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Newspaper Page Text
-Jn f SaSiSgL ABEL ALi MARSH LANDS THE EVENING HERALD V 'baa eaar. Iks HtraM rVilaMwg ComfHwy V ""a WIP Bammmamr . .. VTZ. - mn are aid tDWtrdi. Iy SO per ceat. rttfeUblc nattar. Klamath's greatest oargainB w r Ml :. OMCBimON RATBB Mil Unmtl. . . BttmaMM . to aaatr.-aeae VatMBte "j IMS M LM .M ICiWAffP Law r OMtoN.-tlMi IMI tfMiftW ? OMftB pmMH ttet VJMM1W W EC C IbEl? mmimimi ft mam mmmmkm am sum fllM sftStaSfei?: M aaB IIIWH UMRMakiMM sTSeanerast. Ikk State wUkMl ? thanhr, Mck iwwww W,tMHHMIW- bru raMI efcatSar PA URDAY. FEBRUARY 89, 1008. INSULTS TO ROYALTY. ef the Thlnss That Constitute Lata Majesty In Knflane. ataar people think that lees majesty glrtag Insult to royalty la not a crlase la Great Britain. Tbe English aetata books, bowerer. contain raany peaeltlse for aach oJaniaa. Placlag a poetage atamp on a lattar patda dowa ta a punishable offense, aa la alao tk dsfacement of a coin bear- lac tkaroyal laMg. Tala la Insulting taw ling-a egy. Frlratt MIrldnale soar sot ralaa the royal standard oror their dwellings. Tala la tba tmblaai of tba regal an tkortty to be displayed only wbtre tbe klag Is present WaBe,an agitator auy talk against rajafrj'ta ta abstract aa aach aa be caoeesa, coataaaptaoaa or lnanltlng sereaaal referaacaa to tba reigning sot erelga opsaa the osTeader to a bearr a aM laipriaoaaieat TW aUgktaat alap upon the face of the kiac er Qoeea or any other part of the aaatoay, for that msttsr Is paalahable with the death penalty. In the insga of Qoeea Yletoria a Litotes aat fag strata, her across the face with his canav Re was aaateacad to death, bat the queen coauanted hie Fanners of Moderate Moms Offered Rare Opportunity An unusual opportunity la offered the farmer of modorata means to secure a home in the Lakeside Tract located on the North shire of Tule Lake. The land now offered for sale consists of 3500 acres of irrigable land lying under the Adams canal, a part of the Klam ath Project, and admirably located along the shore of the take. It la rub. asrebruah and Erase land, part of It being In cultivation. It will be sold in tracts to suit DurcBaesri ana on satis- factory terms. For particulate call on or address, J, Frank Adams, manager Lakeside Com pany, Tule Lake, Oregon. Loose Cattle and Horses Warning is given that liorses, cow and other animals found running loot within the city limits will be Impouml t. This will cost the owner W fine be sides the lead. The dog tax license I due ami payable March lit. 0 0. low, found Matter. Buy a Home Adjoining the new (air ground ; two and une-hall acres or more, best ol garden laad. , Two and one-halt acres is equal to eighteen lots 60x110 (eet. II times are pood or bad you can always mske a pood living from It. Price reasonable, and, terms easy. See L. JACOU9, Owner. W. E. FOLSOM Public Auctioneer At Harrison's Second Hand Btore, Sixth street, or address care of Box 116 Klaautk Fallt - - Oregon We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. Sec us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridge on Mala Street It k) Bkewiee a crime to bring the aatfana of tba sovereign into cob teeaat. To garb a low corns Alan or a Tfleahi of the stag ta a discarded uni form of the army or the navy Is suf- t ta brag heavy ceasare from the rar'thm reasoa theatrical aeaally as to It that the won are not exactly copies f the real miFlCiAL UQHT. The Meet Brilliant lllvmlnetiefl le Net writer la aa aagtaeerlag aase eCsta some dleraafertlag laf i ttoaoa the aabjoct of lllamlaatloo, 41a rsaieiHag tscaaaa the reader will probably lad that he has beta, laao caatly, aaeaga, f oUowtag a course of procedure there iesertttsd aa Injurious. e, la the case of eye atrala my hare fatt that area the dim fey which ha worked was too aad aa tamed dowa the light thaaMseriiaag the dtaValty, or, what la SMta Ukaly to be the case, wham the atrala has, bees caused by too brilliant UlamlaaUoa ha fancies that what Is assdsd m atromger light aad so Mcrsssss it Oratatrala from too bright a light I aid t aiaatfeat Heslf by aa ltchtag aaaaatlsa U the eyeballa, with the Hadiacy to rub the eyes for relief. The swear coarse, thea, la to aso that the light at more perfectly dlCaaed or aofteasd aad that It fall la the right dsrectlea. , After .these precautloae hare heea takea It la worth while ta try a amaller qaaatlty of light this trial ta.caatiase loac enough la time far the eyes to become folly adjusted totheehaaja. The value of mamma Oaa timet e be Judged by the appar eat brlgmtaaaa of the lights wham look ad at dlfoctly-tbe brighter the light the beHer-but by the effect oa the ob ject t be looked at aad the moat do-' atoable ..effect so far as the eyes are t sac ami a. la mot alwaya produced by the meat atllllaat Ughta-ladliaapolla Star. Bet the aes. ToaaghUbal had a bablt whom aoap waa served at the table of mushing her craemen or bread ta It matu It waa a groat aieae. Hsr mother made many efforta to have her correct this strictly primeval habit