OCR Interpretation

The Sully County watchman. (Clifton, Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1894, August 04, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99062858/1893-08-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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Baking Powders
Before Congress.
Not the Rone. lat the Patient Plod
der Maken the Beat HiiHbtind.
Tho engagement of one of our
Gotham swells to a beautiful Soutliera
girl forces into prominence that as yet
unsolved question, "Why does a lovely
woman choose
man with
The eleven Southern states which secodod
are represented in the Fifty-third oonjrress
by 111 senators and representatives. Every
one of them fought in the army who was
old enough u shoulder a musket, except
two, and they were lads at college la a
neutral state.
Rome was supplied from 1 wonty-fonr larjre
aqueducts, which brought i().0XU»Hj cubic
feet of water daily into the city.
all the
The Pure Food bill before Congress would be a righteous
njeasure for the people, and should become a law. The public
want pure food, and in order to protect themselves must know
what is adulterated. All adulterated preparations should be so
branded, including Baking Powders containing Ammonia or
Alum. Then if people want to dose themselves with "Absolutely
Pure" Ammonia or Alum, they will do it knowingly. The
public have been looking up the composition of Ammonia and
Alum and they don't like the idea of eating either in their hot
Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder
is a Pure Crearti of Tartar Powder free from Ammonin, Alum,
Lime or other adulteration. And every investigation, whether
in thfe laboratory or kitchen, confirms and emphasizes its superior
it#?/n every way.
roue in preference to
clean record for a hus­
band?" What is there about such
man that fascinates
sweet, pure
girl? The fact that other women have
loved him and he has forsaken all for
her, swearing he never knew what
love meant until he looked into her
heaven lit eyes?
Is it because he has "gone through"
so much that she thinks him a society
hero? Does she ever think of the mis
ery he has wrought that he, a man
of the world, has taken in his arms
just such a sweet, confiding tiling as
she, crushed and bruised its innocent
life, and turned the sweet, pure flower
into a gaudy, painted, tiger lily that
flaunts itself among the weeds iie has
left to grow around it, to.be cut by so
ciety's merciless sickle, and left to die
alone? Think you, my dear girl, that
because he promises reform lie intends
keeping his word? Yes perhaps for
a time. Your influence may be good,
but he frets under restraint. He has
known many women as sweet and as
beautiful as you. The veneer of the
new toy has "worn off. He wants
something else to occupy his thoughts.
You fret over his absence from home.
He complains—thinks you should be
satisfied with money and carriages.
That is all that is necessary to make
a woman happy to his way of think
ing. You love him, and let the thorn
sink deep into your heart, too far for
probing or. on the other hand, you
hate the man you once dreamed was
your ideal, and for the sake of the
child who bears his name live a lie to
save its little life from sorrow and
shame. Idleness begets vice. 'Tis not
the man who inherits his fortune to
spend in fast living, who owns yachts,
drags, horses and no brains that makes
the husband and father the coming
generation can be proud of as ances
tor, but the self-made man, ilie stu
dent, the thinker, the plodder in youth
he is the man who knows stubble from
chaff, who tenderly holds the wife of
his choice to his heart, and forsaking
all others, keeps her only Tin to him
so long as they both shall live.
the femalo complaints" and
weaknesses that make woman's
life a misery. They're cured, by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
For all the derangements, disor
ders, and diseases peculiar to the
sex, this is th« only remedy so
certain that it can be guaranteed.
If it ever fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
It's a legitimate medicine for
woman, carefully adapted to her
delicate organization, and never
conflicting with any of her condi
tions. It regulates and promotes
functions, builds up and in­
vigorates tho entire system, ancf restores
health and strength.
Are you weak, nervous and ailing, or run
down and overworked Then it will brine
you special help. It's the mothers friend. It
lessons pain and insures life of both mother
and child.
Don't decide that your Catarrh is hopeless,
simply because you haven't yet found a cure.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures just such
cases—completely. Its proprietors offer $500
reward for on incurable case of Catarrh.
For Sale Cheap.
