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toetiitw ! Mostly Rd Paper in Our Advertisers Gat thf Best Results . . Klamath Falls .... bono Ybar, No. 474. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1908. Prick, 6 Cents. T ilX JURORS ACCEPTED Ik gitetmk fanel Is Exhausted in Corpron Case RIAL IS DELAYED ise Will Be Taken Up Again lomorrow Afternoon at One O'clock 1 The (')tinii murder rant reme up lor Ll) tills morning, and the entire- day k. roiicmiiird In maiiiliiliig Hi Jul)- hrri. At thieenclock Hi Jury lUt mm haii'led, with only all men accepted. the Judge otderd a sprilel tetilre, and LlJoiirnrO rourl until Worlock to-morrow Lotalng. The continuation of the Cor- lion rae was wi lor l ociock. Thn accepted Jtiryuenaie;J. II. Ham htoti, It. M. '. Hrnwa, F.luier Muorr, leruee ligue, Chailee Hteenman and vn Ifenltls. MAIN COMES HIGH iver lake Valley Must Grow Larger Amount for Home v9aa)vJfn09On Itcports itii that grain Is selling lor 3 if tin r pound Inftllrsr Lake, although in excellent crop was railed In that val ley by all who sowed grain. Tli acre age aieeilaxl was not unVleat to produce inough to aupily the horn demand, however, hence the high price m grain moil I hauled from Rummer lake. finer. Ilia purchaa nl Ilia n Ihriwhlng outfit last summer by the farmers nl Mlverlakr, many in that aactlon hart decided to Inrrcaan their crop acreage. aud It U In llnroi that another season wilt soo rnnujli grain ralcd to supply Itio home demand at reasonable figure. KUmilli county lariutra raltod g od crop ol grain last year but Ilia proa cte (or an Increased demand neil )earwll prohthly result Inanlncteeeln price over llm present. An Ilia tmrley crop was oturdone this yrer It It only bringing K rente per hundred. Wheat It l ml uau 11.25. flour la telling fur IJI.QI per thousand. Hie Herald liaa rrceved a largo num. her ul iilocriher (nun Dairy Ihla week, who am anxious to gat fall reporta ol l the Circuit court trial now la progrre. U. II, Mala, ol Montagus, a member ol llio firm ol Melaa & ArroanJ ol llilt Ity, la linm looking altar hla buelns. eBBaaaaaaCfsaaaaYr BBasaaaaVasaaaaVsaaaaBmaV aVBBBBBH JjaBHV BsaaaaaBBaaaaameaePnaBl aaVaaaBaaaaawSP aaaBaaB t3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai flsaaaaaaaaar saarVJBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVLaaaaaaaaaaU'JsV aaaaaaaaaaaaaalaMSalaRrTfOSB UWMtfiW-Wim. VIlllBaaSuaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaWaaaKZaaBfl iTaaaamTTaal-T satmamBaaaaaaaaa KLAMATH PALLS MILITARY BAND WILL VISIT KLAMATH Harriman Family Will Spend the Summer Here PELICAN BAY TO BE THEIR HOME Larqc Party Will Accompany Them and Arrangements Are Being Made With WiH G. Steel for Visits to Crater lake National Park SHEEP TO BE DIPPED California Wool Growers Are i Ordered to Dip Hocks Beqinninq March 1st Vt. Kraor, California date i't-rl-narUn, liaa Issued an oitlrlal circular announcing tint ho ulll nidei nil the sheep In the stale illi ni ofti-n ai poaallila, lie rrinrt tin- rn(iTatkm ol all lirptnrn, Tliaillpplrig willroniini'iicn on llnlt of March) ami will l raritcl nn umtcr tha dlroction of an ln-rtor In rncli coanty. Tlila courrr lii lii takrn liacauae ahrcp illxawt tlirrntrti In liini'j to kill off th wool Kmolni; irxlii'lry in ilala. Till Itclilon mill aflrcta iiumlicr ol Klamath ami l.Vr roiiuty thrrp tiifii, ho run U.rlr ntrk a irllonol rnrli ytaracroMtha ('allfoniia lini, Tha Oregon lax proMr for tin illp plognf all ahrrp, whether ihry aio nf fol with illaeaM or not. BAND HAS NEW HOME Withrow-Melhase Hall Will Be Permanent Abode tor to male ai rnpiil proicn 1'ulton hai. It ha f ri"iiently lcn remarked that he i the nll-t Kenator from tin I'acifir Coail. t'onirre"man Kllla ' l In frl itiuii for mlrnncemcnt be caner.f hla Mo nro.n.iintnnre, foriool In the llouc FINE CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION Musical Organization Has Steady Growth and Plans for the Hit ure Will Give Klamath Falls One of the Best Bands in the State Johnstone Is Acquitted The Jury after an all night acnlon, brought In n rnlirt nt 5 