1 .1 A. -51
aattr. MWt laaaaT. a Ik
Hff&M nrMnMiig Company
w. .stunt. ut .
hjucwkioh nkrm
iwitr, tones Unoatkh .
Hn'T(l tail I".
Nimtm LAW or OMOOM.-Bftton M of
KTaVjWa Wort- that wWwr aw
PruMieMtnaiM nowpp.l(n.inU Mtfc
m in im wiukhh
i mm Man pun
rlr.t raraMa M orWf tkanror. "Kaamvapar
iim aaa mil MaHa. mat panaa, wfcJar
While the Direct Primary is
undoubtedly with us to stay, it is
quite probable that the State
ment No. 1 will be eliminated.
To these who believe in Republi
can principles there would be no
distinction in votinjr for a Demo
crat who subscribed to State
ment No. 1. when it h known
that each would be compelled to '
vote the same.
i .Li. a .... fc).ln. at S20ter CTt MM UOWMtli. M9J term.. -- .1
SO per ctet. vegetawe mancr. ,iunai - p. , , i ""
3500 Acres Free
Tliv Lakeside company baa S500 acrts
of land under the Adsms ditch that It
will give REST FHEE fr one jcar.
Thli Include! the use ol the Und and
water. The renter muit clcr and
place the Und In cultivation. The rent
er get all the cropt but we reserve the
right to pasture the stubble.
The Ukesldo Company,
J. Frank Adamt, Manager,
Merrill Oregon.
Notice of Dissolution
The partnership exliting between Ja.
V. Wllwn and Lester Klrkpatrlck tin
been dissolved by mutual agreement.
Jas. W. Wilton assumes all Indebtedness
nd collects all bllli. Dated March 24,
10O. Jn. W. Vli"
1 tu KiKkrirmeK.
The American flag is to be a
familiar sight on the Forest Re
serves. It is to be used to mark
the" headquarters of every forest
Acer. A' new rule is to be
iaMedfrom the department of
forestry at Washington to the
effect that every forest officer
shall hoist the flag over his head
qaarters in all the reserves and
Rational parka.
Lakeview isn't going to take
any. chances of having the
apunty seat moved and the
Qouaty Court will have work
eoeStnenced at once on a 135,000
brick court house. With tli es
tablishment of this permanent
public building it is unlikely that
. .the votert will feel favorable to
Abandoning it and expending a
similar amount at Paisley. So it
looks as if the agitation for the
removal of the county seat was
given a severe blow,
Klamath County is further in-
fjebted to Senator. Fulton for
" getting the Senate to pass a re
solution directing the Secretary
of War to make a svrvey and es
"limit for the improvement of
Wood River. When this esti-
mate is made it is to be reported
to Congress, and undoubtedly,
with his recognized influence,
Senator Fulton will be able to
have an appropriation passed for
the work. This improvement
would mean much towards the
early developement of Northern
Klamath and every loyal citizen
of the county should tender -his
support to Fulton in recognition
of his efiorts to benifit this
It is surprising to the close ob
server to note the growing senti-
aaeot in favor of Governor Hughes
for President In face of the
colored reports being sent out by
that; growing menace to mental
.liberty, the government press
bureau, it i still evident that
the Asoerican people are a think
ing .people, and resent any
attempt to influence their choice,
even by one holding such an im
portant position as the Presi
dent of the United States. It is
doubtful if Taft could carry
Ohio, New York, and Illinois
asid the loss of a few such States
would mean his defeat and the
election of Bryan.
, It is amusing to note the din
'erence in the reports in the Port-
llarid papers regarding the re-
'eaptioa given H. M. Cake in his
tour of the state. One paper
will report a most enthusiastic
, ibeeting with a packed house.
While another paper will say it
(gas atroat with only about 100
eeple. 'present Anyone ac
i auaintad?, wkh Cake's lack of
I jBtagnetisin and his ability as a
1 jJiAli?' speaker undoubtly will
7 have1 their own private opinion
of his reception. With Fulton it
, is different He would com
mand attention anywhere and on
any street he might disevss.
