Newspaper Page Text
ftnniitn Jfefitlfc WW Mottly rteud pPer ,n Kl'imnth Fnllrt .... Our Advertiiera Gtt the Beat Results . . . LoNii Vbah. No. m. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1008. Price, 5 Cents. RISTOL WILL INVESTIGATE ILLEGAL FENCING CASE IN KLAMATH HI Mean an Expense of Aboutl0'6"' - - -- t TTIIII t V.UIVIL One Thousand Dollars STARTS MACHINERY OF THE LAW THREE HUNDRED LETTERS RECEIVED With the Animals Teeth In Her i farmers Are Asking for In Breast She Strangles It to Death NJ Lies He Hears from Washington He Will Appoint a Deputy and Ueqin Active Prosecution of all Cases Now on file in the District Attorney's Olfice l'mllaud Telegram. Iimloi1"""1' "' I"'11" '" "' "',' Lf0ll,e'Hiitmeiit Ib ""w "l,,M itlrt intllici rtiiunii-j, llilitol etui unle mine thing I c- noipllilied along lliem Hum fn Weill- Iton rty '. H'l'lol will appoint ell nlil.M I i.lle.1 Males Hlalilcl Alr. ,t rriifiVf the pieent office t'f. !" .4nlal.e !"' '"' I''"'1"" '""' j. r'rdn! Imalnc which require al- mtl'm It l rumored that II llltol . il,a itep. whlrh will n l rn .... ..ii.I.i-ii In lli Oirvmi delcK- ,rij ..-I- i - - i.,tli le.lliiielil ' JuUcr lior the j retlJrlit. Ilrltlul will appoint waner i:n l.lililnl. II !.!....- .., li.idl.T Tlll Mill"' nip""" " -. - LliU far l.liu Indicated when an llrt-tl Icticlng nutter dm called lo IiU llltnlluli. A mill lialllnl lUglljr, ill) tUiuttli r'ull. made an elttdavll that 4 re violation til Id lenrlng law i hit tnilt'iry and thl altl.lavll waa Let llrlito) l) n attorney named Kuy- It) I, uM t Im brother nl (m.r istehenttor Kuykendall. Acrotdlng la friend nl llilitol, llm elul.rmf in to tend lli affidavit, Lllrh railed fur Immediate action, and I Br'ntol refused or neglected lo proceed lltmc. on llie theory tint til tennr ol Ifics It it expire ny day, llilitnl would i In llie Miim lot Hit Jolin II. Hill ttJ, and liWrly tit l Indicted m IUII m. Iiirm.t artlng promptly when the ilelsllon nl llir fencing U by tin1 vail Creek Und, Wvntock A lumber 'ompany aa brought to IiU attention. Ilr'utul, hoacVer, II (iich trip exltled, initiated II, lor he, alarted the machin ery ol the law iliii morning, anil the wrnnriil will I pot to an cxpellae ol kbouitlOuolir luveatlgation and otltar Lrocttiliiiit'. Tl,l luiiuiMtl trip, my lib liilorinihl, la tliniiglit to liar trn ItU hj IWiin llimugli Irlrml. Il la kitn i-ifmlilo tliit Hrlilul will writ llwiirsii on llm milijirt. fine Henry mine to Omwn In Janu rr, llilitul In not laltwl Hie room MluUelortlie Unite.! HtatM Dlitrlct Atluilir. 'Ilirin iimtni wrlii 'l(illlitly prr-rmjitrl 1 7 lUnry ami liltlitiil,, ami Ilrlilol rrllml to til prUiln olHrra In Hie IVntmi liliak. Alter limey itf artr.l llililol illll voUlv'l tlir riim In Hi Knleral I10II1II11K nl"l ' ueter rn. tereJ an) nl Hip apailllirlita, p-rpl tlie one occuplnl d) llm alpmt(iaplieia ulicii l lia iniipe.l Ilirin in (lie 4-ra, TlinnltUr ol I'lilli-I Malrt Attorney liaa Uen ilrllilnx aloriK, miming itaell, alUinncli llrlili.l lm altemlnl to n.nie roilllne Imiilieii wliirli rnillrrl arllnn. He liai alii'llouily atuliliil InillalluK new tiuilni-M, Inmever, altliougli there It a large amount nl It accmunlatliif;. Ilrl tol'a tlaml I Dial Iriannticli aa lie la likely to I oiulr.1 any ilay, II waa tin liecTiiary Intake tip new limine wlilcli til iufceKir woiiM liate to ttnily iiji and rarry on. Tlwielurr, llrlalol r. mil work to pltenpail look alter only llie wlmllliK mini nll liililnea. 