oclock thlt mornlnj, nrn,tilttiiiK lc Johnston of trui rhari;u of ftrallnu ,t horae from Henry JncLfou. The llrt liallot rtool 7 tri "i for It then went to 0 to n, then minimi luil 7 to !. jorlall(. wore, 8 In 4, 10 to 2. and finally after ntnily fifteen ballots had . In votitl, the Jury nrrlvnl nt n erdlet "not liiilltj". The pri-omr hat been uiri'ii liii lilxily, after reiving four month In the county Jail awaiting trial. Biijs Received For Plume Tha l'M eir 0riinl hy lh Kcchm-' tlru atloo Htke tm the huildiiiK ( the 4300 loot flitmu acro lt lder to day, Tha follow lajf blila wcro leceived No. ! Adam Miorlp'ii, ItieKiilar, o mount, i'i,3y.fil. So" 2- J. It. Crewp, J. It, Nelaon nnd J. II. Ilainmond, U3,li'0,HI. No. Campbell and lluflmaii, t'.M,. 070,41. No. 4 Wm. AiiKUit, T.M,H.'U,. S3. Tha blda will bo aent tn rorlland and clad upon then'. It la not eacted that It will be iieccaiary to forward them to Washington, Jar. Ilughea and wlfu left today for their naw homo near Doria- .aaBBarravViBaamBaafl aTaTaTaTaTaY anQBraTaTara araT ajaaaaaaf bm. aavaapBjj aaM araraTS S'taraTaTaTl BBS aaaaai awaaf iuBbbbby aaaaai m Jovaaaaa v aaa EH A rontinental Tailoring Co. America's Foremost Tailors You will uva yourtwlf Umt, trouble, worry and many othtr discomforts of "saoafing around" if you will ordtr your Spring suit or ovareoat of us. 800 new Spring and Suauntr SuIUags to make atlactions from. 'AndwawmNfurriiwaMMy with a smile if the cloth .don't fit and are not satisfactory. Try ua. KKK STORE MajMUraikfaahton Ihop The Klamaih l'.ill Mlllitni) Jl.jnd. In not In ho lelt in lluMinr In llm inarcti of pri'iirem. At the nnniial me'tluK Thurxlay cinliii In the nlllcea of the Klamath (Viiiuirri'ial acency, it was tie I'idetl to mure iH'rinanent ijuartcn, nod n leao mm conlrarlivl with ('. II Wllhinu win! Kiel .Milhaae fur the rii- lliwir il tin It hulMinir on I'ourlli mid Kliiutlh. The hulldiuit will be fin,..-1,"! and iiitl with club rnoin. UniiUi't and tlaming halls and ill Unnol for r-orlal affairs glen by the lm. The Ihhi of the hand haM studiously diotl all of their titiiu to making it a rucieis and hae leen constantly add I in; now matt rial, until they tme close to 2j pitrea amoni; which thiy have a quintette of taxaphonce, which are I .Mm. K. If. Harriman. wife ol lha railroail tnaxnatc, an J family and a large parly of friendi, will enjoy tba beauties ol IVlicsa Bay and Crater Lake this summer. D. M. Griffith, of Odeaaa who recently returned (rom Tortlaad, stated that he was shown a letter from Mrs. Harriman to Will O. Steel, making arrangements for a trip to Crater Lade, during her stay at the Harriman euav mcr home, at Pelican Bay this sum mer. The Crater lake company, with which Mr. Ftec! is connected, Is not doing any exlenshe advertising, at they expect to have all the travel they can accomodate under their present plana. Next year, with tlio advent of tha railroad, this company wilt be prepared to handle all the tourist trade that cornea into tba country. Ready For Tourist Trade I) M.Giiflilh proprietor of the Odessa' dom found In amature bands and imiil-Jn.ort on the Upper UVe, is in tho city ly In only the larger professional orga nliatton. Tliay are no w in communi cation with, and expect to secure, on ol the Ix-st claronet player on the roast and a la.) will secure another cornet player. Il i their intention to Increase their membership by the addition ol all the good ruusciane they can secure, and tale that Klamath Falls can soon boast ol the W-st nilllltary band In the slate. Tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Hoy llama, kcr; Vice-President, M. D. Miliaros; Secretary, Charles J. Martin ; Treasurer, F. I.. Houston ; Advisory Board, Geo. It. Hum, J. K. Bodge, John Hamilton. To Extend City Limits (Ulnik'to court being In kcmIoii the meeting of tho Civic Federation last evening adjourned from tho court house to the Chamber ol Commerce rooms. A largo number ol members and iioii mi'mbers nero in attendance. Mitili of the uwning uai talon up in dlacuaainn of llio question na to how and when In proceed