Newspaper Page Text
.. . uf..t Mu of river. ilri.7.iL,uihofMlnrtwtl W'",(0 center street. let w "-"- Il..luht. K L'lUHIllin 111 " r.ntrnl1,"r".' . ... ... . SSSi-ffi:.,H ,.f Main. I. !" ' Flf', d H.-venth. " ..,.1. .1... MliVFIlWI . S hof M.lnl.. BRIEF MENTION 1 10 elcam wl Manning's, Mrs. Hurry Cmleu lint gone with other, 10 I ho vuiod, In itcsnli of 11 Um ber claim. l'',vcnlliliiK unniniilcciliit Winter, V I Tim TennU Club ha liei-n having ultiu liiteirMlug giuiii', t It" otirl, 011 Hevi'Mli Hi. An eslia iMgit aMpini'til ill Knieki-r-Ixirknr nit and film pnnl fur Ixiyn, nl 1 Hip itontnii mom. I Mta, Kay I), Iliililintilui-iliiliiiiiii hnrlly for a vlalt nl lirr former Ikiimo 11 viuiiri 111 ! -- .... Artct I9' . 1 muii, In TLlwrrii Sfvnilli Ninth. , HH. ". .... .1 ...I. ,.t ilalll III' Aimtliitr Inruit alilim I i.l, I .... itrtCI '' . I Mliilli. ..,....., I I'll., I,, I. I. t ttfarfl nCVrlllll Ml'" ' H""i"" I'll rn iMionwf-ln,.,,n nun ii'iiiiiia DSIW- .. I ll.l.l... ... . "... 21 Hut Wl'"""" """" liaaiilil Ix-ni lecellnl liy III.. Hliiuuri KlM!"".! tt, of Walnut to"1""'" Ms-Mi.-sgiwy. 1 I nVoUrlh Slid SUHl. I Mli Helen HngUK irliirmil lint .-ti-ii wrill Humor m& Philosophy r DUNCAN N. IMITH Julill ('. Hill I nl lull Klamath mi land huslursi (in lint lli.lrmnli llfally w.irn rourtn ami 1 " "" """"i No -'- ",,h uf W,,,ml ,u lug from Bedding, Csl., heie !. !!ir. ",..r,lf:,wSui .mi ! " '-" .1 .J.t NO. Jl "..... -- wr'".,. Spring line Panama ami Mrs nl fct N. w .?"."" ,.,. " ",D A n """ . . U I I II IllU liWIIII feinon, Vf,w.7 w..,ih of Jelfcrnon. fcl NO. - .. 1 L'li.ruii. ,Siim "" ... ,. , -" ii. nr.r.mnii ui as-.. r.. rWwrKhhlhiiwITeiilJi , . tf' K 41 Nottli of j4tTrrfMn. Hir llm ll rlK In iiihu mil l tint Ukt) Ji irillll. ,.iiiiihui piniMm, it. ii.riunn, I i rW No. """ . it Hii'inr. t 2LUUrrn will iwuill 'y ' in rii'W iirmiv "w .""i 11P1.1M1111VMM iktii iiniiiiviiii ih ?j k lh number of th "IM'lf Mntn 81. ioirly liy llm rrrcllnii l on CdiUwrU o,,,j!:. ., ,, nriimiiciiUl Irmi f.-rni', In Imnl i.l III V .l itmpi. When the J( K.nll.y '".. f " u Ko. 24, tftrr Klvlntf lh Kn- Merrill. InvcMmtnl not SpcuUllon. PLb h. tll will b Uppr4 lc'. - .iui tAUU. luiiuwru -- I with I" I""""' )n r" j lr more bviuro "" JiUrm ( THE UNSOLVED PROBLEM. Tliny lll n IIkiiii'. miiiint llo, 'lliul irulli Hill, Un.rn ti ncur mtiy, 'llml whfii hy IIioiii i.ium u caaa U'la ildil 011 tin, vary rara. In auiiiD Hum la iluuMltaa u, llnl Juat m Mills iti--r K" Ainl Id Dm flsuta man atti 'lo ral.o it n(k of liana uml a. Ho ultra iVu.ii hrna or inurt, l'cilm.a many a n tent; Ami luina Iwt., ei.clln lhy Will Iny for lilm tlnlit hours 11 day, Ami Him lin tukra Ma fountain pan And Ku'a hiiioik hla fallow in'ii To alinw liy flfur Imw lia mual 111 In latum iiiuOi yallow dual, Ton ilutrn liuay liana In lay Will inran two iluitn KKa it day. Hold In Urn marltat .ik will lirl A liandanliin irnllt, hfVar fral. H;lli.K ilililtHia, ton, lll loiim nln(. And in drinaiid fur lhm la alrunic. Ilia Itf urra, un Ilia whola, will almw How (iiuflla lam mid fal tnual glow Hut lt lilm run aaoii tliruugh And a. If nil Ida dirama coin trua, Ht If Hi noma loint lilt way In uuaiillll.a lu fill dly; II.. If Ida I.l 1 1 for il.Uk.n f.d Will not lu. kr lolala aiiiall And If Hi li t l.aulta aufiply A rroof that niui.a will not II Vary Medaal. Treiurcrf Notko titr tprlnt. T'cljrr ll'llllIK Irtwjli mi !)