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I m - ftominfi liculk Hortly R1 rn,,er !" Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . UnnthFali" ,YtAR,No.n28. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 17. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. FDERATION SELECTS MEN rmk Ward Chosen For Mayor LL TICKET NAMED iikJ Hum KafuM to Candidate for Qty Countilmeii CMtMr7 1 announcement prv- f mh tl ll lv.irauon uhi koU rct Mirrllfi Mil irniiira I applied '"r Amission. i Ml; fta)iiclin Ulng that only wsr l participate In Hit of builnr" coiiiIdk before tttlta'. Till" ruiicluilofi WBt I laaMJUtrlf ii4ii ilia convrn- llthFrlfaliu IfttMtttrbf trlccllng ticket for llkytlfcllon the al linitaiit ifcrroail'lrrall'in, and ill effort LmUmnIkUuii l lhl lime. hut Lsajars oMll ill" ihrrlty wnven- LtMUratd doen. llm majority ol iftMHtllilnkliult Uit tUt the should rnaVe suggestions llWeMrrnllan to net upon. After itlaraitlan ll w decided to nam (isdlbtn tiV llie convention to ill. ItWrslttllon ol a candidate lor Mayor 1st Inl lo ii-rttre attention. LW, WMl and Frank Want wer The former refused to Usoalnstlun II tlio tain wcr Iklaand Mr Ward was there in! the unanimous choice ol lb lilt. He present and agreed (mm lb lira for lli office. O.A. irtlotUnll; nirr.l to make tlir l lor pllci JuV A. M. Wordm IwkttsJ lor Irraiurrr and agreed lo latrsnlor tlm office. The court. tre tliorru lijr dividing Hie Mloalntowirdcaiiciiic, In tlia War4 Caj.t, J. W. Hlcincm ae i laths Second, (Ipo, II, Hums aacl In the Tliltd, I', T, Faiiilurxni, Nona of tint Men nuKt'itwl lor uiuwll. uien wa preterit I) accept or ilu'llnu Ilia lionurt thrual ii-m Mm, Capt, rllernrria lm ilnco decllni-d. lo become a candidate for iiiiiticlliniiii im ilor any rontldcMtloii n haa Un Mr Hum, NpIIIht Mr. Kaiidi-raon nor Mr, Hum are tiu'inlx-ia ( dm lYdrr allon, Iml It It iiulln nciipiulljf (littler alood that Mr. Hatiderton will accept n nominal Ion ll It li icndrird lilm hy llm regular contention. It la nlto ity probable thai Capt. r-'lemena will artepl a nomination lor reelection to the orflc ol city treasurer. The Federation adjoiime-l lo meet again on llm I'llday evening IoIIom. Ing tlm t-lty iiouilnalltig contention. Thla la dun to give the federation an npjtlunlly to pinto ripiltlou caii'll dalet In tlio flrM if tlioxt aolrclr.1 lijr I In? conrrlitiou thotild U, nniatlt fecViry to the IVIeiallon, Kcno Item HEAVY VOTE AT THE PRIMARIES Country People BdomojiMj to IMvUle Precinct Turn Out In largo Numbers Crowd Gainers at Court House as Soon as the PoHs Open Mil. Trait liai ylrrn Up tlir hotel Imai lirai, anil Conrad Mailixili haa oj-in-l a ImiIcI aljila iriMrncr and l armuiiii'i ilallntf tin' pilillc. Ml llaclirl Jnnri haa rrliirnnl from I'okcKama ami I now cooLIiik it tlir Ma.lloii liotrl, Wui, lvlt waa at Krno llm otlirr lay calUnK on Mr. Hiioki. John Atklry la iiiuvin lilt I'Vul'iU ramp lo Ilia alio bl llm liurnrl tawmlil on llm Huowpioac place. TliarainlMalr Ixll Tucxlay cvenliiit waa a Imtnmrr. Nrailr all farla of llm rouuty ert rrprrtontnl tiy ilrlrvatlona, nJ the ramllilatri all I ( 1 llicmwlu-a juatlcu. Klfly-lilua llckrla una kjI.I ami all lial a ptemlM lime; Tlio up. per at tlm Maillwn liotrl waa an rta boratv affair. J. II. Klcliartlaon raum In (nun llm (li rrl tiiattrn'l tin) rJinlliUtra ball ami to lnw tin, olllro m-lrra. J. It. Nclaon ainlJ. It. Ilaniliioiiil air Inlliorlly from iMrrlt tn atlni.l tbv prlmarlci. Tlmy line tlir contract for thrmlariK fiaino aloro liuiltliiiija In llm new town ami ii'nt time very k'1 In Hollo valley. 'I In- witliiKnt llii primary election lia itan prmnptly nt tnvUo oV'locli and lliroii(liotil lli enllfo aflfriiooti crowd ill VHtela liaa loiiKrenalnl at tl.0 court liuiixt waliiiiK lo vi't in lino lo got hi the iolli. Tlm nlv In thla precinct will be ipiltf laritr, ami It li lafs to My that lull) 7() nut of llm 732 rtfliiered voUra In Ihla prrrlnrt wlllcAit a vote In Hill elrriinn. !raipa ilivro are a nnuibcr of Votrra who (allcl lo rr(liler ami who will havrtoUiMoru liulurinilhaaevan liouri that tlm iolla aio open, Tlia ciuntrr ko.c who volu in Mnkvllle pnt'luct ate well rrprrarnlvd and If tlm iml of Ihorouiitry vole throughout the I'lillro county turm out ai well aa In thli Itrcllicl thru the vote will ba much lamer than hat hrrn anllcl.alej. Tlm