Newspaper Page Text
vrl . .. u'.i utild of river. H! i.'.'.Houth f M.ln ilrttt BW 1 to Center street. kk',J'!lr .ml California Dlitrict No- w"'. ... i-rwmum Height. W- S' ' M'ln.1"" I'1"" I'll.lnl Onirr."" - BRUT MENTION Kwryllmig Kiutmitui'il Hi Winters, It, ICOntlirllKo, of tlio Mclntlru Com. paliy, In In from I'nkcKitnm on couipnny bu.liie.., BIG COMPANY SELLS One of Loko County's Largest Hunches is Involved l" It. Hull run .ell vim n llmi hum li In """ "' Hi" lnrxi'iil deal. Hint ever took tlm Khimath liimlil lit lim...liliillKiii,.pliM' In thl. cnuuLv w. r,x. ....I...I Smirif.'... ,. , .... ,. h ',-''k:"W" -!'r-",70M., Z It t K"' " e"'1" iinii'it were ni i i"""i me enure linMing. In lUU ,7,0 Third ' F,''h' ,)f Mull) t ,,,"rl"),",",,ly'""'l"l ';l.,,)ltlmCi A CUrk pdtrlctNo. If' " "H vwllh; i'il ! HiM I'Uc. ni IU lli.l .,( M-y.i Cattle 0o well known hew e. the XI. i.iiiWnl' ":''.. . ... . . .. u... p.m. n i...... i ... j No Id NtirtH "" ""'" ' rtli "" " Slilpniriil (it Kllllkrr-; ' ""r""nni (ii ini DM"" ..,,,1. ,l Miivrlilli. I docker nil" ami cilin , I, it UV.. ni l o -I Smith of M'n I'l'llinll.MlHiiHlom. e(itiifiiiy In in .Sacramento, where tliu deal mi finally clmod mil luli(rapli th .1. W" -S,T " m. ',,, TL. Mo,,, f ii,' ol home Iron, ""'" ' " ' v"' '""" """ "'"" ., f Miln '' N "' ...... i,. . ' ' I the Hire iacri nvrilm In H.-.,..ll.l.,... til tiiitllli III 1TMIIIW tilftfae. ..-.....- P" I a hi.. " .".I iwil..iHlHIih. hood ill II.IKM or 7.IW) lifit.l ni citllo. :HX1 ..- hirrn -"-- . ....... ... ,., ... ....... T,M :tio. ' .","",, ",nul '" ,.'"" nlM,, -' "."p" """ Mmiilli'l.H(licii.l nl liiin.... m.J nlwnt Sil.fniri I iwrvli Sll" rM ,K"U, t ru, '! khiiipii i IimuIIoii. Will Inr- ', , u..iiinr wk mil n iin ii'Iiiiiil nun mi in ll... i,..i.. U... ''IT,, ' lllfn I rlmt Hie ,l.,.. l' ll '! M.l. .w,iy, Culll,,,,,!.. K Kitrl't N'0- ,t: fJ'',", "' '" l"N "' ""' K""""1 '"r tlii'"wiilMiiii. '"''"t 'riimrty n.1 l.y tlieXl.lli V-n. Mwr """" " .' ,"5" ' .l'l'r. I'. lln II H now ll.r. .ro.rly..l Dm 70 llnn.wli "T? ;. . n;.,.ili nf Jrlfrri-ili. .... ' ftrtrklW'-" ,'., I .....I, vill.. .UI....1. ..!...!-. "''"'"l-rUrlUlieKc.lllii.,t MtrtlSI"" . '.. ..' . III..!. I.. ...... C.lllll.jlil. Ii. Il, .l,.l. ,.l II... ..... I -I. . .v. .Norm itm" im ikil sir mi.i .mi. w.n.u.. i.. ii.i ' - -" " '.. rvwKi i" ...... ..ii ii. ' Vl hill ll Truth. ilrlilirnt lotl.riirw rallroml town TwjfUt No 42 IM ni hmi. in iiifiiiMiiiiir. TVl''!V?.:.i1!'1TTl"llrlf.. t.I..K H- !... ...J HIM. 11.1. to ! :. ' t.....t il.. .Il.lrlrl .1 lU K k' K .lot... wdliV in" nuimwi - -- cic nl l.inl in l.tko iMiinly, Ori(oii. ver) in Icli ock u rlrtt Ci.niliirr IJonanza Bulletin Items An Interesting Item Tlio Klmn.tli Kail. Military Ilaml ni-tclii a piano. Juit a piano won't du, It tiiiiiit Ixia oxl (mo, Tontnriil tlio touxli tiMKii nl il.nro work ami a. a cliilcroom lnitrtiinuiit, ami .till Ihi nni.lral ciiiJiikIi In inrrl Ihri .nvitri) ri'iiiltinii'iitf nl nolo ami vornl nicompnnliiii'nt work, it miit iNi.lrlcllylilitliKrailiiiiii-vrry parlli.'iilur. Now Hi' can't affonl to pay tlm retail pri of "ni'li nn Inttriiiiiciit, ami alter corrcpniiilliiK wild .cvrral IcaillnK piano lioiiH-a nn tlio coaM, U-n cr crntdl. count wa. tlm Ix.t J rouM net. Now I liavn Itfi-ri in tint iiiiihIc bunlni'.. ncveral