OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 22, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-02-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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Reliability Success
With Pride I Can Point to Both
tellable and Succeaaful Watchwork
Reliable and Succeaaful Jewelry Repairing
Reliable and Succeaaful Optical Work
Nothing bat "High Grade", Goodt
, carried In my atock. Phonographs
with a written guarantee for one year
from the Factory. Cash or Install
meats. Ton and I run no chances.
6. Heitkemper, Jr.
Let Ua Measure You for a Suit of
Famoua TallorMade Clothes
500 Spring and Summer samples just in.
This is their gauranty: "Should one of our
Coats 'break' or lose its shape, we will make
a new coat for you without charge."
WeGranteeaFlt The PSIlt St OriUIH
Bennett's Feed Stable
Next to Martin'! Mill '
. Now Open for Business
.The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their full, has been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
The Eldred Company
F. C ELDRED Manager
Bonanza, Oregon "
Saddlet . Harncaa and Snppllca
We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Snaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation. '
Ordera From Everywhere Solicited
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Famou Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
Materials for Spraying and
Seed Grain Dipping
'fftlpkur 10clb.3for25c
'.. BlaeVltrloL 15c lb.
Formaldehyde 65c pt.
Amnate Lad 30c lb.
, Waal Oil loap 25c lb.
Quaaaia Calpa iSc lb.
ator e that Hwi You Moa"
Try Zlm for pluniblnjf. t
Wanted A good gentle nillcli cow.
3. K. Ogle, phone 144.
Mr. George Xoland It conllncil to her
home, with a severe attack ol tlio grip.
Special rlee (or the next tilrly days
at UuWt ititdlo. t
'There will tw no Catholic servlco hero
t omoi row.
FKKE All khiU liamlftiinely en
graved atWlnterV, t
Mrt. W. A. Davenport expects toon to
leave for Seattle, where alio will enter
hospital to undergo an operation.
Jjtbor lor two men, tteadywork, call
C. I'. Gregory A .Six.
father rVnsi has gono to Merrill to
nuke dual nrrsngeutents lor tlio tie
ginning ol court ruction on tin new
Catholic Church at that place. The
building will coat abnur tl.-HM.
Furnltlied anil nnltirnlilicil rooms lor
housekeeping. IniiPlreol II. K. IVIti,
corner ilth. and Tine streets.
Chat. Itorlon, the itockuian, left to
day (or Oakland, where he will remain
(or about todays. From there he will
go to Portland nd then to I'rincvllle.
Mr. Ilorton expects to buy all hit rteen
(or next wlnler'i shipment In Crook
All kinds of fancy china ware at
Baldwin" Hardware Store. t
Something like WO he I ol SlUer Uke
cattle are being wintered in theChewau
can valley, and reports from 1 1. at section
are to the .(lift that stock I. doing lt
ler than umihI. Mule snow hss
ary 24.
Cargeta Thai Ara a tourcs sf Danftc
ta Vsstots.
Exhaustive experiments by th New
South Wale government have now
proted-wbat baa alt along been sus-pected-that
wool will under certain
condltlous Ignite spontaneously and
that consequently It Is a daugsrous
cargo to carry.
I'robably, therefore, It will be added
to the list of commodities which the
board or trade decree must be atowed
with extra care, commodities which In
cludo such diver articles aa matches,
adds, gunpowder, coal, wheat and llui-
This, bonetcr. will be but poor con-
solatkiu to (be harassed ae captain, j
since nil Ibvse tiling nae 10 n car
ried nuyhow, somehow. Besides, the
danger freipieutly Ilea uot so much In
cargoes kuowu to be dangerous as lu
Ibose suppoiied to I safe.
Thus a cargo of glass bottle came
wtthlu au ace of wrecking I tie sailing
ship Cauiel off the Isle of Wight a sbwrt
lime ago, aud a patvut ixitut drying
preparation sufficed to send to the bot
tom of the strait of Magellan the Do
tervl and the 143 aoulf aboard her.
