Newspaper Page Text
IHE EVENING HERALD iMNMd dattf . asMst BuikUy. T Uw Herald Publishing Company w. e, stunt. im SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dsltr, byaiall.aar. . Dlljr. Wf mU .Is months, . . tW snail, this mouths. . , Hi Otla DT KMll, IMflth, . . . ,M Jallr, dtltnrad br eanwr, wrk. .It How TO KSHIT.-Ddid lMBc manor order, xprse ontor. prrronal ehk on four local bank, lamps, coin, or cunvncr. NlWWArM Law or OUOON.-Sxllon SSCof ia hiirs af Ormon prortSM that wb.iwrr any pttsm caatnluae a iwwtpaptr shall mall such imwrapr loany'nanon In thla Slat without nrat rararrlac an ordor laanfor, such nonparor shall b dssssaita to a itfu and no dM cr oblta. tmn .hall acnM asala.t such ttonon. hthf aal avsssaaaar to rlril by laa panon to whom I iiisaanisraw. MARSH LANDS 0reMi5chestjw!. AR . . . . -a .Muariti Rum Trmi. STmMMMx 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bargains at ituper acre qu . , ---- - WEDNESDAY. AI'IUL 1(V, 1WS Tha Buihrang.r. Ttehriivr," un tiitniic of Austra lian (Innir, I n curlou cam." of wrbal litsrailitlon. I'rom mi vtyinologlcitl polut of view tbon? Is no rcasou why bushranger thouM not l n rvsprctn- IT Australian uew-papers uob ndve r " " ftili1i M. claim l mM Timber Und Notice United States Land Office, Ulcovlcn Oregon, February 19, lWs. Notice Is bereby (liven that In com pliance wllli lli iroIMois nt the net of Congrvss ot June 3, 1878, entitled ".in act lor the raid ol tlmlior lands In Ihv alates ot California, Oregon, Xevada ami WitilitiiKtou Territory," ns citimliil In all thti I'uhllo Land Stales by net of I August 4, 181S, Clmttct It. IVI.p, of , KlaniMh Kails, County of Klamath, Stato of Oregon, In. Illed In this olllcn hi. snorii tntement No. -Ml'.', for tint imrchntcof the sw'ne1, nw'i'e'ft "' ec. H, tp. 3S S. range l K. IV. M., ami w III offer iroof to show that the land (ought li more valuable for It. timber or Mono than (or aKitculliirnl purx, Inml llMinenti at "Wanted A goxl busb- leloie the ronntv .itiiigo ol Miiumiii rauger," were gulte common. The word County, nl hl olllce at klmmitli 1-iillt. tbeu meant an experienced busbwan. I Oregon, on Wednesday the nihility of But tvbeu the biita became the refuge I nr vv. of robbers of lianki and mall ennrbe. lie mum as uIiih"M's: T I'. N'n ho and lucky dbrger the nord aciulretl 1 1,( j), itChl.n, Title II. IK-Ijip, tb slnlater meauliiB that It now.pos- . M. i,M1i.n. ii Kin,,.,!!, -,,. es brigand, outlaw, deprada. iu,pcuii I An) nnil nil erron. cinniniitf ,iiirre ly llionlaiwdeM'rllml Unil.nit'rtiiie.t i i,i. .1 . ..,ii.... i e,l in I lie ineir ii.uin. in mme mi fanner ouce came Tha Harsn and tha Oeg. When wounded n beron defends It- winced by au accidental is doc. a lnrg collie, upon It Tbe doc prtasetl borne his attack wltb.sreat deterralDatlou on this strange oilier aary, but blow after blow was rnlued n Iti body by the bird, which lined Its lone, spearltle bill with such effect tbat In the end tbe doc was muted and nailed at a safe distance, nllh Its tall hvtweeu Its lees, uutll tbe farmer shot the blnl.-Country l.lf- Hr Diagnosis. A M-rianl girl bnuiglil to n cot tage li""illiil atlfrerlng froiti nn over doa of jlou. When questioned as to her motive for taklnc It sbe replied: "I wasn't frellnc well, and I went to say mistress' room to get sotno medi cine from the chest sbe hat there. Tbe bottle I cot was marked. Three drops for an tafant, six for an adult and a tablespoon for an emetic' I knew I wasn't an Infant. I wasn't sura about an adult, to I thought I must be tbe tattle, tad I took tba tKxnful."-Lon-4m Graphic. Fran ana) Ireland. Tbe rercrten strawberry tree Is fevwd growinf wild only lu tbe south of .Vance and Spain ou tbe coutluevt and In the counties of Cork and Ker ry In the British Isles, Certain famil iar plaats In Ireland are found else where only In the Pyrenees ami some ortioaa of Spain and Portugal. A study of tbe Irish Insects and beetles produces equally surprising results. These facta and other lead to the con clusion that there was formerly a con tinuous coast line between France and Ireland. Argonaut. "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary." I should be clad to know tbe author ity for tbe oft repeated statement tbat Ibis nursery rhyme has Its origin la Queen llsry Tudor. A contemporary uace mors revives It and