ttaiutji, mi IS I .A- ,v If :y« A 'y !, I Z' 6 1K$ •M t,. u. Department of Ilietor, Vol. 22 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Will he Held at Sisseton Be ginning June 15 Until 26. The annual Summet- School and Teachers' Institute will be held in Sisseton beginning either June 15 or 16 and running until 2ti. Ex-state Superintendent M. M. Ramer will conduct the In stitute and will be assisted by an efficient corps of instructors. Mr. Ramer is a man who has spent his life in the interest of the schools of South Dakota and is held in high regard by those who know his work. For that reason he has been assigned the work in Didactics and School Management. Miss Ella M. Probst of Minne apolis and Principal of the Lake Harriet school in that city will have work in Primary Methods, Music and Drawing. She comes to us very highly recommended and is by no means new in in stitute work. Supt. Guthrie of the city schools will again have charge of the work in History and Civics. He needs 110 introduction to the teachers of the county neither does he need any recommenda tion for his work speaks for itself. Mr. J. L. Thomas who lias been an instructor in the Ne braska Agricultural College will have the work in Agriculture, Physical Geography and Physio logy. He is a man of several years experience in different lines of school work and knows the need of agricultural instruc tion in our rural schools and his work will be practical as well as interesting to the teachers. Mr. W. S. Rupe, platform manager for the Chautauqua and who gave such splendid satisfac tion as an instructor last year will be with us again and give work in Reading, Grammar and Literature. We are very fortu nate in having his service again this year and we will welcome his return. The faculty has been chosen from a long list of applicants and we feel that there will be no disappointments in the selection that has been made. The suc cess of the institute is the only thing that has been considered in making the choice of the in structors. Roberts county teachers have a treat in store for them from June 15 to 26. Fatal Accident of Little Girl. A sad accident occurred at the August Bladow home northeast of this city Tuesday morning when their little 3- year old daughter, Lizzie, tell into a vat of boiling soap and was burned so badly that she died last even ing from her injuries. Playing near a large kettle of boiling soft soap, the little one in some manner lost her balance and plunged into the hot mix ture. Dr. McDonell was sum moned and did what he could to relieve her sufferings, but the burns were too severe and she passed away 36 hours after the accident occurred. The parents are almost frantic with grief, although no blame can be attached to anyone for the unfortunate accident. Hankinson News. During a severe electric storm last Thursday, August Anderson a young farmer southwest of Milbank was struck by light ning and instantly killed while doing chores about the barn. OLD SETTLER DEAD P. K. Englunddied at his home southwest of Rosholt on Thurs day, April 15th, 1915. He had been in poor health for a long time. Peter Englund was born in 1858 at Halsingland, Sweden and was therefore 57 years of age at the time of his death. He came to this country in 1*85 and worked at his trade, that of a carpenter and builder in the vi cinity of Minneapolis for a num ber of years. When the Sisse ton and Wahpeton Reservation was opened he joined in the rush secured a good farm and lias been a resident here ever since Mr. Euglund was a man of strong character and honest con victions, the type of man which is always needed in a new coun try, where hardships and self denial are required in the trans formation of the wilderness to the garden. He was buried at Wheaton on April 18th, under the auspices of the I.O. O. P. Lodge of which he had been a member for many years. —White Rock Journal. Summit to Have Electric Lights. Summit Work on the new Summit Municipal electric light and waterworks plant will begin shortly, bids having been let this week for the machinery and ap paratus. The Des Moines Bridge & Iron Works was awarded the contract for the 100 feet stand pipe and 40,000 gallon tank, the laying of mains and furnishing of hydrants, etc., for the water works system at a bid of.$0,690. On the electric lighting plant apparatus, there was more of a division. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. of St. Paul, was awarded the contract for the engine and pump at $1,387.23: the contract for the generator and other ma chinery was let to H. B. Holden for $2,208.73 while the contrect for the erection of the power plant proper and the setting of poles and stringing of wires will be let later. There were 14 bid ders present. Celebration at New Efflngton. New Effington—With a little paraphrasing, it will be virtually "Over the Mountains to Eids void" here on May 17th, exten sive plans being underway here for a big celebration on that day, the anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence by Norway, which celebrated here from the rule of Denmark. The Farmers' and Merchants' association has charge of the ar rangements, and plans are now being made to entertain the largest crowd of Norwegians ever congregated in this part of the state. A big parade, public speaking, music, dancing and all kinds of sports and entertainment are being planned, while one or a a a staged