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The Sisseton weekly standard. (Sisseton, Roberts County, S.D.) 1892-1929, July 23, 1915, Image 5

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99062049/1915-07-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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Mr. an 1 Mrs. Gl'
daughter Mabel
l'eever Tuesdav.
a bei
Haven, Minn.
el son home.
to lend on
at lowest rate.
The Old Reliable
First National Bank
Sisseton, S. D.
Some was told to us, some was handed to us,
and the rest we guessed at.
Dr. Cook was a caller from Yeb
len Tuesday.
/. for girl's shirt waists at the
'.olden Rule-
Mrs. Middle left for her Home
near Con ell. Minn.. Kridav.
lien Katon
visit in
Mrs. J. A. Peter..on and daugh
ter Jiirnive spent several days with
relatives at l'eever this week.
that's Harry Spackmin
thai next year's I !uicl
It's a live passenger and
has more class
Ulis section.
than anything in
Mrs. Shaviand and daughters
and son. Cclian. and ile, arrived
bv auto Saturday from Hanlcy
Kails, Miun., to visit the U. R.
Chilsou family east of Sisselon.
Dr K. J. Maw, Kyc Specialist of
ilbank. S. I .. will be at the
Hotel Commcrcia
son home.
Kdilor Hangen ol
ill the cit on busines
of LulTinan
in Sisselon this
Chilsou and
•re up from
on Aug. Jnd
Dr. Maw conn's well recommended
bv the best citizens of Milbank.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. l'elersoii and
children and Mrs. Carolina Krick
son and daughter Kama, and
Misses Ada and Ruth Nelson and
l'aul Nelson of liosholt spent Sat
urday and Sunday at the K. Nel­
l'ete Greenfield recently purchas
ed the Sullivan Klcvator at Claire
City. The elevator has about
J.s.oiiii bushel capacity and is
equipped with modern eonvcnincces
August Nelson will buy grain tor
him as Mr. Greenfield has a lease
on the Sullivan Klcvator at Sisse
lon. __
,5.011 only for ladies silk and
voil dresses at the llig Sale at the
Golden Rule.
yc for wash goods values at the
lüg Sale at the Golden Rule.
Wiimoi, was
Mrs. Win. Nankcimmn of Iieard
slev is here visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walel ich.
Mrs. A. (). Tosten-on is enter
taining her parents. Mr. and Mis.
Christofferson oi Sid.ncv, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mattesoii of
Ycbic-n were guests at the W. L.
Johnson home Tuesdav and Wed
Mrs. K. X. Rudie returned last
Wednesday from Minneapolis
where she has been will] her father
wh-o has been vcrv ill.
Miss Clara Johnsrud of Spring
Grove, Minn, arrived last Saturday
for a visit with her sister. .Mrs. W.
O. Top ik and other relatives.
Mrs. II, 1'. Möllenbeck returned
to her home at Minneapolis Mon
day evening alter a week's visit at
the Rask and Möllenbeck homes.
John Wilkins, is back on his job
this week, at the Standard office
altera pleasant two weeks vaca
tion—spent in curing a «lose of lead
Mrs. Lawrence Herges ami Mrs.
Mat Tlieis returned Kridav Irom a
three weeks' visit with their par
ents at Wat kins. Minn. and friends
al St Cloud.
Hans Cliristianson, proprietor
of the Kagle Cafe, suffered a par
al tic stroke last week and was
confined to Towels' hospital for
several days, but is again able to
be about looking after his business.
S. K. Aldrige of the Sanitary bot
tling work's transacted business at
Milbank and other points along the
main line. The products of this
company are first class goods, and
are going fast. New customers are
being added to their shipping list
every day, and the old ones are
sending in lagel orders each time.
Thvv are delivering the goods,
that stand up and are making a
W. R. DcArnu'iit (»ander llrantscg |j
DeArment & Brantseg
Painters, Decorators
and Paper Hangers
Interior and exterior work of all kind
All work Guaranteed.