1 1 In mliif to tich a tlago, howcter, tliat llilitnl Iwlleie xnudlilng muil lie ilune, ami lie proir lining It ami at tending to all tlic work mile th Jele gatloli ami tlic PieiMenl are dial lila aiitvraaor I a'jlnteil In llie near lu lu re. There I work lor a grand Jury ami there I need lor an Anlatant Unlteit HtaU-i Att niy, lnre Jaruet Col lgnel a lew hour larlnre III name ol (.'liri Mtuetnrl waa aent in by Itnoee veil lor Iti latnl' place. Till being llie lloallnn, II la highly piuUlile that llilitol will eel nil aoine lliewmk on, appoint Kvaa a aaalatant anil other help. Kvan la a I'orlland altomey who waa In Cut with t'nleral Judge Hunt, who prealdeil al the Hall and other land trlala. Naturally, II llrlalol make hi ap polnloient and one more artlxely re unlet operation there will be rriolt Irom Waalilngton. II llilitol' rourt hould Iw objectiil to, which I probable, It will enable him to "cumo back." Mr. T. A Caldwell, who live on the M. Wlngflelil ranch, near Adel, per loruird one ol the moat daring (ati Tuerilay morning o( Ihll aetk, that It ha been onr rxrlcnre to chronicle In ilila country. Miortly alter her litis band hail led the liouan fur hi day' uik on that morning, a co)ote ratne to lliechlrlnn )ardaml made a raid on the rhlckena. Mr. Caldwell went to chate llm coyote away' not believing that cr)nte would tackle a permn. Rut ah hii urprlaeil, when the thing look alter her. She Marled to run, tripped and fell prone to llie ground. Th cay ole jmntrt-d on tup nl her and unk hi treth In her hrt-ait. She grabbed Mr. rnyote by the throat and with a dead gilp, rhoked It to di-alli, Th Coyote' trelh were faiteneil lif her clollilng and the aucteeiliil in eixerrxmerlng him, and neter loneennl her gilp until hr dea-t-rratr icllin dead, and dead lo lay. The coyote wa tklnned, and Mr. Caldwell nnihiubll)' will keep the hide a a aoovenlr nf the tuoat blood fiinlllrc iiilinfe nl brrllfe. Lak view Itiniiilin-i. J. (I. Hleen...i. la In town today IroM hi ranch on ll ItUrr Will Not Take Chances of Beinq Indicted for Neglect of Duty formation About Klam-th THNKS JHAT JRAp HAS BEE ST irrigairon rrojeci The regular butlnee im-Hlng ol thei twenty one club will be held Tueaday . Teninf at the offlc of the tecretary ol tbe Water Uvrs Aiaociallon. Officer for the emulng term will lr iderted aod matter) relative to the enterlalnmenta Jurlng thetummer, will Iw dltruaaed. Letter of Inquiry ki-ep nimlng to real date dealer and other in tlilt rlty, from farmer who want to com weal. Nearly all tbe real eitato firm araiwamped with tetter and are kept buiy tending antwerr and deacrlptlre mailer of the country. The Water Uer AaoeltInn ha re ceived a Hit, containing the name and addret of 224 people from Illlnol, Kama, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and other date, wanting Information. Theto inqulrle were made ol the Itec amatlon Kenlce, and th Hit w a for warded by Director Newell. Thlrlh-one ol theex wanted Information about the Klamath project and 103 who wanted In formation did not peclly which Irrlga- ', lion project they were Inlereated in. ' Secretary Chaataln, of the Water Believes Affidavit Tiled by Attorney KuykendaH for Client Wds Done at the Instigation of Senator Bourne to fry and Catch Him Asleep leatt, the bright protiert ahead nl mu nicipal nwnoialilp a to It light and water )tcm, water