I'otatoe that decayed Into a putrid
pulp engendered a pestlleuc that a
vouple of years ago killed eleven out
of tweuty-MVeu of tbe crew of oue of
the dnett teasels tn the American uier
cnntlle uarlue aud nearly caused her
totsl loss off Teuertf. This year lu
oue of the Liverpool dovks th euiaua
tlous from a cargo of aoap blew a ahlp
well nigh to bits and killed a number
of men wbe were working In her hold
The other day a bark put out from
Cadlt with a huge 'block of granite
-wised uear her after hatch. This
through some mltmanagement fell Into
the hold, broke through her bottom aud
nauk her there aud then. Tbre hug
vans uiivu mm iiiruiiurv csuse-j iut
Irtlleh IfBrli ItHf In i-alMlf. alul r..ututar In
and (eellng itl not begun until Jstni- Marseille harbor. I
lluslly there Is IL extraordinary
.. tif IIm Muttirit lltfl!. I.mI l.dl
Did you know that Winter. h one, ,,ltg Ulureu Tahiti aud the New
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any ciuiintitiea.
Orders can bo left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
orKKK Store, Phone 174
Palace Restaurant and
Lodging Rooms
Excellent Bualneaa Location on Main Street
ol the the beat watch milkers mi the
coast, and you can get your wmk dune
promptly? f
Sixtcen-inch and four-foot wood for
sale in any quantity. Leave ordera at
lleltkemper's Jewelry Store or New.
torn and Underwood's Drug store. 4,
' II your watch la sick send It In Win.
lers Hospital. We will five It the lot
ol treatment. All work itnarautntl. ',
For the lit rig In town call at the
Maminolh Stable. II. W. ."daw, Pro
prietor, t
This is the last week uf the 1'lcture
Pale at th Etar Drug Store.
Sugar cured hams and chickens at the
1'jut Knd Meat Market. ( t
Don't forget tn watch the candidate's
column in the Herald, at there new are
announcements being uiadn every day.
HAY FOIt HAI.K-1G0 tons
(or tale In iiiantitl- to mil.
nl liay
Now It tlio time taget tome nteo plat
inum photograph. The prim will aur
rle you at the Unite uludin.
Wright's euliilenred smoke lor curing
meaU at the fitar Drug Store.
Tbere'a a lot of roniaar about th
good old times, but w would kick Ilk
Meets If w bad to have them back.
New York Times.
Pros Would you marry au extrava
gant man? Dolly-That would depend,
dear, on bow loug be bad been extrar
agant. Harper Weekly.
Stocking were unknown In Blbl
times. Literature first mentions tbelo
as having bu worn la Italy about th
year 1100.
Mrs. Bloodgood-Would you be will
Ing to marry a nouvtau rich?
MIm Parvenu Why, certainly, If b
had money. Ufa,
In 1760 a law In England was that
at parties "ladle must uot get drunk
on any pretext and gentlemen not be
fore 0 o'clock." '
"8o you aaked old Hrowu for hi
daughter's band. What did be sayr
"He said, Take ber and let ids be
Nlmrod Are you fond of bunting?
Oyer-It all depends. Nlmrod De
pends on what? Oyer-Foxes or collar
etuds.-llluttrated Bits.
It requires th expenditure of eight
time the energy to go upstairs tbat Is
required for the same distance on tb
"I don't Ilk Jlgsby. n U always
running people down."
"Gossip or motorist r - Baltimore
Dyer-Bow la It that Keurlcb no
longer brags about bis ancestors?
Bysr-H baa probably found out
who thsy were. Brooklyn Life.
The ProftMor I want you children
to go to Bfy lecture tonlgbt.
RobertvCouldn't you whip ua In
etead Just tut one, papa? Uf.
Horseflesh has been priced as fond ta
China for six centuries, but In Earop
'waa first ,ato 100 years ago by th
To get rid of daughters East Indiana
marry them to lowers. When tn Sow.
rs dl tb girls are widows, aid Ttd
ows can b aoU ehigp.
Th New ftoel iex Cars.
MM4 box. can nav been bnllt
Kstllsmsnt en the tun.
There Is mm- vlalble upou the sun's
ilUk a remarkable array of spots In
which rspld ibsuges are taking plsce.
The actitlly to nhhb Ibey are due tt
uo duiibt coiiueUi-d wltb tbe great sun
name, shooting up to au elevation of
3S3.0U0 miles, wblcb wss recently ob
served at tbe Kadcllffe observatory,
Oxford. Tbe entire length of th dis
turbed area, wblcb Ilea practically
parallel wltb the sun's equator, Is not
less than 330.000 tulles.