- Wr Into now Imrtml about llm work- lug; lm mill ttiMlriitn lint Ibrrc la (till uotlicr In- lu rtrnr liltr. Till I An Interesting Item Tliu KUimlli Klli Military JJkiiiI mila a piano. Juit piano won't ilo, It iiitiat I a good one. Toaland the rotijfli inane nl ilance work ami aa 1 iIiiIlkioiii Initrniiiviit) nml ntlll l iniiilcal itiimikIi In inert the nvrn ri''iiliemt'iil nl no niiiI vih'kI utciiiiiiinilmcnt work, It inuct Ihj otrlitly IiIkIi nrailu In every particular. Now we can't nlfrinl to pay the retail pike ol mill an Inatriiinenl, anl nllrr wirrci.iiilliiK wllli Hernial lenilliiplnnu lioum-a mi tliu ciiant, tin per cent din count wat tliu licit I couM ki-I, Now I liave been In llm iiumlc buninena everat yrarr, Imtli an n iluali-r 1111J piano tiini-r, nml I know miliii'tlilliK 11 Unit the pi lies ami value nl pluiina, I know that e canafliinl tliu lilxlicat Krrwlu Initruuient inailv II n can only xel the benefit ol wlioli-aaln piln', Aller coiinMerable tiirrralHiiiili'iire with manufacturer I dually Imu lfii lorlunale etionti lo M-ruie tint agency lir Klauialli rounly ' for the llalilwlu plnno, nml there Inn't letter piano maile than llm ISaMwiti. It U nrriiary, lioever, lor uietubiiy (our planoa In unler to yet llm U'liollt of I be wliolimale pi ice. Now brrc'a the ioiiit: I'm not K"i"K Into the piano Inmliican, I've aouietliliiK elm to ito;but II there are four eople In Klamath County who want n firnt ralr. piano at the price tiiuaTly aikeil for a heap atencil lintriiincnt, here l an oi portuuity you'll never iico again lu a lifetime. I'eople don't usually rell "llal? nny lite atock ou your llttlt pianot for lun, ami onllnarily you'll pay ilcoJ" ' tin. ant a prulit of two humlreil to live tflnlt Ih.ImIi. 1 .11 if. m . -. t . ' liumlriil ilollara. 1 K no proiii wiiai- Filling a Want. eter ami I ihali rell only the luttr piano VjT JyfL ruling a warn. . - ..- " 1 "lliTr," aalil tlie Kt'iilleinanly agent, neceiary loierure the wlioteiale price la a patent Imitation lol-ter ao k rTI.U t alrlctly a clt .roKitirn man. """" "' " "' "'.'. "" ',, tlie niii Biticio 1 nn 1 oiuy nu ei-n . .....,, , due no work, but Is wallnl 011 liy all , C(Wll tl. ,, frm n,e ollCp Kery ufoxlureri don't ell nt wholesale on in- ltinllia.M TliaVMrMVMrvLlllillllll. . . 1..1.. .. ... &.I....1 . I urn rr 101 innii miuuiu nine uuv. aiaiiini'iun. .uwy you annw in ") 'Wliol for? To fre.1 to braluleo. ' ()I)(J , KUI1,, Collly r1, U , ,w,. yoiiiiif men wlio call on hla daugti. , lin,j.' Itlon to appreciate anrh an npportutilly, 'All, mi, fur n loftier iurKW than ymi ill confer a favor on the band by .! I 1 .t... .1.-. .rl u -. M. I I. ..I I.. Ii I in IIII1VI. lur iiv ivi .11111 w .., L-f.l..wkalritllil then' are ri.. f1M, i0 i i.rovlde fur all 111 I""" '" .!... 7. .... i. .H...II.... tlalll'tOllllty lleaalliy " ", wauia aw ! 11 nn ..u.ii u 1.1 ill iiiititamllng county Can any girl lell me wlmt It l callwIJ i4"" . . .. .. 