Located at Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Northwestern Newspaper Union,
To make room for this year's crop ot
colts I will sell very low. on easy terms,
50 Stallions and 25 Mares. All regis
tered including all the draft and coach
breeders. Or will trade for clear lands.
Write me just what you want* 130 Pre
miums and 31 Diplomas nave been
awai tied my stoek at State Fairs.
Dynamite and a Devil Fi*li.
Monday morning while Col. Good'
year's crew were on the bar ami a big
charge of dynamite was being raised
from the briny depths on account of a
faulty cap, which would not explode,
the workers suddenly experienced a
pulling of the lines which were at
tached to it. Almost instantly a ter
rible commotion was heard 'in the
waters, and the spray began to rise
above the little boat like immense
waves. Suddenly the two workmen
who were in a small boat were amazed
to see the tentacles of a monster devil
iish soaring thirty feet in the air. The
foaming sea was about to engulf the
little craft when the party in the large
loat observed the commotion. The
touch of jjn electric, button would have
ended the monster, but the cap had
been tried, and the only way to save
them was to cut-tho wire connection
and the ropes, which was soon done,
and the terror of the seas, after lashing
around a short while, disappeared,
much to the relief of the party. The
thrilling experience, as related by sev
eral gentlemen who were in the party,
is indeed marvelous. No such lish was
ever seen by them 1etore, and they
all wonder how the two men over s
capd from its awful clutches.
Tryinir to Reach nn Agreement to
Raise the Prices.
Xrnv York, July 20.—
Used to Nol.se.
They were in a quiet neighborhood
and on a suburban car, but the conver
sation was being carried on in a high
key that kept the horses turning their
heads all the time to see what was the
"They live down town on the 'L'
road," remarked the driver as he
kicked the brake.
"You know who she is, then?"
"Oh. no I said I knew where she
"And may I ask how yon know
that 7"
"Because they talk so loud. People
who live in very noisy places get in
the habit of not only talking loud, but
of pitching their voices in a peculiar
key. Didn't you ever notice that?
Well, it's so. Tho habit becomes so
fixed they don't know it themselves."
—New York Herald.
John flood states
iliat he has agreed on behalf of the John
(Jood Cordage Manufacturing company
with the National cordage, on a basis of
prices for binding twine, sisal and manil
la rope which are very much higher than
those which are now ruling. Other inde
pendent interests have not yet agreed
to the new prices. Mr. (iood believes
lhere will be no difficulty in obtaining
their assent. The new prices Avill not
become operative until the cordage re
organization is declared complete.
In connection with the above telegram
the T. M. Roberts Supply House state
that tlie.v have a large lot of binding
twine, upon which they quote the fol
lowing low figures for cash with order
No. 7. jute binding twine, 7c.
No. 47, sisnl binding twine, 8 l-4e.
No. 77, Standard binding twine, 8 3-4c.
The dianees are tor fin advance in
twine, and it would be better to stock
up now. I'rompt delivery and honorable
M. Roberts Supply House, 50S-510 Nicol
treatment are characteristics of the T.
let avenue and li!) Fifth street, Minneap
olis. This is a special cash twine sale.
On receipt of 15 cents this firm will
send you liy express, express paid, their
r»75-page catalogue, which contains the
lowest prices ever named on hardware,
cutlery, bicycles, stoves, tinware, lumber,
windows, doors, toys, sporting goods,
paints, baby carriages, oils, musical in
struments, fencing, pianos and organs,
buggies, sewing machines, wagons, rub
ber goods, lamps, stationery, books. Bi
bles. tpieiiisware, docks, watches, silver
ware. drugs, tents guns, carpets, clothing,
flags, furniture, hats, caps, etc., farm im
plements, harness, stack and wagon cov
ers and dry goods. Address T. M. Rob
erts' Supply House, Minneapolis.
Hadn't Had the Necessary Experi
A man answered an advertisement
of "Man wanted for the life-saving
"What lias been your business'
De Sraet, S. D.
the first question.