oil" will remain on until 7 o'clock, ainl II tlm volemlo not delay toolonit all mlltM a clianro to Vole. In the early part ol llm afternoon the vote were polled at the rale of about two a minute. II thlt it kept up (or eeveral boura then there will be no oceaaion (or any one to be kept from the pollt be. can ae ol tbelr cloaing. The caadldatee have bean very active throagboot Uit entire day and doubtleaa many totee hart been changed. There are at Ibla atage or the game no aura wlnnerf, aad etptclally art all three cornered flgbta moat uncertain propoal tlont. One thing that doea not apeak well lor the) direct primary law U that many Demorraaj have reglatertd aa Kepubli caua In order to get lo vote for certain candidate, ami In eome inaUncea Re publlcani have rrxlatered aa Democrata. There la every Indication that tbia prac tice will baaoffit more common aa the law growa older. NEW FIRM BUILDING MARSH DIKE Archie Mason Sells His Interest In the Masoa Construction Company Another Large Orege WIH le Put on the Work Within a few Weeks A'clilo Maiou haa tolJ hla intereat in tlm Mavoti Connructlon Company to E. I'. Clark anil aitorlatr. Tlm new firm will ciinlinut' llit- contract with the Kuilthrrn I'aillic ami eipcet to have an other ilrclyn on tlm fib within a few wreka, Tin' flame work for it la now U'lnil built and llm machinery it being broiiKht In from Hrity. V. II. Kent, who had charge of the work fur tin- .Ma tin C'oiiitrucllon Com paur, Mill hold the Minn potillon with tlm new- Urn), lie atalct that at Ihla tiliiF it it ahiolulrly Imponaitle to tay when tlm ilikfacriMt the uiartti will be fliiiihnl. In ninny linlancva the tin liAnkmcnt tluka and glvoa way, making it neccaty to do all of the work over memberi, the community a kind hotplt- able neighbor and the huaband and children dearly beloved wife and mother. Iteeolred, That by thii great I'm we are reminded that all muit pan through the valley of the shadow of death, and while we know that worda avail little in auch a bereavement, yet they are tho only medium through which .we can ei preta our lovo lor our departed aiiter and extend our aympathy to the afflicted family. Resolved, That our charter, be draped In mourning for thirty days, a copy of thete reeolutlou! be placed on the min ute, copy aent to the bereaved hut band and children, one to each of the county paper and one aent lo the Pa cific Odd Fellow (or publication. Reepectfully Submitted, LOUXDA M. SaI'BEK, Lvdia Hocarox, C. M. Ramar, Committee. BIG TIME AT DORRIS Demand for Parms Will Celebrate Com ing of Railroad MAY l5thTHE DAY Arrangements are Completed For Butte Valley's First Big Celebration 20 -CASES -20 I Ladies' and Children's SHOES Just Arrived . J I ll vamJ I til JBJk I l lfaaVV All Leathers All Colors TIES SANDALS OXFORDS PUMPS AU the Season's Newest Novelties In Fine Footwear SEE WINDOW DISPLAY K. K. K. STORE krgest Stock of SHOES in the County again. Daring the laet month more than 150 yerde gave way, U dirt being too toft to bold. It la estimated that It will take Mveral months to complete tbt work with the two dredge, and tbt de- lav In tbt Milre4 reseklsg till city will ba la Um graaW aareaa ihm asanau Work baa baser ralbr aktf with tks on dredge as tb aaaeblB I wot exactly adapted to that kind ol work. Tb aw dredge will do mors rapid work sad will make a material dUfereae la tb tlm needed lor the completion of tb con tract. Thar la no eepeelal tlm set when tb dlk la to be finiabed, bat the Southern Pacific la very snxlooa to have the road extended to tbia city and con sequently Is urging th contractor! to ruth tb work. Thar iaaalrongerdemand for Klamath farmi thli year titan at any time hereto fore. Tbia demand, ia in a meaiure. do to tb (act that the country hat be ccm known to many homeeeekere throughout the country. The claaa of people coming in here are a elate that are not looking for land! (oripcculation, but men wbo are looking (or hornet, Tb land abark, or apeculator baa been out of buelneti ilnce tlm financial Hurry and aa a consequence the landa now changing band are patting into tb ownership of parties wbo expect to re- tide upon them. Nearly every day s number ol the rest catate men sre ren driving into tb country and everyone ol thorn are accompanied by one or raor protpecttv settlers. Thli influx of Settler