OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 16, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-04-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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i;!,Sn.yCI,.l,nl incoming
WB;"1,n:: ,.iiasiik.siiuiui.
j "
rpi,r .iccui y" """l !
...HllllIRl " '"r W"""7 """ '"
"':" ickH...1i.Ktt..ii,B.i..
Monol" O.K. )rUi.
roi county sHiairr
I rtsieclftilly amiriiincn my candidacy
for riwltclliifi cm lliu ltiiiiilillijnii tlckvl
In llm nillcMiit Ciiiiiily Frhrml Huperln.
IcndeM, subject In lliu will nl llm voter
at tliu primary rleillon. ' "
..(). WIOIIT.
2500 Acre Prec
Tim UldmLIu company linn 2MK) acres
cf Inrid nniier the Adrtrn rlltclt that It
1 will kIvb I1K.NT rilKI'. fr ono year.
Ihl Include tho use of Hit Uml and
water. 1 lir renter must clear uml
..L .1 .. I-. if ..
.Ut li.r ll.o i,o,,,lui,tlou for Commissi,,,.. " ' , '""" "' """" orent.
erriiillinrepulilliaii ticket, for the ion- K Mil lint crt ImiI w reserve the
llderalioil 11I tlm voter at llm primary light 1" pasture, the sluhhli.,
I hciehy annnnnri. iu)elUt aiandl-
election in April. 0.
biri-lln, Urn.
Tim l.skesldu Company,
J. Frank Adam, Manager,
Merrill Oregon.
Klxtccn-lnch mill four-foot wood for
Leave order at
emper'a Jewelry Ktoro or New-
Vkel ! '' "l,lc" "' Hl.errlff if , ,, lu-i.itlill.ti olerr nt Hie primary oi and Underwood's Drug store, t,
11 I '""1,,r announce myeella raudldale .Bi i 11,, ,,
Iter' ' nii.wllw rin- !,, ..,,,. , ,,, ',, , (; , ' " "V HMy. U
, J ', .j,, iii" " '"' i;,'MI; 1 ni.iv..).,r, .uiiHi I.. tl,.. .i,iMrri .( ' w,kwni'" J'iry hi
1"""' ... ..iiu .,( Hlirrllf 11I ., ...... ... .,,1.. ....1 ll...i.. n ..
Kmilli tMy. '''J" '" ' UM"" elecll.in.
fop. joint iii:i'i:i:ntativi:
HMkydKUw injtr-ll 1 rand MK , , , Kl.i.illi, Ukr.
Ui.ofllc. l ' "" '" " ' ''-IC-.k .ml (Irani counties:
the. rrHiUlnii volrie el llie , wi u fi)r() m ,,,., ,
Ljaiijr election
"" J' a,
KUtnalli, Ijilif, Cnxik nml ( 1 rant rniiii
, !, ruinllliilliiK tlm Twmiy-ilitt 1 1 1
hriy rinoiincf iny rndlilcy fur ,,tllll, villi I ireiiliUiir iur ninnM.
udooIi'II"" " f'"'1" "' K',,l'"' rrilloii at llm ilinary rlirllmi in U
,u lulijrcl I" ' "" " ""' " Ihrld Aplll 17, IWH, aiklng ymir iiMiiikk
iMirtti vi'l"' " '"' I""""'' . " ' I for iM-lrcllmi mm (if lliu IIpiiiIiIIoiii
,lli;ili II"'''. " ' ,,,,,,;, , nominee fur Joint lleireritlallve In lm
- 1 iwuiiimi mr (in jiinn i, 1,
10! tTATK tKNATOR I II. I. Helknap,
I'llnevllle, (liegmi
l .111. iiiinutirn tnrwll a rahdl'
!"" . . ... ..i .1. app.Pf 1
Lubr fill" """" '""" 'l--.-..- .-
....ml CliN.k cnuml" "" "' """UWntAiltnilVi
Lvilrtn llfkrl. l'Jt t li drclilon
tl fllm.rr rlrclloii. TO COUNTY BHCRirr
PU"I ' 1 tl'lt I ITJ
... J r,crfy aniUHIIK HI) lll
"" mmlliUle lor tlir 11III111 ol Mieild 011 tliu
II btftliy 'iialt my liaina In III" II"' lniiiirallc tlrket, tiilijfct to the Mill ol
l,l.n ti.lrti for I'llnl lenator (nun the vnttit at llie inlmaiy elillnii.