Kiamatspaopw Know ruuon ana
have heard him talk on many
Pasture For Rent
C. C. Lo hat lead the Hot Spring
pasture. romprUtugSOO acres, and lll
take a number of "lock to paiture at
1.50 per month.
Buy a Horns
AJIolninc the new fairground; tno and
one-half acret or more, beat of garden
laid. Two and one-hall acrre in equal
to eighteen lot SOilSO feet. If time are
good or bad yon can always make a
good living from' It. Price reasonable,
and terms easy. See
U JACOBS, Ouner.
ILaker Lud Notice
United Bute Und Office, Ukeview
Oregon, February 18, IKK
Notice la hereby given that in com
nlUnre with th roistons of the act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitle! ''An
act for the sale of timler lands In tlie
sutea of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
II the Public Und States by act of
August 4, 1892, Charlen II. DeUp, of
, .t. Clt r-.tiantw if Kd.malti
Blianiaill ran", .vmii.j . .........,
State of Oregon, has tiled in thla office
his sworn statement o. W, lor tne
purchase of the swne), nwj'se,'f , of
ace. 3, tp. 38 8. range 9 E.W. M., and
will offer proof to show that me laiui
owght U taoee valuable lor iU timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establlf h his claim to said land
liefore the Count? Judge of Klamath
County, at his office at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Wednesday the 13th day of
May 1903.
Ha nameaaa ltncse:T. F. Nicho
las, L. D. Kitchlson, True H. DeUp,
A. M. Jamison, all of Klamath Falls,
In. anil all neraoni claluilni adverse
ly the above described lands are request
ed to file their claims In tins omce on
or before said 13th day of May 1908.
2-M 5-13 J. N. Watson, register.
KlawMab laSe FwlBc Ubrary
The Klamath Falls Public Ubrary ia
open very afternoon from 2 to CJ0
o'clock and each evening from 6 JO to
10 o'clock. A cordial invitation la ex
tended to all.
1 can locate yon on a homestead. I
pan aall von a wood ranch of 440 acres In
Langell Valley, at a price that will suit
you. U. w. Jteesee. n.
Sow la tbe time to get wine nice plat
inum photographs. Tbe price will sur-
rise you at tbe Hulse-studio.
Election of 1908
Registration opens, Jan. 0.
Closes for primaries, April 7.
Primary Elections, April 17.
Registration reopens, April SI.
Close for election, Hay 16.
General Election, June 1.
Registration reopens Sept. SO.
Closes for election, Oct. 20.
Presidential Election, Nov. 3.
Petition for Liquor Lkenrte
To the "Honorable County Court of
tbe ritate Oregon for Klamath County,
We tbe undersigned, resident and )e
gal voters of the Precinct of Sprague
River, in tbe County of Klamath and
State of Oregon, and actual resident
therein and who Uave actually reaioea
therein for more than thirty day Im
mediately preceding tbe date of signing
and flllng this our petition, do Hereby
respectfully petition your honorable
body to grant and Issue to J, O. Edaall
andT. M.Edsall.of tbe firm of Edaall
Bros., a license to sell splritous, vinous
fermented or malt, liquor In less quan
title than one gallon, in the precinct
aforesaid for a period of one year, from
the flth day of Hay, A. D. 1906.
Notice 1 hereby given that tbl pe
tition will be p'reeented to the County
Court of the State ol Oregon, for the
Want 'em in a hurry
That's the caie nine times out of every ten when
you need droceries. When you get cauijht in this
predicament just can up oio-yun B-
in a hurry.
Van Riper Bros
Get the Htbir-Use Chase 6 Sanborn's Coffees.
Heavy Freighting a Specltlty. Baggage Orders Are
Given Prompt Attention
O. K. Transfer & Storage
fine nlano movlnd
Office N71
Ham 071
Residence 043
The American Bank and
Trust Company
Caoltal Stock $100,000
Open for buaUeiivvery day In Uic year ..xcept Sundays and
legal holiday. Interest raid on Saving! Deposit
Am'I ('aliitr
Incorporated November 28, 1900
Statement of Condition
of the
Klamath County Bank
Klamath Falls, Oregon
D1CKMBIR 31, 1007
IMins mul Discounts $340,530. (JO
Honda and Socurltloii. .. 03,O25.U1
Hfitl HHtntc, HullilliiKfi and
Fixture . 14.74n.in
CiihIi mul Siuhtr.xclinnKO.
