Newspaper Page Text
-SnOItrict v, -Weil ll of rlvcr' WlS.i...ttiullifMlnrtl tltrK , . ... Center trrot. LHciNo.b-""' ""wM,,.! Inu.m llrtahl CE'B.r:,,,,M lfT, f M-.lM.lH,. . . I.I Wd. ! " Hit""". ". i-ini, taTM'1 ""' ..,,,1, r Main. U-.i. I.i.d lnnl....... fci.trict Nu-,' .; ' nmi.r mi.rai.UN Why M. w.. T.nv..n - M,'llw ery (.no el.., i imra always I'.vervtliihggiiaianloeiLt Wlnteis, il'!!1"' i:"'l"ll"" very reserved," to- ,. ,.. . . . ? . " Ireiicu nutidlat. "Once I John Lllli Mtiriieil lodny from t r I f thought I Imd found nit exception. I to Illy. )V" Iniu-lliiu through I hit aoulh of , . J rn,KU '' "ill mill luid for a rumpnn- Amuliit Imgn ililpiueut nl Kuliker- I'"" nn llnitlUli atriihg.-r, who talked duiker pull nml etltn i-iiiIh lor Imyn.iit Hemllly In nn. for mi liour mid n Imlf tin IIh.Iiiii Him... 1 In ''fy hml Pri'iicli. Wlii'ii wu parted I n Idi 'I tcry hiippy lo Imvii Imd Mr, nml Mm. (leu. 0. North Inn,, i... "'" "l'Prtuiilly of eiThtitiglug my Im- ml rifui. general thing, ) our countrymen nn- not ;; Thlnl "' J ".... .., m,.I. I.. n. " 2' I.- (mm KI.....II, Zu1"'" ""' " "? 5l:nSi,S '' "--'" ;h.I Will fur. SKHrWVwkHTou kB"ow Itilflct N- " " "' , will fen... ami clear llin place fr ll, tic my rr.iulj" Mwrn I'""' M"'8"V; " '. !' "I Hii.Mii.1 lor Hi.. p.e.ent ,,.,,, ,-.. .. ' . . if.. 21 Mown " '"" Sen ntli mul Ninui, Kl.lrlrt N'. ,tal" )litrit N1 Lk, Ulf ' K...1II1 r " " a.I.Ih-.. I. 0, lint n CtuipMI mnl, llm go,. Th. ratal Braath. "1'ny intention now," mild lm school luaaler, lidilremiliig IiIn rliimt during llm e.-nrrriii.t.t. Ijtitkf.ti i'. 1 1..11 . '"' "' ilisilm,ain making .... i:,,w u , Kri.ll( ,,,, tM ciitiinim-ii An Interesting Item ' j 1 Ni "! I'"' rlK illt'l,l I In .uip.iiiilloi.ii In lliiiiHiin, '" i'ry lli.i.i Ink.' 11 lirvntli," M"" , "1 Mmtli ! u . '"'I" liiforiiinlloii inn.tii 11 ilii-u itofMl?i, Nl..ll'( )f Wtt)ml ,. Hi... I'....,,., .,,.1 HI.. II,.. f( , , , Jln,.l(. Mh, rhtrict ! - ,,....,. nl llm K K K Ii.ik. llm mmitir n imrllmlnrly m VlrrnV..utll.M...IHUtl.. W '. H.Mlh "f Wain Bullitt N'o. Hill", ll-.w a,u.. 1 11 ,, .i iiinhiii n i-iy 11,111- till mid Tim Klauulli Kolli Military llaml newlaa plm.o, Jmt a plana won't do, It mimt Iwn pxA one, Tonlaml llie ronli nK of ilanni work and a n rluli-r.Kim Inatriimiiiit, nml n t 111 Im; mimlral ciioiikIi In meet llir r.'tirn ri'ipilK'nii'iitr of miIh mnl vocnl m'compnnlmi'iil work, Il iiiunt Ikj Hiltlly IiIkI. Krnilit In Mery partlculnr. Vint wi can't nffnnl to pay tliu n-lnll pili of nml. nn limtrnini'iit, and nflcr lorri'iip.iiiilliijl will, iicvfinl JciiiIIiik piano liouf on tint mail, ten iicr rentilli. touiit win llm t I could Kid. Now I Im vi' Imtii In ll.i) mimic dunliu'M m-voral jenir, Ixith un a ilcnlir nml piano, mnl I know numctliliiK aUmt llm piln-n anil nluiKof plmion. I know wi . annffiiril llm liUlicut icriulf IriHtmuifrit Hindi' II n (mi only kK Hit? benefit uf tlm lunHtiT n pnrllmlnrly lruk ultolenale p. !