Mecent sieetruecopl atudle of great
aun aputa have stimulated Interest In
theso wonderful phenomena by show
ing that In tbe nature of tn light glv
en forth from them they bear a re
semblance to certain red atars which
appear to be In a more or less ad
vanced stag of decadence. Thus tb
serve a Indications of to existent
of a tendency lu our'suu toward a
change of stste wblcb will probably
end In Its ultimate extinction. Oar
rett P. Ben Us lu New York Amerlcso.
Pstlfit Csstt Halikot.
That a large part of tb eastern
freab halibut come from tb Pacific
coast will probably surprise many of
tbe lowers of that bugv fish. Tb busi
ness of western ballbut U growing
constantly, aud the supply going to
Boston comprises about all of th 23,
000,000 pounds a year taken by th
fishermen In bValtl and Alaska. Tb
fish Is carefully boxed aud Iced down
and then rushed to Boston by etprea
freight aud sold back- again to New
York, Chicago and other Urge cenUrs
for distribution. Comparatively llttl
halibut 1 tskeu to Boston la vessels.
-Han Francisco Argonaut.
New Drewnlng Thry.
An Illinois physician baa revived tb
Id of renQscltatlng drowned peopl
by first Immersing tbem In a bot bath
for twenty minutes or longer and then
resorting In tbe old and ordinary meth
ods of resloiallon. He says tb lungs
of a drowned person do not contain
water, a spasm of tb larrng occur.
ring wblclt pre rent tbe entrance of
water for a period of ulu day.
Drowulng, m called. I iutrlrautDa4-
ed anluatlm aud uot death. By this
process Uf may be eared If tb Uly
bss nut betn submerged more than six
A Yssr Cress.
According to tb eleventh annual re
port of th secretary of, agriculture
made public recently, tbe main crop
of tbe courdry are valued aa follows:
Corn, auo.orjo.oou; bay. 1076.000,000;
cotton,' WTfl.000.OUO; wheat, W00.009.
000; oats, MO.000,000; potatoes, lt,.
000,000; barley, 1113,000,000; tobacco,
$07,000,000; rice, IIW.000.000: noultev
and stg. 1800,000.000; dairy product,
tr which will watfb about 9,000 powkta
lata than wooden car of th aagaa
Th Blu and th Qrav.
MUsourt. boast a nw aoctoty, th
Unltsd VUian of th Civil War.
mad up of Unite and Confederate sol.
dlr. Mhuwurl was on th border
land between north and south, and
"brother against brother" was more
(has a figure of speech. Tb Missouri
society may lead to a united grand
amy of blu and gray.-Youth's Com
panion. ngllth Net Wanted.
It la an exceeolngly slenlrlr.nr .tut .
by bo maaua Infrequent experience (
road advertisement In Canadian n
pan that end un. "No Enii.t. .. ll
ffj."-9l0utf Brocks in lUn?
The American Bank and
Trust Company
CaeHal Slock 9100.000
Opca for bualataa ivrry day la the year xccp4 lundttt snd
144 kMlMaya. latcreal raid on Savin Deposits
Cashier .
Ata'l Caidirr
Hvbtldee, Ibe caute of tbe wreck be
ing officially itescrlU-d as due to "inou
keys gnsulug enltg." Bermuda
lloyal Uaietle.
TUa awm Restaurant and
JL llV Jwlll Lodging House
Regular Meals
25 Cents
The Best of Meals Served at Houn
That New Home
orYours . . .
Interests us mightly. We want to furnish it
for youso we ask you to consider these points:
That we have an unexcelled stock, both in
medium priced goods as well as in the higher
That we have furnished some of the nicest
homes in Klamath County, largo and small, with
complete satisfaction to the owners.
That we are prepared to All orders promptly,
big or little.
That we sell goods for cash or on easy pay
ments, as suits your convenience.
Vic President
Map, rung, Blue Mala, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
"" lC.!J"A,LT' C' ' M. I). WILLIAM. C t :
Klamath Fall, Oregon
Plumber and Stcamfitter
Klamath Fallt, Orego
Strictly First-clau Work
Estimates Furnlsh
Fkoact: Builaeia, 38a- Resldcace, 604

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