Copital Stock, fully mid. . f 100,000.00
SurpluM and 1'roflu . 21,703.11
I)uu Other BnnkH 32,000.04
Di'jKislts 431, 208.40
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of tliv above nainnl
l.ank, do aolvinnly swear that the abmu ttalr
mriit Is true to the Itest of my knowUln and 1, lu.f
ALEX MA11TIN. Jit., Caihkr
Subacrlled and sworn to before me this fill, iUr
of January, IKOS.
Notary Public fur Orrcuti
E.R.REAMES Vice-President
Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
or K K K Store, Phone 174
Wood Yard and Office
Near City Hall
Phone 84
The Eldred Company
) F. C. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Oregon
Saddlei, Harness and Supplies
We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Ordera From Everywhere Solicited
are Advancing In Value
When blocks In MIIIm Addition were oIIum!
nl bargain price a number of nhrewi niw.t
tors bouuht; nince that timu vuluea lme
increased materially.
Theae Lota are Bargain Buys
nt present price), and there in every rt-nson
to anticipate an advance in price. Itcmem
ber these lota are riFTY feet in width nml
deep- more tlmn double the area of rn.'.U
town lota offered to investora.
Land Salesmen.
Office on Fifth Strut
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodatlona for Family Dinner Par
tlea. The largest and beat arranged eating house
In the city. Open day and night.
Plumber and Steamfitter
Klamath Falls, Orego
Strictly First-ch
. .'j
Phones: Business,
t lJbbbbbbbH
( .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaVTn:
ice, 504
County of KUmatli, nt the court liou.o
In the city of KUmatli Falls, on the Atli
dayof May, A.D. 1008, ut the hour of
onu o'clock P. M. or as soon thcrcaller
as said petition can be heard,
Oatel this SStli day of Mardi, A.D.
O.T. Anderson, h.l. OrlOlii, I. T.
Anderson, K. A. Campbell, W. V. Fin.
ley, E. W. WheUton, A. W. Eans, J.
M. Baaser, Win. II. Garrett, Ed Woom
ingcamp, John H. Furber, II, J. Ijinic
kam, Ross W. Flnley, W. '. Bmlili,
James Phillips, W. E. fiulter. It. I'.
Courtrlght, II. L. Anderson, C. K.
Morlu, Amos Lundy, Jfst Lary, J. A.
Wilson. J. E Freeman, Epratt. Wells,
C. E. Berg, J. II. Boyd, Jamen 31. For
ren, Frank Obenchain, I- A. ltkhard.
on, Oeorge Bloomlngcump, Q. M, An
derton, Tom Ivory, Jamra Dell, Frank
fihamley, J. A, Parker, G, G. Dens,
Charles Trupp.
G. Helming ft Co.
Fur Merchants
itaa MarcWltM, Orcgoa, or
aiiiits riif,owgo
Klamath Lake
In Connection With
Stage Line
LcTe Thrall at 3 P. M.
Arrive at.rokegima C.05 P. M,
lw Pokcgamn at 7 A, M.
Arrive at Klamath Falls C P, M.
Leave Klamath Falln eery mornlnn
Connecting with Klamath Lake
Train which lues I'okvgama
atOP. Jl., arrhingMtTnrall
at SUM P.M.
Bennett's Feed Stable
i ii inn iiiimi i
Next to Martin's Mill
Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
tuning mtrir inn, nas oeen inscaueu
Plenty of Wagon Room
East End Meat Market
CRISUR fi STILTS, rroprfetora
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, fork and Poultry
Freah and Cured Meat and Bausagua of all Vitiit
W handle our meat In the raott modern way In claw
line and surroundlnt. Try u and we will be mest
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.