(.. Alter cormlderalilo I Willi llie uiKomforlnlili, Mph'iirnnce of ,orre..n.l.-nrc wltl mm aiunll liy ut llm foot of ttio iIiim. 1 . . 1 maiiiif.icliiiern 1 .AW" Ul.ll, mul i:il!lllll, .... 'i'i m.ii II") 111 111" lieu . mi' tlllM. : n , , . im.1"1'., ,"',,, j, ,,f Wnlnill ami ll111"1"1,1" liupimenioiil In I In- nlm.i i,l III fm iik IIiiIi,s, nnd I..' win. puff- "n"y lm" U f'rliinnH 'IimiIi lo Ijlfkl N"-3I " a lawn on l.l pniily on CHitunn '"" ' "f'"1"') ,'iiic tli aumry for Klmnnlli rounly Itft '"'" "'.iW ,"'",,"" MJKrn.'wSl'i: ""' ''"""''-. m,d Hie,,,.,,', a !?Un!.IKiMl. Mm HI . . m tn" ."" i.,..i.ii, .,,,1 i-nili l-i.''" ''', ; tli U'.l iIk In ,'i n, rtlii.r.. i'"""' l""" ",a"" ' '" lim.llii. H1.1.1-. 11 iv u... 1, "I'lii'K ' lilimmeii, pleniMi, air," waai III" ni-rniry, liowever, for me In liny n 1 all (, IL u irwIIH, I fu II... ii ! ..m nl 1...11 in. 11 -. ",'""".. ... .. ",e. . " '""r I'l""" I" "IT In K-t ll.o IH-I.elll of I rlmiern, an I'm Ketllm; rid of Juat ,,, , many in 1 iuu'" I.nilmi Hketcli ' "" ""'"'"' pine. Th. Off Hor. Now li.r.''. llie iil.l ! I'm lint Koii,( llien' n n little Iwy," aakl a mm '"'" ''"' l'llu Imil.ieM, I've noiiielliliii; f", 'V .. .....I...I J.irrraiiii. A" Mcllillir, 1'i.Li ft hi), ."' .. -1.1. .n,iTrii Hi kiii, iu ! iiauiierii in nun m. tttta i-1' .. ... 'fT; V.. 11 .Siiilliof M ' . :, it..., 1 1, umna. will lie tiaiitfete.1 l.i ll.iril L'l.aiiin nut 1 m - - - '.' .. . . ...1 ............. rirtN. , wl llVaoU,; I.y ; '""'"- Mr ,,., U ln.ete.le.1 I.. .Mldreu'a .harl- el. ... ilo:l,.,t If .l.e., ,r ,H,.ple In ifmcrUI'w ' X Inlliefumpiii) l.u.ln.i. at place l. "win,.,, tl, I'ounlry Week a...,- K,...... rt".T Ll. Mml... Invewmcnln.H.occut. ,!,T"' lld l "r """ " . 1 1 111 " "" '""' IlllirnilllC llie mtlo 1 I""""" ",c !"" hhmiij iiibi I'lH it,h the fue H IkI'. ",,,c" "'" ' Mr. ami Mm. V. T. Hainlerni and f,ll"w '""k lk to llie tlllaxa tlirrw I rlieap uttncil lintrmnent, lieru U mi 01. -., three I Hi" - ...1. pHV three lUi'i' mile away, nml a lie tixl in front I 1 11 1 111 1 i 1 1 1 , Mm' 11a. mm an lie hiihjii in iruul cl.ll.l,e.,wUlle.e,,l.y a,tnlli fu, f . ,H,,,mw fn.TKot down out lVm.cKnte.1 hj i.n.r- lln w --""-. 7 -K "- f ,. ,H,.,mW n farmer Kot V " after Klvlntf. the cn. Han I lane hex to ullin.. (lie liieoinliii: of lilt iloulile tenm mid anld: I 1 itictil I". W""1 yy '"r week". lellera' ' ' ....!.!.. .. ... . t.L Lfflirer liaUM". Bliu 11 ' LuJ tIf mure liofure aoumlliiB the lUrm ik'mn. Ireasurers Nolko .VtI'lt.rirliv fc-rn ll.l' ale JllalliectiUiilr trratniy l'r inn " iortunlty )ou'll i.eer ire aKaln In a llfctiniL'. I'eoplu don't imully fell 1' Hint hoi' piano, for Inn, and ordinarily jou'll pn innr any ,)(I J(rl M irofl (), Ug j,,,,,,),,,) , ,lyu IMjoii liVf kallni:? linn mine and "'WI1I1I1 Inm" dendr aald llie tKiy, IhiihIuM tlollara. I ak no profit nlial- litn V,l tlm., Ciam-i nl il ",'rBI,rl,,B eier and I iliall fill only llie four plalion iitti.a,ir.i urn.. i,i 1 01 1,11, il "11.orf nn.' ald the faniLT. I , ...... Klamatl. A wiiiie. lUnre fiom III In IS. " The orphan V .aid t,.. little ly. '"wwnfy "' " l'll' prlre. njwn fur rlilldteii:) tn .', amir, to h , in. '""" kin I tell nlilili of Vm'a nn or.TM Ii itrlclly a rail. piupiMitlon man. O.n f,., - ,.l ....l.tle h .. .... . -. !,,,n.".. """t f ,r' ,0 klJ "" "' ! nlacliirera don't k-II ut wliole-ale on in- ' ,J'r- lite I'teitijle.laii il.ilirli will liae Th Carly Umbr.lla. t al.i.ll.Ka ..I II. .v -..It. ...t .....1.1. .... IVl ffirlV I It f r fpllfll Itia fi.lliiwltia nn. -.ii..,, ,i ill oiiltaiidliiK niniiiy- " a.r.i".' .- ..'".,..: .-..- ,U .mte.te.l on ami prior t;. ll.u.Uy l.lal.l at tl.e.l.u.rli. II I.. ,V1I.. T,',,.r of I.,,-. 12. K. .,.t Llf1,!!l. Intrlel ..II me will 1,1 (, m,.r ,r .'! I .pliit amini; the uml.relln nt llila perltal wa reinnl. ki,,om I il'i''' , ,. ... .... ... I i. ,roiU.. . "I a (mi . rremluati. for the 11.0 of n IptlolM humaiii " "- "" -' lll, W tV)imlyTieaiilrr. New liiarelila at U'liilrK. MIKI HI (HIIHIOIS 1 mi: rousts coiiiT or tiik WTK 01 (HII'dtiN IUU KLAM ATH rouxn TATB OK MXMSKIt Xollrt Ii hftrhy rlen llial llie lal JUI IrfUinrnt ol Joaepli ('.inner, J J, I,ii l.-en iliily piuveii and a I J mmi "Hie jniinif cenllemnii Iwrrow. tint the iimlirelln Im-IhiikIuk to Willi' iifTu luillaaa l(irftliltl it llm ttilatuai C. A Campl-ll. of lllt.-Ml.le, Cal ,, ,.,,,. ;,.,,,; ,, tl) Xm Jry' In Klainill. lull. Humlay iilu'.t , from l.en.l In fiit on the like ix-railon l a lint 1 '"" '"' welii.u.e lit Hie mald'a pat- u-rn .im.iii nun lime 11 ttna rut- nil a liiiir of luiperlioll. He ila carpenter mil Imllder and l Iih.I. I nit otef llie flrld will, a tlen t" defer JDM'.I'II 11INIIKII.I i",i, "I-" l'allM. bitel M I'luUie and llial John W, I nnt ami tlm. l. ?tiiinii nat" ultlr ii.t' etetut.iM there Allr,i.,in liatlmi rlaluii 0itnl1.1t Jntllraielirirli) lo pie lo the lEIcctor.s of Klnm- nth County timiary to keep nn iiml.rella In the hnlli of lariter I.uiim' fr n In rainy weather, for .heller III pmeeeillng fnilll tlm l.oiii.' to a eoienil roiiteymiiv, ami the one nltuditl lo In the ndtertlM-meiit nlxiMi ipicitrtl waa fur that purK.e nic. In the Salt. Ihcrv I. 110 ilel.J Ini; the fact Hint aalt will not run out of a abakrr In humid weather. It l n tery deter mineral, known iiioiikIi to ntny lu when It ralni, There l no ln-tter Ui II.AIirvii : llatlni: irieltiol the liomlnitllnii of the l!rpulillraii p.tity 'or aherlff, I will, toetplei..!.. it lUimie Willi the iitoiirr toiii'lieM, 1 v iv annnf I.1II...1 nl tnur efhul. In rometer The l--t tliliiK eter known ilkla ill liiiitlialli.i the .lain nl thlaj 1..1...1 1 i. . ... to tau.e the Mlt In run la rhv. Heat W.l.e le...K,,..l at the KImII"' ' '"," , ' '"' "' "' , ' i ., ten.,K..nfnl nf rl.v on the .love and ' " . L..,.u i,.i .. ... ,a III. .11 luuilill. ' .... .. .. . ... . . 