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THE EVENING HERALD I ttallr. mtrvl KatxUr. br thr Herald Publishing Company w. e. SMITH, rtor MARSH LANDS 50 per cent, vegetable natter. Klamath'a greatest ana aasaswaw wmmmm a w a a mmw Oregon's richest soil. .. A " bargains at 920 per am aid upwards. Easy Terns. lilrfiV .47X..1V I nunscRirnoN iwrra , br imU. a rr. ... . r man mi moni.. p nalL thr. manuik pattr, br inu. a nvxiih. uaur, uwmw ny ntrtwr. . w-.. r.brr r. br! hi .a REPUBLICAN CANDIOATIS How TO H"T.-(it rlflW mmwr wlr. I aipia.. wr, rrvrtn.! rrk nn rmir Kv.1 tank, tampa, cadi, r cutrmcy. Mmnm Law or OiuwoN.-SrtWi 3M3of UwkMr of Ornron mUn lht mhrrrrr n Potmi rmlrrUrtc ntr,rr bn mil mrh m .ail to anr lfwi In thi. Hul. without rrt ffilUi an nlr thrfor, ttKh rrrr . i mi qit tin, ! n o cr onut., imi tell tctru Mlnl uS mn vlSf rtMmwi l rwMtwl W ltlrl tovfcnm It It wnl or not. SATURDAY, FKIiltUAKYS, 1W.W That tho corrupt practices bill to be submitted to a popular vote of tnc people under the initativo and referendum, is in direct con tlict with that section of the Con stitution which guarantees free dotnof speech is belie ved by many who have read the meas ure. The bill makes it a crime for any person to ask. solicit or in any manner try to induce or persuade a voter on election day to vote for or against any candi date or measure. This would rOR COUNTY TREASURER I lie rvbjr announce my candidacy (or FOR COUNTY CLERK , reelection to tin. iitllro of County I liercbr announce iiijrell ai a candl. jTrvavirvr on the Itrptiltlicnu ticket -date tor nomination mi the Heimbllcan iH llif 1c"lln i. the irllurle on tlcVrt, lor County Clctk, nl tlie ciMtilnit April 17. primary election J I.. Al.VA I.KWIH. C. K. llitASIiKNItUiUI. I hereby tlcclaio uiyiell a candidate j I heichy declare iityreli a onnllititlp for the nomination lor County ClcrK on . lor t lit nomination ol County Trrniurr the Itepublicau tlclct, ubjcct tn thede 'on the Itcpiihllcau llclet, ulij.vt lo tin' cltioti ol tli olcnnt the primary dec ronilderaiion ol tho oter at the pri tlon. C. U. IVIap. , mat) election. T. V. STKl'UKNS. FOR COUNTY SHERUT I lierebr announce tinted a. a candl. rOK COUNTY ASSKSSOK i I liotoliv nnnoiinro mi tell n. n lAiull tiale Mr mo nouiinition on uir iiepuwi. , .-. ,l)r ...,. 11... !,,,I.II.mi. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE! roR COUNTY SHSRtrr t toapectlullv announce, myttill a i'sihIIiIIo lot tli olllco ol tlniln on tlir IMiiHcintlt' tlckrl, tnblo'l lo Dm will ol I tho volet, tit tho nlmry elrctlon. It. r-T. MIX.. IIIBIKll'. I I I hfioliy nniiouut'p in) wit mmlliUlp ' on I lie tWinivmJIi' tlokrl, (or the nation lor ihrrifl, lor tfw rviitltlrtttlon ol tho otrr Hi tlif ptlnmry rlrvllnu. I!. C. IIUNMAKKIt. J rOR COUNTY OOMNKR I l n viinuv iiiioiinri mjcii .. n rnillilrito lor tho olllir ol Cntoutr nl East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry $ Troll niwl Ournl Molt aih Sntitnccn of ull l.imli V hiiJI our men It In thomott inoilrrii wny Inrlmn lino ntul tirrounJlnt. Try lit Mini mi will Ih t t hniy to livt' you for it nulniniT Krtt' Dollvcty - run tlckrt lor tho olliff ol Mirtin ol,,i t . , . i',,.,.,... ol Klu.mlli ., ., , . i ci- .i ... . .i !.. ...i - ii i itunt, lori-own) .m- .nor.oi MuiiiMii t, Coiiulv, Orritoii, on tho lOciit - KUm.tlictiunty tubjt to tho tlKi.ion Comr. ...t., , , llw,lU I ,ho ,.,, lcUt, ,llllj., ,',,, .,,,, . . ol tho .minK ,..l,u.ry clrctio.,. xotr M 0 lf,llwjr rlrc11B. ' m ! Wll. IIAK.Nr. HKUTK.WITIIIiV. ' A1,n ;, Wk. .. . . , ... ' t A II.WII r .