wti .
f.i i
r " "
Reliability Success
With Pride I. Can Point to Both
Belitble and Successful Watchwork
Reliable and Successful Jewelry Repairing
Reliable and Successful Optical Work
Nothing but "High Grade" Goods
carried In my itock. Phonographs
witli a written guarantee for one year
from the Factory. Cash or Install
menti. You and I run no chancer
6. Heitkemper, Jr.
Let Ua Meaaure You for a Suit of
Famoua Tailor-Made Cloth :s
500 Spring and Summer samples just in.
This is their gauranty: "Should one of our
Coats 'break' or lose its shape, we will make
a new coat for you without charge." .. .
w.&ureue.nt ThePantatorium
Bennett's Feed Stable
Next to Martin's Mill
. Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their-full, has been installed
r Plenty of Wagon Room
The Eldred Company
F. C ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Oregon
Saddles. Harness and Supplies
We .make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
Materials for Spraying and
Seed Grain Dipping
Sulphur 10c lb. 3 for 25c
Blue Vitriol. 15c lb.
Formaldehyde 65c pt.
Arsenate Lad 30c lb.
Whale Oil Soap 25c lb.
. t Qa-la Chips, 15c lb.
tt Itort thai tern You Mom?"
Good Money In One Picture
The plate ol tho "bucking bronco"
picture, which attracted to much a'tlen.
tlon, hatbeenaold tot St. LotiU Cairn
1r Hon- and when tlio present
supply of pictures are aold, Oil iht
will U oB the market, Mr. ilellkeinp.
er, who secured the )lioto during the
fair last fall, says' he has old oxer Iwo.
hundred withe, pictures end 'melved
orders tor them from nil part qfthe
United States. Heeays that h made
enough on ibis one picture to rclmbnrw
dim (or all hit expenses lu amateur pho
tography lb vait tiro )Mn.
Try 7.1m for plumbing. t
Prol. J. II. Ilobbi and John Martin
ol Merrill, (cut Sunday In the city.
Wanted A good gentle inllcb row.
sJ. K. Utile, phono 144.
Special price for the next thirty day
at lluUe' ttudio. t
FltEK All good handsomely cn
(raved at Whiten'. t
Furnished and untarnished rooms lui
housekeeping. Inquire ol II. K. lVll.,
cornir 6lh. and Tine streets.
All kind of fancy china ware at
Baldwin'a Hardware Store. !
Did you know that Winter ha one
ol the the beit watch maker on the
cuait, and yon can get )imr work done
I promptly? t
Sixtcen-lneh and four-foot wood for
tale in any quantity. Leave order at
1 Heitkemper' Jewelry Store or New
torn and Underwood' Drug store.
Hyoitraalrh I nick Mnd It In Win
ter' Hospital. We will Hire It the lot
nl treatment. All work itiiarantcixlt ',
For the belt rig In town rail at the
Mammoth Stable. II. W.Mtaw, Pro.
Tlili li the Ult week nl the Picture
Sale at the Star Drug Store.
Sugar cured hami and rhtckena at the
I East Knd Meat Market. t
Don't forget to watch the ramllilatr'e
column in the Herald, a. there new are
announcement being ma-l every da) .
HAY FOIt 8AI.E-1G0 ton ..I Imy
(or sale in iiintitlen to nut. Phone
I Sow i the time to got some nice plat
nnm photographs. The price, will aur
J rle you at the Hule itudio.
Wright' condenced smoke lor curing
I meat at the Star Drag Store.
1 If your pipe freeieup, csllon Zim I,
furs Wanted
0 D. Willaon I in the market for all
kind of fur, for which he will pay lb
I hii;hm market price. Addrra him at
Klamath Fall, Oregon.
"Bui," demanded the tint. profeor
of theology, "how can you call hi
theila excellent tf, a you ay, aomt
of lit argument are extremely Irrel
You didn't catch my remark correct
ly." replied the other. "I aatd 'Ir
reverent' "
"Ob. that' different tblngr-Pbll-adelpbla
Reversing th Rut.
"I suppose Jones' baby I aa remark
able a the average Infant."
"Really, now, It I a remarkable
"la It Indeed r
"Yea; It baa never aald a thing alnce
It could talk which wu worth repeat
log." Baltimore American.
