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iflbe ftetittii Htfala. Mostly Re pPr ,n Our Atlvertiaera Get the Best Results . . . Ktiinntli Fall" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. PAPER FOR DORMS) just a little free advice I JURORS ARE CHOSEN I. II. Bohamman, of Nevada, to Start First Newspaper V RAILROAD TOWN GROWING is tire Now Being Established and Ihree Hundred Men Will Bo Moved There at Once to Commence Work on the Railroad lunnel n town ' i'i't " ''' u1"0"1' Llieailcrri railway. U to ! I .. II lll.amman. ..I NV. lr. ' " -" '- It, .hoi. In the city tiy sim " , i,tc tin older tomorrow, arm ltltliillcrry near luHir lo he- ,tl,. publication nl the llrel paper in Ltl Crick vslley. Arrangement are ing ms.le with one of Ilia Mslnalli Jl, ltil.i illiitll. flfat Issu I rsihesrrhaloliheplaul. At tlil sectlm list l"n fal Ailing "I1 ilir.c Millers, llif dullness men, ol rrli, Imr lur tome tlm realised llir o i,p't. Til Held ' loot and (''"lift suceeet lur this l vtnturr Krportt Ifiiin iMrrlsstal that dirt ) llog tl.U k and last wllhln sight ol p, snd lllilii a iUjt lhl lll 1-eSOO a uxuiiilnt llm railroad ramps 1UI lUinlty Wink I esprct- ho commence t nnc on either lli Isstlor ll.r "l..- Dr." Chlel Core ictloit I'ngiurer llory and Contractor rtUison, whohat been In Klamath till, returned lo Dorrle this morning. indldatcs Snake Hand iTbt itsl irnlir ol Zi mn sum- orJ lur Jury duty Iim been great avtblrnc lor lli numerous candl- kin. It hst given them an iipxirluu- I; ton l"lt thrlr ""candidacy to men small rli of id ruunty, II w uU hue a iTlal trim of ruurt belorr tfb election, It would ha etruoal l at the old fashioned conrntiuli. A lumber ol vltilors arc going lam In lli glit aim from continuous hand shaking, ns ol llirui ate Ivglnnlng to offer iMr Ml I.hmIi. There cniitlderahla agitation and feeling expressed on tlm utici-ts In rrgard lo Hi recent action ol the Civic Filtration In authoritirig a committee (rom lliat j body to i-rijiilri ih city Irani Issuing warrant lor Ihs payment ol the recently or dered fire alarm system, The ptopotltlori Wan discussed at tlm time (or three weeks or mom and was given wld publicity through the newspapers, and yet no one tillered any objections. Instead, encouragement wan given the plan and IIib i need nl heller fir protection was openly approved hy everyone who dlscuared th matter. The members ol th Council act) Jn good faith In authorising the pur thaw, helirvlng they were doing what the cUImiii demanded, and It it rather late at this llru to bring in objection. It It hardly Ihu iueilln whether the City Council routd legally IncreiM th deht. It it admitted that the financial affairs i ol the clly It, and lor many yeara hat bn, In a hail tangle, hut we li not think hopeleM one. What it a lew thouaand dollar deht to a city with the retourcet ol Klamath Kalli 7 It It luflclmt to caua oar cltlrent to throw up their htnJt and declare that everything la going to th dog T That hat heen the trouhle in the patt, Kvery year aomo on get oat ami hewla ahout th condition ol the city. ami yet offer no remedy or tuggtttlon, and leave the clly ofllclalt lo neglect llieir own prUalr hutineM, to carry out plant which they helleve it tothe hett in Irirtta nl the rily. If they ttart something, they mually get hlameil, and the re A arkl Iioiimi wllnriinl the i-or-1"'1 '' '" '''l '"r ''' I1' ',n y"t vary little hat heen done and condition lormanre ol "The Clay Itatser" at Ihei'itve liwn grtllng worrfe all th lime, Bui why blame the official? They have a opera Iioiimi lt rteiilng, hy Mr. Mung '" enough time It it. and in e nil I nl the llramallc H.lrty. ' N"w that the Council hatahown dlapotltlon todqaomethlnir, wouldn't It U Thecharactrr ol IVler IKnlg, wat r i well for not only the Civic Federation, but the hutinea men In general, to get to adapted to llit' dlaplav ol the ability of j ther anil nnVr lo the city government, th benefit of their combined knowleOgo Mr. Moug and he wat ably iUpKiticl and erlence. Ntopcrilltlllng and work together In laying the foundation for by ainelriir mrinUraol the rait, In lilt "' Hy' ''' protierlty. difficult pall. '' '' n"1 "llr Intention lo ratt any reflection on the effort of the Civic Federa- Mr. Mung hat become a favorite with """ There U nred of nt tucli an nrganlaation here, and thete i much gol Ihetliralre gncit and they are already looking lorward wllh pleanuo lo hit production ol lUtM Derrick, In the near Inline. Who Are to Decide the Fate of Peter Petersteiner PACKED MOUSI; l;0R LOCAL TALENT lliey ran do, hut they hate fallen Into rror, which many audi organization hare eiierlvnreit in Ihe it. They want lo accoiiplltli too much at once, and have undertaken the big thing which will lak years to accomplith, rather than flnt securing the confidence and support ol the people, by