for Inixatlon and power for light to l derived from the old Ankeny canal, now owned by tlio government, klamath Kail already ha light and water privilege nnder private nwnerthlp, but il ha long felt the rate for llitee neceiuitle were ex-c-ie, and II prngreithc ciliien now projone to agitate tlila quettlon to a flnlili. Athland Tiding. Ceera Aoclatlon, ay hi office I re ceiving an average of 100 letter a month, aaking for Information. Captain llaniberry 4u old out hi Interest In the (learner Wluema to hi parlner.J. II. Tolten. Pay Taes Before April I; Register by 5 P. M. April 7 Tate may In- paid na follow! Thr per cent r.bat will be alloaed on all late paid hv lb. IMh of March. Tate Ueome delinquent after the flr.1 Monday In April II oue-half the ta U paid before the 0rt Monday In April then the time for the remaining taie may be extended to the Url Monday In t). InWr ; but if Hie remaining Us be notao pahl.then they become delinquent, and a at the rate ol ten per cent .hall be charged and In lere.l al the rale ..I IS r cent until paid. Herwnal check will not he ac- "The r.-giatralion lewk. are 0H-n every day from eight to flvo o'clock, except ing the mem hour, at the iourt houe. The book, will clow for th. prlmarle. al5o'clk.prll7. A clllien In orderjlo regi.ter mint have lived In tbe tale 0 iii-inlh. and In th prclnct 30 day. Every voter nln.l regl.ter anew Oil year The prlmarle will be held April 17. rierrill Record Items THE "GLAY BAKER" TO-NIGHT Mr. urn! Mr. Wm. V. Mong will pre ent the four-act drama "The Clay llaker" al llou.ton'a Opera Hooae, to night. Practically all ol the (eat have already been old. The ca.t ol charac ter 1 a follow : j. n. Hanover Cal.b 01lvr TJVV KW .gt m I'1 ' T' Do It Now! . , When the birds comaence to iDmmu ta Juit warm enough to nake you attafied with Me then JJneuIKuJ?too o get In tune wlthntturf awl torj up with a nice nUt or two. DogM wM too kmg. Come and let the ilnierjrt nPPy Ptt,, we ire in0WUI w our IprTngsmtinia. . ,.'., ., WHY ROTHE1I WITH ILL FITTING "Ready Madea" when,we ve ready to fill your every whim it the aame prfcea. GET THE TAILORING HABIT KKK STORE KLAMATH FALLS FA1HIOW tHOP Jimmy Bcotland E. Whitlock Owner of th Pottery. I'eter Denlg. clay baker Mr. Mong Sam Holler, poller Irwin Rolfe Jack Hanover, aon of J. O., and an engineer on the Panama Canal C. 7- Parley Seth York, a Bill collector.. J. M. Caitl LouIm Denlg Faye llogue Belay Penig Mamie Boyd Denig'a daughter. Grace Hanover, Hanover' daughter Mr. Mong MI Loulia Metcalf, maiden lady.. Mr. Mong Th Twenty-one vlub gave another ol Ha delightful partle Saturday evening, the annlvereary ol Waihlngton'a birth day. The program were hand decor ated, with re" (kelchea, by Mr. Bren nan. A Wall Prom Klamath Wallaco Baldwin wa down from Klamath Fall thl week. Mr. J. Ilartman and family of Klam ath Fall have moved lolhi -Ity. Mr. and Mr. A.T. I-angell and fam ily were lionania vltltor lad week. John and Jerome Whitney left Tues day for their ihcep camp In Modoc coun ty Dr. and Mr. O. F. Demorctt were Klamath Fall vUItor Tueaday and Weilnetday of tl.t week. tloliert Huntaker, Democratic candi date fur .heriff, wa In the city thl. week looking after hi political fence. 