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tft i a efalu. Mottly Rad Paper in Klamath Falla .... Our AdvertiMni Gtt the Best Remits . . . -ii JL Ikcon!) Yeau, No. 107. KLAMATH FALI-S, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1008. Price, S Cents. fpetitfiQ PM ffl AX BUSINESS FIRMS jries of Ordinances Increase City's Revenue ICENSING OF DRAY layor and Members of Council Occupation Ta WMch WM Provide hinds to Defray Municipal Expenses FilTh first of what le believed t.i be a rlee of orrllnencea lo Increase lli rev lu ol the clly we Introduced ( last ihl'e meeting nl Id Oily Council. i ordinance) provtdee for Ilia teg ula ml llcciiflni; nl the bushier ol lying iiiiiu ii. dir. a ui oi r- is ed for the lint truck or wagon, 115 r III second, nl IU lor etch addl nit one, tinned by each person or for- ration, whether urled by animal, mi or electrical oor. Tha nalty racli violation ol tint ordinance l to I lino ol frntn 3 lo SS, or linprlm nl iml lo rscxed Urn !), or both I ami Impi leoiiiiiviit. t A nuiubvr ol the Council, tllriilarly Mayor ami Councilman ftlll, are Itspuken lit lator ol an icuatlri las, tilth will provide a revenue to lil. rlclly rspensei. It I proposed to v tlio City Attorney dinar up urdl Incea lo Im Introduced, rtlding lor I annual llcrnra tti on all limine. In rlly, Ilia tat. In l lril oil the nat nl dock- carried or hnelna llecotder Ix-at lit railed lhr attention the Council to the fact that In mat r ol eight or tan year Ilia city would called on lo ay Ilia (10,000 water nds, which wilt Hun m Una. At yt provision liad Iwen mada to lliiildale l Indebtedness. Tlit Irauclilan lu I lie Iter company provide (or Ilia forma. i cl a "tlnklnic luml," which ! to ho I In paying oil tha pilnctple . Aa yet lilng has Iwan placed lo Ida credit ol i fund. layer Bishop ttatcd thai lie had ilr consideration a policy ol Increaa- lh revenue, which ha would prob ly bring Iwloro itio next meeting. In meantime tin would go over tha r company franchise, with the City ornry, and ha ready tomakesom laatlona toward getting the city out I debt. Entertain Musical Club At meeting of twenty odd member! I musical organisation hld at the MolMra. Krauia, In Madford, on KKK STORE KIsmUi rails nakioa Shop ' ii 'r 1 1 to Be Enacted to BUSINESS IS FIRST Are Strongly in Favor of an Monday menlng of thta week, a name waa (elected lor the organisation which lelhe"M. M. M." club. What these lallera loran liounol the principal se crets of thn club, and wcret wl.lch notncintier Is permitted to divulge un der nalty ol eipulilon, Tlieie ato now uliout Ueuly-fhe ineiiibera ol the club, all IjiII.-k, nmt It l eilfctrd It will grim to lull) lliiit)-IUe III the nrsr fill nt. Thvy meet every ilonday night lor from mm lo tun tinuis mualc (vocal) practice. Monday evening Mrt. Krauee served relrcaliincnta of candy, nut ud lemonade, and tliciu waa alto an added program ol local selections by Mln Itliiillaiibaud Mr. Kratito, also a guess I dk" contest in wlilih Mlir lleddru and and Itllidlnuli nou pre. Medford Mall. Wedding Anniversary Mr. anil Mr, 11. Ilvltkempar, Jr., eel. diluted the trnth anniversary nl their marriage latl evening, and in honor ol thn occatloii entertained a few ol their filemU at their boiun on Kir anna Heights. Tlieetenlng nm a most en- Jojaliln one, inniln doubly ao by the ludli-rnin gllla ili:ii by llio Kiirtti. In addition In lbe,niany utelul artlclea ol tin- llu fiitullr oin lurteiitril o the boat mid hoitei. Whin waa idayed and ilillcl'iin relieibmenla weri aervrd. Tbauurttt Mere Mr. nod Mr. W. J !lreiiiin, Mr. nud Mra. I. J. .uniwalt, Mr. and Mm. tieoitt' Noland, Mr. and Mia. II. M, h'liiilh, Mr. and Mra. Alei Mailln, Mr. atii;Mr.0. II, Undernood and Mr. and Mia. K.J. Murray, Postof Ike Department Order Toil card and poatal carda mailed un der cover ol icaled envalopea, trana parrnt or olberwUe, aro chargeable with potlasp at the Drat claaa rale two cenla an uiinco or fiaction Ihrrrof. If encloae.1 In uuaraled nvcloH, they are tnbjKl to poitago acrortllug to the character ol the meaaage at Aral claaa rata If wholly or .partly lu writing, or third claaa rate If entirely In print and fioatage ahould be tiled to tha envelop covering the Mine. lVutage aUaape af filed lo audi card ancloaad