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n imt I I ' I i .: . ; ht "i1 Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealing with Strictly Reliable House When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old 3aying serves as proof, "Imitation is theSincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician RKNJBUCAN BLOCK YOU CAN DEPEND upon us for authentic fashions, correct styles and superior tailoring ut rock , bottom prices. We can furnish you a beautifully tailored-to-order suit for $23 to $40, that will be made to tit you alone by those famous Chicago merchant tailors, Ed. V. Price & Co., whose work is generally regarded as being the best obtainable. They are in the heart of fashion's whirl, in the center of the world's greatest labor market, and are buyers o" cloth in immense quantities that is why they can supply the maximum of style and quality at the minimum of price. Come in today and select the cloth you desire from 500 swell Spring and Sum mer fabrics, and see the novel ideas shown in designs 485, 480, 480, 400, 408 on our new fashion plates. Then after you have proved the finished suit by everyday wear wonder why IimIiw ilUwhrjUt. you've been so long discovering sj'ch a WIIMfc gUUU UUUg. WeGiarMteeaFit taw mm mmmm ) v4 The Pantatorium PERSONAL MEN1I0N Try Zim for pluinblnjj. t Tlit flrtt tliliiuiit of triiUrrlo r rlwil In tlie city today. It tcccUd by Scliallock A Datwlt. Promd hand iitrnlliiu' lor wilts 0. I'. llrcgory A n. Merrill. Inveaunent not SpccuUllon. Kitty hc.l ol lwro Mimttlnu In II. V. Mitchell wmhI Ihwimli t Tlit) liurera wcto MHvliod In I'11' vicinity ul Wwd. Mviia I'aiiitui HnU K K K ntnri. Svvi'ral Hli' "ll . to DoitU l,.m..,ru. IK WUili'im '' I""' mulUitwHnim' '!'' H'' ,"' lH UVototlu' b l'tul l, I"1'1" the trulu. Merrill Vllcy the heart of Klamalh. 8oin Ollur rtllow'i. Willi aiiiMv" "'! ,' ,,m" of ,MmiiiIu- l.l-i "Im.iiI.I '"k tor linn Ui Wall idru'l " W w.II.M It"1 l'"r. "hut mIiom fortmu' nill )u iiilir'-Wn' Ion Slur An Apt llluitmllon. Ml" Kink) Wlut li-- ! tM iiumiii win" ilO I'iIUh al-ml I'Mtillii .(.nil? Mr Jm l.oii-1 mr n win It i, not i.Ne...!y to .mr M'M j,. (ti, ,,. du,K.n waiclira fo liiHg M miner. u n" Milty 'llme ioriifi'l toUi)MHr irk irniiil-( . ly. All tm '"'' Cas.;jfet Advertisements. The iViiiilnis"! lor olliiv win In I.1 ' viij.1 Ins it ti-liiiK ilielt. Xi ImtLisn hm.i' WAN TCD-M Alt'. arllw lino Ihv tiinury rlii'tluli, the .v i. i :i hmh In ilcnr and Iiiiuth i( the llrot rniiinl Miir llllii: to real on their oara lor llm Uiiie Mnir. II your v)r are lailiii,,'. sla.wx d.tnt 111, w Wlulerf. Xen lnnislfl at Wlnd-m. II. A lUn.lli-a uu.l uIIj nnUisI (mm I'orlUml yisitenUy. Mr. Itui'lli-i l a. .Willi,: In uttlnt! the lemiicr KUnmlh in rli (or nitii;tiiii. IjiiIIpi) anil Cliililnim Mrn llnln eeiy lf ft f i( toll ut K K K illi Tim akaliiii; rink on Ihe niriwr nl ! Klamatli Avenue and Si M It sin. I n oii etery af toruoii lrii.ii I loo an.l aery vveuiui (rum il tu llur rliiMien, (nun M In 10 lir lh KeiierM p'll.llr nul (jr ilncliiit Ipihi ID Inl'.'