1 ...1... 1.. IJllle fllrl (after lomr nauiel-l'leaie. U ,roteae. ii"- I ' hli-"li..l.m r fl.lWo. lotrrral nil Mine will - ' afioatUl'I'te. Th Olttant Stars. latKUinth rails this lotli ua .., Ml.(lll ,,.,, .i,.! t10 Eril. IWJ. smallest tlilug risible lo tlie ry are U AliaUwi'. lb stars. Vet. aci-onlluc to lilgli au- County Treasurer. thorite, audi I the cae. Oreat aa -' '" ' ! many of the atara am lu actual mas lin 10 CRIMIOflS 1 niti.,1- la so liuiucimo I ,.,., ,,.,- .... T.. I that their angular illamelrrlieciimea In- TIIK COUNT. WUIIT Or THK ,lipu,t u ,Uo ,. ItiTK OK OHWKKS Wilt KI.AM- ti,ltoli of CPVmrlrlr-l tlulia. The tub Til COUNTY uule disks that they appear to liaro BATE OK JOSKl'll IMlMlr.ll. hTC guurloua-mi effect of radiation. MCMSKII. I W.ll Again. bottnUlirreliy ien that the last, A (oth trmlesiuau alepiwl Into a Riftl IfsUrafiit ol Joseph Minjefi iartr' slmti the other day, sud vtlille .1 1 .. I .1..!.. ...... .I..I..I. . .. l...l..M .l..v.l lit.. l..rli..p If. I", IISS I- II III7 ,......-..-... - ii n It-ll'l. i.w.- ... ww..-. ..- I in iimUie and that Jnhii'W. mondrrliig If this wai a new customer. .- -! a as) . a. I ,.. I. ak fitP m nt aiwl Lliai. 1. Wlllaon nave -ia juu -"i "" - .l..e..ilM, there- aliav. lforr aske.1 tl.e lNiru-r. AlltU;,.. Laving claim, against' "Dr.K Mtr' r"'"!.' . .... I.. HUI I IIOII I reran juui mr, -ii. Jtr linrliv riiniesteil to pre- ..1.1 .,, , -iveei, 1 uaru .ay ;v uuu , ...-. lllUituiillilbeirierwiurliera,, V(f ,, t., ei, ,, iia til mon I lit Irulli lite ilaU ol tills , n0o." I'earaoo'a Weekly. c,lU umlrrslgne.1 at the First lliat. "What mild li lofllerr "To carry iiround In lit pcekelV "VrH, ami ulre lilmself n fit every lime lie rearlu-d III." "No. ludreil. To break his wife of llio lille he was klutnbcrlug." rtlrrritiK them to me. Ivin Dammji. Classified Advertisements Hid the View. "And so inn lintu relumed. you like tlie illniulej" "lililu't it nnyf- "'l am. nut')" "No, the weather was ao luferually , tmil that we couldn't notice the ell- 1 mate." HILT WANTKO-MALE. n - in 'MAS WANTKD-20 acres lo clear and plow at once. Call at llellkempcr'a jewelry store. Ne Object Than. "Wliy are you opposed to woman auf fraget' "I fear a woman would always lote Ilia same way her liiwbaud did." t)li. I don't kniiw. Khe might not be wanting a liew hat all of tlie time." imF WAMTXD-l-EMALE. ' WANTKI) Couijieleiil girl for liotiwi I work. Hmall lamlly ana gooa wages. Address Iwx 27, Klamath Falli, Ore. j WANTKD fllil for general houtework. 1 I mill ire at this otllce. nil Bank In the city nl Klamath 1. Oram. ! MkI it KUinath Falls, (liegon, this busyolKrlmiary, I1KM. J11111 W. HuUKxa. J 5-19 CmaLca D. WiUjium, hscotori nl tlie last will and trala MdJoMph Conger. Doceael. 