(0K. 1 hrri'bv ilrcUip nivxll n cnIMatr lor the oliic ol .hriiH lor ll.c i-ontlJ. , ") niiouiuv my iuill.luy Mr era tlon ol the iri-ubllcan volrra at U.e I Atwtror ol Klamath County, uihKI to roN COUNTY AMSSSOR lit .it... .. It 1.1 1 -at primary elation. ' " ,,r,,""""1" ." , " "' I hnrhy .KUie .nKll a c.hIUI.1. , I. t. .. ,!.. t tlm nrlifimtv'lhl t of Atitll 17 I'tH. ..... t ii. .. it ii iu? n ). i -i - ; ' ' . lot llie noiulimtliin lor County Aatrtwor ' ..... , w ontheVinftU'tlr1irt,.iil.Jeclto III I hereby announcv my camlMacy lurj l"rella. reli. 1, I. ,,,on ol the totrtr at the primary the nomination ol Sheriff ol Klamath ) - - 'elretloii. J, , I.KK, County tlblect to the action ol the rr-, I OR DISTRICT ATTOKNKY ment on election day and there is doubt whether it would be constitutional. April ITlh nw. .... i .. .:....... ... oar me Use Ol any Kind ai arpu- puunn oi.-r. i me t r.marr eireiion. , , hrtrh ,,.. ,,M.i ,, Mn,. ' cn llMaau-H . tl.MAKTI.N. ,e,m H,e IJepuhllcan t.elrl lor Ihel ... , ... lAominalioil..rlheoltlo.ol IhMiict At- ' '" W '". '"" r,, ,or ,", tornev lor Klan.tth ami Ule rountier. ! """ "n,, " I"? '" l" tubt to the .Irv-i.ion ol the tot.rt at ho int.ll an.l lirne.l my ttoieon th. liil'llllUK Ol wwil'lHf mill. I, Alva l.anin. The Washington Post editor ially criticises tne Oregon initia tive and referendum law, sayinn: "In Oregon with the initiative in full blast cranks flourish like tt Green Bay Tree. They are joined by cunning and unscrup ulous manipulators who endeav or by indirection and concealment to aecure legislation that could not stand an hour of honest pub lic discussion. And this hodge podge of freakish and crooked legislation proposed by undesir able classes is placed before vot ers for their offhand decision. The initiative and referendum, one of Mr. Bryan's pet policie.--. is an iridescent humbug. TOR STATE SENATOR I hcrenltli announce tut aril a tandl il.lonr iolnt .,ntr Iron, Klamalli. ." P" ' " Uke ami Crook countle. on the lie. lltKI. II. .Mil I., publii-an tlrlet. tubject lo the tleeition i ol the primary rlettion. FOR SCHOOL SUPIRINTINDINT I.. I . WII.I.IT;. , , , . . . t I here!')' announre niyrell a c.inonUlt' l I hereby rubmit my name to the He- '"' ,'"' ''"'"inatl or County r,.N.I publican votera for joint renator from Soperinlen.lenl. toi the ronrMetalioii ..I Klamath. Uke and Crook counliea at republican voter, at the primary rW the primary election to be held April ,lon J. tl. HWN. IT, lK Harm faithfully repreaented thia, I reaprctlully announce my dutrict in the Hit aeaaion of the lesia- 'or re-Utlon on the Cepubllcau licit t lature. and imce the aenatorthlp haa. lo h office ol County Vho.l Xiiperlh. , it,:. ,.-- . t-. .n --.ll ... VI.-. i tubjectlo the will ol the toleir : "' r T- aaia t - aa.- .., V Ifl1)ll. j.ii. wicnr. ath, I again iik for the favorable cor.. suleratlon or tho volrra of this Sena, i lorial district. Itetpectfully. . OEO. H. MERRVriAN. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce myaell a candidate tor re-election to the olliceof County Surveyor, aubject to the conrideration nl , . , .... . 'o licpiiblican oter at the primary. Senator Borah, of Idaho, has e,ion. ,..,. williamk I introduced a bill absolutely re pealing the timber and stone law. I He offers no alternative method of disposing of public timber, but ! in conference with Secretary Garfield and in drafting a bill which will provide practicable means of disposing of Govern ment timber on a fair basis and shut off all possibility of false entry 'and at the same time slip-; ulate that moneys derived from Government timber shall, as now go into the Reclamation fund. G. Helming 6 Co. Fur Merchants AAtrcM