Newspaper Page Text
Ik pfnina llrtalo. Mostly Read I'"Pr ' Our Advertisers Get the Hcsf Results . . . Khnmtli FhIIh i 8KC0N VKAII. No. 47J. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEHRUARY 20. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. ; ',p, ! - LETTER FROM MAYOR BISHOP To The Officers And Members of Civic Federation TALK DOtS NO GOOD Slights Appnintmenl 01 A Committee. I o Confer Wilh Cily Council lullir (Wlf.l. mil Miin'-f "I ! ( nir li-liiill"H tldillrmrii I irgi.l .' liiiiilillmtiuriMiitlatmr, .lil.l. mull lift I lmrrll, will plrKlll MirllliixrtlitC Hi" " '""Ul i Mlttl m I')' )"", ri.niuiltlrr I" m-rrll ni.1 llir rlly rtmiiill In I .irm' .1 .nf inn Hint llils r.rlilng. I wish tlllllr )uu, tin til ji.ur lly. i" "J """ " "- I llrdl-ir llir pulp".' cil llliirnVtli M aHMMMMnaaHMiH flii.nn.l mul rllr condition., will rri-l , , . . ,. ., , " Imndllliin In gn Into ilcUil on win mo ,., r,.w imp ...... ...., ...,.,-... ... ! ,,, I,,,, ,,., H ,ir ,.!, ,., ,, til) Kit Nil HtTliJ l'""" "' ' '"' t CASE GOES TO JURY Belief Expressed That Corpron Will Be Acquitted THE EVIDENCE ALL IN AT NOON Clicked Courtroom Witnesses The final Struggle In Hard fought Bill tie 0y The Opposing Lawyers In Corpron Murder Cse t.n.rtfi- Jii. Jin v.m lli. n ullril mul I Klmnatli l.r, rxprenlng the opinion It li-.tlll.-l .. full IK : 'I Mi'lil tn Iih fulmiii nlli r I lie flrfl t; '.itiinii t.itil In.- J. l,a,l liil t-climldl mi Li.imI.iiI liini down n ml llii'ii thri-iil. lii-l In i lean nut ll.e ..loon. lien Curjir. t, mmiIhI towards lilm, JIiiiim tunic! nn I run; Hint lie In was .luii- with nn iron bar. Trunk (rprnn, tin- (It-feudal., Iheu I.m.L llic lm..l luted In) wai lorn In Krni.ii'"., years ago ;,i-rrrd In the army under MIli In Tor to Iticu; been hero about a tear; worked for Mr. Hopkins; also Hei.iy Anderson of Merrill; pr hi ry iliher by running into I maker l.j trade :V:;;u,;"t',:!Can(lidate-rV poor voter, we knew thee 7ve": mi Kll anil ii.rni) mm ol tlic o.'incll and lu-srll hate llioul.l a (tr.l ilral i.l tlm mallrr ul bringing Inln wr cli)a limit tl.r out. l)lrf li.wi.ilte ail.llti'iia, in.l l. )' iIIkuxpI vsrl.m. nllirr plana In Inn. a vur ell) Iliianm, ml among; Klhrr tl.n. It." our i.l bonding lli city lor iiilTiCiril money In y up ell our t itariilini! Inj. and general arrant In .Ijlitnr... IiuIM a nra sewer system anil liianjr mi.l all nrrcMary Imprutrmti.U. Tt.l. would 'tar u In a thoroughly Jliittrnl .llln, ami lurh money M would U ly irr atpnii'iil on llif mmiy tola al.ntlliiKon an.l a.lj (ml In ucli irarr main anil lateral, ruuU l lr.l In a rwratn (.iml lo lir lloart In mr'HiiulalP, ami llin Mini', Mltli olln'i iiihih'). nliMi mul I Im lalaral I.J lei) fir llir .illawr ol a link' Inj lulu I racli )rr, lirtlirr wllli Inlrr tit en iinr llumuli any ( iiir. mint, until. I In a lun yrara m)' llir rllj mlol.lrLt Tlili ni'llii-l, Hillinr nllli out, an.l morn ilrnUily ltd ir !