"1 have been a doctor," was the re
ply. You won't do at all, sir," was tho
reply. "We want a man who has had
some experience in saving life."
opens the pores, the eystem is re
a e a n n a u e 4
easily responds. Drive
all foul corruption
lout of the body now
by a course of
Nature's Remedy of Roots,
and Herbs. The best Liver Stom
ach and Blood Renovater. Aii, Dnip
91.00—6 Bottles for
TUe Storied About Exorbitant Hotel
Rate* UnfotimltMl—Uoo«l Accommo
dation* Can Be Had at $1 Per Day
The North western Dairy Exhibit.
Jackscn Park, Special Correspond
ence.—There are a good many kicks
to be made in propriety and decorum
with regard to the management of
this exposition. They are not to be
offered so much for faults of omission
as of commission. These failings lie
mainly at the door of that old, common
complaint of too many cooks, who in
variably succeed in spoiling the broth.
Kate Field, the irrepressible, made a
very sage remark the other day to the
effect that if a man like the late la
mented P. T. Barnum were running
this show, the wheels would move along
with far tess friction and it would be
a. bigger show in a good many ways.
There are so many commissioners that
they are continually getting in one an
other's way and treading upon one an
other's heels. It is a remarkable thing
that matters have been canned out as
well as they have been under the cir
cumstances. In less than two years
Chicago has built up in a morass the
most collossal enterprise the world ever
saw and has done it without a ripple
or a murmur on the surface of the in
dustrial sea. It took France nine years
to complete her last exposition, which
covered no more ground than two of
the largest buildings out of the thirteen
great ones on these exposition grounds.
The Paris exposition covered seventy
live acres. The manufacturers' build
ing here alone covers forty-four acres,
a pretty fair sized farm in the land of
the lilies and the frog. "The leakage"
here, however, if it may be so termed,
lies in the practical every day inanage
i ment. The Columbian guard has ar
rested several of the national com-
missioners, one or two of the heads of
departments, a foreign commissioner
or two. one of their own officers, and
finally last week added insult to injury
by attempting to arrest the national
commissioner of Paraguay, thereby
creating a tempest in Israel and causing
the commissioners of all the foreign
governments to unite in a formal pro
test and in the closing tip of the Para
guayan exhibit until a suitable apology
is offered for the insidt. The commis
sioner attempted to carry some pieces
of bunting from the anthopological to
the forestry building to have it stitched
together upon a sewing machine. The
guard attempted to arrest him because
lie said it Avas against the inles to carry
niaterials from one building to another.
The commissioner explained who he
was, but that would do no good. When
the guard laid his hand upon the Para
quayan s shoulder the latter promptly
knocked him down. The guard then
blew his whistle for help and several
other guards rushed to his assistance,
finally the American superintendent
of the building interfered and saved
the commissioner from arrest. The
guards allege in defense of their con
duct that there art strict military or
ders which they are bound to obey.
Who in the name of common sense
wants military discipline at the Colum
bian exposition. Police discipline is
r.eeded—nothing more and when an of
ficial is attending to his business he
ought to be let alone. These blunders
are being made right along. There is
some talk now of hiring a thousand
special policemen and dismissing the
guards entirely,
The attendance at the world's fair is
daily increasing, and it is expected
that during August, September and Oc
tober it will reach 200,000 a day. The
stockholders of the world's fair in
some instances now claim that they
never expect to get any money back
upon tlieir stock, but recognized the
fact that they were making a volun
tary contribution for Chicago and the
glory of America when they sub
scribed. Chicago, however, will reap
a rich harvest out of the fair. It is
safe to say that ,1,000.000 strangers will
come and go during the time that the
gates are open. Each one of these
will spend $20 on the average. This
aggregates $100,000,000 poured into the*
lap of the Windy City. This will
amount to $G0 for every resident man,
woman and child within her gates.
Money, however, is not pouring into
the coffers of the hotel men in the full
stream that they anticipated, and it is
now stated that twenty-eight hotels
built for the accommodation of world's
fair guests are the hands of re
ceivers. The reason for this is potent.
There is accommodation in the city for
500,000 strangers, and when there are
only about 100,000 somebody has got
to suffer. The early reports sent out
about the extortion of ttete's and eat
ing. houses have had their effect. Many
people are patronizing private resi
dences which have rooms to rent, and
arc giving the new hotels a wide berth.