1. liuil IUi.k 111 the ally nl Klamalh ",,","K ' ' ""' " l"U l fill wimw u 'e ami. II. i,.n I wllliout miv i.IIHimI who' The h.,t rice .iilUkly ubmirlw nil the NeJatKlainalh lull.. Oir(, U.U !.... ... ...i...inl I extend In each , '""'-"'T; '"' ,e " U,T. f".e!l " fc. a III Haiti U't Un ,IH ,'',, " le VM- ladljrelteliliiary.llMl. nf )on M.iually 111) Ihiink. lor . ( ,,. graluu f t,v nri. auUkleut for ii'iii, a,ir. Hivn. Ill 4-1) ( iimiiji II. Wiiukis, ILlKiitortollI.e lail will and le.ln ttofJiMepli t'niier, ilnllmenl.. Now II you know of any. one In Klamath County who I. In a ition lo appreeiale null an opportunity, )nu will eonfer a favor on the hand hy referring them to me. It t IUmh.x. Classified Advertisements HUP WANTEO-MAUC MAN WANTKH-'JOacrra to clear ami plow at mire. Call nt llrllkemifr'. Jewt-lr) .tore. UUP WANTUV-rKMALK. WANTKIl CnniK'tnit fflll for Iiohm work. Small family and Rood wanei, Addre.i hox 17, Kluinath Kalli, Ore. WANTCD-Olil for ceiieral hniifework. Inipilre at thli olliee. Hn. V, II. rVehnru ha tnkeii . harye I II AtiirrliMti .lining, whlih llayii All wnniell cook., Tliu i ie plarn lo gel lUnttiiralilu tiuu, Il lfriralil, 1. Mil .end ii to Win- ill(,lal. Imla and (niillilemv In ine. :.iilnll)- Yum, W. II. lltllMJi. aiiiall .linker. Allhouitti It haa only ptuholea lu the top, the aalt will not puck In the moat humid weather. New York 1'tvaa. Th G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants Marshllcld, Orcjjoii. or Kluuth rail. Orction IZlm's Plumbing Shop Gonlracllnd ana Jobbing KiratclanH ,n r 'm,. foK.Vrfnlil.-it nn.1 llrat 'M Wurkinnimlilp. 1 A.O. u. W. Building niamain rlll ckson Hotel ort Klamath, Ore. Ckin roomu, good beds, le table alwavs mn. with the beat the Wketaffordg-Termarea- OUble. j C. Jackaon, Prop. A Parlpattllo Inveitminl. When ll.e acullop la full grown It la ahle to awlm wltb great rapidity hy oiwuliig mid cloning the valvca of lit jikc.l.locninii.y liaai'-VMncfra hell. Thla fact, aaya What to attlf MIWMWnM 1W HI wwew. 2500 Acre l:ree of land under the Ailama .lllrli Hint It jli,,,,,,, ttboumleriook fewyean will give Itl'.NT FltKK for nm ear.' ago to ei.tnUI.ih a acallop plantation W-l-H"-" '' '-' '"' r,:.,,. ,at-S&.,U water. The tenter mini rlear nml ,nnow tvnter, eipectlng them to place the lan.l In cullltallon. Thnrenl- lirecil, but when he kwked for tbein er get. all the ernpa hut we roerte ll.e ' the ne.t day nil of tbcm bnd fled, lllihl In paillire ll.e .tuhhle. LIUrary ttairclaie. Tlm Ukeahle Company, Wife (noornfully)-Ob, I've no doubt J l-'mnk t.lnmi Mnnaiter. ou ww " 'our Hrry club reciting J. r rnuk Adam.. U uy r, (m (wur nlgh AnA Merrill Oregon. lfyi wmt wero ,ou recHingl Una- - " ",.nnd (reiulnlacenlly)-I think .b Hlxleenlnch nn.l four-foot wikh! for' aoiuetblng 'Utut "Cbla Tbnt Tnah In , , , , ,.,.., ,ir,i..rnt Iho Nlgbt."