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I . e M i . iMi MARSHLANDS teli!?MJr ABEL An - .... .. .... u..iM. Mnn find unwards. EaV TenM. - . & ajy THE EVENING HERALD i V-. v issaasl Mir. aswest Senear, kr lk - " - luUUUafl 50 per cent, vegetable matter, luamaina greatest wmai- f- r - Wt SJ. SSS,pj IkSSSjSjC ;.. II J 4i suMournoN rats Jfe, to ssaAUiee meats . . Or! EatereS dt esrrter. e new to luarr. eraer.eei I (.00 I. SO J J .60 It . miml (keek on rear lots) bank. lump, esss, or caiiir. Hasies; Law or OsaooH.-Settlen IM ol i)m kin ef Onm iHiwfclee that whwmr mi Mini CMtmUtiur e Mmpwtr skill null turn imfapeser e anr Mm In IkU 8tate without Ant racemes? an order Ikerefor. wck newspaper kail ee SeeeM be tift. and no debt or ofctle. uon ekes) aetrM aealatt sack serem. whether kl mm I reretael by tbe Bereoa to whom It ei sent eras. FRIDAY A I'ltll. 3. 190S hsllty ane) Turner. Taste are picture lu 8blly which remind ua of Turner'. Pur light breaks Into all It color ami flood tb world, which mar be earth or sea or sky, but 1 above all rapture of color. He baa few twilights but man? iUwna..4 h lore autumn for It wild tesath' and broken color. Fir be play with, but air and water are tit tbmsuts; thought of drowning re In all bis work, always with n sense of strange luxury, lie ha, more than any poet. Turner' atmos phere: yet aeein rarely, like Turner, to paint for atmosphere. It I part of hi babttual hallucination; It come to nla with bU vision or tncatage, clothing It. Arthur Bymona In Atlan tic. The Lien In the Jungle, Frederick Delout, the African pio neer, aay In one of bU books that reg ular bablts and high living agree with lion and other brute and that those exhibited In menageries are much handsomer than those the hunter meets In the Jungle. Then their hab it are not so creditable aa people lu clrlltaed countries suppose. Tbey will .be shocked to learn that the lion reed on meat In tbe most advanced stag of decomposition becaune be !"" too laty to bunt for fresh uieat.lbey bare taken It for granted that the king of tbe forest carries a high head as b sweep along over tbe plain, but slous says be trots along with his head behind his shoulders like any common cur. The Earth Recks) for Tsn Day. The greatest earthquake that ha ever occurred within the limits of the Called States since the discovery of America began in California at 2 A) o'clock on tbe morning of llarcb 20, 1872, and continued until th 4th of April, 'during which time th surface of the earth was continually agitated, not being perfectly quiet for a much aa a single moment. Tbe most re markable thing In connection with the whole asTalr (especially when we con sider that Mount Los. 8andlch Is lands, and Mount Hord. Oregon, were simultaneously sgluted) Is the fact that the region around San Francisco did not receive a single vibration. Tbe satire face of Into county, Cal was changed and thirty-four persons killed. 3500 Acres Free The Lakeside company lii 2.VW acre o( land under the Admin ditch that It will give RKST FKEK (or 0110 )er. This Includes the of the land nmt water. The tenter must clear and place tho land In cultivation. Tl.o rent er gels all the crop but we reserve the right lo pasture the stubble. The I-akcsltlo Company, J. Frank Adami, Manager, Merrill Oregon. Pasture For Rent HHSSSHJPBH C. C. Ixm ha leaMd the Hot Spring pasture, comprising SCW acre, and will lake a number of (lock to pasture at ' 11.50 per month. I Timber land Notice ' I'nlto I NAte 1.111x1 Olllce, l.nkeUew ' Oregon, February IS, 1W.W. Notice is herrbr Kei that lu com pliance with tlm provisions of the art ol Conuruss of JiiiioH. 