baa bssa going; on for several weeks and a comldersbla ares of land has been sold to tb newcomer. Big Salpplnr. Point Mt. Hebron la destined to bscoaa a ahlpplng plae ol no xsasa Importance, and ihla (act Is realised by a nnuber of the atoekr-en ol tb Klamath basin. Lewla Gerber, who I on ol Mm largtt abippera ol this section, hat shown hla (altb in tb latar ol thl plao by buy ing a solid block la lb town aad select ing th flv acr tract that goes with it. II purchased th block whll passing through tber a rout to California. A number ol other parti ars expresi Ing tbelr faith In the new town by buy ing lota and W. 8. Wordea, who has the aale of the towntlte, it doing a big buatnesa. Claims Not Settled Archie Mason and A. L. Lambert arrived Iron Portland ysetsrday even ing. Both of the gentlemen are con' nected with Mason, Davit A Co., and their visit ia ia connexion with the claims the company has sgalnat ths Re- elaimation Bervloe (or exceta work don whll coatraetars on th govrnmot canal. No dlaaosilloa baa yt beta mad of thsesdalmi and a -decided sort la now being mad to secure a Mttlement. Resolutions of Condolence Hall ol Prosperity Lodg No. 1M, I. 0. 0:, Klamath Full, April 10, 1908. Whereat, It baa pleased th 8uprtms Ruler ol tbt ttnlvatst to whosswlllws all must bow, to taks away our iliter, Lou Wampler, thsfttor b it Resolved, That Prosperity Rebekah Th operation! In the timber butineia ar still on, but moit of thote whose cur clslmi pay a big price (or relin quishment!. The homeiteadera aeem tc be up agalnit a bard proposition aa moat of the contest being brought are decided in favor of the conteatanta. Thlt la th case, it seems, for two rea a. First, because homesteaders are careless about complying with the land law, and second, because there la a ten dency to look with implclon upon any on wbo homeeteada a timber claim. Th General Land Office in most In- itancee haa decided in favor of the con teetantifth ground lor contest were sustained at all. FOR BALE-Until May 1st only, egga lor batching. Barred Rocks, Black Manarca, and Silver Spangled Ham burg, 1.80 per 15 egg. Phone 199. Mr. C.T. Oliver. Anyone who might have been at all skeptical as to the class and character of attractions to be offered in Dorrii on Railroad Day, May 15th, had better re organise hi theory. The committee on arrangements has announced the probable program ol the day ai follow! : Parade at 9:30 a. m., followed by abort ipeechet at the depot square. Baseball game at 10 o'clock. Alter dinner will come the horse racing, beginning promptly at 1:30 o'clock. First, ball mile dash, (ree for all, (our to enter three to start; second, five-elgbtb mile daah, four to enter, three to start; third three-eighths mile and repeat, free (or all; fourth, three-eighths mile dash, (or saddle horses only. Doubting Thomaaes, II any there be, may be able to get a pretty good line on what kind ol horses will be there from th Information that op to date th fol lowing have reported: Wm. Shook, Dairy, Ore., horns Dick Rusher; Frank York, Grant's Pass, horse Billy Brook ward; Harry Allen Klamath Falls, horse Evergreen ; Wm. McNalma, Moat ague, horses Dr. Bborb, Iittl Jim, Black Joe; Sy Kenyon, Shaata Valley, with the (amona quarter horse, Dick Mills', snd Montana Chief. Several others are yet to be heard from and Neil Sly of Dorrla will have hla Yanke Boy and Pinto readr toblt tb high tfpots, as well a the William Sly horse, Gold Bui llan. The saddle bono races promise to be among the best attractions of the day aa a number of matched races ar to ba pulled off st tbst tims. Tb J. F. bones and thr Walter Bray and Chand ler bone are to run. Tber will be footrace and other field events between time, and not a dull moment all day long. Music will be furnished by tb Klamath Falls band. In tb evening the celegrated Mong Optra will give an entertainment at Oliver hall which will be followed by a dance. No palm will b spared to glv visitor the time ol tbelr Uvea. Railroad facilities ahould bo the vary beat at that time aa th road will have been In operation nearly a month. Xse the n", BRISTOL" - fyfor Tmit. J Fishing Tackel HookFlietaTrollt, Spinncrt,Reeli,Sllk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NITS BAMBOO RODS 6 CANE POLIS. Roberts & Hanks Hardware Dealers LodgobuloMoM otlUmotttsit4 ).- -,'u