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ra r m ftfirj if V Mm W m K 1 ill Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealing with a Strictly Reliable House When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where 'you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying serves as proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using G. J-R. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician REPUBLICAN BLOCK ILBBibiH kEnaV jBBES Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls s GOINGt-Steaner Klamath leaves Klamath Falls at t a. m. cosaecttjuj with starfe at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and bj boat to Klamath Fells arriving here at 7:30 la the evealag. Oregon & California Transportation Company PERSONAL MENTION Odd Fellows Unnqtic '1 I ... ...... I.. ,I..IM- III tlll OlM I'l. Try Zlm for plumbing I, ... , M ui,U, W. Swnd imml fiirnllitro lor mIo. t. I ,,lU atiiuU 1'V H' wmii if lh Urvtfory A Hon. I ,,..i..,..i.. thi.ntlni.Uhu' Merrill. Inyenment not speculation.; ...i.u,,,.!,,.! Uim urrmmo.1 AiMtlu Whlt Inn ti-tiirmsl Crol, 1 1 ,tll for t l.o miJ tutiit C tin- 'ii- DorrU w hero li icutrt fo d) i!'U- j ,ji(i ,,lllmj ,i rhtlioiiilK and liiU ncciutoiniHl tutliohli'tliiiiid ihiIm' jH) (i (,(,(, (ll n,,,.,, ho hail II In id Ibc locomotlui. Ho iimdo tin lrl on m (iii ,,, 1(, tl,,r. i. im-iiliiit hli motor cycle. .,,, t , 1,1,1, In i!ami' mid l Mcrrll. The town without a boom. J. II. Allien mid wlfo nrrlvod hun iMiivi'imlloi'. Off for the Timber TiU'inUy Inmi Klamath 1'alL lo mm. their home In l.aki-Won. Mr. Atilcn villi upon a harilr 0 .loir I.e..'. lh.- I". M. Hollo .iml I!. " ' " " wrriiuiiiM by 1 1 mi- Udl,. lioni lo Ual.-r I'm U ' '..) "'" " llly.-Kuiiilnr r. 1 1'"" - "-' '" """, "' ' ,',,r; ,1 . U111U Hi.') HI "' wl11 '"' u'" .- . , ( j,, i,l il ,1)11 l'l IH'ltll'IIHMlt lllllt) d Wltilcrn. Dii jon lllo kVtittnu' Thru limn' mid hao K"od 1I1110. IVani-i nl Mli mid Klamath .Wcniii'. D-inci- lioni III lo 15 Open (or rtiiMrvii :i to Amid il to S Ojvcn for Ki'noml tbllc H . in. -"' .Mem I'aiiama llaU K K K Inn'. It in not tirci'iMi) In leiixo )ih watihra aotnnir ill Wlnlri. Wi me now firepans! to ilujuiir M'rl pioml- ly. All work Kii.irmileed (or one irm, llietnle tin. ! udoid tin I"1' II your i)o lire liillmi!, ulii'-en dnnl 1 ju.l M.i llie M.ue llnu. mill mr on lit, Hi! Wilitrrv. ' t. Il,. eienilii;. Vt llrt tin" 111" Set liraivU-t II Winter. l aoinoaUini a. it w i leurel llil tin- ... I.irv...lilll III HlliK'i. In'"' ' "" 1 U lielntf tlmr- I , . . . pnoi 1.1 tint lime. il.iie"l I "id, ii.iu imlmll mllie libit' MmmUlii i' , ,-ii. In U'init ieloied I Itlenii nt, I .imlltllnllihiU'lttltiT,,-l''''" l1'"1 eUliim for llitinle mid tbelr liirml. huriiliiK Tules The Steamer KUtn.illi linrnidoiie 111 liuinlni! llie lillf etifpl uuelilyoverbaiiliil mid wlii'ii the "K'ani , ..... 1 ' . , . , . . 'tliiit nl llili time id llie )e4nlrV ml Koi nn tho regnUr run ln' will a ' gtvtf me nritllliK mid It tleMrm. llie 1 Il.tpe I'hecf mi litli In KUitintli aii'l Ujoll oinnlli". Iml id Ibf tiarl in ami out "I llii rmiuly ! ullead) k'"' ' iri; liy u.i) nl I Virrix ami II Mould ! a liltf lwli In llie Irrllilet and llie limit- .HUl .uu II 1 ....! IlL.tlf lhl tin. Uimwlll Koontlierun unl.l tin- w W ' I" )'' Khi'diilt' k'oe' Into eflect mi llie lint "I llie mouth. Theie me v4n.u1. Un Ulteii llu , ,. 1. .,ni ... 11 . 1 flly mil I'.mln whiiea Utile wik on Ijidie ai.d Childrena Slran Hat d "' "' evervdeirliillon at K K K utoie. , H"' "d mnild lel. ..ill ,r4t ilial. t Ailloy HriM. itill have imwt of tltfir lgi pilitl up In the tltuVr. Thon una yi I1I1U .!.! ttiU U'tntfP tlntt llAi( ' IniinMattilM In lirlrnr llii'in nttl tin lrli'lip.. " K ' ...., ........ . .-- T. n lliAL tl tlll Ittt tlMVtllfV til llliul till III outdnilni. the Summer. U,Ke ,,ll.-. 1 1"""0'' ""l-"'" " "" ' '" of lor the mill cunU- mc, all k,l'' "", """'. through the tlinlwr belou lirrii. i I Mr. mid Mr. U . . Wnnlrii Irll (tir Merrill. A utural traaeccntcr. u .. . . . . , .. , 1 S111 tMiiri".iJ !-iuiilay, cuing l' !'! So Winlcrt lor Jewelry. in IV niilumnliile ami takiiii: the cm- LOOK IIKItKI A lilKhl.iiitnttillHn ,incll.iu train At th.l Ure. Mn Wt.r arciic ol relrlgeralnr that Mill rrlllger ,, WJ . n,,t tt.iinmi I.iIkiii1 a train ate without tor, and cuukntnM-n lint will . rnnigl.iiii Mr. Wind. 11 will remain cook without llrtt. Cull ami iii'iwl (at .