IkMlli, lake ami t.'iwk roillitlrl at II, Kf. lil'.U. IIIHIIOI.
rfflmiir rlllli In I HM "l""
, IJW. I linvliy aiiiiiiiilirr iiiioell a rninllilalii
lllarlng Ulll.lolly irrerilnJ llila ,IW ri,X(atlo IhLi-t, lor llm 110r.1l.
UilcllnllielMl wmIoii el Hie H" nallon lur IhiIII, lur Hie niintilrialloii
kite, wl il'im Hi" eiialiiilil' i"i of lliunleiaat llm pilmary elrcllnn
1 tbil Him, " coiimini i ivw
uk, I iilii k lr ll" Uviiiat1 run
Ifiitloa ol Hi" totrd nf Dili Miia
klanratli I all Hu.Kc library
Tim Klamath Fall Public Library la
(ien every aflernwin from 2 to HJSQ
o'clock and rncli cvrnini; from OiVi to
10 o'clock. A rorillal Invllnllon la ex.
teiiilcd lo all.
fire Alarm Districts
Untrlct No, 3 -.Went M- of river.
Ilmtrlcl No. I South of Main atrvet
from tliu hrldiie to Outer utreet.
Dlnlrlct No. r.Coiigerand California
I)ltrlct No. G-Cwauna llvlghta.
Dlalrlcl No. l2Souli of Main, bo-
,."': '""" '""" artlcl M: The bMr awl rlgbta
llintrirt No. l.'1-.Soutli of Main, U- of ttie family. Ilia Ufa M ItuUrUuala
twei-M Third and Kiflh. I and nrirata oroneitr. ouaht to L r.
A Ohlnaman'a ! f tha Pillages In
tha City In 100.
Out of tba rulaa of war ytttatl by
tba formtr conftrenca at Tba BaiM
formally forbad plllaga. William T.
Itaad tolli bow b qutatlonad Cblna
man who wai present at tba relief of
tba legation In Peking In 1800. In re
M to Mr. Htaad'a question tba man
aald: "Every ona looted. Bat every
body did not loot everything. Each
bad Mi special field of plllaga. Tba
Japaneaa, for Instance, looted only tba
rich pewit and place wbar that
was modi aUrer. They looted from
tlie public tvaasury and sent tnelr
plunder to Tokyo. Tba Oennina. poor
fellows, csuib lato, and there was noth
ing left for them to loot but furniture."
"But did all tba contingents plllsgtr
asked Mr. Htesd.
'The Asaerlcans were the beat. They
did not plHage. Oeneral Cbaffe threat,
ened to shoot any one wbo did. 80
tbey only took watches from people In
tbe atreeU. The Cossacks and to a
poya wero tba worst. But everybody
helped themselves."
Then you bad ( deal with tha real
ities without tbe rota of war?'
"No rules," be safcL "oulr realities.
Bad realities too. After tbe aipedl'
tlonary force entered Peking 1 helped
to bury the dead who lay In tba
streets. We burtal S.OUt t.SOO of
whom wero women."
"Women killed by akailt fa tbe
"No. More tbaa half baal cooUBlttad
suicide. Tbey could not Mr for abaaie
of tbelr fate."
"Usten," lr. Hlead remaiftad. "to
E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor
Cholccit of Wlnei. Llquori and CltUn
Caters to the better class of trade, with nothing to offend
the most critical. You'll notlco the difference when you
try it. Just tha place to drop In for a refreshing bever
age when you need a stimulant. Pur liquors of all
kinds for family trade a specialty
IH.lrlctNo.il North of Main, to
twien Third and Fifth.
Dl.lrlct No. Id-South of Main, to
Walnut between Fifth and .Seventh.
fllatrlct No. in - North of Main to
siN-cted. Private property cannot b
rouflscaleaV Was no on punished for
these crtanesT" Tbe Chinaman replied:
"How could any be puulabed wbeo'all
were guilty) When we complained to
I .. IH 1 1 .!... ..tl .. .U
III 1 1 1. ttf.i 1 c .1 ,llr vuivvib iurj irininu II WW WUUIU
IIIkIi. 1-otwe.n I ifth and Seventh. . trnf ,Tl(leuc, , proT, thty wool(1
District No. 21 -South of Main toipunlsb." "But wss It anr better with
bUdlitilct! Il-J ctlully.
Walnut, between Seventh and Ninth.
Dutrlct No. 22- North of Main to
IHk'li, Ih-wiui .Seventh and Ninth.
Dialtlct No. 21 - Hot Spring fllatrlct
met of Main Jixl Ninth.
