROYAL its active and principal ingredient iftaxwr BaKingPowder Absolutely Pure It economy to use Royal Baking Powderi It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other Halting powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal B»l™g Powder. oak :f 1 »ii I "a •m rl 43 Hollow. Leu Allen—Becker. S. M. Peterson —One Road. A. F. Bailey—Agency. A. K. Lysengy —One Road. O A. Teigen—One Road. Eli R. Leffingw-ell—Summit Magnus Johnson—Victor. Gust C. Carlson—Summit. John Hull—Harmon. E. J. Savage—Summit Vil. Paul Preisinger—Geneseo. Emil Hostbjor—Victor, S. H. Renville—Peever. Olander Brantseg—Sisseton. John W. Forsyth—Norway. Harvey Brown—Sisseton 1st ward. •y:k j" a, .1.^ 7? -,v t'" "X""!, vf t[- -/r-a* t!* t," f'- Have you got a pair of those shears yet? They are going fast.' Maurice Schindler returned Tuesday from Wild Horse, Col. and will remain for some time. I •r k.i t! •...vT i-s I ssr