-llnltlnioru American, aalo In any quantity. l.euve oniora nt " llcltkempor'a Jewelry Store or New- Hia citvarnM. aom ami UnilerwiMKl'a Drujc atore. 4 "Don't Ihj no Inxy. Tbere'a plenty of room nt the top, nnd you'ro clever - "" enough to get there." Klamath lN PulKc library "Ilut." replied the buy genlua. , . "think how clever It U of me to And a Tho Klmnuth Folia 1'uhllc Library la plnco Bt tbo bottom, where there lau't nnnn ..vertf ikfiemooii from 1! to (i::w , o mucii room.- o'clock nil each evening from 0:30 to 10 o'clock. A conlinl Invitation la ex tended to nil. DKI'AIITUKN T or TIIK INTKKIOII. i haj. ijinii liril.1. Waihl.i.l'Hi. II. It. Harrl. .'(. laua. N (Tiewiir nicHT.mTiiN ne real 10 1 aniw i lv.a that thVaVtlnar Hr.laryuf ll. .Intorkar hi. !.?! " onl.rj I, wMwal In IkHiuurpOMaunil.r llw art i( June 17. IWI (U Sttl.. mtot ttH In conn-Ik-, wllh lh. Klamalh liclOrwun, of lha followlna a.KriU.1 Und. nf irnWi Iracliaihai.not twin hwatoro niianr""loih.rwlltl.Jwn.rrve.l w aDurwtlal?. will b. lubjecl lo aettlMiiwI unJ.r nMSubUetaMlbtwaof lh. Unllo.! MatMenanil a ? JunVSv l but '',?1'-a,1u,,tS,.'.0Vll; tr. flllaa. or wlacllun until July , luw. .1 in warntna filM apeM-r alven that u -nk.n will uSrVnltuatoaaln or.a.nlw any r&ht what- after ftbruary Ii. IWI ami wtoMJiMaiJ". Ii .urli uitkniant or occiipallun Ulnir furbldilrnl 0r,"n (i.rnu5'toni.?t..U.n.,.l UnJOflli. rBANnrat 'SSSunt Strata- of Uia Interior Har Net Waa Pinal. The proprietor of a large drug atore recently revetted tb'.curt and haughty uote written lu ut. nngular femlulne baud: "I do uot want vaalollne, bul tflUuHirlue. la Ihut plain euought I peraoom you can pll." Ravlvlng a Tired Honiybn. The bouoybeo U proverbially ludua trloua. When everything goee well with It no form of .ulinal life haa wore vigor, worka wore uor defend. Itn homo wore bravely. Uut tho U-o aoon lo Ita activity wbeu aeparoted from Ita home ao that It counot return, at, for example, wbeu It geta Into u room and fall, to Uud ita way out. Cold ralu or lack of food ulao noon put. It Into a feeble or ex Initiated coudltlon, making It appear M If It were discouraged. But nearly U Ita usual activity may be reatored by u llttlu sugar of houey. Bt. Nlcuohu. FURNISHED ROOMS 10R RENT KOIt ItKNT Kiirnlalieil room to lent reaw.nal.le. On Fifth Street Ulon Walnut Ateuue.Mri. Cox. -l-Hl FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT WANTIID To rent, houw of ten nr twelve room., (iirnl.heil or iinfiirnNli iil itiilahle (or lodging Iioiim-. Cloe in. Mm. J. II. Ilulie, I'elta Data, cor ner ami I'iue. FOR SALE KOIt SAI.K Team of hone., 1100 each, with harneia and light wagon. Will rell cheap. Apply at thla olllce. 'JO KOIt SAI.K Until May lit only, egg. lor hatching, llarrod Hock., lllack Munnrra, ami Silver Spangltsl Ham. burg, fl.