says: "ITsry was Queen Mary Tudor, whose religious contrariness to her father, brother and aleter waa obvious. Tha cardesj waa'ta fburcb in England, tha atiw.. bails, were the restored ss crtne Mia at, nsass, the cockleshells the" emblems .of revived pllgrlinsges to bxriy'piaeaai and tbe pretty maids tba uas whom she reinstated In their 'cowTeats," London Notes and Queries. It Weuld Net Pay. It waa undoubtedly true that tbe tout man took up more room In the crawled car than Is often occupied by on persou. Tbe eiceedlngly thin sua Best whom he aat hcailly down cave a sound of disapproval. rTbey ought to charge by weight In these cars," ba aaldo, hi neighbor on tha other aide, In so clear a tone that the stout'Bsan bad to bear him. "Maybe 'twould' be a good idea, my frletvaT be said, turning a calm, dla asslonate gase on tbe tblu man, "but if 'they 'did you'd have to walk. Tbe ear would never atop for you." Masllseval Lynch Laws In lavaria. It la curious to note tbat In some parts of Bavaria a method of procedure which la called Uaberfeld trelben still prevaila and la practiced by tbe people In case of offenses which do not come within the pale of tbe ordinary law. Neither person nor property Is injured. People assemble with black or masked faces in front of tbe offender's home and howl, Ore rides and boat pots and kettles. A mock sermon setting forth tha offense of tbe persoil concerned. Is then raclted'ln tba bearing of tbe mis ilekiatmaBf. London Notes and Que visa. Tha stott He Ceuld De. It was Us first circuit, snd, more over, bt bad to defend bis first client, who waa a batter known than respect ad' burglar. In an Interval be ap prsacbed a veteran member of tbe bar an4 sought for sdvice. "A4 bowJong do yon tblnk I ought to BMke my speech to tha Jury, sir I" ha BUlsbed up. 1 should ssy about an hour," said tha; old band. "As tourl Wby, I thought ten min ute wssUd ba ample! Wby so longr "JvW aahtbbj'.s4rlasr, "you aaa, they oa&'t saMssvetbtBi till you're fin ished, and tha longer you talk tba r he'll he out of lall ."-. upon an old 'bird l"r liW mM Mill .lay of M.ii I'srt. entnl shot and set , - MA J- N' w rt,,," "M'" Petition for Liquor License To the llonornlilo County Court uf the Mute Oregon for Klniualli County. We the iimlerrlgniil, resldenls ami le gal voters ol the 1'rvcliict of Sir.tvui Itlver, In the County ol Klniualli nml .State of Oregon, nml actual mid who ncliially therein for innre than thirty ilny Iin meiliately invciilinK Iheilnte ol signing and I'iIIiik this our Mtllloti. do lit-ieb) reltlur Ih-iiiioii vour iioiioihiiii' lody to grant and lno lo J. IMsall smlT. M. KiUull, c.f tho Hun of IMn.tll Bros., a license to rell sjilritous, inoiis, fermented nrtunlt, liquors In vr qunn titles thsn one gallon, in the reciuct aforesaid for a period of one year, f ruin the Oth day n( May A. U, llW. Notice Is hereby given that thi- .e tltlon villi U- presentiil In the. County Court of the Statu of Oregon, tor Ihe County of Klamath, at the court linu In the city of Klamath Falls, on the ftlh day ot May, A. I). 1W, at the hour of one o'clock P. as soon theuallcr as said petition can be heurd. Dated thi i'jlli day uf March, A. D. O.T. Anderson, I,. I.. Orifllii, I. T. Anderson, F. A. Campbell, W. W. Fin ley, E. W. Whctston, A. W. Evans, J. M. Sasser, Win. II. Garrett, IM Illoom Ingcamp, John S. Furlier, II. J. Ijing Lain, Itos W. Flnley, W. W. Smith, James Philllt.s. W. V.. Sutter. K. P.. Courtright, II. L. Anderson, L. It. Mnriiz, Amos l.undy, .Mat Mary. J. A. Wilson. J. K Freeman, Ppralt. Wells, C. K. ISerg, J. II. Boyd, James M. IVr run, Frank Olienchnin, 1 A. lilrhsnl Mii, George lllootiilngcniiip. (. M. An derson, loin Iiory. James IMI, Frank Shaniley. J. A. Parker, tl. 15. Is, Charles Trupp. CHANGE OF TIME Klamath Lake Railroad In Connection With Mclntire-Straw Stage Line DAILY KFFECTIVK Al'ltll. 10, 1MB From Klamath Falls to San Krsn- ciico and all -olnt U-tueen Thrall and same. Leave Klamath Falls 4: A. M. Arrive at Spencers 7:S0 Leave Spencers H: Arrive at Pokegamn 11 : IavePokcgaina,K,uii.ll :IS Arrive at Thrall 1:11 P-M. Iave Thrall, h. r. mi. . tiain No. 15 at 2:23 Arrive at San Francisco 9:'JH A. M. 29 hours and 28 minute, Klamath Falls to San Francisco. Train No. Ill on H, P. leaves Thrall && . in. arriving at San Francisco 11:28 a.m. Klamath Falls to