Win Borene isspending the week
in Montevideo.
A Birch of Claire City visited
Sisselon friends Wednesday.
Will Connlev arrived home Wed
nesday from a three months slay in
The U.S. Morris family autoed
1 (i Bonanza Grove Wednesday loi
two weeks' Camping.
Miss Sehna Sander
Nassau, Miun., thi
visit with relatives.
1 recommended
classed tailors.
went to
week for a
Lawrence Krickson of Waubay
is a guest at the home of his uncle
Andrew Krickson this week.
Mrs. Dick Christians has about
recovered from her attack of rheu
matism and is able to be around
Mrs. Andrew Krickson and
children left Tuesday for a month's
visit with relatives mid 1 riends at
Miss Hazel Spackman arrived
home the first of the week trom a
pleasant visit with old schoolmates
in ilwaukec.
],. A. I.ien and 11.
ed over from Gracevt
take in the ball game
the Wolff home
L. Dav auto
b. Kridav to
and visit at
Mr. and rs. Theo. Roiishaugeii
of Pierpont, S- D. and Herman
Ronshav.g'-ii of Roslyn, S. D. were
guests al the A. L. Slavig home
last week.
bv the highest
We are handbag the Sti'lwater
machinery and twine It will pay
any one in need of a binder, mow
er or rake to come and g'et our
prices before buying.
(351 Johnson & Sonstegaard.
Marriage licenses issued this
week wele: John Tlados, Rutland
and Marv (Istcn Colhalon ol
Alberta, Canada. ()le M. I'aulson
of Roslyn, and Magda Kossum of
Yeblen. Carl Sauden and Klorence
Sleen of Sisselon. Oscar Sauden
and Gusta Ilerg of Sisselon.
Mr. and Mrs. l'aul Rickeit re
lurned^Tuesdav Ii nm a three weeks'
visit with Dr. and Mrs. Schefller at
Onawa, Iowa, and relatives al
Sioux Kails. They were delayed
several days on their return trip
owing tu the heavy rains in the
southern part of the state. They
say Dr. Schefller has a splendid
practice at Onawa ami is meeting
with excellent success.
I General Passenger Agent of St.
l'aul. It is needless to say they
found everything in tip-top shape
at the Sisselon station under the
supervision of Agent Crosby and
his hustling sous. The ticket sale
at Sisseton last month was the larg
est increase over any point on the
Notice I» Farmers.
We handle the South Dakota
penitentiary twine, have handled
it several years and it has given
good satisfaction. We have only
a limited amount ordered so get in
your order early, we can save you
moncy',on the twine. Call at the
Farmers' Co-operative Society.
liuy your worn
Gulden Rule.
4i for embroideries up to 4 indi
es wide, at the sale at The Golde»
shoes it thi
Charlie Strand was up from Wil
mot on business on Tuesda\
I.eRoy WollT is spending a few
days with relatives in Graceviii tills
A:V::vw Krickson spent Tuesday
at iieardsley taking in celebra
Mrs. Killilv Otto leaves this week
for llcaidslcv where she will spend
tile sumniel
Mrs. John Sp.ickm.m cturned
•Tuesday Irom a few dav- visit at
Orionville with Mrs. 1 la! Knight
Mr.-. Tom c( Ice and Clia-.
McGee etui ned home this week
from a visit with relative- at Mag
nolia, inn.
Miss Xalley Gross is spending a
two weeks' vacation at her home
here. Xancy is employed in the
Swedish hospital at Minneapolis.
Miss May Giover is confined I"
her bed with a severe attack ol ap
pendicitis, but hopes an- rclaiue 1
for her recovery without an opera
Ah*, and Mis. Tom Ilos o! Kala
mazoo, Mich., arrived Wednesday
for an extendi,! visit with the
laiter's sister, Mis, A. Tosten
soil. They were accompanied by
Mr. and Mis, Christofferson the
latleis parents of Sidney, Mich.
