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The Sisseton weekly standard. (Sisseton, Roberts County, S.D.) 1892-1929, June 13, 1913, Image 4

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99062049/1913-06-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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A ~3
be your bank.
Official Paper of County and City
At the time this city voted
"wet" and elected John C. Knapp
mayor, there was some talk rela
tive to a municipal saloon, a
petition being circulated
asking the council to try the
matter out. Legal objections
•were raised against the propo
sition as outlined, and the plan
seemed to have been given up.
Ever since that time, however,
one would hear a word now and
then on the subject, but it was
generally belived that the scheme
had been put to sleep for good.
Imagine the surprise then,
"when the city administration on
Monday took the bull by the
horns and did the very thing
that had been declared impos
sible of accomplishment.
Sentiment differs as to the
wisdom of the move, a~d natur
ally enough a considerable
amount of feeling was engender
ed by so radical an act an act
which was so unexpected and
which so thoroughly upset the
plans of so many others. No
one here knows just how a city
owned drinking place will work
«out there is no precedent by
which to gauge the matter. Some
see failure and disaster in the
project others believe that Sis
seton will contain a model saloon,
or one as near model as is pos
sible, during the coming year,
with many of the usual evils
eliminated. But—most people
are of the opinion that at the
next election Sisseton will go so
very dry that a Noah's flood
wouldn't soak in a quarter of an
Banking Service
At last this country has awak
ened to,the value of better roads
and we will soon vie with Europe
along this line. Pick up a paper
from almost any state and, you
run accross an article showing
activity slong this line. Our own
state is not asleep' in this direc-!
tion by any manner of means.
Neither is Minnesota. The State
Washington spend
We want you to become acquainted with the
fact that we have one of the best equipped
banks in the county and it is officered by MEN,
not by icebergs o/ mossbacks. We want your
business and are in a position to give you
prompt and courteous service. Let our bank
Sisseton, South Dakota
LEO J. LUKANITSCH, Assistant Cashier
Editorand Publisher
OOQyOtiOduring the next year on
connection it is interesting to
note that an exhibition stretch of
roadway is being built at Olym
pia, Washington, by various
paving companies, each of which
is laying a sample of roadway
16 feet wide and 100 feet long
according to its own plans and
specifications, which are tiled
with the State Highway Depart
ment. This stretch of roadway
forms a part of the main high
way north and south through
the state.
Tennyson's beautiful poem,
"Crossing the Bar," has been
given a new author. In the re
port of a scoool affair at Hankin
son, N. D., given in the News,
the poem appears bodily as
the work of Zen a McKinnon.
That is going some, in the
phraseology of the day.
A Train of Automobiles.
The Sisseton Booster Club is
now busy arranging for a train
of automobiles to be linked to
gether, not by rope or chain but
by minds of men and women to
boost for Sisseton and the Chau
tauqua. At each stopping place
there will be band music, male
quartettes, speeches and other
The pilot car is to leave Sisse
ton at 8 a. m., June 24th.
Everybody is invited to take
part. Take a day off and have a
jolly time.
All who can take part have
your name registered with W.
F. Carlberg.
Ortley Will Celebrate.
Ortley in past years on the 20th
of June has had a very large at
tendance on account of the many
attractions, such as, Indian ball
teams, races, bowery dances,
automobile races, band concerts,
fireworks and many other at
tractions which have been very
enjoy ?ble to the people of Ortley
and vicinity as well as to the
many neighboring towns each
year since its birthday. One of
the features of their grand cele
bration will be the Sioux Indian
war dance and their barbecue.—
Ortley Outlook.
All holders of warrants out
standing against One Road
school district are requested to
present the same for payment.
No further interest will be al
lowed from and after the date
of this notice.
Miller Peterson,
this' June 13,1903.
"V •. ..
V'.v v..
jv I fix-
The services last Sunday were
well attended for this time of
the year. The quartette which
has not sung for a couple of Sun
days will be with us again next
Sunday. A readjustment has
had to be made because some
of the pupils and teachers have
Next Sabbath morning Mr.
Lake will preach on "Job." In the
evening at eight o'clock the
subject will be "What the grace
of God can do." All are wel
Sunday school meets soon
after the church service. Let all
the boys and girls turn out as
Mrs. Brown is getting ready for
Children's Day. It was post
poned because of measles.
Christian Endeavor meets at
seven o'clock in the basement.
Prayer meeting will be held
on Thursday evening at eight
o'clock. Join us and see if it is
not worth attending.
Communion service will be
held on Sunday morning June
the twenty-second. Be sure to
remember this and be there.
Children(s Day exercises will
be given June the twenty-ninth.
The Woman's'Foreign Mission
ary Society will meet Friday p.
m. at the home of Mrs. H. N.
The Epworth League expects
to have three delegates aL the
district convention at Webster
June 14th and 15th.
The Sunday school lessons are
unusually interesting jusc now.
Be sure to be in some school next
Sunday even though the out
doors may be inviting.
There will be morning and eve
ning service next Sundäy at the
usual hour.
The graduating exercises of
the junior league held last Sun
day night were much enjoyed
by all. Misses Mabel McKeever
and Frances Carlaw were the
There will be no Sunday school
during the term of Parochial
Regular services next Sunday
at 10:30.
Luther League at 6:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Thurs
day at 7:45
The class reading for confirma
tion meets at the parsonage at
1:30 every Saturday.
Services in Lakeview church
next Sunday afternoon at
English services in the evening
at 8 o'clock.
Mesdames Holland and A.
Thurston will entertain the
ladies aid at the home of the
former June 19.
The annual sale of the ladies
aid society will be held June 26.
at the home of Mrs. M. L. Sa
teren. Everybody invited.
