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SoBLINCDlDAWI roK COUNTY CIMK trety ""', iuumu Uian P'l''1rl0,'J'.',K.llllANIii:.StMI(J. i,,'Lin Mivm'll cawllilale llulh rod county HKnirr livivllnm canilU II"""'"'" ',., II- II. ""Sir "'' "' "W "' iff-"' '&.. n.rtrf.y.MM ''"" "" I" '" . ..I II..... w.l.ta at Ilia ,rW "I "- "" a,-.. "CM.". ,tI08,Vi illi.bii.nuui.niy MwllJy '"' "" ... .I. .(.. ill llm to. Counlr.ucM. ."--; jjSmih . WM. MAIMS. rOH STATE SENATOR - ..I. ...iti.iilirit llltlll A Cllltll j... lor Mnl " '""" M'U1, ... 4 ll.. lilt If M UW till m"- '" " " wUkMlkkrl. ...I.Jwt to ll.. .IkWoi. Mf"l"'"''-f"'.'. .,,,. I., r. ii ,. 1 1...1.. iilnnlt tnr iiii'i ! !" ' hIIk.i. Ir l"l"l ""' Iwni Kliuilli, Ul il Unik COIlMM at",y "",", "' ' ,,,M A"" 1 I1V4i Si. .i.j (.iil.lnllv irliir-lllnl IliU linn's - t - . . . dMrfel In ll l't r.iliin "I III" ! Iiioir. n-l lc lln wneloMlil" ni or M irim. I cwr-li I U Kl Bilb, I lr llm UvmaWn " llrtstbn lll' u,r" "' ,,,l, "' trUlJiHliti lli-tUiilly. iii:o. ii.Mi:uiiYMA.. i .1.1. m .((. iliai I mil raintliUli' lr it. tlr-iiMl-ati Humiliation lor J'l"l hoitor in irplMcnl llm uuinci con Mnt "I Crunk, Klamath ami l-ako Njatl II. I- IIOI.I1ATB. H-iimiiia, Urrimi. rOH COUNTY TREASURE I'ij iinininrc niv lawlliUrjr for rfcUttii ti lli oHic" ! Cminljr Timutrr mi lli ltcil'llraii llckel hu Jrtl to llir ilrrUI'in il III nliiirtr on Arill 17. I..AI.VA I.KWIB. I Uitl.jr ilriUio injirll a rainllilalo .i ll. niitnliiiliiiii til County Tiraturrr dn ll.p r.ulilliMI lirkrl, till i Jt I III III Miillrratlon nl ll.c tnlrr al llir nl Kiijr.lrtuui. T. W NTCI'IIKNH. I announce in r !( a ranlilan for llie l!'utlrn iiiinilfiatioii lor llir tOcobldiiiiil) Tfimurcr. inlijrcltii llm action ot tin voter at llm coining elcc tlco to Ai.rll C. C. CII1TWOOD. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I bfielir amiiiiitii'D iiivm-1( aa a ramll. Nit lor nomination on llm (riilillcan at, lor tiuiiily Atw-anr, of Klamath k.1 lii llm ilrclalon ol Ilia aloctloii. )W. I livrnliy iiiiimiiico niyMll a candidal for llm iiiiiiilnalliin lo Ihn odlcn of iuMMiir, aiilijfd to Ilia iloclnlmi nl llm ll(iiilillclan vulvra at llm irlmary ulvo lion. VOR rROIKCUTINO ATTORNEY I Imrnliy annoiuica myieliaaa ramll datoun llio llviiilillcan tlcknl lor llm niiiiiliiatb i lur tli Milieu ol District At turner lor Klamath ami l.aVo couiilltn, milijoct In llm ilit-Mon ol llm volcra at lh (illinary vk'Ctlun. IIICI). II. Mll.l. I hIII lira randMntnlor llm ll-ulit. can nomination lur t lio o 111 on o I I'mu-cnlliiK alloilay for llm arcoml iroMtciiilnii attorney ilMilct ol llm tat nl ()ri-i((iii (inltii nl llm roiinlli'i Ijlknaml KUinalh, i. v. koykcniiaMj. FOR SCHOOL lUrERINTENDENT I harehy antioiinm in y ml I a canillitalu for III iioinliiatlon for ('niinty fcliiil H'iwilnlenilejiil, fur llm coriiMerallon of rriubllcan Toleri at llm primary rlrc lion. J. (1. HWAN. FOR COUNTY CORONER I rMX)ctliilly annouoM inyatlf an a camlldaU) far llm olllio of Coroner of Klamath C'oiintr, Orruon, on tli Dam wratlc Uckt, aubject to lb tfiprxmil of the Totara a( the jirlmary eloction fan April 17, WW. KAiirjWiiiTrjOCK. FOR COUNTY AMEMOR 1 Imreby ilcclaro inyielf a camlldalu fur Urn nomination for County Ataeiaor on Urn Ueinocratlo tlcknl, lubject to llm litUlon of Urn voter at Ilia primary ulecllon. J. 1'. !,EK. I rrfiectfully announce rnyielf a can- lldate for llm Democratic nomination for the olllco of AanvMur, "ulijcct lo llm