Newspaper Page Text
Ll W sa ,"f I T ir: .' i.fl .' Jul s M- Reliability Success With Pride I Can Point to Both Reliable and Successful Watchwork Reliable and Successful Jewelry Repairing Reliable and Successful Optical Work WASHINGTON LETTER Nothing but "High Grade" Goods carried in my stock. Phonographs with a written guarantee for one year from the Factory. Cash or Install ments. You and I run no chances. G. Heitkemper, Jr. REPUBLICAN BLOCK Let Us Measure You for a Suit of ED. V. PRICE & CO.'S Famous Tailor-Made Clothes -. 500 Spring and Summer samples just in. This is their gaurnnty: "Should one of our Coats 'break' or lose its shape, we will make a liew coat for you without charge." .. . """ ThePantatorium SPECIAL ON PICTURES All framed and unframed pictures at half price until February 22, except Klser Photographs which will be 25 per cent off. Star Drug Store "The Store llial Saves You Money" To the Traveling Public RejKuls are being generally circulated by inter ested parties that no passengers will be carried by the stage company handling the mails on the route between Pokegama and Klamath Falls. The same is being done for the sole purpose of injuring the stage company, for passengers by the mail wagon have one-third less staging than by any other line, the distance between this city and Keno being cov ered by a fast and comfortable launch. W. K. DAVIS, Manager O. & C. T. Co. (Special CoirTpotlinc. i Coiigrm In I'lliulnutluK I In frock CPAt habit. More than tinlf Hie mtut i lew of the now waitress haw shown their disapproval nf the time honored coMumn liy nppeartuit im tlw-rloor nf i the tioiie In ttie rewilatlon lmilhen suit of txxvd, lied niul lavender iiwl. tie can poll n larger voto than tho koiiiIht lilncli utrttig tie, mill old motii Wr, lojal to the fiwl; iimt nml lit mvTMorlei, nrv iIIoii"Iiik wlllutoapnir the fiilmv of eoiiKWloiial tnu shoe. Pasting of th Frock Cot. 'lhoso sartorial W'lllRereiita declare Hint the revolt HK.tltut llu unwritten law iMiuvriiliiB the frock ctut hnlilt Ii I clilelly In the IntcreiiU of comfort. Whether Ihe) would nppoiir to MltT iiilvAntiiKe In solemn black or lifom Hut Wue. they lnNl, U n nmtler of noeoudar) consideration. Ooukiym iiovcr welcomed a larger number of well tnlloreit member. Hut tin Ir Undies ore creased and pressed iri.'i- the lilet I'lftli incline fashion plate in plaic o( the miilininililll.ii nil I'eiir oipremed h meml-vr of the limine foi the ilooiti uf the frock coat li.ii nlicady ilintiirlxsl the equanimity of the senate h the upv.iriitice of couple of MlliCifrcut In the tanks of thH black o- jtt',1 hud) Th tnu JuimJ. The liiltle lietwcell toevds and broadcloth. Mack nuil l.iwii.lrrJ, Kiddy walitcoats nml Henry Clay eontrria I III on, top lint and soft hat, ha tieeti nggnivatel hy the Kviicrnl )oullirnl-lii-H uf the lieu mcliiU-m, who. Mill) wardrobe lawr tliuii a New port bride, I declare they are to ilulit the I ltie to n llnlili , Mnuy mi-uihcr object to the legula tlon ilnii became of their fiiltli In tho I i hew M'lentlllc color tlicorl. . ami uieu wlm wear red waistcoat lceaui they li:iu I cell I M ly oclentl 14 mul au trii!oi;i'r that red was their ntral iiil or nhiiihler at the tboiiiiht uf puttliiit ' on the iiiiilH-r Marl, funeral loollinj ' clothe Bingham a Ratormir. AlnoliK the ilellalit one In the hoii.e, I who ha U'i'll iIiiIiIn'iI lemliT of the ilre liiinrKentii, l Itlohiuomi Yanon ' IIoImiii. I'nle looklut; tilel thin, I'njf! tn lit llul, on rlKuroiuty nhiiii the Murk ' frock. He U'Ioiik to the eon itltlleucy of nil necktlea, which Im ' weara with n well llttlui: ack eont null , of granite gray, with gra; rpatu mrr patent leather), ami ulint ulia) wrarn lavcmler haiiilki'lhlvf. i:rii ijencral I lenrj' II lllnstnm. known an the "father of I tie huii.e,' has Joliutl the ciiiigrenluiial ilni re-1 funnviH nml Joyfully luirli-il the frixk I coat Milt ho wore with pride when dm ilecled tu the 1'url) JlMh coll greK, (ienernl lllnghnin a.liN to Hip I new rolnr kchrme nf the Inline ! wearing n Jaunty hlue i hevlut nark coat Hilt with iriloreit wahtcuat niul riillaili-lphla'4 clii.Uc.t tie. : WinUr t th Capital. The tnOKr.iphlral altu.iil.ui uf Ihu rapllal It muh that Hi w tnt.