. J. I., Jolin aou, I'ruptivlor. Mcrrll. The town without a boom. J. O. CritUMn nrrhtsl heic linm loili iew where ho hnn Us-ii tin IiiiiIxt Ihi-i-nni, lie M)i fviral pull. n nliolil.-'l on I'lnluii xrl Kail lime I.illiil In in tie dual irool ami the I'Ullin lme Ixs'ii taken hy olher.Mirtie4. New line ol lancy.Simriilr i"io. .il Winteri. , At I hi" time ol KiiiliK to nei lliere i nn malerial chaiiKV in Ihe isimliiiun nl lr. (I. W. Mutton. II n i Mill in a! iliiioranil therml It ninmi'iilaiily ! I cclnl. All lio (or hii imiMT) lit heen abamtomiHnr neerat ila. I Merrill. A natural true cenlcj, 8e Winteri (or JfMrlry. plilll nt nine. ji'ilr) More. full at lleillemlfi't Bed Bugs lirLI WANTKU-fEMALK. VASli:l finiinnl Kit' '" h"""' Sin ill hwili .iinl k'iI'Vii(i. A.I. In ft l't :'V. Minnlh I IN. "' "ml I"' Kiiiir.ilh.'ii'ewoik ln.Uiienl lhi "Hue LUST AND IOUNI) 1 LOST- I linio-l Ktl-t lal I 'i''- '", I lll.ili r .lele li'llllll ! l K l fl-iir IUKNISIIKI) KDOMS I OK KENT KOI! III M .iliiilie.l rin ! lent I'll I lllh Mlol l'l'" Ujhiiil Atniiie Mr. fo. ! rUKNISIIED HOIJSl-S I'OK KENT HliMll. Iill"l s mil. Al) nl Hi M. luliii' 1 r.-ii.-j-irl jll.m ('.. WA.NTI l r. mil. hi.iiM. i. tin nl tnrl.c i. -..ui.. Iiirni'lml nnliiriil'li iil MiltiiliN- l" Ultnii: limiw I'lnte in. .Mm. J II"'. iMl Hll. .'" n.r I'lth nil I'iim' IUK SALE tillS Ml. K- n.-ll Ini'kr .! lie ny. (r Houieii ir rlnlilrrii ('.ill l the .M.mie li-nl )Ji I. Kill: r-AI IS I'lilll May Mi.nly.r. for hatililin.'. IUiiiiI I!mI, HUck .Mnimr.-.i, nn.l Mlver S.4ii;IiiI llaln Inn, f I Jill 'r rir!. riinne llV .Mm. C.T.I II iter. Beginning AprU 15th and Lasting Until May 1st GIVEN AWAY FREE n Mi VAUWk (tiaaWiJiTVBriiB t fUy . '?ytaBBBBBBBBBBBVu!BBBBBBBBBBBVlBaU Smid aaaaaaaaarv iaaaaWaaVIEiBaar t 'fi.aaaaW " ;iaaaaaSata5U 'T aV BBBaaCLbi'' ' aBBBaaa? V Ml If Yfim V mm ACOKN CLOTMtt A HAT with every suit of Clothes. Apparel for Men and Boys suitable for this joyous season, in unstint ed varieties-Styles to please the most fastidious-Prices to fit mod est purses. We are well stocked in the latest Dress Goods in wool, silk and wash fabrics. In Ladies Waists we can show you a swell line of up to the minute goods. KOIt S I.I'.-flu ai ri' rnric lue, " iron InstMiM !, inillret'i'n, '.' r.xVltik' dull", X It lul .Hiiii'ii ladle an.l other Imiiii luiM ;ilf f. W, rhniiiaa, ut lr, TiisN ll.irliiit; llinie HI HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE I CAS lioMte )iil nil , liniiirti-a., I i an pi II nni j yi-l i nn Ii ..