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fv ir m fl Mf ' ffi fc i Hi f M Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealing with a Itrlctly Reliable House When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying7 serves as proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leadlas Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician REPUBLICAN BLOCK Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GODfG:-Steaaer Klamath leavea Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. coaaectlag with stajte at Teeters which arrives tDorrisatS. COMING:-Arrive t Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:30 in the evealag. Oregon & California Transportation Company Subscribe for The Herald Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum Palace Restaurant GOOD SERVICE GIVE US A TRIAL oron mam AGKMXNT er Hunitkcr 6 O'Conell SOME BRIDES ARE HAPPY Wats the WtaaUasj fttttlll site Coated la. AilaVKtes Arc twy wasa Ue rraav cm itom warms. WIHAVE CUT GLASS, HAND PAINTED CHINA, SOLID SILVER TIM Vwy EMI the M.k Affsras, v. :: :: :: :: i: Special Priest 30 Days Ttopliaaf uS Mall OrStn H. J. WINTERS Tt BfMV rtvoriU JtvitUr" EDIQN PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invented the phonograph. He made it an entertainer for all. It is manufactured at a price which everyone can afford, and we sell it on the easy payment plan, so no one need be without it. Hsve you heard and seen the New Model. We Want Your Trade Underwood's Phtrmicy EVERYTHING Df DRUGS I aMIstactloa Oiiaraated Klawata falls, Orcjpa PERSONAL MENTION ti. Mnna Theatric! Company Ml lot LaVevU'w thl morning lor a wh ' ..ncmoul. tlw) '" ",,,"n ,w7 when the) ilnMi their engage-menl ,lJ l!l leu.alti "I"'1" '" wwk M'"v 1 tit Ir ilfjiiiiluic Merrill Valley the heart or Klamath Try Zim forplumbliur. ' 000.0. Illllls lfcorlng Irom a Tcro lick i poll . Mcrrll. Th town without boom. W. K. Plha. gone, lo Vivk on! t.., and - V" K,l,' "' """''' bntlne... I have Ken In town the pl I'' '') Ladle, and Children. Straw Hal. .t'lhe) " ""'"''X "'" ,,1' '"""'"J very ilracrlplion MKKK .tore, j t,, Ponl. ami h ive J't "'I'l I ' '" M.O..Markwlanowlnlliowiipl.i).'ljtli'lrpni-it lb"'-. liuluHnir a new tho Oregon ACalliomla Tran.portatlon hour. l tor) gain. Company. It It nut neu.n) lo leae or ha. .... ami ' '' - '" ? "U",k prlp'l" our prion are on-Maiml..,:'.. j I't'l; '" ''" ,,,r, T, 'kJ, "i . ' 1 1 All work lur one I.A.Orory,ollln.ryAS.....ynl( - , ,,., ,,,. In IHirrI th morning to attend to htivi ... ,i ' l,ul IkmiukiIi' In IhHtll) unlll mo lues matter. ' , ,, ,. n .. ,i li uiii Ihi i t.'itliol tlil moiilli. rlwlii.el. " lm Manning's If) mi want tho Net',,,, Mi,.rtt the Navlgilion I'lllro on ' I V cream. , 1I..1 dile. M. MaUl 8iiiiiiii, ol A.hlaml, l lion tluph)rd In the telephone ollue. Il.i:. Ilumakir ami Claude Klrk t- rlck. wont to llonania lud) "'I' ""l to ilo llll.- ami ("liii.h vu nl to hava a surgeon, wit. callnl hi I'liki-gama on time. prefrulonal hu.tne... , w u) w, , , r,y , fee Winter, lor vwrlr. l)glt , rilllU, l(, .r ,,r at I'tiit Kl 1. 