yrarf , Imlli a. a ileali-r ami piano liinrr, ami I know foiiu-HiIiik almut tin piicc ami value, of plaiiox. I know that we ranalfnril tliu Mxlirat Krmli' Innlrnuieiit maii II we can only jj''t the benefit (.1 wholcalii prliea. Alter eiiritMeralilu rorrevHiiiilenri. wllli inantilacliiui. I llually liao Ikiii loitunatu enouuli to arciiii' the ayi-iicy tut Klnluatli ronnly for the I'.alilMln piano, ninl lliere in't a Ix-tler piano niaile tliau Hie lialilwiii. It I. nrii'a.ary, Imwevrr, (or me to Imy (our piano, in order to net lint U'lirflt ol t lli whole.ale pilre. Now lirre'n Hie jint : I'm not going into the piano IiiiiI.icm, I've aoiuvtlilni; I .1-.. ... .1...!.... ii i i i.. .. . -.i- .. .,.,..,11. II iiii'renii; llfiirjieiijiiu III " " I L'1-...all. I u..l - It. -, ...-.I. I, , .. . . I ", ,i,...j nun n... ,. ,. K"'1 !orn-lu lloii.nia, (IreKoii., Hatunlayi , ... , .. . , , r""1' ' . . -.i -l.l-l. .llll LjUcklM""" "K ",. ' ; ' .,.'; nr r.ilil i-acli ol i.ll, .iiK.r, mill., I li rrirr"lr l,UcalMii'r- . . - - ,,,,,, r,,M,,cl, ,,n I lurul liner tlm'. VShrli the Ula L UrrlifUnte.1 hy niorr than om. '"' f, ml U r.iliwl. o I Krneral ' I.Iiiiii al ll... .rt,... .....mIIw I... m liiioinliiitlo.Mr. ami Mr.. II. l,.CIoptori, . , , . ., , " . .ill. .at. dial .(fill I a.t lt . I l. la a a. a.. i. iiiiihii niviivii iihiiiiiim III, MVID I Ull "I'' u imiiK.itrr, t , , ttuuuy yum nevtr fr nKain in a (Illl ft lit .! a.(..l ulf.. ..I LM.....II. ' .. . .... ..Vo "I a(lrritllni(thKrii. inrrrl.aii.ll.airlve,l t I' l..t .... . .. ............. ,.. ,.,,,. ., itUy ,t, aAwi'l,Ht"l.l.. lllr., .. ,,,.,,,,. IIB ,. """ "' ,,:",rir,,1y W'""',;; ';',.1-n.f..rl,......lnlln.rllyyo.,'ll,- a alil.l u". i'wr. ..y .... .ff(. ,1,1,,,,,,,,,, i, (relKlit tlial will . . . uifaKemapronioi two immiriii to live iwllhalonirrr paUM'. ami Ihrn rr- ,lim vU ,..,, l-laml aliiiiilli.iii.alllii.ii-ailiilKmi. , dollar. I a.k no profit what- il.k more IK-Ioro ... , .lei an irni. lenre aiouml anotl.rr in tl.e.r Bl i ,,,, M. ,,,,,.. H.,(,ltr .,,., I atirrn a.;. hi. t it Uir lirtl tt In town rail at (lie cemetery . ,, , , , , """ k ... ' iircm.nry tofiruie the wlioleia c prlre. VI. I. Ul.l. 11 tl 1.1. ... ..... . ' ' IreaSUre'H NotkO , ..-. .. l.llu l..l Uwreucn wa. plowlmc In , Till. I. .tilctly a rail. priMxi.itlon man. 1 l"'","r' ' . I'. V.lley M1.11.Uy, III. Irani ran away ufacliirrr. ilon'l II at wlioleialo on In- l ' Ul.nrliirliriithal IhelK are I ami Iji renew in Ironl ol ' .lallment.. .Now II you know ol any. LilDll'rccuiit) lir.iuiy l'ir the j Odd I'clloWA, 'lake Notice "'" '''" "" ,,"i", rUt '''' 'lg,,, ' one III Klamath County wlioi. Ina ion. ajUloa m all oui"iaii.i,,i ! 11. mii mi ni), in mi iuti nun injured nn inoii in appreciate Mirnaii opKiriuniiy, mull I""'"1"1 1.11 ami pilor to 1 knee rap ami alw Hie bone In the hetl. , you will confer a (avor on the haml by .!. I'Ol llllrrel Oil lie Will niii..iniiii (iirnai 1 lie ,...-. ,...,, ,, ... "'?'. if.. I... .,..,., , , lie wa. IiioukIiI tnlloninaaii.l I. now relenlmt Ihrni to me. nigra iim ..", . ... . ... " . nn .,11 (.aim., it .iikiii, me . .... I IIIIKItl. IV.4S IMMCIJI. ;he ora hou! , ' .- . ..... . . .. . ; (mm IVII..M ml il.rir whe.. iteUi.h. '..,., r-rn,g ..r " iC-Mlfed Advertisements ....1 i..i. 1....1 1. ..- 11.11.. 1... 