The entire trip was made by auto,
and it was a delight fill one. The
roads were excellent and they
made good time up as far as Mil
bank. but from there on the heavy
\Y. S. Tiielill has secured the rains had played havoc with the
services of Win. Devlin of Council good roads.
bluffs, Iowa. Mr. Devlin is a tailor:
ol years experience and comes high
overalls The
Positively closes
Saturday, July 24th
Do not fail to get some
of these bargains.
Racket Store
Sisseton, S. I).
15 for
bovs' shins at The Gold-
en Rule.
A party of Milwaukee railroad
officials arrived Tuesday afternoon
by special train on an inspection
tour of the
entire Milwaukee system.
Among the parly were: ]•'. M.
Laine, Division Superintendent of diusine
Aberdeen. I. I. Köster, General
Superintendent of Minneapolis
Mr. Pierpont, traffic manager of
of Chicago: Mr. Simpson, Supt. of
Transportation of Chicago J. T.
Conley, Gen. Freight Agent of
Chicago Mr. Montgomery, Asst.
l-'reight Agent of .Minneapolis: C.
Tom G-man and iamily Sunday
in Sisseton.
Miss Marv Class i- visiting with
Xew KHiugton friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs.
Kntcrprise were
II vor (lien
Mrs. and Mr». T. K. Tasa lett
Monday for Audubon, la-, to at
tend tile funeral of Mrs. Tasa's
fat her
Fern Möllenbeck is taking in the
city sight-this week. He accom-j
panied Mrs. P. II. Rodenbeck
home Monday night.
Mr. and Mis. Harry Spackman
and son Harold and Mr. Clias.
Tisch of Minnesota township left
by auto Thursday tor a visit at
Sioux City, Iowa.
Mrs. W. L. Kennedy and son
Harold of Osage. Iowa, arrived
last night for a visit at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL D.
Quality determins the choice of
goods of a sensible purchaser. Be
Quality means fewer purchases,
saving of time and means content
ment in the work of those around
General Hardware
M. Raison is reported
quite ill.
4.tc for men's heavy win
ill ilie Golden Rule.
The Misses Renville of l'eever,
were week end visitors with their
sister, Mrs. Geo. Hast
Mesdanies Kd and Ncl
ot' Wilniar, Minn, are
he 11aus Taickson home
guests at ''I
his week.
Miss Leo Rogers has severed con
nections with the Golden Rule and
returned to her home at 111 ecken
lidge. Minn.
Do not enter business Ii I at
sailvallfagi'. Attend Ihr Sioli.X I
is I
therefore, means to every
purchaser of goods increase in
Our Hardware lines are already
known for their high standard of
In selecting our line of farm im
plements quality not price—has
been our aim. To get goods of
"Samson" a six reel leal lire
will be shown at the l'nii| lie
Theatre I'Yida.v evtling. .lul.v elI.
The story of Samson is lie story
of the si rongest, ma 11 whoever
lived Iiis name today is known
to almost every man, woman and
child I broiigholit. the civilized
world, a nil even to those who
do not know Iiis story bis name
is a synonym of strength. I!
besides that, thrilling story of
I he life of this mail, to whom
God gave power and streng
siieh as no man possessed, and
To whom lie gave carle blanche
in righting Iiis wrongs, is llie
most spectacular, romantic and
tragic of any of the heroes ol'ar.-l
i(| 11 it V.
The Aberdeen Commercial Club
will try and li 11 requests made to
M. Crockett is transacting!''. harvest help. There is no
in Minot, D., this week. I certainty, al this time, that it will
be able to satisfy all of the demands
Miss Agnes Llindstrom oi l'eev for extra harvest men. but it will
er visited Sisseton lends last week. |, glad to do the be-t it can as the
agent lor the distribution of har
vest help.
isltois 'fids club asks, at this time, thai
K. Lcnnon. Kreight Claim Agent of points in Canada to look alter by immediately wiiting to the Ab
Minneapolis and W. P. Dixon, land interests. erdeeii Commercial Club, and gi\-
towns and communities will aiitici-
Axness h-lt Tuesday for pale their needs as far a possible
ing approximately the number ol
men that will be needed in your
locality, about the time they will
be needed and to whom hands
should be sent from Aberdeen for
proper distribution. A compliance
with this request at aseaily a date!
las possible, will do much toward
relcaving hol congestion ami de
inand for men.