1). Applegatr arrived In tho it) . i,uth Irom Oiangi', Cal , hotii h yvntortlay from tho l)a IJol, hiro in,n callnl h) tho llluri. ami ilialli of ba hai Un lixikliiH alter hi Imrnl "1 1 licr Uthrr. Slionm nicompanhil hnnir hocp. ,j lur brutlior llort Wlllirnw, accompaiilol y Mrf. I). V. Kinki'ii.UII I koIkk to I k Io Mniiila) tulnterIo the voter, ol Lake county. McrrUI. A natural trrtcccntcr. Ur. J. .M. rl.aorth, the U'teth it) Mr. C. V. Cauiplwll. the Ixill.lcr ami contractor Irom Hlrrr.Ule, Cl.. mho Wllhroir, oiit to Ibmania to alleml th came In hero this week, ha puie to I omll.Lto' lllt that pla.e tonlitlit. I)orri. lo purine hi. tra.le. TlioMclnllrr--lim !! oie . aJcl Mem Panama Hat. KKK .('ire. t.itliu uiur.N l.i iii:ht. r.M.Uht vlht lra.l.W. White ami Ihir 1 hi! Iron pa-rit. r. no iiiiiii In lr..m I'lArf taitnl for I'nrtlaml tliH imirutiik. j a'"4 They will rvMe llieio iluilnic the u 'Hie colli of inallnt value err I. 8U,U," i.-l l tho ".iillo" to calll iiicli t down ami tho laUmv on tho Muu of ll. IJII.Ie t-rjr iimtrlU ...,. . ,tlll- n, I,... , utiil to tho oor Hi luiw hot uv or ion Tear, lime win ihij vou a .... .i.. n.nuii. . asonal ami I faio laltio one Oilletu home on the Hummer. Kinney ranch. , 0r . rrtli tc ib.nnaii.l mltn are Hall about It. O1I.10 in the e.mlsltt In mine of on. Atuerl lUIJwIn Block, n-coiiJ floor. ' can .lollar ..11. . .1 1 . in1 Lorente. the liMnnil ami talentnl bl- KJ Jacolwon, the homo tiuAir, Mill . , , , .1 .in... .. torlncrnphrr of the lnUlltlou. wa. begin work on the Hum bulhliiiK ihort. Ea, ilurliik- tho ri.wo of hi brilliant ly. K..K. Wattcnlmrif. who ha the but uufortiiiinto can-, r to hire hlmwlf contract for the new bull.llng. want m 'or n f "T r'V.i'S "' over the tleail lllca at ibe everything in reaJiuoe. hi that he can I aru morale ami illl rirutu.ll of begin the brick work about June Int. 1 .tanatlon Th Sin of Truurr. wro uot lutnilurnl Into II your e)e are lailing, jUih-ii ilont, lit, leo Winter. Knittaml without n itrusitlo-a drug. C. It. DeUu auj 1'n.f. J.(l. hii!l!le In which the Kreat Ilule of Wei w.n..nti ,i.. in 1 ci 11 ii Huston .uffrrri! hi only Jrfrat. for It accompanied the High School ba ball N rrcu ta , , WvmuKloa team to the Klamath AKoncy and to m rofmeil ailiiilloii to Almack'a fort Ktaioath. They will Interview I "becauwr he worn trouor Imlrad of n.i.iii.. .1 . . .Ibrrecbe. and .Ilk .ti-'klns.." Nett aoinnol the voter, in Ihu north vml ol . . ..7 . . year tnuopi wire admlttrd to Al the county. I tuack'n aud Welllb.'ton wou Water IX)OK IIKIIK! A lilgilpiii.ntwlllw..iijluol'0,",un 'rUrr- arrive of refrigerator, that will nlikrr. Con,," 81,r"1, 1'uUk' ttnit In llitt loiiut of Jar. ate wlthuutire, amlcimkalovr that willjare dtlly .wipt nud kept clean by na cook without fire, ('ill ami ini-cl them at Hum'. Hardware More. The High hchw.l Student, will vxm bar two tine Term!. Court. Tho County Hoard i. e(endlng f-VM n n,e building of the court, below the grata plot. New lino of lanoy Suivriilr nxin at Winter.. Donald Worden leave in lli nioru Ing for Dorri, where he will ho nut by Ida father. Mr.. Worden ha Utn vltltlng at Weed and they will all go outh to be in San Francltco when the fleet cornea In. The akatlng rink on tho mrncr of Klamath Avenue and Sixth alroet I open every afternoon from :t to !t and er evening from (5 to H for children, from H to 10 for the gtneral public aud for dancing from 10 top.'