- DOG LICENCE GOMMENCFD i MARCH FIRST invlliiii;- or fill llni; on Hie I.roki-n cue." Ilrnry Ji-n.eii a tlii'iiVllcl ami Htr-I tint hi' hb In lliu Klamalli bar lirn tlio trouble tUrtnl ; ai 'itandlni; nt llif lor t.ilUnn lo .li.lin SclmilJl, i wlirti Join ..!. lilt with ttie cne; ! llirrati mil In nMimlt lilm ami clean out XOAal I A VlaM ' ''" t'rK"' ',,'"1"" lurnril ami ran out I Hrsl L I IlllJi notf. .1 i.l not n-i-a brnlrii cue. - ll". II. Cilflrr w:i then calle.1 ami Marrli I i .......... k... . :..-. I f.... n.... .... ... lint the doc Ui llcrnie, ,Mr "KW w" ,r,r'' "" ""V ctatrMIat JuIiiihmi ranit lo Mi puccol .. . ' atatlnj Ifialt ltlf tM fi.rrnril mini Urin i...t ni .1 . ..I..-. - ..l..i. ihiiiivi inriPiniM vv niuui u tiw v Kori.r meat lioHan'tol 1 1 .In. I'l.lel ol 1'i.llrr., C.C Iw, ,U,ln'' ,l",t " U"'e 'orfu"' """ U"" i Im-ln.. CI. ,. tb.t ,., mn U U at MrIWednM...y momlnii lajlnn Ira.k on nn, Iin.. tli mallrr "I Iximllni: lli. city ami I liilnttlnii Into our rnrw,rali. Iluill. llir null) Ini tow mill , will U' a ninllri for l. .....- ,l......1t. (. ..!...!. I, mul li ' On 11. ,I1IIII' .l.IC1l.. .-...,.... .. mat iniulir an arl of li'i(l.latiir logrlj""' ... . ....... ,.,. ... . .... 'iliti W,r ,....l.r, nun .... ...., . '. . . . . Ik. .l.n.l,.n ..I !.. (.l:fn.n. V....I. I .. . .... .. . . ... it., f.inr l.o.r.r, .! l.rlnirliiK in " "9 Tl.r llcm-i.2.W for male - ai ne uiriirn 10 go om 1 iriJ 5 n -1, f J W-' "' ! ,-IJto'""""'-''"'-'"o l-"rl..T.,ero,...l,llefrllon,.rtoor. I. n , I rir M U I . "i,r.7on ' " CM'f ol VM. l,n .11. Ihu. . r , ' T -" .!! remly for j ,,,., ,,.,, , t0 liell c.Uca ,nJ . ... .. !..... .. ii 1.1... .1.. Jlalancean.1 the Bralinu rrrw ll iwilll-' .ll, h.rat ll.e limn of llir tal.1 fl,-.,.l.lrhlumlrr.lml I. one o.lhr .... --. "".),,..,,..,...,.., ,. , '. " . ' " ".-,. " "' " .."V ."' ".-. ,''. '- jii null ramp in: I uikjei itrni ' .tonnr of faloon; returned to tlio bar ii. . . I ....:........ i !,. ,.. nr lir. Tlir lau Mil If llrll'liy rniorCM . ,u""m"", Y '.,, . .in .i w.,, .iu.i.u. torn The track laying ill In- .mill nork .. . it . i i... i. I.. .. t llil rat Mul lli''nliwt!if IUMii Horn I ' i.i i.'.' , J.i.o.ihlnoti.i.ihxll.i aeciiretagaby thel "t"1 ' "onlrMtoraMreet to luvr tl.r npaln; a l.lm aliike Scl.mUt; broke am n.ncrrnr. . I vy mi M have lo com anouw not niuixi in wcure i uj mc ,,.,,. .1 ' '" ' ' I . . taa.l romtiiaitf! ami riailt' for irrvlrw n. ......... ,. .!..... ........I ,. .i. oiilii flritoltliliiniilliaiuiilintiaiiiioui ' ,.,r ...,-, .,..... ...v.. .... .u. ...c "ii". .tloor, lulluwiil by Coii.ron and I'eler- . i.i I... ....i in miiio.ii jut r...iu".." p..i .imni ' -- ---- . .... i. . .. n .inn iimy , Jog catcher. . ' Macloel. .li-l.ncr ,.f IS U K.,rrenr,l.-oi,.,.1rlely by tl.r one city ' I " . . 