during the day between teams from this section of the state. Now Effington already has gained considerable reputation as a hostess, but this event will surpass all others in its magni tude. Well Driller Has Hand Crushed Roslyn—While finishing up on the new 400 foot city well here, Will Magnus, Jr., who had charge of the work, met with a painful accident which may result in the loss of his left hand. While working in the tower of his drilling machine, he caught his left hand in the gearing in some manner, mashing several bones of his hand. of about $800. Sisseton Weekly Standard SISSETON, ROBERTS COUNTY, S. IX, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 191. BIG FIRE AT PEEVER Entire Block Destroyed Early Saturday Morning—$40,000 Loss. A fire of unknown origin which started in the postoftice at- iihout one o'clock this morning, completely destroyed the southwest business block of our city, entailing loss of about $40.000. 1 he fire was discovered by Swen Anderson, who immedi ately rang the fire bell, but by the time help arrived the fire had gained such headway, that hope of saving the building was abandoned and all efforts were directed to trying to save as much of the contents as possible. 1 he Peever Auto Garage saved some of their tools, and the cars stored therein, about fifteen in number, were all 1 saved. The loss on same was about $8,500 with $1,800 in surance. They will rebuild as soon as possible. Bassett and Pierson, who conducted a farm implement business in the J. Steltf re building, saved some of their stock and carried some insurance. Their loss was about $2,000. There was no insurance on the building, which was valued at about $1,500. Postmaster F. E. Dudeck's building and contents were a total loss. He carried $-100 insurance and sustained a I he S. I I. Renville pool and lunch room were next. Asa Sweetccrn owned the building, which was valued at $2,000 and on which $S00 insurance was carried. S. II. Renville and S, L. Finley owned the contents, valued at $1,500 and carried no insurance. 1 he 1'. L. Parratt resturant, building was owned by Casey ct Murray and was insured. The loss was about $1,500. lb ere was no insurance on the contents which were owned by Mr. Parrott and which were practically all lost. 8. H. Renville owned the building occupied by The Pee ver Pilot and valued same at $1,500, insurance $800. The loss to The Pilot plant was about $1500. and was insured for $1,000. Jürgens & Beck, general merchants, sustained the largest loss. They valued the building at $3,000 and the stock at $14,000. The insurance on the building and stock was $7,000. Considerable goods were carried out, but a large part was ruined by fire and water. They will rebuild at once. The First State Bank saved most of the fixtures, but their handsome buildihg which was completed only a few months ago was destroyed. Their loss was about $2,000 and they carried insurance. Mr. Rice stated that they would rebuild at once. This is the second large fire we have sustained in a little over a year, the first cleaning the block just north of this and both could easily have been saved with the aid of only a small waterworks plant. The city voted on issuing bonds for fire protection only last summer and the project was defeated, more by a lack of interest than of opposition. While some of the buildings will be rebuilt it is doubtful if the block will be replaced for some time and it is a serious blow to our city. Valiant efforts were made to save as much of the contents as possible, but it was very discouraging to be forced to see the buildings burn one after another for the want of a little fire protection.—Peever Pilot. Will Re-build Whole Block. Plans are being perfected to replace the business block that was destroyed by fire Saturday morning, with hand some fire proof buildings. I he Peever J-arage plans to commence work in a few days on a new brick garage to be erected on the old site and work will be rushed on some. J. Steftlre intends to rebuild his impliment building and will use fire proof material throughout. F. E. Dudeck is figuring on a new brick post office to be erected at once on the old site. Solon LaBatte will probably erect a pool hall and lunch room on the site of the old Peever Club room and will put up a substantial building. S. H. Renville says he is figuring on a cement building to replace the one formerly occupied by the Pilot office. Jürgens fc Beck will replace their store building with handsome brick structure which will be a big improvement. The First State Bank is getting out plans for a brick bank building on the corner and when these improvements are completed we will have a business block that would be a credit to a city much larger than Peever. Our business men are all optomistic in regard to the future and have much faith in the people of loss this vicinity. a cii_„ Child Thrown From Train. Fearing that her a would be killed before she could reach him, drove Straeiotto Lu gia, a Swiss woman, violently in sane Tuesday and she hurled her --year-old child from the window of the Milwaukee's Olympian Hier three miles east of ISowdle while the train was speeding forty live miles an hour. Passengers crowded around the woman and prevented her from throwing her other child, nine months old, through the same window. The train was stopped and when the crew pick ed up the child it was crying but apparently not fatally hurt. How the chiid escaped without being instantly killed is regarded as a miracle- The woman was on her way from Elk River, Idaho, to New York, where she intended to join her husband, who left the United States several months ago- She is now in the custody of authorities at Aberdeen.