Marahrkld, Oregon, or Rts Hi Falls, OrefjMi We Make Little Fuss Hut there is always something doin at our place in the House Furnishhtf line. We cany the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON Ai Uk BrUSc en Mata Stmt Statement of Condition ,. of tint., Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DKCtMBUI 31, 1007 RESOURCES IKitiK and Discount $340,530.80 liombi ami Smiritiivt (J3.S26.84 Itoul IvHtnte, ItulldliiKH uiul Fixture l4.74!i.lU Cash und Sight Krh ungc 160.247.69 S585.040.ftl LIABILITIES Capitnl Stock, fully SurpltiH ami i'mtUa Due Other Hunkn IVMlsitM pniil $100,000.00 21.753.11 32.OOO.04 431.295.40 $585,049.51 I, Ale Martin, Jr ,Cahlcrof lh livc lank, do toli'iiinly awrar that the ubove ttale mnt It true to the Iwat of my know Slj; nmlllicf AI.KX MAltTIN. J II , Cailner Sutcrilrd and atvorn to U-forr rne Ihlt Oth Uy of January. llM, (Seal J C II. WlTIIUiiw Notary I'ubllc fur Oregon OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN -K4R.XEAMIS fLIX MARTIN, JR. LISLir ROGERS President Vlce-Prcsidcnl Cashier Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin Thomas J. Cleeton. of Portland, a close friend of Senator Fulton, is slated for United States Dis trict Attorney for Orgon. Sen ators Fulton and Bourne and Congressman Ellis united in rec omending him; tho recomenda tion was placed in the Presidents hands, and it is expected that Mr., Cleeton's nomination will be sent to the Senate at once. In spite of winter weather, I work on the E. II! Harriman rea- ideace two miles east of Arden, N. Y is being kept up. A large I force of men is engaged on the work. The monthly payroll reaches $19,000. The house is built in the style of an old Eng lish castle. Its total cost, it is said, will approximate1 $1,000 000. Representative liar I let t has vigorously denied the published statement that he kissed Con gressman Burleson, of Texas, oa, the brow last district day. "I tried tokiss him but he dadgtay' said Mr. Bartlett. The Land Where Things Grow! Reprtcantatiyes Jones and Humphrey appeared before the naval committee and urged that an appropriation bo made for the ctustruction of torpedo boats and submarines for the defense of Paget Sound and Gray's Harbor. Tab up with the times one swat be within the political rug. The fellows who have not entered aia lnaiaf gteaad. i'i I I Jfm,f li! I iZ-A2Ul i IjVrr' a-- i -ni "nrnt3 V ! b3hibnrd frr7Wfir:nl & - wv CaJUwJL.JUM-i;J ,, w -A ' '.-1 bSCTfecfci . S ' mt J4rr?jv trrr. ; ' . - j. , j rrnrjr ,v t. . K L"ETIjn "' ' mm . ff(nse fierce) Wrotf i ' '' SSv. f "' : .. - .m . . . ,s-U ' ' - f i j A ,i ..' v s , " hN" . " i .; V '-r .-v. fy . r " I i. -.: ... i ,.- ? T i- Buy Lots in Mills Addition Whea Decidlag UfMi a Home or Making an Investment You Should Choose the Best Opportunity la Knocking at Your Door Pay oac-ilfth Cash S 10 per Month Until paid up and you can own Choice property Mills Addition Lots Are the Bargain Buys of Klamath Falls Particular attention is vailed to the location with ref erence o the Yard location of the California Northeast ern Railway; pejvot location, tho Macadam Road, Main Canal, and soil and physical situation that mean good streets, splendid lawns, unfailing water supply for irri-. gation, and easy accessibility. ' It Is Your Chaace to Make Money Call and make inquiry of A drive over Mills Addition Frank Wirt. Streets will cost you nothing Cap. O. C. Apaltjalf, but a few moments timo and. MlM Ithtl MtjQaalfy. convince you of its advantages FRANK IRA WHITE Flftti-Strcet Side American Bank & Trust Company Building LAND ON THE LAND IN KLAMATH LAND!! Incorporated November 28, 1000