1 IVin l forsel Li walrh tlic canmuaio i ' . i .i ii ..ii .. .i ... .,.., ... ii " nw aMurru mat tlic rat road column In llir IIi'al.l, a there new are i ml-Mm n.ailr eveiy.lay m '"comte.i anu in rnni..n order. ' far m I)orriliyiliia flrnlof May. ! niiriiimrnt. I 7l.e('lli r.ilriallon rnuM Ui ol rna 'InUI In l. In iili mailer, ami II iirh i uira.iilr. l.'Hil In a inlnnl ll.o mull. I l a IroriK failnf in llir matlrl of all tlircl.ctl.iii. iN-tlalninir; In lliri-rii' (rial cily liu rn rmriita of our vily. N.itlilni! can I ifalncl liOHeter, by ill"' citMinn In kou'kI nl I''1' '""rnl limr, annniinrrinriil Mn. (I W. I't.h I'll i" Ihl I"""' Ing'a lioat f.i "aujl'iaticltco, Hhereahr gura on n t ui-i'k'a builnria lrli to buy Ii.t .Spring millinery. Ml" Helen WnkrilrM hai charge ol the ilore ilurlng I I .. ....1.1 ...d...l I'.itir liAllfir. . . H.i . , , , . , .i "ii'i ..".I.. '&.' r i - , i,.r au.onni ilillolial irtrnun ilrrlil (r.ilil Ihe, .... ... I ... . i tai apikiiiii a iKininiieii. i....n...i Innra.r.l a.M-tiuiriiU, ihoul.l Ihroilll). ' ' , . ln liiMii.ll.a r.Miit. In nllli in, ..mill In ,, , , ... ,. ., ... ,. . ., up Ihnriiintlily an.l ronfrr with Ihe city mjr f illiuill'iii M-llle llir flnanrlal iiiiea ' . . , , .... roiinrll Iroiii tlinr In ilrm, mul I ten don for ill llino. in romp. , . . , tun. lu ray inn nnuii k'i iii ".. Whllr ilii, . i,i,y n i)rgrlliti at Ihia llmr, ll i my liitnillon In lakn the mat. Irr up llinriiiighly with the cily attorney "frm i. he can got Icliiue Imm hli ouii .luilr., ami .III then bo in 11 Irr liuui turh arli'.u. Willi lefriemc Ii llio mallrr of iul gallon of our cily, I .oulil nuggeat that (Conrluiliil on In.l uii;e) Ita.Vct lll game FrMay night at the oera houie.'lwt.een the. While Slari ami High rVho..l..Thc.e arc the t.o ulrongc.t Irann entered In the conteat for the "Mong Cup," n.l the nn promUn to bo lively one. Now la the llnio ogt .omo nice plat, inum photograpln. The prlco will ur rl.o you at the llulae ituJIo. 0 v aaB VHVHk aMMi Do It Now! , , When the bird, commence to gSSfliSSlSVmJR ! Juit warm enough to make you Mtlaftod with We then ii Yfotu wfwfno o get In tyne wltTiaturc ami tog up with a nice wtt or two. lnn wait too tonj.' Come and. aee the gingery, anappy patterna we are ahowlng in our Spring Suitings. WHY BOTHER WITH ILL FITTING "Ready Madea" when we re ready to flU your every whim at the aame pricea. GET THE TAILORING HABIT . The Senatorship Aiannnuncrtl vtie.hrre in thia Uaue olTlii- Iteconl, Harry I.. Holgate of lion, ania ia camll.late for the Hrpubliran nomination foi joint ernator. Ilia can diJacy .III be very favorably rccvlrcl In thia tlciulty, .here ho ia quite well known and when, he ha coniiderable propeily intereati. He .a born In' Oregon 40 year ago an. I hat bwn real .lent of Klamath county aome four or Ave year. He hai the proper qualifica tion, lo make nn eAlclent legislator and la aaiureJ of a itrong tupport through out thia and the other tiro counties in thia senatorial district. HI brother Don llolgato I" farming near Merrill. -Merrill Ilccord. telner; im nothing iuCorpron'a hand. Willie I'age waa then called and mated hi' una altli hit mother Chrlitmaa eve; heard the disturbance at tlio Klamath; raw two men come outofialoon; paw nothing in the hand of the men. H. J. Hawkins wai then called and dated he "at plajing rolo when the trouble occured; taw Schmidt fall; Corpron and I'eleratolner followed John fou out door; law the door open; Cor ron and I'tteritirincr were five or