While the hotel men were a little too
rash at the opening in their independ
ence and their prices, there is abso
lutely no complaint to be made now
upon that score. Hotel accommoda
tions can now be had on the European
plan at any price right in the vicinity
of the fair grounds from 50 cents to
$5 per diem per person. No person of
ordinary taste would care for better
accommodations than he can get for
$1 per day. There are plenty of rooms
to be had at that figure. Then is no
reason for avoiding a hotel, especially
since there are many accommodation's
to be secured at a hotel which cannot
be had at a private residence. Very
fair board and room at this time will
not cost to exciHl $2.50 per diem.
July is a very good mouth to come
here in order to avoid the general rush
and crash of humanity which is sure to
be here later in the season. One can
live here now fairly comfortable at
$2 per diem, not reckoning the cost of
seeing the fair in either of these esti
The most backward building in point
equipment upon the fair grounds
the dairy building. The principal
cause of this was the slowness in get
ting placed the refrigeration machinery,
which consists of pipes end force pump
ing machinery in which to circulate free
ammonia gas. This is alternately
densed into liquid and expanded into
gKS by expansion. Last week it ap
peared as if the fancy dairy exhibit of
Minnesota, which was ready
placed, would spoil, had it not been
for tho Minnesota superintendent, A. V.
McKinstry. He went to the buildin
last Friday night, peeled off his coat
and displaced ihe national superintend
ent, Gilbert, who ought to have attend
to things, entirely. By working all
night and paying men out of his own
pocket Mr. McKinstry succeeded in
getting tne refrigerating processes into
working order. Saturday the Minne
sota fancy butter exhibit prepax*ed by
Mrs. .McDonald of Minneapolis was put
ir position. It consists of flower, star,
geometrical and other fancy designs
constructed out of butter. The word
Minnesota is made from butter letters
an-anged in the form of an arch, un
derneath which is an elaborate flower
design constructed of the same ma
terial. Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska will
also have fancy butter displays, consist
ing largely of butter statuary. Illi
nois will have a log cabin constructed
of butter. Minnesota, however, seems
to have got ahead of them all in the
preparation of her display. Tho dis
play of new strawberries from tile
Northwestern states in the horticultur
al building is very fine. Minnesota and
Illinois, however, are so far in the lead.
In the organization of an interna
tional agricultural society from the
commissioners of agricultural, forestry
and dairy exhibits of tin* various na
tions, .lohu J. Furiong of Minnesota
took a promineut part, having been
place*I upon the committee of perma
nent organization which will report
upon a plan for such organization next
Wednesday at an adjourned mooting
then to be held. The Minnesota build
ing and all of the Minnesota exliibiis
were very appropriately decorated to
day with flags and bunting in pre
paratory for the greatest Fourth of
July in the history of the United
States, Iowa. North Dakota. Wisconsin
and Michigan also did the proper
thing in the way of decorating their
state buildings. The Northwestern
states have not the history of the
Revolution and the war of 1812 behind
them like the East, but when it comes
to patriotism the great, and golden
Northwest plays no second fiddle in the
grand pa*-on of national glorification.
The agricultural implement exhibit
ors at the world's fair have organied a
club of which A. W. Case, of the Min
neapolis Harvester company, is secre
tary. They have sent out invitations
to all the foreign commissioners and
notables to attend a banquet at the
Chicago Beach hotel upon the evening
of July 12, and also to inspect the ma
chinery in the afternoon of the same
day. In the accompanying letter the
object is stated to be as follows:
"As a result of the interest, enthusi
asm and expense incurred by manufac
turers of farm machinery, there is now
in the implement section of the agri
cultural building at the exposition the
finest and most, complete display
agricultural implements and inaehineiy
ever brought together, and with the
magnificent exhibit^ made by wind
mill concerns outside the building, the
manufacturers of farm machinery lnve
reason to be proud of the result of
their labors and of their section of tho
With the earnest desire of having
the benefits of this exhibit extended as
widely as possible, both at home and
abroad, to those that have taken part,
and of bringing together in a social way
the manufacturers represented here,
and becoming acquainted with the for
eign representatives accredited to the
exposition who are interested in farm
machinery and implements."
