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y V ttrnino Iodtly Road Paper In lamnth Fall .... Our Adrertifen Gtt the Best Results . . . Li) Yi:ak, No. 487. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 1908. Puce, 5 Cents. She mtub. SE GOES TO JURY torneys Finish their Arguments to the Jury TERSTEINER TELLS HIS STORY ndenl is Sick But Remains in Court Room llntH the Trial I Concluded and Goes to the Jury-Many Women Pres ent to Hear Conclusion of Trial iiy's PETBRSTEINER'S STORY I IVter Petcratelner, the defendant, teritiftud that tho first t knew of the trouble wia when he heard aotneone fall on Ihe floor. He ruined to the front or tno saloon nnu saw chmldt lying on tho floor. He grabbed a alick from tho Moor i Ik-fond himself. He followed Corpron out of the door. lohiison was not lying down but wan sitting in the mud. If. liil not hit him on the head and did not know that he -a. .- ..... . ... a Lu hurt. Ho denied that he attempted to attack Johnson J lifter he was brought inside. 2 i ,t I'flccitrliior, who lis w aul- I from a rutd end III health, du to tin eitetit, lo liU clow ceoflne- It In tin couiitt Jtll, alloaed to I lait night t home, under guard. eai ituo on lli advice of Dr. Lltnan, alio UId that th Jail wa y Hit t.Uce lor man In Mr. I'tr r'e physical condition. ktboagli the defrndent I far from men, It aeaeooeldered but by both to cooclud tli trial today, " to near completion. Juror llaavos, baa ben suffering with rbeaae- L, tu able to be driven to tli court . tontenlng ol Court, Mr. I'eler- tr ni placed on Ilia eland In hit dalenw Hit etory of what oe- I ami tli i t look In lb trou oa Chrialnias , iu clear sod rrtrslgMforaard.and madecoiitld- i Impression on lh spectators, la iUtc-1 tint bo was playing olo i other partlra at on nl that table l rear ol the aatoon.- The first ha I aaa aomrone fall on tha floor. II bed mil Irom behind tli partition I aav lying on the floor. II bt li aa etalilwd. II aaw John- reach lor aomrtlilng on III bar ami flit lit waa getting something to dw. He grabbed iii a allele lying on floor to Jeff ml lilmalf. If did not w ahal U m. or r)ithr It a piece nf lillllanl cue or not. Jnlitihin tlirn rmlinl out of the. dour and wat followed by Corroii, alio had Kiue illfflculty getting the door open. He followed Corpron and alien bgut ontaide aw Juhnaon ellling up light In lh mud a 1th Ma feet near tli eldewalk. Johnson klekel at him and h hit him ovrtlieabne with lh alick Thai waa lh nearest h went to John' too, aa Hart cam up at that tlm and with tha help of Corpron carried John ton Into lh loon. When Ihey got Mm h Mill hark Intlde, He itUl not Enow that Juhnauu waa injured until altar h wa brought Into the ailoon. Ptritlnr emphatically dented Hart' teetlraony that h attempted to attack Juliueun alter h waerbrought Inild. II (aid he may liar eaorn or aaid omelhlng, bat denied that any further trouble occurred, lira. Jolineon waa then callJ'to tea Illy aa tu lh statements of her huaband before hla death, wblch waa In aubatanr lh earn a gln In lh Corpron trial. A. I.. Ualtt testified that lie vliiled the Johnson home with Attorney Hlone, and that Htone aiked Johnaon "alio did thla?" Johnaon replied, "the bartender at Oenrg lllehn'e." l-eavltt further testified that Johntun put hla hand on the back of hla head and he aaksd him If he had been lilt there. Johnaon aaid "oh, that wa nothing, It didn't hurl. 1 threw up my arm, bat It waa the blowl In tho eye that knocked me down." Merrill Record Items II. T. Andereoii la rnnvateacont after n IfiniillliieM, andiirared on thsetreet lh week, John lUtlift, Hr. who wa Injured sev ral daya ago In an accident I again Unit the street. Mr. Conn of Klamath Kail la In thla city In attendance upon her daughter MIm Anna, aim haa been itilte alck tli pait aeek. The line aprlng weather ha earned the baseball fever tu tie Jn lh Vein of Ihe Merrill batten, and th young mn may b een lmoe any day practicing on the baaeball ground). The largest and awelliat tin of men, wouiena and children ahoeaare now on dliplay at th Jloalon 8tor. If you want a pair of up In date) ahoe go to th Hmton Hlore. Fur children Klucator alio go to lb itoaton Hore. Watch the lloaton itor lor dally arrlrala in up to date man and ladle wear. Fred l.i'key, rrcrnlly bailed oat of the counly jail, waa tail night Incarcer ated In tlm loan "Juk" for dlaorderly conduct. Mr I.Wkey ha grown to be an old friend ol Marshal