ilccMoii of the votcra at the primary election. OKO.T. CMNE. lirella, Orriton Frofeiilonal Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentin Office oyer Klamath County Bank c. r. STONE Attorney at Law Outlet over poitoiTlcv, Klamath Falla, Oregon f T aurncNc i D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Kalle, Oregon I rrapeclfiilly amiuunce my candidacy for rr.elrrllon on llie Itepubllcan ticket In the iiltlmof County HcIhkiI Hiirln Irmlriil, milijerl to the will ol the voter at llm nmary election. J.O.WMHT. I OR COUNTY TREA1URER I rpiectfiilly announro uiyaelf aa a camlldatn lor the olllr of County Treai uirr, on the Democratic ticket, aubject to decision of ihcoten at the I'rlmary rlectlon. CLAUD II. DAGOKTT. I hvicby antioutic luytelf a candidate (or the nomination, on the Itepuldican ticket, lor County Helmut hurrliilend rut. aubject to the. declilon of llm volera at the I'rimar) election In April. J. II. IIOIIIIH. Merrill, Orrnon, FOR COUNTY COMMIIflONU I hereby announce tuyeelf aa a candl iUle for llm nomination for Commlnlun er on the republican ticket, for llm roil Ideratlon of llm volert at llm primary election In April. C. I., liirella On, FOR COUNTY IURVEYOR I heieby announce myaelf a candidate for le-elrrllon to llie ofllcvof County rurvejnr, ubjii'l lo the nintlderallon ol Ihn KepuMirau tolerr at llm primary election. M. D. WIM.IAMH. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE To lb Republican, of KlamaUi, Uke. Crook and (tranl countlea: I Mi In Inform the Republican of Klamath, l.ake, Cnk ami (Irani roiin Ilea, ciiiotltutllig llm Tfteniy-lliit ll rcentatlv Ditlflcl ol Oregon, that my iiame mIII Ii preeiitel for your conild elation at lb primary rlectlon lo be held April 17, 1W, a.kln your euftiair fur evlectloti aa ono ol the Republican nomliiev for Joint Reprreenlatlte to be balloted fur on Jim I, IVUH. II. I. llelknap, 1'rinevllle, Orerton, FOR COUNTY CLERK 1 hereby announce mytelf a a candi date for nomination to office of County Clerk lubject to action of Democratic votera at the primary election. W. A. DKLZELI.. Treasurers Notice Notice I. hereby glien that theru are fundi In thu count) treaiury fur the re demption of all outitandiriif connty warrant prolelil on and prior Ui July V, IMfl. Intert-tt on tame will rrae liom till dale Daliil at Klamath Kail ibla 2lit i)) ol March, Wi. I.. Alva, County Treasurer. Turs Wanted V. D. Wlllaon la In the market for all kind of fur, for which he will pay the hlchrat market price. Addreaa him at Klamath Fall, Orcyun. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist AriicHcjin lUnk A Truit Co.'a ISulldlriK Zims Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing Flratclaia Line of I'lumli Ing Specinltlea and firt clait Workmamhlp. A. O. U. W. Building KUflUth roiu Slitecnlnch and four-foot wood for eale In any quantity. Leave orders at llcitkrmpcr'a Jewelry Store or New aom and Underwood' Drug atore. afifwafiaajajpajHjafaj DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY SHERIFF I rrtvclfullr announce myelf aa a candidate for the olllce of MicrllTon llie IKimocrallc lUkrl, aubject lo the will ol the volera at the ptimary election. II. hT.UKO. IUH1IUI. I hereby announce mytelf a candidate on Hi Democratic ticket, for the noul nation for therlff, for lb consideration of the votera al the primary election. I R. K. HUNHAKKIt. Nona io aHMieas IN TDK COUNTY COURT OF TDK STATF. OF ORF.O0S FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. KiSTATK OF JOHKI'H CONOER, DEllhASKD. Nolle I hereby vhvn that the lat will and ledament of Juaeph Conger, drceated, ha Iven duly proven and ! milled to probata and that John V. lemella and Cha. D. Wlllaon have been duly apliolnled a executor there ol. All ron liavjm clalcaa agalnl aid relate are hrretiy requcateU lo pro aeiit llm aame with lb prujier voucher, within l month from the date ol till notice, to the underalgned at the Flrt National Hank In the city ol Klamath Fall. Oregon. Dated at Klamath Falla, Oregon, thl I3lh day of February, IWM. JmiN W. fiiiuixa, 2U 5-10 Ciuau D. Wauoir, Kiecutora ol the lat will and teeta ment ol Joeeph Conger, Deceased. Business is Selling r3MaoBaaaaHoajajjaBaaaaaaBaa inerv and Dry Goods Every woman is possessed of a certain amount of pride-prido to make u nice appearance-to bo dressed in a manner that is not gaudy, but neat and stylish-to have wearing apparel that is adapted to her looks. Our laitfc aitortment of Hata aid dreaa Gooda placea na In the lead for everything worn by ladlei. The Stilts Dry Goods MKJ Co. We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At U BrUtfc on Mala Street CENTRAL CAFE -" Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falls 6 Wlnema Truck 6c Transfer COMPANY Furniture and piano carefully moved. liageaRe wason and general draying-. All work given prompt attention. Buaa toandfromallboata. Phone 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors THE OFFICE l 1 E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines. Liquors anil Cftjara t Catera to the better claea of trade, with nothing to offend the moat critical. You'll notice the difference wbm jrew try It. Jutt the place to drop In for a refretslng bever age when you need a stimulant. Pare Uqaora of all kinds for family trado a specialty Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel FendBtf and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum I The Cream of the Best I OM Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Sttpenrtato of the . . . None Better . . . C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Llajmor Dealer KLAMATH FALLS FURN1TUU HOUU Opposite AMericaa Hotel Get our prices before buying your Furniture and House Furniahings. Old furniture up- holstered and repaired. E. W. GILL1TT 6 CO. Bert E. Wrrnnow, Vice President Abstracting Mase, riaaa, Btac PrUMt, He. AixaMSuuM Secretary Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Fngliatri M. D.-WruuKa C B. Klamath Falla, Oregon Don J. Zumwalt, C E. President jsaaaaaaaaafljUjLhV asaaaaarBvwafsiA. aBBaBaBT.aaT4wManrBaV BBBBBBBBBBBBiaBOAJjBBBBBBBBW aBaBBBSjBaBKiial&avTv asjajal BBaWBaH'aRSiKKl Bbbt BBwawaawaWfKMtjcl!? WmWmm afaHasaSH: WmMB SjSjBSjBHpj ABOUT QUALITY From the day this store was opened to the public we have been conducting a campaign of higher education on clothing, and it is gratifying for us to know that once a man has purchased from us, he learns the value of quality as we expound it and not only comes here for his future needs but recommends ua to his friends. We do not and never will advertise .anything but facts, we do not offer garments at prices which must mean misrepresentation, and furthermore we guarantee every garment to be exactly as repre- a I a 1 a al a a, f semen, not or.iy at me lime you purcnase it, out for all times. Portland Clothing And Shoe Store , ataMBjajaiBjsjjajeajjjjBaaaaBa ":M S&tfW.M SJ j i