-— Aberdeen News. Killed By Jumping From Auto. Canton—Elmer, the lour year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W Erbes of this place, was killed Thursday afternoon under rather peculiar circumstances. He and his older brother were riding on the running board of an automo bile belonging to and driven by Mozart Skartvedt. They had been playing around the ice house where Mr. Startvedt had gone for some ice, and as he had to pass the Erbes home, he of fered to let the children ride, saying he would stop and let them off. As he reached the house, he slowed up, but before he could stop, both the Erbes boys jumped, the younger one striking his head on the ground so hard that a concussion of the brain resulted, death following shortly after. Waubay Fire Loss $50,900 Waubay—A final estimate of the damage and insurance result ing from the disaatrous fire here Wednesday evening, when the business section of the town ly ing east of Main street was total ly destroyed, having been made up, showing a total loss of ap proximately §50,900 with a total insurance of $42,000. The loss and insurance is divi ded as follows: K. S. Goodell's Variety store— Stock, $4,000 insurance, $2,500. Joseph Marshall—Building, $3, 000 insurance, S1,1100. P. M. Englehardt— Hardware stock, $10,000 insurance $10,000. Building, $4,000 insurance, $2, 200. Harry & John's Cash store— Stock, $4,000 insurance $2,500. Mrs. Clara Way land—Building, $3,000 insurance, $2,000. Louis Weiwer's general store Stock', $12,000 insurance, $G, 000. Building, $4,000 insurance, $2,000. Jorgenson & Strom— Stock, $500, no insurance. J. Elke— Building,$1,500 insurance $1000. Carl A. Bosley—Meat stock, $500 insurance, $500. L. S. Babcock received a mes sage Thursday of the death of his father S. B. Babcock at Min neapolis. The Babcock family left Thursday evening to attend the funeral. Mr. Babcock was 84 years of age and was in good health, the fore part of the week, but died very suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rickert departed yesterday for a few days stay in Minneapolis PRISONER COM MITS SUICIDE Took Heroic Steps to End His Imprisonment. A. C. Helm, serving four years in the penitentiary, terminated his term of imprisonment Tues day morning when he leaped head foremost into one of the machines used in the twine plant and was instantly killed. It was between 8 and 10 o'clock when the men were busy with their work, when Helm turned to one of his fellow workmen and simply remarked, "Here I go." With no further warning he leaped into the machinery and the top of his head waa ground to pieces and he receiv ed other injuries to the arms and upper part of his body before the machinery could be stopped. Coroner Trepanier and Sheriff Carleton were notified and they both visited the scene of the bloody tragedy. While there is no question as to Helm having committed suicide Coroner Tre panier decided that an inquest was necessary to keep the re cords straight and A. J. Yeager, Lewis Koehler and A. S. Pad dock were summoned as jurors and the hearing took place on Wednesday. Helm was convicted of the charge of manslaughter in Stan ley county and was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary and had only been an inmate of that institution a matter of weeks when he committed the rash act which ended his life. For some time past he had been acting grouchy and some of the fellow prisoners and the guards thought the brooding over his imprisonment was af fecting his mind. However a letter was found which he aimed to send to his wife, who lives in Iowa, which indicates that his actions were a part of his plan to secure his freedom. He sug gested in the letter to his wife if he could get transferred to the asylum at Yankton he could easily make his escape. His wife has been notified of his tragic death.—Argus Leader. Yesterday the Board elected elected Mr. Guthrie, superinten tendent of the Sisseton, South Dakota, schools as Mr. Hagen's successor. Mr. Guthrie is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has taken a special course in pedagogy at the same institution. He has had several years of experience in public school work in Iowa and South Dakota and comes highly recom mended. He had been offered the superintendency of the Breckenridge schools, but pre ferred to accept the position in the schools of this city.—The Glenwood, (Minn) Herald. At a meeting of the school board Tuesday evening Mr. James Oliver was elected teacher of the upper grades, including the first year high school, and Mr. Ezra Lewis teacher of the intermediate grades. The primary teacher has not yet been chosen Steve Motis went to Sisseton Tuesday to get a county road grader which the county com missioners have provided for use on the roads in this vicinity. Steve has been appointed official road dragger, which is a guarantee that the work will be well done. New Effington should feel rather grate ful for the priveldege thus granted by the county commissioners. The county not only furnishes the grad er but pays a man for operating it, —New Effington Record. 't' . 1: r*i$ 6t *4 No. 45 -JT •f| 'M