1. V. Applegate, the Modoc Indian war veteran, patted through Merrill yetterJay on hi way to the Tula Lake outlet. Abel Ady, accompanied by Metir. Hoffman and ion were in the city from the Fall thil week looking over the Country. Lout Qerber and 0. W. Offleld went to Fort Klamath lat week for the pur poto of buying cattle. They returned empty banded a the people up there wanted more than the gentlemen felt Ilk paying. C. O. Merrill and A. T. Langell will leave nest week (or Modoc county with a bunch of cavclry hone to .el! to a government buyer in that county. Mem. Merrill and Langell have .elect ed tbe hortc carefully and expect to reallie a good price. They itarte4 in breaking Wednesday. The Illegal ftnclng cae in Klamath County, nn account of which wa given In Tnc Herald noma time ago, I. cant ing contlderable furore In the dlitrlct attorney' office In Portland, and alto oran notoriety for Attorney Kuykcndall of thl city, and probably will result In the government tending about 11000 Invettlgatlng the care. Henry Bigby (quailed on 180 acre of government land near the Lower Lake. which ha been temporarily withdrawn by the government. Forty acre of thl it within an enclosed field belonging to E. P. Ilopkln. Il appear that thl fence wa built many year ago, before the advent of land fraud cam In Oregon, and when the greater portion of the Klamath Basin waa In sagebrush. Aa Bayby ha acquired no legal title to tbe land, Mr. Ilopkln does not see th ne cetty of going to the expense ol remov ing the fene. Attorney Kuykendall, who I m well known tupporter of Fulton, I qnlt wroght up over the report that ha la Im plicated in any schem of Bourne'. II tated that Bagby came la him a a client, asking hi ataUtanc to bar) the fence removed. He bad blm makot an affidavit Mating lb fact, which wa forwarded to the district attorney' of fice, with the expectation that that of fice would order Hopkins to remov lb fence. II is only object was In furthering the Interetts of bis client, but he says he I pleased If It results In starting the wheel of Juatlce. which have to long been out of comtnlttion In this state. Driving and Fishing There is no place that can equal tho weatberin Klamath county this Ma son. YetterJay was an idsal day and the livery stables were kept busy all day furnlthlng driving teams. A great many horseback parties were out also. It I reported that .the county roads are in fine shape and almost inclined to be dusty. Many of tboo who could not aacura team, enjoved tbe fishing at the Fall above town. Over at Klamath Fall, they are be wailing lb lack ol expeditious mall facilities, which they chaiacterlre as the "slowest ever," th present untatltfac tory schedule requiring at least eight days' interval between the mailing ot a Isttsr to Portland and receiving a reply. But Jair rNompensi awaits th Klam ath along other line. In th first place the Fall, boaita of a baakel ball team that, Is termed tut, one that prom ise, to mak a record In tbe near f utare ; second, that out of 21 candidates that have thus far announced themselves for county offices, 19 are uctusl residents of th Falls, and out ol tht postlbl re maining two, on halls from th suburb GOOD LUCK Attends the Fisherman that uaea V OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Spoon Baita. Reela. Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods. They are constructed for aclen tmc fUaliuj and no Matter how unskilled the ftahcrnai lacceee will attend hla effort If he tuea . our tackle. .. .. .. '.. .. Roberts & Hanks Phone 173, bwi Block ol tUt municipality and third, but not