1 "" Mi'iKanaiHl Mi.. Ita Mckemon mi-" i.iiii im ..- na- .uiiiniii Uii.ii. WtelatKUuulh Tail. thl. 1Mb lav 1 ..... , , ,..' ,. ' 'ler tlierareol Dr. Jolm 1 I I'irt Aplll, In irlebralioii nl 1 1 id rinhl). UAUal-"-!-. nliilb a..i.l,rr.ary ..I our or.ler. All! Tbe ",.,,'.,t .iin. In the I'oiinlyTlra.uitr, MIKI 10 (KIMIMh lly oiiler nl Klauulh L.ikc, Nil H7, I. O.O. r". II. ,, hn. its., Ss'ietary. ITIIKCIIIIMV COIMIT r TIIK KTaTKOl- Oltl'lidN r'Olt KI.AM- iTll COtNTY tATi: ni' Jos-Ki-ii r.ii:ii, liECMSKD . .1 1. 1... 1.. ..1..... ll.l iI.m laal ilOI II IIVIl I'J K... " 'I.,, .. ... , . ... I iDia-l teilauirnt ( Jirpb Colder,' lO t IIC l:lCC tors Of MltlH- .lurliiC Utter weatbor ami we are .urea rije4,liilrrinliily pioienaml l a., rijntv lame amllrlire will attrml. Lttnl t.i .oUle ami that John W. I " LL 1 im... 1. u'lti..... I.....' (1 Manager llomloii, nl Ibe oiwra bonne wai one nl Hie brit miiilral entertain. ' meiila rirr K'iirn ill Ikmania and wai not attended l.rcely a. It botiM have been but tbe nlijlil wa. rold and .Inrinr. It 1. tttbehollbat tba ladle, will iilt tbe rily k!ii in tbe near lutuia and nd Cli. II, WIII-iii lone I Jul J ..iiilinl a. rterlltnl. there. lll.Mtl.tll. : llaiiui! InvUnl all 1,1.. li.tli.K rlalui. aKalii.t t nomination of tbe Itrpubllraii urt) (ri lhr. t .late that he had not the Irail III HUlr ie beieby ir..i.-.le. In pre-1 ,v , ,(p,,r H ,,, , ,.,,,,,. Intenllon or tliuiiKlit ol i.rfrndlnK anjomi iltlMimr wllb Ibe prnia-r iinliber., . , . by llirnwliitf Mr. Mill.' piclme on tliu l.,i.t..: .1. 1...... H....1.1...1 il.u i '"" M.M.... ........... .'... .. !' . .. illy HUT WANTID-MAIX. MAN WANTKII-Wacrea to clear and plow at once. Call nl llrltkemiier'a jewrlry .tore. HILT WAItTEO-rXMAI WANTKIl ConiM.'trnt iflil for Iioiim work. Small family and Rood waKe.. Addrr.a Imx 1.7, Klamath Kali, Ore. WANTi:i-(!lil for Keneral bourowoik. Inquire at till, ollire. lair, i.i nn. .,....,.,,. rl duiim; Ibe performance ol l'en. W.UIIi. iii., at tlm ttr.l,,"lr ,,cl"," ' '"' "'" ""'"' K-l. I ', , . .IIUnV.n ..I Kl.l.iall, .allowing a, I .1... that ll wa. tbe people .'"I "' '' " "not lur !t,0rt.n. 'wll ,l any i.illtlral combination, whol1"" l"rl'""' '" """'"'"'"'nil l"l rW.tKI..,.itl. Tall., (Initoii, Ibl. ,ltM, ,,, , , r,,,.. m each !,lr-W'Ji"- ,,I l,lcturo wm,M ,," bilirol IVIiiiury, ll.lH Jllllt W. HlaHKN.. IIJS-U t'lUUlU I). WlMoiiX, lElKotiiri id (lie lal will and tltf JoMph t.oiier, !Tard, , nl you iwr.oiially my tbauk. for your el (ml. ami ronlldrmii in me. I llixvlfully Yoiii., V. It. IUiiiij.. Jin. V, IU Svliorn ba taken rlianjr j - - I tU Amfilrjii dinlun ti.un, which ' urn rrimalrleil. All women rook. n4o)nl. ll,. , tbe plara lu kI bnluiMlibi timu. If llfyour vatrli U Blrk lit In Win- Ho.) Ilil. G. Helming 6 Co. pur Merchants -n Marslifldd, Ortgon, or Kluuth rails. Orciloii i8 Plumbing Shop CofltnctlntJ and Jobbliuj fintclaM Line f ',n. " HMclalikn und nrt. Wnrkiiiiinabli. A 0. U. W. Building ntamain mil Pckson Hotel ' Klamath, Ore. Cln room, good beds. im table always aup with the beat the tafforda-Terraarea- Jckion, Prop. 2500 Acre Free The l-aketlde rmiiany bm LVrtl nnr. , U-en tiMtl, II be had recrhrd the larKrat ivote and be bad Uvn able to prrure hla pbotu Mr- llou.toii limaklnnarrangv uirnl. to .evure picture, ol local Intrrr.t to 1 lie duriiiK the cr(orinaiicr in future I'la). Tha Naad Far Campanlan.hlf,. There b i wIm old Oerman MilAf ..... ..ahIm . m.1 .. a iat. araJI nl land under the Ad. in. ditch that it (n MUjti ,ru ud womeu need will lv IIKNT KltKi: for onu year.' ronienlal compaulouiblp, both for tba Thl. Include, the iin. of Ibe land,- of bIU. aud "PP"" " , I la tucb a ttilnj aa mental wall aa water. 