Strayed or Stolen.
Strax ed or stolen from pasture,
section Hi, 1 r\ Wood Lake town
ship, led yearling heifer, tip right
ear cut off. S5,(in reward for in-:
formation locating animal. If
stolen an additional reward of S-L5
upon conviction of thief.
C. K. Swanson,
(5-6) Route 4, Sisseton, S. I).
Akre went 'o
•, for liioi
and Mrs. A I'. Hönde and
Canier went to P.enson,
Tuesday morning to attend
the fuuend ol a cousin. They
autoed to lirowns Yallev taking
the Great Northern from that point.
quality, we have picked the best
from different markets and disre
garded single lines with name only.
This is why we sell such goods as
McCormiciv Haying and Harvesting
Tools, mowers, rakes, stackers,
grain and corn binders. The Inter
national New Clover Leaf, all steel,
low down, manure spreader. Inter
national gas engines. Columbus
farm wagons and trucks. Canton
Diamond gangs and sulkies, and
last but not least the DeLaval cream
I,egal blanks may be obtained at
the Standard ol'llce.
Miss aline Gravdahl 'el the
hospital Wednesday evening.
Dr. Kjerestad, Chiropractor, New
Grand building. Jt I
Let Do.\ riiii'iit. and Brantseg
figure on your painiing and pap-
Yon will al wax find
Ix'eliahie K\ Specialist at
CIoss 1 true Store.
Mr and
the Ohl
I he Red
(I -car
are visitiui.
(Ii ant-burg
cars also to
lake in he big a swell convent ion.
Christ l'eterson and Möns Kakutu
auloeil to llonanza Grove Tuesday
night and returned Wednesday.
John Xei gaanls ai rived home
Sunday night alter spending a
week camping at Henanza Grove.
The pan el post limit a• to lie
size of jlackagi'S has been changed
and is operative at once The
total g'Ttli of a package under the
new is I inches as against the old
limit of 71 inches. Another regu
lation goes into clfcct the first
September, which will enable
When you need Goods of Quality,
we will talk Quality to you.
Sisselon, S. D.
1 lor children's dresses at the
.Golden Rule.
W. !•'. Carlberg and family are
spending the week in the twin
Mrs. l'ete I,inster and son are
sqending the week with her parents
near Laien.
Mr and Mrs. H. A. Morril re
turned Monday from a week's visit
at Morris, Minn
Mrs Carl Graverson and daughter
arrived home Monday, fiom a three
weeks' visit with relatives at
Georgeville, Minn.
Mrs (.. I). Kivelv departed
I Monday evening for a visit with
livi daughter, Lama, at Pendent
I)'()icillc, Alberta, Canada. Sh2
expects to be gone several weeks.
Misses Gertie Sebion, Clara and
Millie Thorson and Lena Peterson
returned Wednesday from their
two weeks' camping at Bonanza
Grove, and are again at work
IStavig liros' store- Tliev all report
a 11ne time.
The contract for the building of
Thomas' and the Masonic building
has been lei to Carlson Si Haslen
I r.f Orionville. The buildings will
Mx'iii, two stories high. The
for stores
of: be
sons to get a receipt lor their par
cel post packages upon the pay
ment o! a one cent fee.
per- lower parts will be used
while the upper storv will be for
the Mason's hall The material
will be brick and cement.
The Mower Vou Gftn
Depend On
The Mower that, Works Satisfac
torily Under the Most Un
favorable Conditions
Rickert- Opheim Co.

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