Hlat and no doubt lung fur Ihe lelationahlp of gueil. Thla morning. Liiky tu brought Ulote HecorJer Andtraen and ata given a choice between latnty e!ayt In the city Jailor leal Ing town for two year. Uikey chcxe th latUr altar native, and la now a wanJarar In th told, Cold world. Fire at Walker's Ranch A trlrphon communication rclvd from Ilouania IhU aflrrnonn aayt that one of the hou.r of Albert Walker, on Ihe Dundy plnre near Illy. 1 on Ore, and It ia'feared that the flaniea will aprtad to the barna and hay atarka. There la between 300 and 40J ton of bay on th pUce, beelde what la In the barnr. JameaUellandaife live on th ranch,- but Mr. Hell waa abaenl on a trip to the aaw mill. Mr. Walker I In Bonania tvlay. Mr. Caaey aai called bytbeatateln rebuttal, and hM that on Katarday b fore the nteration, Johnaon told him, in a conrerratlon they had together, that he did not know who hit him. Thla ended lh Uatltnony and the Court abjourned until 1 o'clock, when the argumenia bfor lb Jury will com mence. Tli afternoon ealoo waa takn np with Ihe argomenli of the lawyer to the. Jury. A we go to pre Jodg Ba- eon la Unlading hit chant. Thca goea to the Jury upon th complrtlon ol th Judge' Initructlona. .MSBaaBaEaEaEaEJSJiBaaaw V IHaunl fMBsifH' Do It Now! , , When the blrdi conMence to chirp and the flowera bloMoin and the tun tajwt warm enouato " you latiafled with life then la when yoj . wtU wyt tlntunewlt7iaaVtoiupwithanlceiult or two. Doirt wait too .WkCome and aee the aHigery; anappy pattsrna we are ahowlngln our Pnog Ittltlnga. -n WHY BOTHER WITH ULL FITTING "Ready Madee" when we IM rrtw A Mia - - ..m.i IZaL. .. neleiaa --, (,v aau JVtir 919TJ WaUH Bl WK mrnmrn araavvara. GIT THE TAILORING HABIT KKK STORE V.' w KLAMATH FAIX1 IAIJHOM 1H0P f , J-' aS Bonanza Bulletin Items 0, T. Oliver, the Implement dealer a f Klamath Falla waa in the city Wed nesday, Mr. CO, lambert haa been engaged to teach th iiurnbatn achool and bar dull will aoon commeuce. Ih O. F. Dcmereat arrival In th city Hunday from Merrill. Mr. Chaa. Ilumpr of Klamath Fall haa ln flailing at th horn nf Mr. and Mr. Auatln Cue th pert weak. From 4000 to C00O fot of lumber from tb two aaw mill are being hauled Into Booaota dally for th nw building thai will b erected thla inaintr, K. H. Hall wa in th city Friday from Klamath Falla, accompanied by E. A. Fraier, F. K. Cole and Fred Noel, pro prietor of th Marthall Hotel. 0. L. Bennett, ol Medford arrived In thtlty Hnnday and will remain aom tlm laitlng with hla daughter, Mra. II. F. Rwingl of Langall ally. Th carpenter commenced work on thenw barn F. C. Eld red 1 having built (or hla atock, which h U flllng to tak th first premium at the county fair thla fall. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Taylor, and daughter Mia Elliabeth aod Mra. Mollie Oarrail, of Bly, wer In lb city Monday, They left th morning for Aahland where tby will remain aoa time. MR. SHIVE RETURNS Gives Favorable Report on North Berkeley Property EVERYBODY COMING TO KLAMATH Tells of the Great Work Being Done by John C. Hal k Ad vertising Klamath County by His Weekly Stereoeifcan Views and Lectures HotShot for U'Ren Portland, Or.-Mr. W. H. U'Ren, Oregon City, Or. Plr: Yon hare with in the laal fw day leaued challenge to Hon. SUphen A. Lowell, of PradUton, Hoa. Oeorg H. WlllUma, nf Portland, ani otbT, to mt yon In debat on th primary law ol thla atate and th o-alled Hutement No. 1. Both th abov gentleman bar declined your challaf. You tak th ground that th law or law In quMllon are right, Juat and proper for th people of Oregon. A you claim th authorship of thee lawa and aa you aeem to b analoua to 1m pta upon th Oregon public your de lr to have thoa prtvail at th coming tat election In June, 1 accept your challenge, I taking th ground that tb law or lawa in question are unjust, In equitable and unconstitutional. You are posing as th great lawgiver of th slat of Oregon, and In th coun ty wbr you hsv resided for num ber of ysars you ar presumed by poli ticians to hav a strong Inflnance. In 196 you wer elected from Claka mas county on th Populist ticket for representative by vol of 9SS8. In 1898 you were a candldataon tb Fusion ticket for But Senator from th earn county, and wa defeated by Oeorg C, Brownall, a Republican. Your vol was 1706, showing that you wer not so popular In 1896 as you war in 1696 by 83vota. I maintain that lb peopl ar com pletely dleguaUd by your vagsri, and