taking hold ol some of the smaller thing within their ability to handle mere". fully. Kull, a fotmer rttidcnl ol Kla Mid FalU, It hi the city today (rom it limb near lalry, shaking hands till, old fiit-ii.U. Frank Culler, of Dairy, Is In the clly n hli annual to the county seat. Wan te -To buy or rent, on upright piano. Apply at thla nfflr. Highly Complimentary llelatlve to the randidary of l)r !eo, II.Merryinan lor r'taie ("Vnalor the liar ney Nwt, ol which Hon Frank Havey, Hpeaar ollli Hour at thelatt tetilon, It Jllor, ronlalnt 0 e Inllowlng 'llr.tleo. II.Merrymaii ol Klamath Fall who M'Mel In th lloute tatt e alon, It a randldati lor nomination a Joint Senator In the Crook-KUruath-Uk ilittrlct tlil year and while the .Sew llr outalde ol that district, It Itkr pleasure in tetl Hying to the high rharatUr of llr. Jlrrr)man and to his failhlul work as a Irgitlalor, He was atwatt at hit l-"l and ever watch ful ol the (iitrreala of ronilltueult. It wa he who blockeil Ihegsmeol county dlvition over there and In many nthtr asya he displayed eccllcul judgment, The ilittrlct will ha7e an able failhlul man In the Senate it ll gvla lr. Meiry man." M. L. Hums, the rral estate draler, will go to Horrla Wednrtday, to begin Iheenvllou ol an oftlc building, lur use during his business trlpt to that town, ill Davit, th cattle man, arrive"! In the city today I rom the Klamath marsh, where he la feeding 600 head nl cattle, Pay Taxes Before April I; Register by 5 P. M. April 7 Tate mav l- ild a (nllowa: Three per cent rebate will be allowed nn alt late paid by the 1 5lh ol March. Tasee become delinquent after the Oral Monday in April, If one-hell the Ui be paid belore the flrtt Monday in April then the time (or the remaining late may be eilended to the Orst Monday In October; 1ml 11 the rewalnlag tat be not so paid, then they become delinquent, and a -nally at the rat ol ten per cent ahall be charged and In teretl at lh rate nl U vr cent until paid. Persoaal eaeeh will not lw ac cepted. The rrgltlraliou Ixxiks are open every day (rom eight to Ave o'clock, cicept ing the noui hour, at the court house. The book will close (or the primaries at So'cloik April ". A cltlien In orderjlo register must have lived in the slste 0 month and in the precinct 30 days. Kvery voter must register anew this year. The primaries will lie held April 17. TESTIMONY BEGINS TO-MORROW The Entire Panel of Twenty two Jurors Besides a Special Venire of f wenty-eight are Exhausted Before Twelve Men are Selected BIO RAILROAD YARDS PLANNED Kngineer Church, of the Southern Pacific states thai tin; work of cross-sectioning from DoHningi to the Upper Lake, a dUlance of 30 mllet, is complete with the exception ol about 000 yards at the depot groundt. The railroad will havs about a rnllo and a half of yards in Klamath Falls, and this would indi cate that this city would be a division I'llnt. Who Is Responsible? Hopkins Suit Commenced United Plate Attorney Urittol Friday Initltuteil suit sgalnsl Kugene L. Hop kins, ol Klamath Connly, lor maintain ing unlawful fence by which (Internment land Is enclosed. The (act on which the complaint is bated were furnished the District Attorney's office in an affidavit by Henry M, Bagby, who represented that lecause ol the Illegal obstruction he was prevented Irom hating (re access to om ol hit own property. This is th (lrst lenclug case that has teen Med In the Federal Court In months. Bristol also tummoned a (Iran J Jury. BORN At Fort Klamnlh, Friday, Februrary 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8 pouad girl. ONLY TIMMP. ?SL- SB, . v 4slBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm S UjaTSBBBBBBBrSBBBBBBBBBtraBBsK sJsKlBBBBBBBBaasWTjHswwajaaaAnj J u9BasraM BssraVaV1 is ?' Do It Now! , , When the blrda coaaicnce to chirp and the flowers blooom and the i nu U Juit warn enoulfito lESt i you atlafled with life then ii when jouwlU want o get In tune wltTuturt and Yog up with nice lult or two. Don't wait too lS Come and mS tttTfcgery" mw " w owlniln our pring Sultlnif. . WHY BOTHER WITH OL FITTINO "Ready MadeaM when we re ready to fill your every whim at the itme price.. GIT THE TAILORING HABIT KKK STORE KLAMATH TALU FA1HION SHOP Raising the Curtain Fr a Mement On ef Life Tragedl. A rtceut Incident which bold In Ita simple outline the possibility of patt tragedy la described In the Nw York Times. It Is uotssr Ulostrarjoa of how cmrslsss the world Is of the Indi vidual sod bow thick Is tbs cloak which one nuy wrap about hi per aonaltty. Not long ago a laborer sra ploysd by tbs Brts railroad la Jersey City was run over by a train and had bis leg cut off. A policeman tsktpbonsd for an am butanes. Tbs Injured man lay on a grass paten, apparently bleeding to death. Just then a typical railroad tramp In dirty rags sauntsrsd along. H tapped a policeman's elbow. May