'Steward, bow long will It tie be
fore we get Into the harbor?",
"About an hour and a half, ma'am.',' ,
"Ob, dear, I aball die before then!"
"Very likely, uia'aui, but. you'll be
all right again wbeu you'te beeti on
shore ten lulnute." Marine Journal.
Th Final Teit.
Orayce It doesn't uike ouy dlffti
ence what Mr. Stell wear, he a I nay
look well groomed and geuUe-usuly,
doeau't he? t
Mayme lau't It o? Why, that wan
Would look awell In ear inuff!-Cl
land Leader. .
stmsd Longer.
Mr, Gotham How long have you
lived out there In the auburba?
Mr. Flatbuab-Oh, about alx year. .
Mr. Flatbuih-Wbat are you talking
about, dear? We'vemly lived out there
ilx month! Yonkera Statesman.
A wall known clergyman of Bottoa
wu one talking to aom friend wlU
reference to the detlrablllty of chron
ological coherence in Ideal la the form
of written tatemeat, when n' ob
rrd that there are time when thla
method become a trifle too sugge
ttve. "For lnaUtace," laid th spsaksr, "I
ooce beard a minister In Mew Hamp
hire make bl uiual Sunday morning
announcemente u follow:
"The funeral of the late and auob
lamented xton take plac on Wed
BMday afternoon at I o'clock,
" TkBkalTlat Mrlew wUl b held
la thla cnapel on Thtutday aerate at
U eyclocf'-LliipUcett'a.
ComH.rsbls Oeubt till lalrt a U
Thtlr Origin.
M. lluitav Uilael. a naturalUt
chargnl Hb a uilulou to lb 11 of
Unn. bu Jut publlthed i long rtfofl
ofn letlt to that laUnil. where he wa
itle to olmerre the oxlitct.ee of tall
leu cat, about which there l a lack
of precUe data and which Darwin
ittldlvd for ouie time.
It li rather aurprlsluf that there I
dlergetirv of l uu the chractr
btlca of the auluil at preitnt. It I
ueerthelei recogulted that It I rare.
M. (luitave IaiIicI bad dltUculty lu pro
curlug a Manx rat. the teller aiktng
from 37. to tUA frauca each.
there U much dlxUlilou about th
coat of the cat. Some eopl ey
they are black, other udy, utb
tgtlu tarlegated. A for tli tall, win
y they have tall without having
(hem; other y that, though there I
uo tall, yet there I oiu. M." lAtael
1) the tall I hu-klug. U reduced to a
luvnykuot'ed. twitted AIM uuder
the klit. Th poaterlur part of the ant
mil t wll developed, a If that part
had beuourUbed by th tall and had
abtwrhetPlt. TbU give th animal a
dUtlnctlv form.
Did th .petit orfgluat locally?
ThU la Kwlbl. Ou the other baud,
lu a IroneUbtre tillage there la a num
ber of tallleM cata, progeny of a fe
male cat which lut her tall through
Did th apevle com from a diitant
t-iiHrtcr? TbU again I olbl. Tb
common cat I mentioned lu a text dat
liihT from the nlutb leiitury ("Uw of
the Welsh Prime lloelda"! a a rare
miluial of rneiit dale. The tallica rat
11 ntily nieulloued at the brgtuntug of
the uluetit-ntu eiitury Or did Ihl
pvlr collie fnilu a wrecked tewel
couilug from PrtiMl, Mbere cat of
Ihl ktud do not eeui to bar been
abundant, or Japtti. MatayaU or the
Crimea, where llio elltleuce of cat
without tIU U on record?
A a matter of fact, buthlug I
kuuuu for cvrliln. M (1. vm re
mrdi' that cata without tall have a
profound ni.llpathy toward tb ordi
nary cat. He ha, moreover, coin
cro.n another luteretllug variety hi
the Ul of Man, a pecle of chicken
without rump. Poaalbly tb climate
I unfavorable for the development of
posterior appadlc.-rrom t.'Ktto.
dard Kgyplleu. .
Sixteen inch nnd four foot wood in nny qunntilics,
Orders can bo left at Navigation Co., Phone 481
or KKK Store. Fhone 174
JT vrVfTiPR Wood Yard and Office
. L llliLUliR Neir city Hill
Phone H4
An Elective Menareti.