Dittrlct No. 21 South of Wilnut to
I'lurn, between Fourth and Sixth.
District No. 25-.South of Walnut to
I'luin, Utween Sixth and Kighlh.
District No. 31 - South of Walnut and
Hast of Klgblh.
District No. X! North of High to
Jefferson, hetwem Sixth and Fight.
District No. 31 -North of Jefferson.
I resiertfully announce mjirll a a
randldslv lur llie ollire of Coroner ol
Klamath C.iiuilr, Oiecmi, on the IS'in.
Ilsblilnttalelhstl am a raiidldale iwratlc tlrkel. aulifect In llm spprnvsl
(ikalUullicati iiuiiilnatloti lor Joint , ,,i volera at the pilinaiy elecllon on between Sixth and Fighth,
atsr lo ie.ireiit urn uisirici 0111 1 Alt 17, uaji. Dirtrict No. 35-North of lllifh to
liagd Crook, Klamath and lak.l FAHI. WIIITIXlCK. i Jefferson, between Klghlh and Tenth.
tllei. II. I. IIUMiAir., 1 District No. 11 North of Jefferson.
Ilonsma, Oregon. ' between Kighth and Tenth.
' TOR COUNTY ASSKUOR District No. I2-Fnal of ranol.
tna rnutrrv TStAlUltl I lietrby ileclaw m)ell a randldale Tho g( nernl alarm will be sounded by 1
rw tTOUIfTI IHMWU tforllioiioinliiall.iiilor Countr Ase.ir giving ten rapid stroke.!..' tho bell,
1 Bijr snnounre hit rsn.11.1w7 i"ini toe lirmocisllc llrkel, tuiijrcl in llm iiw"m "j nuinuvr ui ion uisirici
tetlon lo the olllm ol Uoiliny ,e..uii ol Urn voter at llm priinsry m wnicn me lira is locaicu, wmen will
itarif on (lie llenulillrsii ticket sub !ii.. I. l I.KK. ,bv run if lirei time. When the dia
ttalhtdeciilonol the prliiiaiie on , rid is represented by more than oni
the governments)" "Just tbe same.
Tbey took what tbey wauted. Italy
took valuable tableta historically Inter
estlng. (lennany took astronomical ln
struments given by Jesuits hundred
of year ago. Tbey are now Id Pots
"Yea." aald Mr. Stead. "I aaw tbe
great bmnta globe wbeo tbe emperor
received tbe British Journalists. Are
you not going to ask for It to be re
turned)" "No." answered tbe Cbtna
man; "we will get others. Let them
keep It-for their abamel" Tbee new
rulea about not compelling the native
of an Invaded country to help tbelr In
vsders-were your people compelled to
workr "On of tbe prince of to Im
lierlal bouse waa don to deatb by
being compelled to work In tba table
of tl ItalUuaa. Tbey mad all work."
-Chicago New.
The Cream of the Best
Old Continental Whlikey
Normandy Rye
F. F. V. Rye
Bottled Under Ike Sopcnrlaloa of the Oorcrnmcnl
. . . None Better . . .
Sold By
C. D. Willson
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
figure, aa No. 24, after giving the gen
era! alarm the bell will be tapped twice,
Tha Paul Ham Sandwich.
Public coafldrac to tb bam aand
wlcb, that conspicuous feature of rail
way restaurant fare, baa been steadi
ly undermined during tb last few
year and baa lately received a new
and sever blow.
Tb fact that bread U often mad
t hereby .Irclam myself a candidate
rlksixitiiiiiatlimiil County Ttraiurer
llUlt(iubllrn ticket, subject to the
wriiion ol the toiara at the inl
wjilrttU. T. W.KTI'.I'IIKNH.
IUB4unce inrs.ll a randldatu for the
atlican iiumlnatluu lor the
lolCuniityTleaaun-r, ailbjecttn III
id the voters at llie coming elec
1 In April C.O.CIimVOOD.
then a alight use, followed by four , of flour com.imog iluln ij.,, 1Bd oU
lapa wun a longer pause, ami men re- ,r unnalaUbk mineral flrst excited
I trsct(ully aiitioiince in) nil a rn
lldatfl for llm IVliKM-ratle.tmiiilnalloii
'- ' " " f ' -! ' " l-ted twice m-ore U-fore' funding ,h I ZZETSwkESZ
Irclilon 01 Hi oicl ni me primary (.cncrnl alarm again.
rleilimi. Olio. T CI. I. Si:.