1 lie inner lllll.l l-ienr mm place the laud In culltvatioii. Tbe rent r tieta all the crop, but we rec rie the rlyht lo paituin the Mubhlc. Tlm Ukr.ide Ci)iniiiy, J. Frank Adam, Manuxer, Merrill Oregon. pbyalcal burner. Woman on lontly fanni and In amall Tlllagta row mor bid and mildly luaane, and people do nut viimu iiiut tb cau.a la want of ' compaulonablp. . Raallatla. I Two palutera warn boasting about 1 bow tbey could paint 1 "Do you know." said on. "I pawled ...... ., ..s sliiienw on tbe ground one day, and Slxtccnlnch and four-font wood for' gg. nearly broke bta Bngers try aalu in any quantity. Uav order, at 0 t pick It up." HClkernperM Jewelry Store or New ?ft $ aom and Underwood'. Drug- atnro. t on on a atoue, and It was so real-Ilka . - I that a dog ate half tbe stone before be found out bta mistake." A Libel. Mrs. Oreene-Tbey ssy st when Klamath lad PmIKc library The Klamath Falls Public Library la open every afternoon front 2 to fi:30 ! the men go on fishing trips tbey tske o'clock and .venlnc front 0:30 to lot of liquor along with them. Mi. : (ihiu a airua imuav uiaik aa. tFr IU o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex tended lo all. I.i nii nrricr.. WarfilnaKai. Il March 17. 190. Nonta or ssarnaaTiuN or ruauo laniui ioiirm amNT and sNTar.N.ijl I. Iiwhy il.n llU th. artlM.Hr.Urjof ll InlwUf luvi vmlMl d.nniiilal onlar ir wliadnwal In fulh. Ih. for Irrtejv. Ilun puriM undr Hm at ut '".."JHLa'r HUI.7 aiil lor ua n coniwctlon with Ilia Klamath idiToon. of Ih. fullowlna dncrlbad Und. I, Ostfla .drasae.i .nd to .Ma sutsemraM. euro It la not ao when my husband goes snablng. I bare overhauled hla lug gago when be got borne on purpose to eve, sud I bae never been able to uud a drop of liquor In any of the bottles In bta bag.-Bostoa Transcript. Barbers. Tbe nrst barbers of whom there to any record piled their trade In Qresce lu tbo nfth century u. u. u "" d by hla authorUr aucli "-.... T,, , ,.,. thlnl eu -: r."" . i " a i..uiAr.iM nmiiu aitie iiairiiafi ajiaia a aajat sea "" " rtroeUwdnTiCwPuiwn: '' B. 0. In olden times In England X.'f.M'rf tb. pbyslcun wn. : trV" T. . Z . a . al. .. aB. ...I.ImI Sm All. I . .a a try. Allns, or Ucl km until July 40, ll Un tad StAUa land vine al Lakevkiw. Orwon. Vwm ope-aly slvm that r-W" ba narniltud to sain oruarcla any ruht what- ".rairinr tjln.nt or . bejm alurr.bru.ry It M and tfKlaJ"", all jiuth MtlUm.nt or owupatlon 0""",, tJ3E8t$2& ui FBANT.t ..Want of th. Inttrlor Idvutlcal. Thua king's usrwr was uUo his chief medical adviser. In the tlmo of lloury VIH. or isngiauu " were mado concerning barbers or which tbe following la au extract! "No peiuou occupying a ehsvlng house or barbery In London shall use any sur gery, letting of blood or other ua tier except th drawing of teeth." LOOT AND rOUMO LOST-Flannel baby .bawl Friday nrd, Finder please return to K K K .tore. rURNISHXD ROOMS rOR RENT FOIt KF.NT Fiirnlihed room