la envel ope having an opening expoalng Ui ropa cannot ho recognlted In pay mont of poitage thereon. Mike Dunhrr rvturnoil from th tlm-iMrlaatotenlng. aExtra Special1 Wltb every Men's Suit ordered latur day, February 8th SK" FREE AFaicySllk Vast. New Spring SH Inge to Make Selec tloisfro. .. ASSISTING FARMERS Crop Failure Compels Domin ion to Aid Settlers to Prevent Starvation Heveral hundred farmara who Ivlt L'atlern Oregon and Ilia Walla Walla and Palouaa dUtrlcl to engage In wheat growing In the new pruvincea of Urltltb Columbia will be InlercaUd lu the fo lowing Ottawa diitch printed In Ilia Oregonlan : "The Dominion government baa de cided lo loan a iam of approilmately H, ,000 to lb farmera of the new province of Alberta and Nackatchawan whoae crop were a failure, to purrhaae vl grain." With utery thing favorable in the new district mentioned, gol crop of wheat can bo grown, but wheu the aeaaon la unfavorable, a It waa laat )ar, the re- lulling failure la ao much worae than any failure of which, the Oregon or VI aldington tanner hae ever heard, that It ineane government aid orataratlon. Another year like thn ono just cloead ill aee the lrrliirn for America ol a few Ihouaand avtllera who have been drilling north lu acanli ol cheap land. The adjourned rueeilug ol the Klre Dapartuient will bo held at the City Hall thla evening. AN OVERCOAT THIEF Wm. Monroe Is Captured at Keno and Brought Back To TMe Gty Wm. Monroe, a recant arrival ia th city, atolo two overcoat ftom Willaon'a offlca laat evening, belonging to Bill Fee and Tom tlrickcll. Ilcpreeenting theoa aa hi own property ha aeenred five dol lar on ono at Iho lakealde Inn bar and two dollar for the other at Houaton'a. About 11 o'clock ho reported aa hav ing lelt tho city, gcliiK in tho direction oIKeno. Mont llutchleon waa depu tUed by the Sheriff, and armed with a warrant left on Iho 4 o'clock boat In purault. Monroo waa found at Keno and brought back to thla city, and will bo given a preliminary hearing at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. roa coumnr snau r I hereby announce inyaell a candidate oat the Democratic ticket, for the nomi nation for aherlffi tor tha consideration of tha voter at tha primary elecllou. K.. I1UNBAKKR. rOB BetTBICT ATTOBMSY I hereby annoana mvaelf aaa candl 'data on the Rapubllcan ticket for the aoaalnatloa lor the olio of BUIrlct At tartM fr Klaaaath and Lake coaatiM, Mhjaat to the dacUioa ol tha votere at tha aruaary eieottea. FKBD.B. MILLS. roacowurr I hereby aaoBceayll aaa eaadt dU 1m BoealaaUoa oa tha EaaaWleaa ticket, lor County Aaeeeaor, ol Klaaaath County, eubjeot to the deoltloa ol the I 'JLaWlfl 1 (III IllnfflBweawBl laSVIIeawawawawawawawawawawaa JRaWWeaaaaawKawawawawaT C awawawawawr Mayor Bishop wants to do his own sweeping. BENEFIT SETTLERS Water Tax May Be Paid In Work on Uncompleted Project Heltleri who are occupying Ian J a on uncompleted Oot eminent irrigation pro Jecte will hereafter be given an nppor. (unity to earn at leaal a fair Income while waiting for water to be turned on their land. A plan baa been deviaed by the lleclatnatlos Service, and ap proved by the rtevretary of the Interior, whereby theae eettlera will have ao op portunlty lo perform aotue of the work of construction, i uch a grading, hauling applies and material, teaming, etc. It la not propoaed lo pay tliera In actual cath, however, but In cert i Oca tea, which will I acccpteti later by lb Uorarn sent in Ilea of caab payment for water right. Under tbla plan, a eeltler on an on flnlabed project may undertake work under uch a contract aa described, earn enough during the Winter to meet hi payment that are likely to fall due in tbe Spring, and thereby reeerve to him- elf whatever caih he may Late other wiae Intended to pay over lo tbe Govern ment tor Ida water. Oilier may earn ptrhapa lialf the amount of the charge agalnat tbem. Hut whatever the meat ure, the Reclamation Hervlre bellevea tbla plan of co-operallon will tend ma terially to lighten the burden on the THE CITY COUNCIL nWffaVw lvVIMw lnfaVUBJ eLpSv Evenini firemen Given The regular aatl-iaoaithly aieetiag ol Iho City Council waa held laat eraaiag, with every member preaaat, except Preeldent Maatoa, wha waa granted a 30 daye leave ol abeeuce. The lollowlng trill were allowed and ordered paid: K.K. light A Water Co (140 31 K.F. Light AWaterCo. Jan... 13t at StlluCo. (upplle IBM Kenyon Transfer Co., drayage. . IB S3 Vt. Mcrryman, Johuaon eaae.. 10 00 T. E. (Irimth, watchman at III1 aaaeaeeee HI Sneclal pollen 73 00 O. O. Ixiw, Chlel of Police DO 00 Ja. J. Hart, pollee 33 00 J. W. Slemena, Treasurer IS CO K. K. Jaraleaon, Police 73 00 Don J. 2umwall. engineer and rodman, Dae. and Jan 33 37 .1. K. Qolier, windows, etc 24 40 K. W. Wakoneld, labor 2 30 Vernia Ilouiton, labor. . , 2 60 Dr. Stone, Johnson cae 10 00 C. F. Stone, city atty 23 00 Chs. Adatas, work on itret.. . 