Iirrlla, Oregon.
rot county AsnasoR
I hereby aniiniiiicu 111) sell as a caiulb
hjlortionilnatloiion the Itepiibllran
pst, lor Cunty Assessor, ol Klamath
aty. subject to tlm decision ol the
it Hi primary election,
I Wrrty announce myself a candidal
"" norn nal im in ilia nirtn. ,.r
W.IUblect to llm ilivUInn ol llm
aMIcliq .,iera at llm primary dec-
F neiicuTiNo attobnky
Wb announce myrellasa randl-
r- in Kepuiiliran ticket lor llm
PIUIbllOrlllDlillIrn,,! Ill I 1..
r 'or Klamath and lain .-.mml...
ttutln,.i.,ln ..I .1.- -.
riBlom,C,,,",,'',B'0r ,,U' K'l'UWI'
----..011 ior t lie olllco ol
g atlnriiey fr l0 iMOI
WWigatiornuy dl.trk-t of tho state
WeoailiiliiH,,! 11..
"BtB.il,; " w,,","
nomination (nr n u.i .
dl, lor th. consideration ol
"""at the primary elec-
'by tnnonnpntnvi.nl . m...
""Blnttloii.on II.. a i.ii
Prims.., r u?,,,on "it vottri
'"""'tlon In April.
Merrill, Oregon.
I reeclfiilly announce injsell a a
candidate lor the (illlce of County Trees.
Ilier. on the iK-'mocrntln ticket, subject
In derision ol llm voters at the I'limary
ci.audii. DAC.iir.rr.
1 hereby announce myrcll aa a candi
date for nomination to otilco of County
Clerk subject lo action ol Democratic I the entomologist aomotblug about tba
How a Flaa Jumps.
It l sulj Uml n lien leap 200 time
It hfliiht. and. white It usually doee
lend 011 II feet, It often falls, especial
ly when It fall on a perfectly smooth
surface where the clnns call get only
a slight hold. A lieu ha six leg,
whose great length and bulk mat
I he in xi heay that they must b a
great help lu keeping their owuer rlgbt
Ide up when It make ona of the)
gigantic Jumps, nud wheu It lauds up
side down or lu soma other way Its
ability to kl?k I so great that not
more limn oue wriggle I needed to
art thing right. A flea'a wluga ar
tucro scales and nf 110 uso; but, email
and worthies as tbey nro, tbey tell
voters at tlm primary election.
W. A. DKI.ZFI.t..
proper classltlcatloii of the lusecL
the iIca Itself they bate no value.
Treasurers Notice
Nollco le hereby given that tlieru are
funds In tho county treasmy for tlm re
demption of all outstanding county
warrants protested on and prior to
Jidv 2H. WOO. Interest on mine will ' ,,,. ,... ... nn inmnMislvo wblsner.
reasu 110111 im uic
Dntol at KIhiiiiiIIi Fla ihi IBtli day
ol April, 1W8.
1-. Alva I.euis,
County Treasurer.
An Amusing Slip.
A well known toinpcrauce lecturer
t .hA i mi nrilmii mlinpslA nf nrohlblt-
tng tho public aalo of liquors was be
coming dramatic over tbo Ideal condi
tion provalllug In n certain prohibi
tion towu.
"I aiu auro nil who arc preaont will
igree with me," ho concluded, sinking
"when 1 tell rou that during a stay of
over two mouths l saw but on drunk
en uau-a most refreshing sight!"
Buffalo Times.
Notice Is hereby glen that Ihe last
will and testament of Joseph Conger,
deceased, hat been duly rovcii aibl ad
mitted to probate and that John w.
filemsnt and Clint, v. Willson have
been duly appointed at executor there
of. All person having claim agalntt
eald etlate ar hereby requeued to pre
sent tha etiue with the proper voucher,
within sis months from the date of this
notice, to the undersigned at the Ftnt
National Bank In the city of hiamaui
Fall. Oregon.
Dated at Klamath Fall, Oregon, tint
ISth day ol February, 1008.
John W. Bieucni,
2-13 6-10 CiiARLta D. IVuuox,
Exeoutorsollliu last will and testa
ment ol Joseph Conger, Deceased ,
Refined It.
A lltllu girl was told by ber mother
that under no ctrcumstancee mutt tbe
use the word "ulggcr," n It waa of
fenslvo to tho colored people. Tb
next day at school tbe was requeated
to read aloud about a niggardly man,
and aho attouttbed tbe teacher by
reading In tbl tvtte: "Once upon a
tlmo there waa a very negrogardly
man," etc.
