Newspaper Page Text
fl r a , Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Klainnlli I''"11" I Lcosi. V':a-No' fil(l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. ihe pinino Memo. INDIANS WILL HAVE BEST Agency Schools Still Going Forward MANY NEW FEATURES Improtiiiuiitx liegun Last Year NN ill Completed During Summer U, kl.malh Indian Training Fchool uiiin m l'i Im.iiI, "'l w ,Mi iiim H" foif'"1 ,,",u" ,fc.J jf r I'" N cu highly ui,'ll. U'VIO are IMIpuplleon -. .ii. ....... k.. Iht full T" W" " ""'" "" ln t.ry ' i.lriiiiy to ! othclale In ihirff. i"l ll'" """' li"ivriiiiin m.llaitruimiirr wrltud great bene (It the ichwl lutein, rho mining Ijrir tll llnj ' n"ipleiln '" may ol the i"lnn linpr.netnenla lw w lot Kumme' Tim water ami n ati)ileiut '' l completed, rlUli- ,lw .d m'.ui will I'O lon on H ol the H.ol IrtiinliiiK, ilm in.cklrery (or .lrtnttaiili) will Ihj In.talled by July M, ltirr lnl will I flnlehrd, al ll tupltal ImiiUImk la In be filled tip In . ihnroughh itxxlr rn manner. tt i.nuiill vtiil lx) orlcl durlhg rb Htm an.l Kt lit Klv employment lo itajiUrol I bo ln.ll.ii b)t, aotoeot armm lake to wood work ami Worn bit (! ratThtrr ll ha. l-rn dent UitntM that the Klatnatli In.llain, lth.tip-r initiuclioii, tellreedily lo U aliltP man'. intllii.l" of doing itlnj., and lemal of Ihe graduates of ihe Klamath kI.ioI ati iklllrd median- ci, one dI tli ho)i hating dcalgned lallullta modern frame Iioum near bi Airiicy landing. Ir,i farinm; ill Ni done by the eliOdlllii. jiar than heretofore, tliat ', l If m Mtrn Will v cultivate! to as the the Iii.llant shelter idea ol in- mM fumitiif. Mucli nl the tluis illl U .pent in iesvding Ilia Agency ti.un.lin bull.linit new walks loir- IUm ll, .,. dilapidated onet. The biny Im.oumnit to Ihi mailo on llie alMlngi a. on llm will take ipraoitol il,r Hummer, tut when the xinf, Indiana ei.uio to achool lint Kail IU ilirltnr.1 In buildings that and will hara to farm liitclllKrntly, Imw lo mint .lock, and tliy aloo learn aoinn ol llm, tied aa ('ariffilriliiK andlilaikiinltliliiK, Tim liiitirovrtiifiile Ix-Iiik inadn will rn aids lliu cliool to do Uttrr work In I do ndiicallunal llnw, and will ltii.riivi tlio aanllary eondltloiK of llm kIiooI liiilld. nt an1' Ufoilii'la, Alinllirr linivi lui'lit of ((rat IiiiimitI. mice U Jiut IwIiik ttailrd on tlio Klatn atli Itr.rnnlloii, U llie eitalillaif iiirnt of day ncliixda. Tlirini Klioolt are 'Ilia forerunur-rn of tlio ( acliool ayitfm whlrh will I") liiauxuralrd alien tlio allotini'iita am (oniilrtvl and llir ianratlon thrown iio to tlllrmtnt. Ono of Ihi'.o c lioota I tiow maintained at Yainaa and another la lllhvl lirarll.n Wllllaniron tlor church. The hiiltdlng lor thla ahod will be ervctrd at mire at a ilnt out milt toulh oltlmchimli, Theie I. iUite a Mltle Drill In thla liimirdlato vicinity and the rchool will liavo an enrollment of (.rob ably eighteen or twenty .tlila. Mayoralty In Demand Now that tl.a end ol the raniitfO lor too nty ran'dl.latrt la hear al hand the iuratlou of who will I I lie neat mayor of thla rily la lej.i.liid Into the lime llilhl. John Htllli and (leorgo I). (Irli ilo hato declaifl their intention ol being-randl'lalra, and the name off). llrllkoiur an. I J. 0. I'lerca havo been iruilnrntly mentioned in connection with the oince. Uthera will doublleaa U brought to the front, but It would arern that from llil. Il.l a competent head of the city government could lie mIIoI, The name of Mr. Ifrltkemper teema to have the beat ilrawimjr iuaiiure. Whrreter It haa Uen mentioned It haa been rc-celu-1 with cordial Irvloreemenl, and that he would make a atrong run la undoubted, lie la a man who haa done much for thla city during hi) realdcnce heir. Iking one ol the largeat builneia I men In thle clly and having other In lereat) ol n.ial luiioitaiici he haa all to Induce lilin to glie the people of thla city a model administration, If any Inducement were nrrea.ary. Iltlt hi. woll known ptnblly and high Ideata ol clll-emhli warrant the ilatrment that If lm were choaen aa mayor ol Kla math r'alle hn would gln what alt claim ol