lix fret behind Johnion; heard no trouble at the door. Court adjourned until 9 o'clock TliuriJay. Court convened at 9 o'clock. Harry Stllti wai the tint wltnen called and testified to Johnion being in hit place on the evening before Chriitmai; that he was drunk and fell on the floor. No croia examination. Louii F. Titui followed Mr. Stllti and ilei"crild the lean on Iho iniido of the FittinK Up Offices : From all np.enrancei llin Klamath Oil Co. are gelling ih.nn lo buiineii.' They haveie.ured I lip room formerly occupied by Iho Water Ucra Aaaoctf linn, In the llaMnrln bl.H'k and are lilt ing up a neat nftlce. It hai been on icco ml of the largu nnmlier of liiquirln for informa tion ami (or flock, to make hraiiquartcra at Heiki'iuplrii jewelry itnro unlll their offlifi aie nady. A great mnny inquiries am coming in relative lo the pioipective oil tlvldi, from the outilde, and lli company are unking every effort to got to drilling at the earliest possible date, "I .a In the Klamath bar on the evening lI mcciulwr 24; wai playing xj!i .hen trouble occurred between Hchmidt an.1 Johnson; Johnion threat eni-d me wilh a cue; I grabbed a chair ind Jclinn started for the door. I thought he had stabbed and wanted to detain him. He was ont of the door nhen I got there. As 1 gotout of doors Johnion was lying In the mud. I'etcrstelner came up then and John son kicked him on the shin. Peter telner hit him across the legs; I told him not to doit and he replied: 'I would not hit him If he had not kickeo me." Johnson shouted, "you're killing me; help; murder.' I pulled him onto the sidewalk and Mr. Hart helped .me carry him into the saloon. I did not see the cue until after the trouble." The witness underwent searching cross elimination witbont varying his testimony a particle. Tlio dtfifni-r rested with Corpron 's testimony. A. I.. Lea-flit was called by tbe state In rebuttal for the purpose of showing that Johnson made a statement that the bartender at Bichn's saloon inflicted trie injury, in contradiction to Ibe testi mony given by Robt. Casey. He so tes tified. Lucius Emerson .as the last witness called. He stated that Ludwlg Biehn told him hs took tbe cue away from Johnion and put It up. On cross-examination he stated he did not see him do it. This concluded tbe taking of testimony and court adjourned until 1:30, when the counsel will begin their arguments. This will probably consume about Ore hours. The Judge will then give bis In structions to the jury. When court convened at 1 :30 every (Concluded on last page.) Hugar cured hams and cli'iLens at Iho east End Meat Markit. t ONE PAY ONLY Clearance Photo Sale At The Baldwin Scenic Studio FRIDAY; THE 21st. From 10 UnM 6 GOOD LUCK Attenda the Fisherman that uaea OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reel, Llnea, Steel and Bamboo Rod. They ire constructed for aclen ttfic flaking and no matter how unaktlled the fUkermam iicceee will attend hla efforts If he our tackle. .. .. .. .. Roberts Sc Hanks - Phone 173,Imma Block KKK STORE KLAMATH FALL1 f AMHION IHOP ab. il.V' ' ir