-IO ir 15eggi. 1'hono ltd. Mr. O.T. Oliver. REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE I CAN locate )ou 011 n homeitrail. I ran aell you a good ranch of WO acre. In Ijtngell Valley, at it price that will Milt) mi. II. W. Keesee. tl. MISCELLANEOUS I, HIXMINU A CO., fur merchant, pay liigheat citih price, (or nil kind, of liUle. and lurg. Headquarter. Ameri can Hotel. II Merrill. PrOftrty U reajtonablc. Polly Wa. Sarcaitle. A few weeka ago a aervant was an gaged poltablug bra.a work near Pol ly's cage, and the bird Immediately Started talking to her. "Hello, Polly! What do you wautt What's the matter with youl Are you quite well? Do you feel cold? Where have you beeuV sud much mora of the same sort. Eliciting uo reply, she shouted out, "Why dou' talkr" and drew the retort from the womau, "Because I am too busy, Polly." Polly replied, "How .bocklugl" Lon don Spectator. It la Little Boy Isn't fathers queer' Aantle-In what way? Little Boy Wbtn boy does auythlng for his ps, to doesn't get anything, but If auolh..- i"s boy does It be gets a nicicL THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Clgari Cntcra to tho hcttcr clan, of trmlc. with nothing to offend tho moat critical. You'll notice tho difference when you try It. Juat tho plnco to drop In for n refreahlnff bever uKo when you need a atlmulanf. Puro liquors of all klmli for family trado a .ncelalty The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Supervision of the Government . . . None Better . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and-Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture Is on its way to the Klam ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. "Our Responsibility ends whenever you are Satisfied." E. W. GQXETTSGO. llKKT E. WlTIIKOW, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. Allen Sum, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Englaeers Don J. Zumwalt, C. K. Prc.idcnt M. D.'.WlLLUaia, C E. Trcaaurer Klamath Falls, Oregon CHASE Get the Habit-Use Chase & Sanborn Coffees You'll be pleased with it. Those who have tried it say it's the best. We always aim to keep everything of the highest grade and want your grocery trade. Van Riper Broa PfeOM 318 Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Lsw Ofillce over ostoflWe, Klumitth Kails, Oregon TKIKrilONK 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law . Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American llauk .1 Trust Co.'fl BuiMing CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night 5 Private Nl)ining l';rlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At Ike Bridge oa Mala Stmt Klamath Falls fi Wlncma V. Truck & Tranafer COMPANY Furniture and pianos carefully moved. Baggage wagon and general draylng. All work given Prompt attention, buss to and from all boats. Phone 103 COLBURN 6 YOUNG frofirietors Furs Wanted C D. Willson Is in the msrket for all kinds of furs, for which ha will pay the highest msrket price. Address hiss at Klamath Falls, Oregon. " $"K V