( 1 10 Cfr In l.tliKi-ll V.lll.'), .Il .1 .llll tint Mill mil )ihi, II. W. Kis-xf. tl. TPHE very wordi are loathsome; wli!UCP them tnd they crawl. Shout ihcmuj they dlitfuit. They are the trampn or sneor! Star Bed Bug Bone will rid your l,oU8c 0, these peata. We can alao furnish ut 0w est prlcea: sulphur candles, sulphur and formaldehyde torches, moth bulls, boraxo borax, hellebore, turpentine, purls .rt,cn' carbolic acid, copperas, chloric! or iim(' blue vitriol, etc. Come and iHi our prices Star Drug store "The Store that Saves You Monej" SOME BRIDES ARE HAPPY Wlicn llif UrJJm. rk, Comlngln. m", Ar llajipy Hhrn it rm. tnit lunir row Wixtm WK HAVE CUT CLASS, HAND PAINTED CHINA, SOLID S1LVKK The Very llol ihr mho AKurila. s:::t Special Trices 30 Days Ttltplm r anJ Mill Ortn SollclltJ, I i .MMfMfafMflMfaBf-MnH EDIQN BSSSJ SSSSfll I I J -1 cmmymWAA VIA) s Wtn haaJTM' ' ( il PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invontfd the phonoKrapli. Ilu nimlu it nn rnlcrlaiiHT for all. It I iiinnufucturcil at a pricij which uvrrynnc can alTonl. and wo sell it on tin' fa.iy iiaymvnt plan, vo no om iifi'il do without it. Hive you heard and seen the New Model. We Wsnt Your Trade Underwood's Pharmacy EVERYTHING IN DRUGS atUfoctloa OnarMtMtl Klamath Falls, Oregon I H. J. WINTERS "The llrlJt itturlk Jiln" Palace Restaurut GOOD SKKVICE GIVE US A TRIAL UNUEK MANACLMUTW Hunsaker & O'Conell LaopoM. Solomon anJ Eli.niJrath Cl.Ica.-a The largest and most up-to-date line of Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords for Men, Women and Children, can be found at our Store. The, Bo ston Store "The Store That's Doing the Business" IIKil I .1 i:. It. lUllaUill ll.i r-illuliii'if Kllim .jir.lllii.,'.'iHl ll.air, II.iIiImiii I.I.mL. MiaCKLLANI.OUS ANY ONI. Ii.imiik .i yA I, nn. I Wy Hut llu-y nn-Hilling In tr i-..';i.rjn lln.l.i .iit. liit.r l.y j'.j lnj; nl lliiiblliir. Hi A. IICI.MIMi A I'll., fur ii.i-uliaiil 'iiy l.ilniil null pr i - (urull Liii.lf ( liMi-f. nml (urn, I Ii-:i. I.ii.i r ti-rn AiiiitI. tan llol. I. Merrill. Properly la rcaaonable. Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wu are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel rVnclntJ and Toultry Nulling in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every roI of Elwood Pence we nend out Geo. R. Hum Subscribe for The Herald mrtfmmmmmmmwfim- aaVrJ JtmmmmT tal 'aV sH'l The Service you obtain from your clothing is two-foM. There is style service and the service defined, by the durability of the garments. The one is a matter of taste and the other a matter of quality. The patrons of this store have learned that wo BjfJ tmard thcrn on both kinds of service, and in n(llll" to this wo endeavor to give them at all times Hi? verJ best personal service possible. Your K001 w,f nn" patronage are our existence, and we shall o(leaVW to merit them-now and always. Th moment we Imve a dUaatified cuHlomoi' wo oxpoct io cjjj our atoro, unleaa It in a man who thinks bo little of nl m0"" tliat will purcliaao aomethlnK that does not plenao lilm "u " lect to tell us about It. If you buy anything in this store it disappoints you in any way, hap or mannor, coino una us about it; we are here to make it riifht. Portland Clothing And Shoe Store