Portland Leave Klamath Falls as above. Leave 'ihrHil.S.P. train No. 10, 1:32 p. in.; arrive at Portland 7:M a. in. 27 hours and 65 minutes, Klamath Falls to Portland. ' San Francisco to Klamath Fal!s Leave fian Francisco at 2:20 p. in. arrive at Thrall at 0:0-1 a. m. Leave Thrall at 6:30 a. in.; leave Fokegama at 0 a. in.; arrive at Klamath Falls ntG p. m. .Dinner at Spencers, leaving there at'l p. In, Bhortest time ever. 20 hours and 40 mln. San Francisco to Klamath Falls. No other route does It. This Is the cheapest and best way. Fare $5, either direction between Thrall and Klamath Falls. Want 'em in a hurry That's the case nine times out of every ten when you need groceries. When you get caught in this predicament Just call up 316-you'H get 'em in a hurry. Van Riper Bros "Get the Habit" -Use Chase fi Sonborn's Coffees. Heavy Freighting a Specltlty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention O. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit youc PHONES fine piano moving KENYON & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS OfflCC n71 Barn 071 Residence 1143 CIIAS. K. WOKDKN President FKi:i MKI.IIASK Vl.'e-President I The American Bank and Trust Company Csoltal Slock $100,000 Open for business every day In Ihe year txeept Sundas and lrUI holidays. Interest raid on Savings Deposits KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON M. WOUDKN Cashier niKli tU'HAU.OCK As.'t Cashli r Incorporated November 28, 1900 Statement of Condition uf llic. , Klamath County Bank Klamath Falli, Oregon DECCMDIrt 31, 1007 RESOURCES Imnit ntul I)incoiiiitH $340,5111 IlontlHMiilSccuritii'H . (13,51! Uoal KrittiU', liuiltlliiKS ami Fixture . - . 14,71 Cash nml Stent ExcIiiiiikc - 100,2 SS85.0 U ABILITIES .HO ifLio 7.(J9 10.51 Capital Stock, fully pnlil. SurphiH and I'rollUt Dtiu Other Knnkn - -. . Dl'H).sitH SI 00,000, 21,75,'J. 32,000. 431,205. SS80.040.51 amn ilnlr 00 11 04 40 I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of tlu li. nam,, un suiriuniy swear inai inn ntxii nit ill l true In the best of my kmiwl.lgK mnll.i AI.KX MAllTIN, Jit . l .! Silbx-illiiHl and sworn to hrforr me llil. uf January, I'.siit. ISealf . C II. U'lTflltow Notary Public fur line i iy orncEKs ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN. JR. LESLIE ROGERS PrcHldcnl Vice-President Cnshlcr Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or KKK Store, Phone 174 J L FIELDER Wood Yard and Office J. Mj, lJLULiljV Near cy Ha Phone 84 The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, .hand-made Saddles and Snaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited MILLS .ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value Whon blocks in MUM Addition wi-ro ollVrcil nt barjeain price a number of nhruvwl inven tors bouuht; iiince that time vahieri have incrcii.Hcd materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present pricen, nml thnro i.t every reason to nnticipate nn ndvnnce in prices. Remem ber these lots nn- niTY feet in width nml ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FECT deep more than double thu area of town lotH offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEOATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street I The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and. night. H. BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter Klamath Falli, Orego Strictly First-claw Work Estimates Furnished Phones: Business, 306; Residence, r04 Announcement Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture from B. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to meet all his old. friends, and also extend a cordial welcome to the many .new residents of Klamath County. Our line is complete, and lots of goods are on tne road trom the best supply houses the cities. in We H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Bennett's Feed Stable Next to Martin's MUI Now Open for Business The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock getting their llill, has been installed Plenty of Wagon Room JASPER BENNETT, Proprietor East End Meat Market CRISLER 6 STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Curo4 Most, snd E'usbkcb of nil We handle our meats In tho most modern way In d"" linen and mirroundlnga. Try ua and we will h nappy to havo you for a cuatomer. Fro iww" r