11 96 K. F. RolUr Mills, croee walk. . 6 00 W. K. Bowdola, printing 8 00 Eaat Sad Slackasaltb Shop, re sain 24 M Owaa teQulre, aharpealng aawa 100 A. L. Learltt, pollea Judge 33 33 Total I7M74 PeUlloa were graatad lor sidewalk Irorn tha ooraar ef Walaut aad Saraath aloagthe property helonglng to WU' deee, Catey aad DaLaa. Along north- ffiOaiiaiiil aa kwtic) SALOON REGULATION Mayor Bishop Wants an Ordinance He Will Do the Rest SAYS HIGH LICENSE Ordinances Now in Force Are Inadequate for Retjulatian of the Liquor Traffic Mayor and Csundl Should Have More Power ecttlers and render it caaier for tbem to meet their payment!. The plan la a new one, and largely experimental, but If it worka aa aucceanfolly aa anticipated, It villi be per.'wtiiatrd. Chamber of Commerce The regular meeting of the Chamber ol Commerce will bo held tbla evening. Aa the matter of the conaolldatlon of tha Chamber of Commerce with the Inland Kmplre Club will be acted upon It la de Ired that a full attendance be prvaent. Cattle for Hawaii J. Frank Adam ha th dlatinction ol hipping tha first carload of cattle from Bray over tbe new Callfornia-Kortbeaat era Railroad. Tbe cattle were ahlpped In tbe Hawaiian Islands. Earl Whttloek ha baea maUoad aa a candidate for Couaty Coroner oa the Democratic ticket. Mr. Kilgore.ol Bonanu, Is registered at tbe Lakeside Inn, GOOD LUCK Attends oartadrJe. Roberts if Pitoae 17B.lMuus.lock WOULD BE INJUSTICE ' I Mayor Bishop delivered hlsslf ca oa of his energetic slngW-baaded talk be fore the City Council laat evening oa the saloon question. The Mayer eaaae out flat-footed and stated fate poatUaa eo that anyone could know where be atood. There wm no hedging frees oaa alda ar tha other. Tbe rcmarka were aaght oa during the diacaatioa of tha aew or dlaaaea for tbe regulation of the Mqaer baetneee. v The Mayor expraeaed hlraaaU aa la favor ol the ordinance, with tha eieep Uon that he thought that the CoaaeU, being the granting power, hoald alao have tha right to ravoke tbe lieaaa. The old ordintuca doc not give tha dty the power to regulate the nlooa or to doe anything. "II you will give me aa ordlaaaoe lo regulate tha saloon," aaU .Mr. Slshep, "1 will see that tbey ar regalatad, with oat any ootaide help." In regard to tbe uggatloa that tha aaloen licenaea be raised, Mr. aaaaap aid: "Here I find mysalf again takiagtar side of tlie saloon. It eeeau that I aa alwaya on tbe aide of Iho aader dog. I hetlete that any alUmpt, at tbla Usae, to force the aaloonaot oar eJty to pay a larger tax, would be a great laJaatUe. it la a fact that durlag tha part year tha eloon have practically beea tha oaly ource ol revaaae th city hae had aad a they are all heavy tax payer areata, to doable their tardea after th area eat financial atriageacy, woald aetata quaredeal. It might be to tha advaa tag of a law but I beUeta'K waaM work a hardship oa saaay who have al waya done more thaa thek ahara lar tha Improvement of the eJty." Word waa received laat etialag ftasa MiM Bulla Caaapbell rta ting. that the doctor did not consider her father oaa dltioa aerioa, aad aaleaa than waa a cJiaage forth worae, ah aad Mlae Ma bl and Orb woald rataru to '"t -Fall. John P. Ilasen 1 la the city free Dec ria oa a baata trip. the FislwmaM that OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Baoou Darta. Kcat, Llaea, Mtel aad Itvaiaoo lUda. They axe cxvtracted for sKmm.-liflcl1addaffndaoBvatt4M'. maaklltodtlwfMAsraaJii will atlead alaeffortatf hei & Hanka m IV- ' ; ''' cmi "VI ' -ViV (I :'VJ f JJfl , ' U ' r .fevw vowre at we primary eieetioa, WtaTIvTTlTHaVqW, ,. ei KT Sa, 5v ,r, ,r-' HftfV VV - ii V eA'-r&.'vaiai