18JS, riitltlrtl "An act lor the rale o( timber lands in the tate ol California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," a extruded to all the Public l-nnil Slate by' act ol August 4, IS'.', Charles It. l)cU, of Klamath Falls, County t Klamath, Bute of Oregon, ha Hied In this olllce his sworn statement No. 4012, for tho purchase of the awjne.'j, u it ' sec. 3, tp. 38 P. range 0 K.JW. M., and rill offrr proof lo show that the land sought is more aluable fur its timber or stone than for agricultural pnrvs, and to establish hl claim lo said land hefoie the County Judge of Klamath County, at his olllco at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday the lltlhday of May 1903. lie name aa witnesses: T. F. Nicho las, L. D. Kitchlson, True II. DeLap, A. M.Jamison, all of Klimath Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tbe above described land are request ed to file their claim in this olllce on or before said 13th day of May 1WH. 2-20 5.13 J. N. Watson, register. An Insistent ef War. In the midst of a battle General Ful ler waa trying to, check tbe flight of panic etnexen men. uue poor renow came atambllag along, not heeding a won), that was said to bltu. Indignant and impatient. Fuller, as be came near this aman, leaned from bis horse and, touching him with bis sword, said sharply, "Go back, sir!" Tbe man looked up with au expression of an guish and despair on bis face that said aa plainly aa words, "I am looking for a place to die." Hs opened bis blouse and showed a big, gaping wound In bis breast. Then be dropped to the grottad. The geaeral instantly dis mounted, but almost aa be raised the man's bead to bis arm tbe poor fellow breathed bis last. The ehlsfthn. la Germany they have an lastltu tloa called tbe aculafschen. This is a little sap In tbe afternoon between the poaderoiM early dinner and tbe cosTse, which is served at 4 o'clock. Nothing to allowed to interfere with this Teutonic tits. "In a German country bouse," aaya an observer. "I have see) with these eyes dashing cavalry osaVcers in tight tunica and rattling swords disappear about 230 o'clock, to emerge In an hour's time- looking a trifle sleepy,, but armed In every sense for the conquest of tbe fair. Students and professors, matrons and business men, tinkers and tailors, II take their forty wluks lu the aft- "Give me a little time," snlJ th lterary young man, "and I will ilu something that will arouse tho coun try." Three months later be hail bU chance. He was peddling alarm clocks In a farming district. London Tlt-BHs. They Wsrsn't Rooster. A certain childless woman moved to the tubwbe and devoted herself to tbe ritssag of poultry. A witty friend went cat to spend the day and waa shown a'Aae let a young chickens. ."Taeae," said the mistress-of the ptoce (a la ComUs)-"tbese are my I. ! " f Aa4 1 suppose some day you'll have tajssB eat," responded the visitor qviek-ly-JJassmeecrs. Why Hs Quit. Bal-raUre yoa stopped catling on st girl with tbe plaid blouse? Xom-T. ira all over there. Bar-Way 7 Father objectt Toss-Maes yoa, not And I had ve eaoogs " oooge ail ner Hints ateut umiMMmi question' also, but 1 5JW '', 1 n now, isieis we center ta That floored me. and I've niilt Vsttvpresa. Petition for Liquor License To the Honorable County Court of the State Oregon for Klamath County.1 We the undersigned, resident ami le gal voters of the Precinct of Sprsgue River, in the County of Klamath and r!tate of Oregon, and actual residents therein and who have actually resided therein for more than thirty. da) Im mediately preceding the date of signing and filing this our pttilion, do hereby respectfully trillion your honorable body to grant" and Issiio to J, C. Kdsall and T. M, Edsall, of the firm of Kdsall Bros., a license to sell spiritous, vinous, fermented or malt, liquors In less quan tities than one gallon, in the precinct aforesaid for a period of one )car, from the Cth day of May, A. 1). 1WH Notice is hereby given that tin pe tition ill be presented to the County Court of the Statu of Oregon, for the! County of Klamath, at the court house in the city of Klamath Falls, on the Cth dsy of Msy, A. I). 1008, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. or as soon thereafter as said petition can bo heard. Dated this 2.1th day of March, A. I. 1008. O.T. Anderson, I.. I.. Crlftlii, I. T. Anderson, F. A. Campbell, W. W. Fin ley, E. W. Whctaton, A. W. Kvans, J. M. Hasser, Win. M. Garrett, Ed Itloom- ingcamp, John S. Furber, II. J. Lang' kam, Ross . Finley, W. W. Smith, James Phillips, W. K. Sutter. R. P. Courtright, II. h. Anderson, C. R Moritz, Amos Luudy, Mat I-awry. J. A, Wilson. J. Freeman. Pnralt. Well. C. E. Berg, J. II. Boyd, Jatne M. Ker- rn, rrsns uiienciisin, 1- a. itimsru- Kin. Oeorge rtloommscamp. Q. M. An derson, Tom Ivory. Jsroes