I atk wbat'a tbs matter, offl csrr bo Inquired. "Man bleeding to death," replied the policeman. Would you mind If I looked at blmr asked the tramp. "I might be of service." "Oo ahead," responded the officer. Bendlug low over the wouuded la borer, tbs tramp asked for water to wash bU bauds and then begged tbs crowd for cleau baudkercuttfe. With a balf dosen deft, rapid twlsta be mads a tourniquet and stopped tbo flow of blood. "Are you a doctort" some one asked aa the man slipped away through tbs crowd. "I used to lie," be replied at he bur rledoaT. atrletlam In th Making. Patriotism la New York I coamopol Kan. Tbsy bars a flag drill In tbs school! la which tbs children of srsry race) asd clime, at w nymn oooa ays, are taught to salute tbs stars sad strips and gits "their bsads, tbslr'asJefli and tbslx hearts to their country. And .in some of tbe big downtown schools you may ses chil dren from homss German, Italian, Syrian. Scandinavian, JswUb, Hunga rian, Chinese, Armenian, Greek and beaten knowa bow many other nation aUtlsa all Joining la this ptcturssqus ceremony. It glvet one a realising ssast at tbs Taitety of material which it pat lass tals erucibls wa call a city sjri'wttah tft areata gsaaratlon or two wax bs alsmaly AJsHrict.-Bot TrsJssMsyt -- "Who is back ol all these inltlstivs and referendum measures that have been tubmlltrl tothe people for approval or rejection at the election in June ? Who prepared litem 7 Who filed them and who has paid the expense ol securing signature to the petitions and ol print ing arguments in their favor?" These are question that bate .been aiked frequently since it became known that the most 'Important duty ol the voters ol the state at the coming elec tion will be that ol determining how to vote upon nearly a score of hills and con stitutional amendment. Voters will be influenced more or lest by the names ol the people who vouch (or a measure, even if Ihoy do not thoioughly under stand Its provisions. Every bill Introduced in the I-egltU- ture heart the name ol the man who in troduced It. The records In the office ol the rVcrelary ol t-tale show who tiled" each ol the Initiative and referendum petitions, aud, to that extent, who is sponsor (or them. At In the case of bills In the Legislature, though, It it not al wayt possible to determine who pre pared the measures and in whose Inter est they were filed. In tome Instances Ihs real party in interest can I only guessed at. To determine who are the secret promoters ol any meaturs would bs mors difficult than to ascertain the hidden Interests back ol a bill in the Legislature. o far aa the records go, they are open to the public. Tbe signa tures themselves reveal nothing ol con' The case of the state vt Peter Pater- stciner, charged with the murder ol J. M. Johninn, was begun this morning by the examination for Jurors. Out of tbe special venire of 23 men summoned, 10 were accepted when Court adjourned (or noon, and another venire of Ave men was ordered. This afternoon the two remaining jur ors were selecled. The men wbe are to determine the guflt or innocence ol Petersteiner sre: XAME OCCTPiTIO.V C. X. finow, Farmer, Frank Downing, Farmer, W. F. Barrows, Carpenter, Farmer, Farmer, Farmer, Ft. Klamath Farmer, Keno Stockman.Ft.Klamatb Dairy man.Ft.Klamath Logger, Keno Lumberman, K. F. Farmer. PooVallsy The Jurymen were then taken to ttsw the place where the trouble occurred, and on their return to tbe Court Uouss the case was stated to tbesn by attorneys Moore and Stone lor the stats, and by F. II. Mills (or the defense. Court then adjourned until 9 o'clock Wsdasaday morning, when the bearing ol testimony will begin. Dtn Gordon, II. F.Tolle, L. Copeland, Ira Hansen, L. C. Slsemore, Chas. Martin, B. W. Towers. II. Ackley, P. H. Gray, ADDaass Olens Keno Merrill Ksno Merrill' Judge L. F Willitt began construe this morning on an office (or his own use. on bis property on Fifth street. Councilman Htilts, of the street Com mlttee, hat been buty today serving u -lice on the property owners (or ths construction of sldewalka recently or dered by the city council. There . will he many new wtlka built in ths near future. On account ol the small attendance) at tbe regular monthly meeting ol tbs fire department last evening tbs msst log wat adjourned until Thursday erasing. sequence, (or In nearly every instance men who were employed t j circulate pe titions secured the signatures ol voters Indiscriminately. GOOD LUCK Attend! the Fisherman that uaea OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka. Spoon Baits, Reels, Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods. They are constructed for scien tific fishing and no matter how unskUltd the fisherman success will attend his efforts if hei our tackle. .. .. .. .. Roberts & Hanks Phone 173, Block , ml l.T . ''-j' r7j,