I propoa to show you that your so called Statement No. 1 1 about; th greatest humbug that wa aver foisted upon an uneuepectlng people, and It is my great ambition to otr Into this debate with you in order to show up this humbug to tb peopl of this commonwealth, and I am sure the people ol this state ar anx lous to hear you dslnd these creation. t accept your challenge and will mak th necessary arrangements to carry out your wtibas. Let m bar ypur answer at your ssrl- lest convsnlsnc. Bpotfully, J.D. fitevns.x 1746 East Twnty-thlrd street, Portland OltgOD. vvyvt . i a i KmttN i ut4 AiK. aniVK Everyone whom I met on my trip from Mexico to North em California, who waa goinjr anywhere, U comln; to Kuutv ath. The people here do not half appreciate the imnenasi amount of valuable work being done toward advertJaintT this (section, by John C. HillPresident, of the Holcomb ReaJty Company. I spent three half daya in their office in Oakland, ana aunnsr mac time mere waa a continuous atresm of pso- nla AAlrfnr (nfnpmatfnn t 1flAMel .s.-m !! . . g " l.v vntie tuawwai wa rwumiui vuuuii ufawu utenai mj A S me aiereupuuin leciures given ay ar. nut every inanaay. m W. T. fhlve, who hat been absent for th past two montba, on anextene'ed trip through Mexico and Southern Cali fornia, returned borne last evening. Mr. Bhlve, together with a number of other Klamath Falla cltlsena, purchased some realdenc property In North Berkeley last Fall. While on his trip he visited Berkeley and Investigated the pioperty and has a very favorable report to ask. II aajjjltat parcbasers ol this property can feel aaaured that they secured a good liargsln, as since the sale last Fall 63 new cottage have been built on th addition and more ar In court of con struction. There is a ready sal of thla property and ha atate herwas offered an advaoc of 60 per cent on hla Investment. Mr. Shlve says he met thouaande of peopl on bis travels, who cam to him asking about Klamath County. H al ways totd thsm, that If theywer feel ing well and wer stay wher they were, but If they were determined to move, to come to Klamath County. I made Inqulriesand investigated every place I visited" aaid Mr. Solve, "ana I can truthluliy say tnat Klamatn County offers th beat opportunity for investmsnt of any place I hav seen." I think the people ol this county," saldMr.Sblve, "ought to know of th work being done by Mr. Hill, of tb Holcomb Realty Company. Mr. Hill la an Interesting lecturer and Immense crowds are attracted every week to bear bis stsreoptlcan lecture in Oakland. Thee hav attracted so much attention tbat h ha been asked to giv'bt lec ture at tb Ferry building l &s Fran cisco. He I making arrangntsaU to do-o on Friday vnlngs. TIm award of Trade have tbalrnhlbits her aad thee lecture will advert! Kbaata County to thousand of pop!ao day, wboeroHthUyattklspoiat,aa4aUo to boraskr who cots there lee ! formation. Mr. BIU J rtaUy altet Ing bl other basin in bis aUswaea for this section. Jl spent three half days st Mr. Bin's offlc In Oakland, aad whl I wa there peopl who bad beooate fatirsetel la Klamath County throagb bis latUr, cam in, In rsgalar ttreasss ataiag more information. Mr. BIB laslm oat my remaining a white to 111 Uta what I knew about th country." Editor Nixon P Away Robert Nixon, th veteran dltor aad publisher ol th Treks Journal, dwd Sunday ol acnt the hex of Tils daughter, Mrs. J. K. Firth, at San Francisco, aged 77 year. The fa ral take place at Yrh thla sitrsaea. Mr. Nixon waa for 47 yare the Uler and proprietor of tu Yreka Jevraal, on ol tb oldest papers sow reaalag tw that atat, and hi papw nvr alesal an Issu during hla career. Mr. Hlsea was highly reapected by tb Mwar men of California and tb PacUa Tb old reliable Watwan Ideal f tain pen at Winter'. GOOD LUCK Rprntatlv''Hawly appeared be for the Hous publlo lands commltt and mad a half-hour argumsnt In sop- port ol Senator Fulton's resolution, passed by th 8oat last week, author lilng th Attorny-Qnral to luatltut ult sasMt'the Oregon di California Rallratd Oesapaay to adjust Its grants. Sptelal prie for th aut thirty days atUistiwel. t i Attends the Flfhernun that OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reele, Unea, fteel and Baxaboo Roda. They are ooautrncted for sKtea tlUc fltJujsg and no nutter now iJUsklllsxltjveflihenaani , will attend hla efforta If he i Roberts & Hanks none. 173, i$BM Block mmt mw I'P-rr . l.- . t c ':v t . C-