Bely upou It that tbt man woo ii
not worthily ettltnatt hit own dtat
forafatbera will himself do very little
to add credit or do honor to bH
try.-Wllllttn K. Qltdttone.
G. Helming ft Co.
Fur Merchants
Addrcat Marrtfleld, Oroa, or
KUguth Us Orttjoii
to tbe naturt and wide us of oleo
margarlo enhanced. Then vague
alarm wae aroused by tb dlacovsry
that a serious danger might lurk In
tbe tender ham.
Now comet tbe startllag enaooac
ment that tomt muttarda are often
adulterated with napthal yellow, which
le not only a poison, but a dangerous
explosive alto. Tht cat agalntt tb
tandwlch, therefore, aeemt to b com
plete. Ilavlng forfeited all claim to pop
Itr trutt tad asTectlon, It aboold be
consigned to tht retime of bomb, ka
rat.! machine and other derko of
conspirator, What to Bat
Public ttltfhft trtttha art aaM by
a pbyttclan to b "tlagnlarly wall do
tlgntd for tht captor and growth of
pathogenic oiea!ataa," being carefally
closed, padded and kept almost air
tight n wrirta: 'Snaahtnt and frtth
tlr Mldom ctn reach the Interior,
while of court no attempt la mad to
keep them aired or ventilated, becant
any provision for securing TeatUatton
la calculated to make dlflcolt tht hoar
log of tbt message. Tb telephone call
station may be deecrlbed, la fact, aa
a bacteriological bos In which patho
genie and other organisms art cart
fully nurted. Infection of tb Imprlt
oued air mutt at all eventa be coo
ttantly taking place, and thla only tot
readily spreada whenever tbe oppor
tunity arises. Caller after caller that
either may Infect or receive Infection
eo long at no atept are taken to puri
fy tbt air within tht ttatlon."-Chle
go Newt.
Plate and Neleee.
In au ofBc In tht Wall etrttt dit
trlct tb following notice hat hone In
a conaplcuout place for aeveral weeks.
It It written la Engtlab, Uerman and
French under the headline "Warn
ing," "Habet Acht" and "Avertttet
ment;" "Do you contemplate rtntuc
an apartmtnt-a Sat? If eo, be warn
ed, and look at tbt place at night after
you have, determined to rent It Do
not look you did that lu tht daytime
but Ittteu. Listen for tbt sound of tht
pump. If you hear It don't take tht
flat Btcauat you will regret It Tbt
pomp will deetroy your. aae It will
get oi' your nerve It wM rob your
homt of all attraction, and Itft.wRI bt
a burden. If your proepectlvt land
lord bat told you about tht tat lot
plant; which will aav yon tht. prlco
of leti Baton for tht let saMhtsw nvata.
Takt bttill Bt warsalH Uttnr
New Twk-TrlkMt.
r,-v t tW4
Of Furniture la on its way to the Klam
ath Fall Furniture House, opposite the
American HoteL Mattresses already
"Our RctsonalbUlty enda whenever yon are btltfted."
Bert E. Wrranow,
Vie President
Mana, Plana, Btet Prlata, Etc.
Allen Sloai
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Sinreyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. Zumwalt, C. E.
M. D. WiLUAata, C. E.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Professional Cards
Office over Klamath County Bank
Attoraey at Law
Offilce over poatofBce, Klamath Fall,
T turnout: it
d. v. lnrnoDiDALL
Attoraey at Law
Klamath Falls, Oregon
American Bank & Trust Co.'e Building
We Make Little
But there is always
something doing at
v our place in the House
Furnishing line. We
carry the largest stock
of House Furnishings
in Klamath County.
See us for a Square
At tht sVltaJc oa Mala Strict
furs Wasted
O D. WUwon it in tht market for all
klnoa of fura, for which ho will pay tha
tug&Mt market prict. Aodreaanlm at
Klamath Fall, Oragon.
Open Day
and Night.
Private Dining Parlor
Oysters Served la Any ttyle
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
Klamata Falls S Wlaeau
Truck & Transfer
Furniture and pianot carefully,
moved. Baggage wagon ana
general draylng. All work
given prompt attention. Bute
to and from all boa te. Phono 108
Zim's Plumbing
Contracting and Jobbing
Firatclata Line of Plumb
ing Speclaklee and firtt
claaa Workmanship, ,
A. O. Ui W. BuUdlag
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, good seas,
and the table always sap
pUtd with the bast the
market rfortlsvTvraasna-
C C Jackson, Prop,
-., J
f T

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