-aii rnaiiriH-Alur a lew )) .itleiid. themat llurn'a llardwaro More. , im; to biiiiiuxniiinrrletl with Hint I. aja)f)a)a)a)aajaajjfaBajaaja 011 to tjx Beginning AprU 15th and Lasting Until May 1st GIVEN AWAY FREE . Ski t mr iS.'aajav slJlH Ti a IiwbbV.4ss i mwA (I iissaiLaa KlsTaiv sam"" FSarSl ifyimWm r'SmW w! Imaai maar ' aaaaF psBSfyj .. A HAT with every suit of Clothes. Acoih Clotiiii Apparel for Men and Boyssuitable for this joyous season, in unstint ed varieties-Styles to please the most fastidious-Prices to fit mod est purses. We are well stocked in the latest Dress Goods in wool, silk and "wash fabrics. In Ladies Waists we can show you a swell line of up to the minute goods. ttopoU, .Sblmon and Klseruirath C'L!ca;a The largest and most up-to-date line of Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords for Men, Women and Children, can be found at our Store. The ston Store "The Store That's Doing the Business" nge!e to li'il nilh A. II.NIlier and famil) fur a month. (Kniald will Irate hert'iiftl we klu remain in llie ril) lor the in. 111 ol llie Hi el. TheliiMl) miihliiery .,r tin' Moire ' l!n. -iir ilml uitlaiilte In the ill) liali). 'I he hi'ji (iierftme I'M Ird on ! Ihrif lovk'oi w abulia and each niillll it I haule.1 h) nir hrea It. I'.. Iluutakrr Ion the iiiiituit .,r luiiiln in the machiuer) In lluai'llv. Merrill Valley the heart of Klamtth. The tikutiu rink on the curlier ol Klamath .Vuiiim mil uulli rtievt la niieii eii'rv nlteriiom Iroin't to i and ut-ry ewnliu Iroin r. to H ..r children, frnniHlQ Id dr llie U'lierul puhlir ami lor daiiciiiu from III lo T.'. J, I,, John, noil, I'ropiit'tor, ASataaKTBsK aSaSLBsaaan ?KP5 HaH': 111 1 mi mm J I mTr'ZTL" Bk. "j... i. Bed Bugs fHE very words are loathsome; w)ilsDcr x them and they crawl. Shout tltetu and they dlsrjust. They arc the tramps or Hpecch Star Bed Butf Bone will rid your house of these pests. We can also furnish at ow est prices: sulphur candles, sulphur and formaldchyole torches, moth bulls, bornxo bornx, hellebore, turpentine, purls jirocn' carbolic acid, copperas, chlorld of )me' blue vitriol, etc. Come and fc our prices Star Drug store "The Store thnt Saves You Mone) ! EDISON PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invcnti-il tlic ilimiorntili. ill iiimlv it tin I'litiTtaliUT for all. II Ik mnmifacliiroil nt a price which I'Vcryone can aironl, ami wo Hell It on tin; cn.ty puyiiiL'tit pint), w no one m.H'il li without It. Have you henrd and seen the New Model. Wc Want Your Trade Underwood's Pharmacy EVERYTHING IN DRUGS SMUUcllon Guaranteed Klamath Falls, Oregon SOME BRIdSI ARE HAPPY When the IWiMiaah,,,,. Hft.u ComlnlB.tfcg fit llapp) whtn lat fta. enia rum Wllrft Wfc HAVK CUT GLASS, HAND PAINTED CHINA, SOLID SILVKK Hie Vrrj licit lh( Mikfll rtllutja ; - : Spcclul Prices 30 Diji Ttlet-hn c inJ Mill Oram I SollClltil H. J. WINTERS "The llihlra laiorlte Jcwtlo I Palace RestauraM GOOD SKKVICE GIVK US A TRIAL UNDLK MANACUIUITtr Hunsakcr 5 O'Coi Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wcaro in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. Wc stand ready to guarantee every nl of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. K. Hum Subscribe for The Herald The Service you obtain from your clothing is two-foki, There is style service and the service defod by the durability of the garments. Theo is a matter nt taut anri th nihrr a matter 01 quality. The patrons of this store have learned Hint w "j fninnl tluirn nn UMY, bin,lo nf nanimn Jlllll ill !UlGlllO to this wo endeavor to give them at all times Iho vej llOQh nnivnn, 1 1 .nt..,nn .w.....:U Vnui- rrnnil Will "W, l-nuuiiiii ouhui; iun9iuiu. xwu e, laatfAV jiatronago are our existence, and we shall enow , to merit them now and always. iff Tim moment wo liavo n (liflHntifled ciifltouii'i' wi'i'xpt t9e-. our Htoro, unlcjui it in a tnun who thlnka ho littto of nW TJ? umi will purcliaso Homcthitiflr that doca not plfaHu """ "" loct to tell ua nbout it. If you buy anything i" t'3 8td t(I I it diHappointn you in any way, shape or manner, como aw m us about it; we nrn lrtro to make it right. 'I Portland Clothing And! Shoe Store