Oae day there waa to be compaay at the table, and tbe mother said: "Now, Mabel, Mrs. Brown la to dlae with as tonight, and I want you ta act at the table Just as alcely aa aha dose. Please dom't "moan your 8080." Uabel promised faithfully to follow the example art, by Mrs. Brown, aad the dinner opened with every promise of. a Bae time. However, Mabsl waa aatag a pair .of very sharp eyes om Mrs. Brown and In an Instant blurted forth at the top of her voice: "Oh,, mamma, Mrs. Brown ta 'mash hatr kayir NSTKCIB CtOrfMS IS THE COOSTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATH COCNTY. ESTATE OF JOSEPH CONQER, DECEASED. Notice Is herby given that tbe last will and testament ol Joseph Conger, deceased, has been duly proven and ad mitted to probata and that John W. Siemens aad Cbaa. D. Wilteon have been duly appointed as executors there of. All persons having claims against taiJ estate are hereby requested to pro rent the same with tbe proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned at the First National Bank In tbe city ol Klamath Falls. Oregon. Paled at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this IStb day ol February, IMS. Joaa W. SfiMtxs, 2-13 6-19 Cajtaxas D. Witxsos, Executors ol the last will and teita tnsnt ol Joseph Conger, Deceased. Orders Are Heavy ireldktJnm a Specldty. Baggage Glvea Prompt Atteatlon 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Harlag aa-to-date plaao ... tracks we solicit yoar PHONIS flM plSBO hTtOTlBg KINTON S THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS Office 871 Bant T I ealetacc 4S Klamath Falls :: :: Machine Shops PECK & BERRY, Proprietors We are now prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds and guarantee all work first class and prices reasonable. Had Trjed SleetrleKy. with the motherly old lady UHamas miwar aaramBs, abdJaaoYstmd.twU aha was mataw laavawaBsa was aty aaa&'aad WaaowjasBji ,,4 Tarn; are vory deaf, ataart yom, mad- amr altm9ataly,Uuwf MM the hiiivBiiii, 1 aaa so," was the realy, laad haramibaaaablotodoathlaglerK." "Haw yam aver, triad eleotriettyr ahsaedthaklaAhaartsdmaa. ,r -xse- aaa aaM,aoaaiag yigcrouaiy. was atracK ay usmtau mat amav laajaaw viaNls, a asw troth m PUBLICITY THE PRICE OF SUCCESS A:V "H ' There is a right way to do things. There is a large amount of profitable business to be secured by the right kind of advertising without increasing the fixed expenses. The advertiser, in the preparation of copy, must consider what will appeal to the interest from the reader's or the customer's point of view. It will not do simply to put down what seems to the advertiser to be interesting, without putting it to the test of wheth er it will be so to the public as well. It must contain information that the public would either like to get at, or which they could be interested in by a suggestion in the shape of a good striking headline. What the pub lic are after principally is the goods at right prices, so that good descriptions included in nearly every ad. Prices are invariably of interest to the customer, and, whether the method is reliable or not, form,ont of the principal means of judging of th 'desirability of the goods. -ii .. I East End Meat Market CRISLER ft STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and romtrt Kreh sml Cured Meals and Hamui; f l , We handle our meala In th must iniKlrrn wy ntUu, line and surroundings. Try u and . will t, hsppy to hsve you for a cutomr, I'mi IHIIr, Incorporated November 28, 1900 Statement of Condition ,. , of the Klamath County Bank Klamath Palls, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES Loan and Discount S34O.530.80 Bonds and Securities 63,526.84 Real Eitatv, Huildlnirit and Fixtures 14,745.18 Cash and Sight Exchange.. 165,247.60 5W.040.51 INABILITIES Capital Stock, fully pnld Surplus and lYoflt - - Due Other Banks Deposits SI 00,000.00 21,753.11 32.000.U4 431.295.46 S585.040.51 I, Ales Martin, Jr., Cashier of the eUiventmni bank, do solemnly swear that the above tttr roent is true to the beat of my knowUdge and Ulltf MXX MAltTIN, JH., Ca.l.l.r SubKribnl and ioorn to before me thl Clh dr of January, liMH. (i!all C. II. Withmow, Notary Cubllc for Orrgun OITICEK8 ALEX MARTIN President K..R. REAMES - - Vice-President ALEX MARTIN. JR. - - Cashier LESLIE ROGERS AMI Cashier Pioneer Bank of KUmtth Basin MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inveo tors bouvht; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHIT! CAPT. 0. C. APPLEGATE nutria WARD Laad Salesmen. Office on Fifth Hral The Cream of the Best Old Continental WBlslMy Normandy Rya r.F.V.Rye Bottles fader tnc Sspcrrlstoa of las oovsraausi . . . None Better . . . Sou ay C D. Willson Wholculc tad Retail Ugpor Dealer Everv tronA Vmil, . x- t . ... .IBt I m v msvm w rove f)99n yfnnQn tpv-nf a -Tweliw.. .'Til ti iuwi or woman whn tD ai . ci..AM, rmntl m ... " " uiiiMT IV. ovwj av-w m vsmaaman, J 1 1 ... u .o..., nrut oava SOmethintr of thta nusiltv. S0 Wl of the store-ads. today appeal, to you moat dlractly. 75 :