It is expected that this inspection
and banquet will go far toward calling
attention to the superiority of Ameri
can-made farm machinery, as com
pared with every other make in the
In the robbery of the Keene by the
clerk, who skipped out with $000 of
money deposited in the safe by the
guests, M. (J. Larrimore of Larrimore,
N. D., lost $300. The hotel is bound to
make it good.
Ralph McKenzie.
Principal Keeper Connnnghton of
Sing: Sine Has a Surprise.
"The funniest incident in my long
experience here," said Principal Keeper
Connaughton of Sing Sing a few days
ago, in one of his reminiscent moods,
"occurred about two months ago."
"I laughed till I cried when it hap
pened, and the thought of it helped
to cheer me up in the troublous times
of the murderers' escape which fob
"We had a very small man brought
here in January who was an old-time
sneaktliief i» other states. We had
to make a special suit of stripes for him
and he seemed to be very proud of the
coat. He was an especially good pris
oner, and I was very much surprised
to be called to his cell one morning
just before breakfast. I wondered as
I hurried along the corridor, whether
he had been trying to escape, and re
solved, if 1 found it so, to put no more
faith in human nature.
"When 1 reached his cell he stood
there grasping the bars, and with the
most doleful expression imaginable on
his little face.
'Mr. Connaughton,' he gasped, 'I
have lost my coat. Do you know that
there are thieves in this prison':'
"When 1 was able to speak 1 replied
that we might, possibly have a few
and went back to enjoy the heartiest
breakfast 1 had eaten for years. I
don't know what became of the coat,
but 1 think some on*' must have taken
it for a curiosity."—N. Y. World.
A Strange Cure for Rheumatism.
Some two years ago an Austrian
physician advanced the remarkable the
ory that persons who have been stung
by bees enjoy an immunity from the
effects of bee-stings for varying periods,
and that, moreover, a variety of the
bee-sting is an invaluable cure for acute
rheumatism. The latter part of the
theory, according to the 'Mediterranean
Naturalist,' has received most unques
tionable confirmation from a custom
of the country people in Malta. .'Jees
are plentiful in the islands, and bee
stings are in such repute as a cure for
rheumatism that resort to this primi
tive method of inoculation has been a
common practice in severe cases for
generations, the results, it is said, hav
ing been most satisfactory to the pa
Buttermilk for Snnstrolie.
If used moderately, instead of water,
beer or any other stimulant, buttermilk
will ever prove a preventive of sun
stroke or heat, prostration. As addition
al evidence other than my many years
of personal knowledge, I refer to an in
cident at Dos Moines, Iowa, years ago,
when some twenty or more cases of
sunstroke occurred in one day, most of
whom were mechanics and day labor
era. teamsters, etc. So many were pros
trated in one day that an infallible
preventive buttermilk was recom
mended by the aged agricultural editor
the Iowa Stat* Register, C. F. Clark
son. Immediately requisition was made
on the rural districts for the lacteal
fluid, and all the drinking resorts were
supplied with the ice-cold article. I
personally sampled the goods, business
having called me to the city, Avith the
mercury at 108 deg. and over, and
though over throe score and ten, I
was on the streets without an umbrella
from 10 a. m. until 4" p. m.. with no
dinner and only five glasses of the but
termilk. which I drank slowly, at inter
vals. It quenches thirst, strengthens
nerves, quiets the pulse and invigorates
the man.—St. Louis Kepublic.
I Cure Dyspepsia and Constipation.
Dr. Rhoop's Restorative Nerve Pills sent
free with Medical Book to prove merit for
2c stamp. Druggists, 25c. Dr. Shoop, Bos
W., Kacine, Wis.
Germany makes paper stockings.
To Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or bil
ious, or when the blood is impure or SIUK
gisli, to permanently cure habitual consti
pation. to awaken the kidneys and liver to
a healthy activity, without irritating or
weakening them, to dispel headaches, coids
or fevers use Syrup of Figs.
The United States have
eign or domestic wars.