111. U. V K.vlinrn lis. IaVaii rlianrn I III Anitriran dining 11.1111, wlilch iUrnmnotlrlr.1, All women cooks ins ployol. This I the place to get leettmraliin tuwii, tl lljwirwitrli U.lrk H'lid It to Win- llospit.1, G. Helming 6 Co. Merchant! IaMtm oUrthficId, Orctfon, or UMath rolls. Oregon New bracelet al Wllilii. To the Electors of Klam ath County tlMrLHkW Having nvelw-l Hi iiiiiiilimllnn of the Itepubllcan patty fVj tlie oUlcu of aherlff, I wish to nxpreaa to you my appn-clatloii ol jour efforts In tuy Udiall. Anclhar Catch. Tli olid may ralcli Hi worm A lounJ slmul Hi lot It flits. Hut I llitr sny laaaon ltirT Tli t rly worm-It catch, nt. I. rURNISHKO ROOMS FOR RENT FOU HKNT Furniaheil rnom to rent reaminable. On Filth Street Mow Walnut Avenue. Mrs. Cot. 4-l Give Splc. "lley say there la great danger lu kiss." "Do you believe ItV "Well, I bad ofteu wondered what made t brill so attractive." PERT PARAGRAPHS. '11... man -!.. -rvfffi thlr dott.'t bV Hlldll UI linn vii".." ,.,..-. ..--- feel the ...ore gnteful, ! "I'1"0 h d"TloU rouU " " I he i luin-lnir a. I do. that It was the tienple ) without any tmlltlral combination, who ' The bread aud pie that uiauy women "' ' ' - i ... m.v. am lkr'a bread i n.i.....l inrach i know how to make are baker bread I extend to each ,,.,. u .. ,....- ol you personally my iiiaiik mi " have ao liuunriil mi'. lorla and cnnlldem-o lu me. Ili-.perlfiilly Viiur, W. II. ItUlSM. InTs Plumbing Shop Costncilng ana Jobbing FiratcUan I,no uf I'lumlr n Speclnhlo. and drat. Workmanship. A. 0. U. W. Building -Kiain satia 3500 Acres Free Thu Ukealdo company has L'.'iOO rtcrra ol land under the Adam illicit that It will ttlvo HUNT FIIKK lor mio year. Thl Include llio ni of Ilia land and water. The renter must clear and place llio hind In ciilltvattoti. Therent er geta all the crops but wo renervo tho right to pasture the attihhle. The Lakeside Coiuiiy, J, Frank Adama, Manager, Merrill Oregon. Uackson Hotel ' Klamath, Ore. Cfeuiroomi., goodbedi. M table alwaya aup- wlth (he beat the 'Worda-Terniarta- -"-wes. j'C.Jackaon, i?rop. UL. JJTfor .M tacitnwliMhs Klamath tC&tiuSf Srw" nJ to hViilhoritr sufh V Oragen. W iL7."M., L.d Offlc. lRnt 'iESSurit Srsunr of th. Interior Justice la for our uclgbbora, while charily and mercy are much preferred for bouie cousumpiiou. , To ascertain that the bralu U atron- ger thnn tho arm you have only to ob ! nerve that there arc mntiy wore people i to tell you the right way to do a thing , than there are do It. l'cruaps the clubTrouiau U learulug to play politic ao well that she will waut to work at It after awhile. Tho deacrvlug poor are certain ly to bo pitied, but what w want to kuow la who deaervea to be poor? ... ...... .. uniiiiiu vet to be esuert cigarette uiokera It will doubtleas be good fortn Tor tuem to awear m tu brands of tobacco that they don't like. Auybody can train culldru-cept thooe actively engaged lu tbe work. Many a uiau I able to make good wlio la uuable to atay good. Uelng a bachelor U the profea.tou of gome men aud the depreailou of otbem. Thu uiau who la ou all aide of i V I. sa rURNISBKD HOUSES FOR RENT WANTKD To rent, houso of ten or twelve rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed suitable tor lodging house. Close In. Mrs. J. H. Ilulse, Pelli IlaU, cor ner Atli and 1'iue. FOR SA1E KOH SAT.K Team of horses, 1100 each, with harness and light wagon. Will sell cheap. Apply at this otllce. 29 FOU HAI.K Until May 1st only, eggs lor hatching. lUrred Itocks, Black Manarca, and Silver Spangled Ham- burg, 11.60 per 15 eggs, l'hone 1P5. Mrs. C.T. Oliver. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE I CAN locate you on a homestead. I ran sell you n good ranch of 440 acres In Ungell Valley, at a price that will suit you. II. W. Keesce. tf. MISCELLANEOUS A. IIKI.MINO ttc CO.. lur inorclmnts pay highest cash prices for all kinds of hides and furs. Headquarters Ameri can Hotel. tf THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Cholceat of Wines, Liquors and Clgara 7 Caters to tho hotter class of trade, with nothing to offend tho most critical. You'll notice tho difference when you try it. Just the place to drop In for a refreshing bever age when you need a stimulant. Pure liquors of all kind for family trado a specialty The Cream of the Best V Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottltd Under Ihe Supervision uf the Covcrnmcnl . . . None Better . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture is on Its way to tbe Klam ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. Our Responsibility ends whenever you are Satisfied." E. W. GILLETT 6 GO. IICRT E. WlTHHOW, Vice President Abstracting Maps, runs, Blue Frists, Etc. Allen Sloan, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation! (Engineers M. D.iWiLUAlaB. C. a Treasurer Don J. Zuhwai.t. C. K. President Klamath Falls, Oregon CHASE Get the Habit-Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffees You'll be pleased with it. Those who have tried it say it's the best. We always aim to keep everything of the highest grade and want your grocery trade. Van Riper Bros Fhoaesie Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN 'Dentist ' Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Oflilce over oittonice, Kliimath Falls, Oregon Merrill. Property la reasonable. Hsr Meaning Clear. UtUo Margte'a father bud raised a full beard during a mouth's absence from home. Upon his return he at tempted to kUa Margie as usual, but she wouldn't have It. "1 dou't klia strange men," slio said. "Hut you kiss your papa," be said. "Is It possible you don't know tueV "You're not tuy papu," replied Mar gie. "My papa la baldbeadtd on bis face."-Cnlcago riejrs. '" Its Strong Point. "But that umbrella looks so awfully cheap and common," said the custom er. "Tbe price you ask for It Is pre posterous." "My dear air," replied the dealer, "that's the beauty of that umbrella, tt'a really tbe very best quality, but It's mad to appear cnaap ana common TKLKMWNK 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank A Trust Co.'a Building We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL ft SON At tae Bridie on Mala Street VZY - "TSt-1 .-PbU.delp,. .nr..,f?ii to Bureau &aujr. i CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falla 6 Wlnema x Truck & Transfer ' COMPANY Furniture and pianos carefully innvcd. Baggage wagon and general draying. All work given prompt attention. Buss to and from all boats. Phone 103 COLBURN & YOUNG r Fioprierors V furs Wanted (5 D. Willson is in the market for-all kinds of fura, for which he will pay the hurhMt market price. Address him at .Klamath Falls, Oregon. l y$ 4V.. - T' i) 1 -M m "'" i ' . A '