cltliene demand, an honeat, lmartl!, economical, moral adnilnla I ration ol the aRali of thla onti-e. It la thll that Klamath Fall nceda at thla time, and ll Mr. Ilellkemmr cannot I prevailed tin to accept lha houor, a man ol Ida calibre ought to 1 aelected and elccleil to the lmrtant (oat. RIVER WILL MAKE CITY Link's Turbulent Waters Will Support Large Popula tion In Near Future NOT MANY WILL ATTEND Association Members Satis fied With Existing Condi tions Under Project Kipvrla have ilatcd that the lalll of I.I nk Itltrr rouhl (urnlali motive power to run (actinic, to give employment to 40,001) iieople. How would the people of Klamath Fall, tiku to we. a pay roll In thla ill) ol 40,0007 Wo take It for granted that thore would he no objec tion, yt however akeptlcal one may be the lact ri-malm that It la poaalble. Klamntli Fall. It going to be the aecond clly in Ihe italn of Oregon, but how aoou thla ia to lie aitomplithed reinaini entirely with the cllltvna of llila aec lion. Tlii-rw I. no other clly In thu atale outal.le ol I'oitlanJ with the ad vantage. 1. 1 Klamath Fall.. Thla la not hot air but a fact which cannot be de nied. There are llirvo thlngt to be comider ) In -lablihiiig fartoriea; material, l-awer and markela. Wo have the ma tcrlal and the power and the market will be aupplled by thu railroad. The road will U hero liefore any factories can be etarled and now it the time to do a Utile work lo Intern I capital. With our billion, ol fret ol the lineal timber on the coail, Ihi) eecllon will anon bo one of the largeit lumber manufacturing polnta ol the weat. It la alan a goal point for box and match factoriea, woolen milla, packing liouaea and condcn.ed caam fartoriea. Theeo latter and many morr we cau gel hy llttloenorl. The Chamber of Commerce haa al riady alarted llmgool work, but they need the tupporl and aaalalanco of cery cltlaen who want, to teethe city grow. If jrou arc In favor of progrtat, It la your duty to Join In wlili llie Chamber and It will bceurpnilng what the nutlet elTorta of oOO men can do. Don't alt down and let Ihe other fellow do tlio work, but get Into the harneee and work for a greater Klamath Falla. It'a eaty when you once get atarted. Will Leave at 4 A. M. The annual meeting ol the ytfra' Maoclatlon will coneno at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and Indica tion! are that tlio attendance, will not l very large, and that harmony will pre vail throughout the entire aeatlon. There will he, ao far aa can be learned, no conteets, for any of the dlrectorihlpa. It aeernt that Ihe vatt majority of the member) are well latlified with Ihe work of lha pteient board, and that ill member) will bo re-elrctel by a unani mous vote. None of the members haa refused to aerve ll Ihe aaaoclatlon de cide that Ida aervicee are wanted for another year. There are no new candi date), and consequently the election will cause no excitement. The project Ii moving along smoothly under the pteient board. Indications are that a Urge amount ol work will bo lose this year, as the association is in harmony with Ihe Reclamation Service, which la ears) to result In a aubatantlal advancement jl the irrigation system. The directors of the association are representative men of the county, and they have throughout the past year been ooufrotted by several (jucatlona of Importance Which (bey have handled in attends and speaks in every Institute and ia recognlred a, one ol the leaders in educational work. Ilo is not a tran ilciil school teacher. Mo haa a home here, haa InverteD all hla earnings In thla county and haa an Interest in farm property at Merrill. He ia an active member of the-ClrVmber ol Commerce, and ol the Water Users Aaaoclatton. Through his influence several people hare been Induce. 