-r climate, to be hummed up In u Hit.-, in.iy I- r;, to Ihi romparatltcly mil. I .unl hmcliii;. It In alino.t ciitlrel) free the pru I'lratliig, Lnr-li rant ami iwHli uln.'.s which ant-ep ilottii f ruin l.'ic Nun fouuillaml LuiiUh ulotu r.- i,rllit-rii tejlKianl ami which ore . il.-.tiuctlie Ik prroun r.llh wuL'tuugt ami Irnll couttltutlotui ami ohjectlonahle p. the rohuit G. Helming ft Co. Fur Merchants AdJrtM MrhfliM, Ortgon, or Klimalh Httt, Onion W. E. FOISOM Public Auctioneer At HnriiHon'rt Sucoml Hitml utoro. Sixth Rli-out, or niltlrewt euro of Hox 110 Klamath Falls Oregon Klamath Falls Machine Shops PECK 6 BERRY. Proprietors Wo nro now prepared to do iniichiiui repair work of nil kinds and guarantee all work lhl vines and prices reasonable. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J.V.HOUSTON, Prop.! Klamath Falls G Wlnema i Truck & Transfer COMPANY lutnltiire ami piano carefully ni'n-til. Ilaggage wagon ami general ilrajii.g. All wink given prompt attention, Hum to ami from nil boat" I'lioneliti COLUURN & YOUNG Proprietors We Make Little (MAS, H. WOUDIIN 1'rc.lil.iit i ni mi i n,8: I e I I !,., The American Bank mid Trust Company Caollal SliXk 1(W),(MM llrfn for bualiiri vrry Uy In I he year turpi nmniava anj lral holldayi. lnlrrl raid on RavlitU i)cpoiu KLAMATH FAM.S, OH KG ON a m. wonni: I'aihler I IICII imIIUIock ,cj 1 I , r, Tlio laAtn Restaurant und A1IV 4Vllt Lodjjin Home Regular Meals 25 Cents The Hcsr of Meals Served at Ml M oun Fuss Hut there is always something doin at ourplaco in tho House Furnishing lino. We carry the largest .stock of I louse Furnishings in Klamath County. Sec us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON Al the Urldtfc on Main Mrcrt Heavy Freighting a Speclclly. barfrftirie Orders Art Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date plino trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Olllcf "tM PHONES "n 7I KolJcwr Cii KENYON & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS IIKII I MINI ION TMy.TMIrf-ltV Mclntire-Straw Stage Line In Connection With Klamath Lake Railroad Pokegama Line Stages leave Klamath Falls daily at 7 A. M. and Pokegama every morning. Sure Connection at Pokegama Klamath Lake R. R. Trains Leave Thrall daily at 3(P. M. and arrive at Pokegama at 5:05 P, M. Leava Pokegama at 0 P. M. and arrive at Thrall at 8:20 P.M. S.nJino Prtitrvti. Ortell one Mlilu-i In irrnl hoiiiu pr- Hi-rf, Inittem or J-llle tu frleinN at n unianoe, ji-t tiic wry iIidiibIiI of lirnkeii Jara, etc. n-iutiiiM iin f o wreckage wpial tu (.mlliii; xplinltet liy mall. Ami )et It N Hie eaaleit nutter III llieWiilM tu H'li.l one or two iiiurlH nr k'allnin If cclni liy lailli Ilie fnilt III tin lanl l.lhkell nml renting aroiiml the iiIkh nf llio rim will pauM-parloiit paper l.linlliiij, In IliU mauner fruit can lw vent from to coam ami no iIiuibku ilouu. I i(,n.Leenlnif. ii Mb-,, . mini.- ii (.