Wear tl»e Knickerbocker
Shoulder brace and suspender combined.
everywhere or sent postpaid on receipt
or per pair plain, or
rend chest measure. Address Knickerbocker
Brace Co., Huston, Pa.
France has 6.455.000 farm owners who
hire 11,794,00*0 laborers.
\*ever liny Trlilsky for medici
nal purposes unless you know the bottlers
of it to be reliable, as most whiskies sold
under celebrated names are spurious, cheap
articles, whose bottlers cannot afford to
have their names appear on the labels.
I'ncle Sam's Monogram Whiskey is bottled
by the oldest and largest tirm IT 'the Liquor
line in the Northwest and the favor with
which it has been received is the best proof
of its superior quality. Ask vour druggist
or retail dealer for it.
Aristotle says that "money exists not bj
nature, but by law."
Sustain the Sinking? System.
This common sense injuncti n is too often
unheeded. Business anxieties, overwork,
exposure must and do cause mental am:
physical exhaustion, which lessens vigoi
ai'd tells injuriously upon the systcn. That
most beneficent of tonics and "restoratives.
Hostetter's Stomach Hitirs. eflV-tusilly
••ompeiisates for a drain of strength and loss
of nerve power, reg ilates impaired diges
tion. arouses th.» dormant li er and renders
the b'.wels active, it is. besides, a prevent
ive of malarial and rheumatic ailments.
Croat Britain received 10,057.000 letters
from America last year.
Bin Money.
Just think of it: ¥140.52 made In one
week by an agent representing B. F. John
son & Co., Richmond, Va., :.uul thev have
had many more parties traveling for then:
who did equally as well, some a good deal
better. If you need employment it would be
a good thing to sit down and write them a
line at once.
The notes used by the Bank of England
cost exactly one cent each.
If the Baby I* Cut!log T«etk,
fie sure and use that old and weil-tried remedy, Mi
for Children Teething.
The Roman supper was in three courses
soups. meats and fruits.
Hood'ssPr Cures
"I am giau lo recom
mend Hood's Sarsipa
rillu and Hood's Pills.
1 have suffered very
much with severe
Sick Headache.
After taking sis bottles
of Ifood's Sftrsaparilla
and two boxeB of
flood's Fills. 1 am
cured of that terrible
disease. I know Hood's
SaraaiJiinlla is the best medicine 1 ever took."
MRS. II, M. I.ATTIN, Pine Valley, N. Y.
HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ill*. 25c. per box.
Cured ir. of a most malignant type
of chronic blood trouble, for which
1 had used various other remedies
without effect. My weight increased, and my
health improved in every way. 1 consider S. S. S.
the best tonic 1 ever used.
"S. A. WRIGHT, Midway, Ca."
Treatise on blood, skin and contagious blood
poison mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO..
Atlanta, (la.
No tools required. Only a hammer needed
lo diive and clinch them easily and quickly
leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Reqairina
no hole to be made in the leather nor burr for the
Kivets. They are S1R0NG, TOUGH and DURABLE.
Millions now in use. All lengths, uniform or
assorted, put up in boxes.
A«k your dealer for them, or lend 400.
in stamps for a box of 100 assorted sizes.
Wallitam, Mait.
About 2,000 pounds of Benton-Waldo's
Self-Spacing Bourgeois in first-class order
in fonts of 50 pounds or more.
A few Iron News Stands at Half-Price.
'1 For two years I suffered terribly
with stomach trouble, and was for
all that time under treatment
by a
physician. He finally, after trying
everything, said
stomach wai
worn out, and that I would have to
cease eating solid food. On the rec
ommendation of a friend I procured
a bottle of August Flower. It seem
ed to do me good at once.
strength and flesh rapidly. I feel
now like a new man, and consider
that August Flower has cured me.".
Jas. E. Dederick, Saugerties, N. Y.®
$75.00 to $250.00
Thompson's Eye Waiar.
Guns, Buirffion, Hnrneaflu
U V A A Sew In! jlnrliincft.Orpaim, Klrvefou
I I I a o i U S n n e I u K K K K
I I W I IIK AUO Ki.tl.K 10., l.kngo, III.