1 to settlo here. Dy I them) means ho hat thoroughly identl Water De1 ,nitf with the county, and la thoroughly Interested In lis Kchooli and other Inlerc-tts. Prof. Swan was educated In t.lnn Co. lie taught In the country and town ichoola of tliat county. He worked hla way through Albany College, where he has an excellent record for scholarship. Upon graduation he was offered a post' lion In the Albany jxxt office. There he war soon promoted to Assistant Post' master which position he resigned to come to Klamath. He holds a state life diploma. Proft Swan has always been a Republican at ia his father who voted for Lincoln and served with Sher man during the Civil War. During the lint year of his majority, Mr. Swan was a member of I.I on Co. He publican Con vention. .Mr. Kwan has a family and le a young man ambitious, and with the best years of .his life before hlra. If elected tlio people may be confident that he will do hit duty, and do much for the schools. CONDITIONS IMPROVING Farm Lands Are Big Demand in MONEY NOT TIGHT A. H. Naftzger Says Maay Catiforaiaas WIN Visit Us This Big Crowd Expected The performance of David Oarrick tc- mnrrfiar nluht will nnrlntlhtmllv llrAW a a way Inst uaa resulted in guoj wr me i M mmd ,nJ w lhI, enJ Manager anty Vf tausht fclexciliriitruol., and pre vltioM at dumoitira t" l. The )ouug men aro taught how Clerk Chaetaln U getting Iccllon. He haa been dig ballot boxce and getting lor primary duty. apecia ma moiui c,.v, i'ya. He Intends taking some long trips this summer. IfU'aahat or shoe you nro thinklns of-visit the 'Htoro that carries the largest stock-that keeps standard qualities. See our Spring lines of Walk over and Napatan Shoes, Stepson and Thorough bred H ts. entire project, They are now thorough ly familiar with the duties ol the board, and alao with lit nee-la of the various portions rd ! reclamation system which will enabks them to do except ionally good work during the ensuing year If re elected. Ttie fact that the water usere are satisfied with the preaent board and with the manner In which the service la carrying on tba work will keep them away from the meeting, while a number of others are too busy in the field lo leave the ranch for a few days. The most important matter to bo con sidered at the meeting will bo the amending of the by-laws so as to cliange the time ol meeting. It seems that the movement to chang the time to early June Is to encounter some opposition. There are those who think that June Is too late in the season for the annual meeting, for the year'a work will be ao far advanced that no suggestions can be made bv the association. There are others who think that it would be bet ter for the association if the time were changed lo January, ao that the plana for the ensuing year might be talked over before the Reclamation Service Tho machinery for Moore Bros, big mkea all necessary arrangements for power plant it now at Dray, and will he (ho season. The strongest argument in lleglnulng on April 10th theetagee over the Mclntlrc-r'traw stage line will i.j ii.l.iliv at 4 o'clock a. m., and will make through connection for Thrall. This will do away with the lay-over at Pokrgama under Ihe old Winter sched ule, and will make a difference ol over twelve hours in reaching Portland. Power July 1st RKK STORE Houiton has placed a number of extra chairs so that all may be accommodated with good seats. Mr. Mong says he has a very Una company and one'he believe will please our people ; he clalraajto haren- caged Ids people not only for their fit ness as dramatic players, but haa taken ins lo secure people who will give good account of themselves in comedy as well as the heavier plays. Whether or not the new company will shine In comedy remains to be seen and on Sat urday night our people will have an opportunity to Judge lor themselves, (or David Garrlck Is a comedy that re quires for Its interpretation, actors and actresses who are experienced In comedy work. Between the acts some new specialties will bo offered. Miss Merle Lewis, vlvacous young woman, will bid for favor with some new songs and dances, Jack Grnndiu will present a novelty act, blowing bugle calls and Illustrating them on the moving picture screen! while Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey will ins the new song "I'm Afraid Te Come Home In The Dark." Miss Leta Nickerson our talented musician, will be musical directress for the