-mi ijv iiacru in Jam nntl prorly M-aliil Toinatoea can l catiiieil uml paste par I out placed oer Ilie neallin; wax. nml tliev ulll not nerd to n tuki'ii fnun lln CiinH. J In fact, they ronM not, r,.r they would ipoll. Th U Ih ii ,vl ll.M for eoiiniry . Try 'im for pluinliiri,;. li'yoor pipe fret'ioiip, eallon Zim ; Wanted ,V iP'O'l uriille inllrli row S, K.OIe, phmie III. H4-rlal pilrefiir the nril thirty dy, at llntni'4 fliull'i. I'ltCi: All ko(I liandnoinely pii k'ravi-t at liilrm'. j KiiiSar cuiel inm and i lilcken at the j Matkit. i ! .Viu i Ihe lima lui'.'l niie lilrn plat-! Intim phMoraj.ln, Tho prlrn ulll aur li'O Mm nt lu llnlne olndiii. i'liiiilalinl nml nndirnlihiil rooinn lor liKit'lreodl. K. IVUk. corner r.lli. and 1'inn itreoti. All lilnda nf fancy china warn at llnlduin'n Hardware Store, ! I'irlnre.i hiloiv eon nt Star Drug Kloie for ni'tt :!ililny, (Irt ynnr. pnreiilH nlm wonder Inm they run Kid you know llul Wlnlera dan ono Mini iln-li' ihlldriii dlffirent LIiiiIm or "I Urn Urn l'l unlrli nmkem on thp 'fiulls riiiin home nml Ii mi)tlilui'oat, nml oii ran ei onr mirk done In,,,., m. I.I..K ..... i'i'--ii"ii . nrritniit v; . AutomoLilo Firo Patrol. fliMtun'M llru iKhtlii.' RlreiiKtli lina l-vvli Imleamd liy the mhlltlun of mi iiiitoiiiutillit Urn pilrol tvnuoii, Ihatu lir Ihe I'lialmiiury tvnl fur llu chaiitTeui uml ii M-at 14-nlile Mill fur ono niiiu. In llio rear nro uirrled ihe other men nml IliC Die Ihilillni; eiiiiliiuii.iil. I i.r.ll. I nary utu tho whkoii lll tarry four iiiwi, I. ut In mi i-nivrKeiiey It ean carry lx or I'lahl. IIh eiulpineiit lncludva eluhteen cm era, nxcn, rclllnic pike, plabttr hol.k, two i-xtlnirulaliera, two lite foot extc-ublon ladden, aprlnklor IjfjYt'll With Krifllibl,. Iiun.lj . , ii Detroit door opener and a life net. Ill ,1.1a l a . ..i. mi j Biunni j-w-jy m uoxet, the itfo net lK'Ing carried ts j Ux under tho rc-nrntfp, S. P. Trains at Thrall -. North Bound south Bound 6:05 A. M. and 1.32 P. M. 2:25 and 5:55 P. M. i py-ty?as I. 0. 0. r. Attention There will U work In the Second De gree fiaturday, February 15, nod all member ato requealed to bo prcaent. A. Ketahrier. N. 0. The Royal Neighbor nave a verv de. llghlful dance at Houiton'a opera bouie last evenlnif. The grand march wai ltd by the ladle ol Ihe lodge and tho team of the Foreiters in full uniform and pre sented a very pleating spectacle. ' Sixtecn-lnch und four-fiKit wood for aalo in any quantity. Jave ordera at lloltkemiicr'ri Jewelry Slorf nr New- , torn and Underwood'a Drug store. t llyonrwalili Is nick aeiid It In Win. Ion,' lloipiinl. Wi. mill Kivo it the host I of lu-alinenl. All work -.'Maranlroil, J flhiildeii lour limm, ulil, .,.,..,. ,i ......... ..,,,, n.,,,,u ,,. tlimo pliliirea at Hlar OniK Hlore, while Ilie prices are way iIohii. I'nr Hm Imsl tiic in limn call at Ihe Mmiiniolli fatal.lcs. II.W. fllraw, I'w prielor, f HAY FOR 0ALK-1W tons ol hay for sale in quantities to suit. Phone 1 furs Wanted (I D. Willson la In tha tnar.t tn. .11 kinds of furs, for which he will pay the 'iKiioj.iiiBiKei price. Aaaresshim at Klamath Falls, Oregon. That New Home Of Yours . . . Interests us mightly. We want to furniali it for you so we ask you to consider these ivoinU: That wo have au unexcelled stock, both in medium priced goods as well as in tho higher grades. ' That we have furnished .some of tho nicest homes in Klamath County, largo and small, with complete satisfaction to the owners. Hint wo are prepared to fill orders promntlv, big or little. ' ' ' That wo sell goods for cash or on easy' pay ments, as suits your convenience. B. ST. GEO. BISHOP Tiimi in 1 Hr-KT K. WlTIIIMiW, Vice Prealdent AI.I.RN .Slil .Secretary Cabbage and Kraut Jim Straw wants to close out ,. Cabbage and Kraut he has left and of ters Cabbage at 2c per lb. In CO lb. or over and Kraut at 28c per gallco. nesiMnc., west End Bridge. Telephone 823. SS-UWwk Attracting Mapg, runt, Mix ttlnit, tie. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers ,,0N,iKT'c-K- M.n.Wll,.u,c.K . .. .. Tri'iimircr mamain raiia. Oregon H. BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter Kiniuth FaUi. Orcg Strictly First-class Work Estimates Furnished : MiMum, 3M; (, E04 y.