If A IrtC Greatest heautifler known used bf
socletv ladies In Europe just intro«
duce i In America. Inq. of dniiriflst or send stamp
for circular. We La Costa, 70 State St., Chicago.
•I »month. Hann
less treatment (cy prat-- 3^9
L.rk'3 ticinc phrsi.'.bn). N"«. starving.
Thousands cured. Send 6c in etamm
O. W. F. SSVDEl!, M. IK. Mail Dept. 38.,
MrVirhorV Tb^ntpv, ^^hlraffo. 111.
Colombia Bottling Works
ted F.F.R, tird Bottler* of -.l kinds of POP!
facturers of tl.e Celebrated tl'RA HALT1NK
Council BluCa. Iowa.
Fall Term opens fept. \. Board for S hotir* work. Solid
for 11L Catalog. Addi eax Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, NeU.
Oh Yes!
LIVER kills 31es lnstMv
ly. No danger in handling it. Every sheet will
hill a quart of flies, insuring peace while you eat
and the comforts of a nap in the morning. In
fcist upon Dutetier's ar.d secure best results.
FRED'K DUTCHER DRUB CO., St. Albans, ft,
We vfili tend yon tbe MAR
French Prepiration,
FREE by TBAil.,
tta: CALTHOS will
STOP, all Dticharpe*,
Varicocele and RESTORE Lout Vi^or.
pay if satisfied.
Importers. Cincinnati. Ohio-
Cfara's Academy,
The plan of in-trtu tion carried oat in tliin institu
tion unites every advantage wii can contribute t^
good education. !iequa ied as a health resort.
Sltuateo five mites from Dubuque, la., ten miles from
Qaientt. 111. Fur further particulars address
MU'lHER PRIOltESS. St. Clara's Oonvent,
£ir\ ir.awa. Grant "Vour)ty. Wis
A I A XV Primary, Second.
i s a y o e i a v 8 v
philis permanent ly cured in 3U to til) days. We elim
inate all poison lrom the system, so that there can
never be a returuof the disease. You be treated
ft home for the same prico and onder the same
IDarantees, but with those who prefer to Co me
For every one who has blood trouble, no matter
in what shape or how long standing, provided
none of the vital organs have been so lar im
paired as to render a cure impossible. S. S. S
goes to the root of the disease, and removes the
cause, hy expelling the poison from the body, and
at the same time is a tonic to the whole system.
However bad your case may be, there is hope
mont Sentinel, July J, 1893.
Northwestern Newspaper Union
rf will contract to cure them or refunC all moner
yd pay em ire
expense of coinintr. railroad ire and
hotel bills.if we tail to
cure. If you havetalieu mer
cury. iodide potash, and still have aches and pains.
Mucous Patches in Month. Soro Throat, 1'iuiples,
Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of tho
body. Hairor KyebrowsfaliiriKout. ItisthisSyphil
itic 15lood Poison th.it we guarantee to cure. We
solicit tbe most obstinate cuses and challenge the
world for a case we cannot cure. This ui^ease liaa
always baffled the skill of the nios*. eminent phvsi
sians. A leeal guarantee lo cure or rotund money.
Absolute proofs s^st sealed on application. Adtirea
Masonic Temple* Chicago* 111*
It's a "Daisy"
We desire to call the attention of news
paper men especially, and the public in
general, to tbe inside pages ot the Sentinel.
They contain 'M colurns oflive, rewdable.
carefully selected, ably edited and finely'
illustrated reading matter. We defy any
paver on earth, printed at home but'vising
the ready-set plate matter to get up lour
pages of as interesting matter as this. The
Sentinel desires to thank the Northwestern
Newspaper Union for its liberal and enter
prising efforts to keep in the lead and serve
its patrons so well and so faithfully.—
Northwestern Newspaper Union,
St. Paul Minn,
8. Dakota Newspaper Union.
Aberdeen S. Dak.
N. Dakota Newspaper Union.
Fargo, N. Dakota.
FIso's Remedy for Catarrh is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by Druggists or sent by mall.
50c. E. T. Bazeltlne, "Warren, Pa.
S. p. X. V. NO. 31—1883.

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