Booster Club Committees.
The following committees are
a guaranty of the success of the
big entertainment which will be
given in this city June 30:
Executive Committee—
W. F. Carlberg.
Henry Helvig.
J. A. Rickert.
Committee on Base Ball
Hue Batterbury.
Jerry Wilson.
Committee on Parade—
W. S. Thomas.
W. Borene.
James Aiorril.
Committee on Dance—
Ben Nelson-
Card of Thanks.
We hereby thank our friends
for their many acts of kindness
and sympathy when such at
tentions were so sorely needed,
and helped so much.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Klement
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Sweedlund.
fc. 'v "ji| ''O-
Interesting Program
In conformity with the usual
custom, the Junior Epworth
League of the Methodist church
held commencement exercises
last Sunday night in honor of the
graduation of a class of two in
to the Senior department. The
graduates were Frances Carlaw
and Mabel McKeever. Follow
ing is the program:
Song. "There Shall be Show
ers of Blessing," Congregation
Scripture Lesson, 23d Psalm
Primary Class
Prayer Rev. Shearer
Greetings from General Sec
retary, Miss Emma Robin
son, Junior Supt.
(a) Outline of Intermediate
Work.... Intermediate Supt.
Demonstration of Work
Done this Year
Outline of Junior Work,
Junior Supt.
Demonstration of Work
Done this Year
Outline of Primary Work
Primary Supt.
Demonstration of Work
Done this Year ...
Song, "Somebody Knows,"
Boys' Class
Life of John Wesley
Frances Carlaw
Junior History of Method
ism Mabel cKeever
Song, '"1 belong to the King"
Class of Girls
Presentation of Diplomas...
S a
Address of Welcome
..Epworth League President
Song, "When the Roll is
Called Up Yonder,"
unior League
The Gollmar circus did not get
here until about noon last Friday
and as a result the parade did
not start until after four o'clock
and it was only possible to give
one performance. This was held
in the open air, which made the
performing very difficult, as a
srong, cold wind was blowing.
The trained elephants, lions,
bears and dogs were especially
good. In fact the whole show
was all right, when all the man
agement had to contend with is
considered. It is understood that
Gollmar Bros, have put in a claim
for §5,000 against the railroad
for the delay in bringing them
here from Webster.
We pay you more cash for
your old automobile tires than
any one else. Schindler Bros.
Total number of volumes is
sued was 267, an average daily
circulation of 10.
Visitors to the reading table
numbered 183.
The children's report which is
included in the above is as fol
lows: Total circulation 163.
The following gifts have been
must gratefully received: Cor
rect Social Usuage, Vol. I and II
Mrs. Turner. Official Records
of Union and Confederate Navies
in the war of the rebellion U.
S. War Department. The Etude
Magazine Miss Madera. Lite
rary Digest, January- -March,
1913, also Independent Miss
Amy and Judith Ulstad are
sick with measles.
Work on the new railroad is
progressing rapidly.
Melvin Satre is enjoying a
case of measles.
A large number of people of
this vicinity took in the circus at
Sisseton Friday.
Miss Ella Satre who has been
attending school at Sisseton re
turned to her home Friday.
Laura Vollmer and Mrs. Ben
Vollmer are on the gain.
Isabell McCormack of Sisseton
is the guest of Ethel Ernst.
Bernice and Ellswortji Sands
mark are sick with measles.
Everybody's doing it in Enter
prise. Doing what? Working,
of course.
Chas. Olson and wife were
Sisseton visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Severt Larson
and Mabel and Henry were shop­
of Spring Coats and Spring Suits
Is Still On at Our Store
S20.00 Ladies' Suits and Coats, a little
out of style, now $10.00.
$12^50 Coats and Suits for ladies now
All New SpringCoatsat great reduction
All Children's Coats at 20 per cent dis
Yoü cannot of ford to miss this sale,
sure to be here.
Absofutoiy Pure
The only Baking Powder mode
from Roy at Qrepe Cream of Tarier
Public Library Report for May
The library was open for cir
culation of books, reading and
reference work, 26 days.
Respectfully submitted.
Pearl F. Robinson,
Stavia Bros.
ping in Sisseton Wednesday.
Patsy Curran was in town
Clara Anderson was a guest at
Severt Larson's last Monday.
Mr. Curran is a little hot head
ed this week he says the cut
worms are bothering his garden.
Mr. Gorsuch is about the
busiest man in this vicinity. He
is busy breaking and testing his
muscles on the rocks. He expects
to break about 30 acres.
A few of the Enterprises at
tended the Golmar Bros. show.
A few of the young ladies and
gentlemen of this vicinity gather*
ed at the home of Severt Larson
and surprised Henry on his 17th
birthday. Games were played
and refreshments were served.
Theodore Larsen and wife ar
rived last week from Chance. S.
D., where Mr. Larson has a
A large crowd from here at
tended the celebration at Thos.
Lien's grove.
Ferdinand Keil is very ill with
pneumonia but under the care of
Dr. Cavernaugh we hope he will
soon regain his usual health.
Will Lampman and wife en
tertained about fifty of their
friends Sunday. A most enjoy
able time was had by all present
and all wished that they might
come again.
A large delegation from here
attended Market Day in the Val
Two automobiles equipped
with fishing material and drove
by Henry and Charley Kaufman,
went to Big Stone Monday re
turning Tuesday with a good
catch. The party consisted of
Gus Kaufman, J. M. Larson,
Will Lampman and Nelson Couit.
Mr. and Mrs. Coult enter
tamed guests at dinner Sunday.
Dr. Burton of Wheaton, was
seen on our streets Thursday.

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