to rent reasonable. On Filth Ktreet Ulow Walnut Aenue. Mr. Cox. MA rURNUWIO HOUSES FOR HINT FltltNltillKDHOUSKfor rent. Apply at the Mclntlru Trantportation Co. WANTKD To rent, honw ol ten or twelve roouif, furnl.hed or unfurnish ed auitable for lodging bouse. Cloao In. .Mr.. J. II. Hii1m,PcIu Hats, cor ner flth and Vine. FOR 8AU FOIt KAI.K-A well broke saddle pony, for women or children Call at the Moore fenl yard. FOItSAI.K-Untll May lit only, eggs lor hstchliig. Ilsrml Itncks, lllsck MaimKn, ami Kllver Spangled Ham burg, tl.R0 Hr 15 -KK. l'hone HM. Mr.. U.T.Oliver. FOK PA I.K Cheap new range stove, 'J iron hedateada, inattreine., i rocking chairs, 8 ft oak dinliiK table and other houru'hold good.. C. W. Thomas, nt Mrs. Tecds Boarding llonse. IU RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE I CAN locato you on n homestead. I ran ell you a good ranch of 440 acres In Ungell Valley, at u price" t bat will suit yim II. W. Keesw. tl. TO (IKT a hnnielalk to K. II. Hall about tbe Hiiiuuiers-Klnney phiri,Oltlre, Sml ' iloor, Ilaldwin block. MISCELLANKOU8 ANY ONK having a k001' horse and buguy that tbey are willing to sell cheap can find a piucliafer by applying at Ibis otllcc. ut A. HKI.MINtl A CO., fur merchants pay highest cash prices for all kinds ol bides and lure. Headquarters Ameri can Hotel. If Merrill. Property U reasonable. THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars r Cntcra to the belter clnaa of trade, with nothing to offend the most critical. You'll notice tho difference when you try it. Just tho place to drop in for a refreshing bever age when you need a stimulant. Pure liquors of all kinds for family trade a specialty The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Supervision of Ibe Government . . . None Better . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture Is on Its way to the Klam ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. "Our Responsibility ends whenever you are SstLtfled." E. W. GILLETT 6 GO. IIEHT E. WiTimow, Vice Pre.ident Abstracting Mapa, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. Ain Sloan, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers c. k. m. r Klamath Falls, Oregon Don J. Zumwalt. C. K, I'rrsident m. n.'.wiLUAMs, a e. Treasurer CHASE Get the Habit-Use Chase & Sanborn Coffees You'll be pleased with it. Those who have tried it say it's the best. We always aim to keep everything of the highest grade and want your grocery-trade. Van Riper Broa 316 Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law OrTiice over Kntofllci. Klamath Falls, Oregon TKUtmoNi: 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank .V Trust Cn.'a llutldlnc CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining "Parlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. We Make Little Futa But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridtfc oa Mala Street Klamath Falls S Wlaema Truck & Tranafer COMPANY . Furniture and pianos carefully moved, liagssge wagon and general draying. All work given prompt attention. Buss to and from all boats. Phone 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors Furs Wasted O D. Willson ia in the market for all kinds nf furs, for which he will pay the hiuheat market price. Address him at. Klamath Falls, Oregon. - - 1 i' .