to enlarge the houudaiiei of Klamath Falls by unmix ing adjacent lerrilniy that has lcn platted nnd that la bopellltoJ ol clone proximity to Klamaih Falls. It nun concluded that this would help sulvn thu question of revenue for munic ipal expenses nnd it committee was np I oluled to confer with the city council, with a view to taking action. Thu ques tion of n municipal water supply was disuoscil Hoinutthat but owing to laik of accurate duta nnd reliable Information, not much head way. was made. The committee was Instructed tn secure theso and the question will bo further considered at future meetings. Tho meeting adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening with the Climber, at tho court houso, II not in use, otherwise at the looms ol the chamber. Cabbage and Kraut Jim Straw wanta to close out what Cabbata jand. Kraut ha hat Uft and of fers qabbaga at 8c par lb. in 60 lb. or over anu Kraut at c.per gamm. Residence, West'End Bridge. Telephone 823; , 2-12-lwk Hornets Vs. White Stars The first ol tho championship games of basket ball has been arranged (or to morrow night, at the opera houan, be tween the Hornets and White Stars. Tho proveeda of tho series of gamea will be given to charily by the choice of the patrons of the games. Kach ticket ofadmlition Is attached to a stub with the wordh Library, HighScoool Atheist ic Association and Fire Department, printed thereon. A blank space in lelt opposite each word, in which tho mer i an denoto his favorite charity by mark ing an x. The proceeds will be given to theehaiily receiving the highest num her of votes. Admission: gallary, 2'cj stage, 35c. ' " o Following is tho lineup (or the first gnmo: HORNET:! Fred Cllf t Geo. DuFault Roy Fouch Howard Bogga Will North White Star Oscar Wright H. B. Kirkpatrick Virgil Noland Austin Hayden Perry DeLap Vernie Clift Oregon Weil Represented Cougressman W. C, Hawley, who fa la Oregon says : Tho Oregon delegation has been for tunate all around on committees. Sena tor FuUun li ery popular and atone ol the Senator who 'uuide committee assignments, was able to secure good plaota lor Senator Bourne, who wata new Senator. It is very rare for a Sena In day. As tho "fxlgc"has been closed to tho public, Mr. Griffith will undoubt edly hate to accomodate all the tourlits who visit Pelican lla iiV'on. Hesajt that his prrretit accommodations are suf tlclent for 50 to CO a day, benldes which ho hss.rereral unfurnished cottages. Theso can be fitted up to accommodate 25 additional visitors. I. 0. 0. r. Attention There will Imj work In tho Second De gree hatunlay, i-ebruary 10, and all members are requested to be present. A. Keiihner. N. G. In reporting tho trial yesterday the name of Ed Wakefield wan used instead of Hd Copperfield in referring to the re ported flight between tho Indians, Cop perflefd and bkeen. Senator Abner Weed of Punsmulr, who Is heavily interested in Klamath county property, is in the city. INDIANS LEASE LAND Stockmen Eater to noaeTTnuoo) tweeaaaaaja vse Grazing SaperintendcntH.G.Wlltoa, ol tha Indian reservation, who la la tows, taya that tha Indiana have cosnmeneed tlgo log leases (or the grating of cattle. Over two hundred leasee have already been given on that number ol allot ments. The new eeaaou cosasBtacaa tha first of May and by that tlma the I sates will probably exceed (our hundred. This will accomodate over 90,000 bead of outride cattle, besides tha stock own ed by the Indians thefMelvee, and will mean an income ol cloaa to fSS.OOO for the government wards. For Joint Senator I wish to state that I am a candidate for tha Republican nomination for Joint Senator to represent tha district con sisting ol Crook t Klamath and lake countiet. II. L. HOLGATE, Bonanza, Ortfon. GOOD LUCK Attends the Flshermaa that OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooks, Spoon Baits, JUels, Lines, Steel aadBjujoo, loisa. They arc conatrMCtad for acta tlflc flanlBi and io autter how uniklllrtthefistomaii wlU attead hlseffortalf hei our tackle. ..' .. .. .. Roberts 6c Hanks Phone 1 73, bni Block -M & ,Al &: M CS"