company which is an assurance that musical numbers will ,be well played and heartily received. A. U. Naftiger arrived in the city yea- teriky from Loa Angeles to remain lor a few weeks to attend to boshseea mat ters connected with the Klamath De velopment Company and the Hot Spring Improvement Company, b be ing president ol both ol thM companies. In discussing the affair of thee com panies, Mr. Na!tagral- "We have no plana fur aay big lm. provementa tbl Summer. Of course, we w ill do more or less work. The town site ol Midland will be subdivided, aad w wilt also lay out the town ol Wotdeo." He saya that financially condition are very much Improved thronghowt the country and that there l a a de mand for farm laud. Klamath U becom ing well known and many CaliforaUaa willviiit u thla Summer. No excur sions have beta announced, It being too early la the season tor that. The travel haa Increased gain and meet of the people aeem to have money. The Sect of the panic are yet visible In may places, but the acute pain oaaaed by the money wring ry wMt1ayta mmn Mr. Naitiger think that the deaaaad for farms I greater today tanakatu been for twenty year, lie any Iks I largely due to the fact that waswaaiag farm lande le a fad that I rajlag time. The recent panic baa perhap augmented the demand, a a number ol renter are now in the market lor cheap lands. He It still very optomlatk regarding the Klamath section and think that ia due time this city will te the distribute ing center lor a Urge portion ol South era Oregon and Northern CalUoraia. All that ia needed U transportation fa cilltlee, and the. California Nortaeaet em will provide these within a very few month. He think that immediately upon the arrival ol the railroad a num ber ol Jobbing house will te ettabtiabed In this city. tirounht In here al once. The workmen will begin on the building In a few days and Ihe Installation of the machinery will begin Just aa soon a it arrives. The line to llonania will be completed while tho plant I being P"t In and by July 1st llonania will bo getting electricity Irom tho new plant. ' Allotting Resumed Fneclal Allotting Agent II. V. White will resume tho field work on tho Kla math Reservation Just a soon a he can get about with hit assistant. It has been Impossible lor him to do anything out office work throughout the Winter, the now putting a stop to all oatalde work, Mr. White will continue the field work during Ihe Summer and by the close ol the oaon the allotlng should be wall advanced. J. A. McDonald wa In the city today enroute to Dorrls, where ho will reside In luture. Ho waa accompanied by Mr. McDonald Ho far not many rancher have arriv ed in tho city to attend tho Water TJaar favor ol June ia that it is a good season lor traveling, and that It is an Idle timo with tho farmer. This matter wlllte thoroughly discussed tomorrow. Geo. North will leave la a lew day for hla homestead north of y. He ex pecta to remain there throughout the entire Summer and will cultivate a con siderable area thia Spring. Swan for Superintendent (Advrrtisemkst) Prof. John G. Swan, candidate for County School Superintendent, i a man thoroughly qualified and compe tent to fill that position, and by his work In organising and building up the County High School, and hla efforts to build up Klamath County Interest, he haa merited by hi service, tho con sideration ol-tho voter. He came Irom iTlnn Co. about five year ago and al though condition seemed far let favor able than Bfw, ho decided' to make his home here spd devote hi energle to building up a High School. When Superintendent Ackerman -last ipoke here he stated that he wa holding Kla math County High School up a model ot a.nrogroetW school, and that the school wa doing much to advertise the county. Prol, Swan has always nanileeted' an interest in our nubllo schools. He Ti l nW aawm tat Jl P TNIV -" 7 t-awsuaVv K xAkaV-vJlafeSBVBWBBBBBm I r yyu The Most Perfect tkfflAM& of Floor Palnte Makes floor easy to keep clean the home sanitary and attract. Roberts & Hanks ttone 173, Emm Block ffl j i T-l meeting tomorrow a: J'l