liell, Frank Shamley. J. A. Parker, O. O. Doss, ChsilesTrupp. Klamath Lake Railroad la Coaaectloii With Mdntire-Straw Stage Line DAILY Leave Tbrall at 3 P. M. Arrive at Poksgsma C;06 P. M. Leave Pokegaroa at 7 A. M. Arrive at Klamath Falls 6 P. M. Leave Klamath Falls every morning Connecting with Klamath Lake Train which leaves Pokegama ate P.M., arriving lit Tnrall at 8:20 P.M. Want 'em in a hurry That'a the case nine times out of every ten when you need groceries. When you get caught In this predicament Just call up 516 you'll get 'em In a hurry. Van Riper Bros "Get the Habit"- Use Chase 6 Sanborn's Coffees. Heavy Freighting n Speclelty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention O. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your PHONES tine piano moving KENYON S THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS Offlrc MM Ham 071 Residence 043 CHAS. E. WORDEN President FRED MEI.IIASE Vlji-l'residelll The American Bank and Trust Company CsDlUI Stock S100.000 Open for bitalncs ..very day In the year .xcept Sundays and legal holidays. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON A. M. WORDEN Cashier IRKD KniAI.UK'K Ass't Cashier WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in anyqunntitics. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or KKK Store, Phone 174 Jr FITJ.DFR Wood Yard and Office 1j. lUiliUXiR Near c,ty Hall Phone 84 The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon . Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and Snaps. Our Saddles 'have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodation! for Family .Dinner Par ties. The largest and beat arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. Announcement Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture from B. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to meet all his old friends, and also extend a cordial welcome to the many new residents of Klamath County. Our'line is complete, and lots of goods are on the road from the best supply houses in the cities. Incorporated November 28, 1900 Statement of Condition of tho Klamath County Bank Klamath fall-v Oregon PKCEMB1K 31, 1907 RESOURCES Iamiiiu ami DliwouiiUt . . 9340,030.00 HoikIh uiul SocuriticH .... 03,525.1)4 Konl Kstitte. UuIIiIIiikh ami Fixtures' 14,745.10 Cash and Sluht Exchange - 166,247.00 1585,04 O.r, I LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully mtd. -. 9100,000.00 Surplim and Profit 21,753.1 1 Duo Other HiinkH 32,000.04 I)eKilta 431,205.10 1485,040.51 I, Alrx Martin, Jr., Cashier of Ihv nUiciuii.t liank, ilu solemnly swtar that the atxivc iia'r iik lit Is true to Hie heat of my knowUilt'o anillniitt' AI.KX MAllTIN, Jit!, Ca.lurr SuliKrllx'd ami swum lo Iwforc me this lilh J nf January, lw. IS..IJ C. II. WiTllitou Notary I'uhtir for Orrin OFnCEKS ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMKS ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cashier Ail't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks In Mills Addition wcro oirmd nt bnrunin prices n number of nhrmsd inw-u torn IwuKht: hince that timo values have increaxed materially. Theae Lota are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and thcro is every reason to anticipate an advance 111 prices. Kciiiviii ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than double the uren of most town lots offered to Investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE Office on Fifth Stroll FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. y W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop a BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter Klamsth Falls, Orego Strictly FirsN Phone"l 7, ' tnce, r04 Bennett's Feed Stable wBwMsapsPMsnssaerasnsssaavnsjBsaHHBSBBBasssY---- Next to Martin's Mill Now Open for Business The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock gciiing their mil, has been installed Plenty of Wagon Room JASPER BENNETT, Proprietor East End Meat Market CRISUR a ST11TS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh ana Cured Meats and Sausages of till U We handle our meats In tho moat modern wy In ! Ilnass and surroundings. Try us and we will nappy to have you for a customer. Free Dellvw