A mlllloo of men have died to pre
serve tb conatltutlon aa It la, but
Providence baa passed no law exempt
ing' .Americana from tbe preeaure of
vent or tb operation of uecessltU.
They will have to accept them, will
Ingjy or unwillingly, and will gradual
ly And that lb only effect of the
change la to make their choice of a
president, and therefor of bit cabinet,
for cabinet mlulster In America are
legally only clerks-more and more n
matter of vital Importance. Th presi
dent of the United States will In uo
long period of time be the greatest
lectlte monarch hlatory haa ever
known. London Spectator.
Lime ta rrtt OysUrs.
One of tbe greatest foe to tbe oyster
l&duatry U tbe atarflab, which fre
quently cover large areaa of tbe aea
bottom to depth of eighteen to twen
ty Inch, sometime blanketing entire
beds of oyster. Tbe star are very
hard to destroy, saya Popular Mechan
ic, but It baa been discovered that
their steady advance can be checked
with lime. Tbe Mm la placed In paper
bags and dropiwd along tbe boundary
of the oyater bed. A paper bag cause
It to descend through th water, and
beyond tbe Mm barrier thua formed
not a atarflab will pans. A better
means for getting tbe lime to the bot
tom Is being devised.
.Life Saving Clsth.
A Norwegian Inventor haa patented
a suit of clothes which will protect IU
wearer against drowning. Tb clothe
are lined with a nouabsurbent mate
r)nl made of clally prepared vege
table fiber whkh without being too
b-MVy will effectually bold up tb
weight of a mau'lu tbe water. Twelve
ouucea of tbe new material will, It I
claimed, save a person from sinking.
Tbe luveutlou haa been tested wltb fa
vorable results at C'brlatlabla. Hue
ceaiful trial were also made wltb
rug made of tb aim malarial capa
ble of aupportlng two persona In th
Three Raissr.
It may, I luteretllug to recall lb
name glveu lu (Jeruiany to th pres
ent kaiser aud his two predecessor.
The flrst waa "dr grels kaiser," tbe
second "der welse kaiser" and th
present "der relte kaiser." It la per'
bap hardly necessary to aay that this
mean "th gray emperor, the wla
emperor and tbe traveling emperor,"
but, at any rat, th nam are bap
py Inspiration. London Olobe.
Having Fun WltrTf.gl..
All .kind of fun I being poked at
tb eagle on tbe new tn dollar gold
piece. It to declared that the bird
wean pajamas. Some people call them
pautalttt. Ornlthologlcaliy (peaking,
tb -abused iblrd. .however, I prstty
nearly perfect. Tbe adult eagle In llf
ha tb-pantalttd appearance. Tb
bird can't help it, and why should th
irttit tarn natur fakir ?-cbJcag
Palace Restaurant and
Lodging Rooms
Excellent Builneaa Location on Main Street
Vl;e President
The American Bank and
Trust Company
Canltal Itock f loo.ooo
Open for bulMU ivcry day In llu year ticcnt flunday and
141 botbtaya. tatrst raid on lavlnt Bcnotlis
A. M WOltl-KN
A't'l Catlilrr
rpian pAM Restaurant and
1 HC VJCIU Lodging Houm
Regular Meals
25 Cents
The Rest of Meals Served at ) Hours
That New Home
Of Yours . .
Interests us niightly. We want to furnish it
for you-so we nsk you to consider these points:
That we have an unexcelled stock, both in
medium priced goods as well as in the higher
That we have furnished some of the nicest
homes in Klamath County, large nnd small, with
complete satisfaction to the owners.
That we are prepared to fill orders promptly,
big or little.
That we sell goods for cash or on easy pay
ments, as suits your convenience.
Okrt K. Witiihow,
Vice President
AI.I.EN Hl-Osll
Secret ary
Map, riant, Blue Mnt, Etc.,
Klamath County Abstract Go
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. ZuMWAir, C. K,
M. I). WilUAMa, C. E.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Plumber and Steamfitter
Klamath Falls, Orego
Strictly Firit-class Work
Estimate! Furnished
i, : .
Ffcoan: Builaeia, 38e; HuUUkcI 604