. J. I., John. ion, Proprietor. The Km lumatiou Ktrvho 1 now ad- vertitlug for men lo work on the canal. The force, aro being fncria.ed gradually and indication are that the project will be pretty well advanced during the pre.. ent year. Sixtccn-lnch and four-foot wood for aale In any quantity. Leave ordera at Heitkemper'a Jewelry Store or New aom and Underwood' Drug atore. $ The County Court ha. a number of men employed hauling dirt from th. corner cf Main and Fouilh ttreela to the High School ground. The many improvement being made by llm county on the ichool ! very commend able and will make the achool one of the county' be.t Institution. Sam Lauibeit went to Dorri today on bu.Inea for the Uke.ldo Inn. He will alo vlilt a number of the other town along the line of the new railroad Sam went down at Ihia Hue to be on band to wltneai the Inauguration ol a regular train tchadule, I live convict 'Hit co to work chain ed tojithir In pirtlo of twtnty or thirty under the UM.r!utrndrtirt of ban footed native n.l.ll. r clad In III dltlu.- uniform, win would Imtantly llioot their charge down If Ihry tried to ecaH durliiic their working Due, when they aro utichalurd. Uindon Htaod?"! Momath I.U library Tho Klamath Fall i'uhhc Library i ojien every afternoon from 2 to d-TO o'clock and each cv ruing from OJ (o 10 o'clock. A cordial invitation I r. t ndoil to nil. Don't .Be Afraid IKTIIKIlBlaalcknMlnlrhouat,vn the mt ,t, .. aiidyouamwiinHlaxltoget doctor, don't I., nl,, ,llM that dnelnr'e prpeerlpllnn lo our tnio to m IWi '" trim IT MAKKKmidlffereneei tfllia whit the. doctor l, t i , euro how complicated Ilia prrecrlptloii I. Hhl, I, , w,''' ". " mi dinerence Imw much lie ilaalrea the iririipi,i, lu 1 ' J l'"'', aclly a. It h written. II make, no illlterrmn him mutl 1 1 "' the liigrnlleiila uawl In the pnowrlptluu M (1(,( ' '" lli ALL VK HAV I "ilmi'l afraid lo bring Hm nr.cri. , IT MAKKH 1111 difference whoao prrecrlptinn bUnk ur ,1 '"' In writing the prescription, you have the pilvilr,i,,.,L, "" ptetcrlptlon In any ttora you prelrr. We hioh,irU ,, ,"1 ynu, talltfacllou II you bring your pieicil,,, ( , , """"U K OUAItAN TEK lhal under no ron.ldoiatloii, r , tll) Inducement will we allow a tingle ptr.ui. t lll( '""""; ncrpl It I" etaetly aa Ilia doctor write. t, ,,M .,fT'.' tho hlghr.1 iuallty lagre.ll.nt. which au I ,lf, , ,,llk "ll'hnl Ion. Star Drug Store "The Store tkat Saves You Money' Th. -iv.nlhf ilral." Ibe grcko, a Mouderful little reptile, I. roiuiiioii to umuy hot itiuntrlea. It I a very nillio animal and cau run up a pofprtiitlruUr wrfll with the grwife.! rate, owing to the couforuie Hon of the foot It I toiii.tluie known a. the "evening bird" and derive. Ita more common n.11110 from tlir vrry Ola Hint our In whhh It ahrloka out "(Ink i.P the In. I aliable being gtvtu In a uurknl uinuiwr Wllhrif le "t, KhtiL" Mid bl wtfe'a mother lemly. "Mari tell, me that yoo won't help her al .til; that you wou't hold the hatiy even fi.r a moment" "J hat nhii .' replW Hblrk. "Why. I held II fur .I'llle a long time U.I even lug" "lndre.ll How loiigr "Why, Ions enough for bar to go dowu Into the cellar and gel entitle of ciul"-M'0dou Hcrapa. Na1y le OMIf. At a dance lu a certain city vlaltor to the place at Into coaverMltoa wtlb au elderly geiitleiuan. I'rneutly Ibe ;ouog wan Nkt, point ing to a lady acru. tba rooaa. wan waa uilllug pleataully lu Ida dlredlottt "I wonder If that ugly wotaan la artuallj trylug to Dirt with mtY" "I don't know," the eMerly genii man iiimrml mlkll), "but I caoeaally atrrrtaln fur jihi Hlie'a my wife." naJaneV It I. recorded that I'bltlp II. of Spain In the relgu of Queen KJItabeta took a email map of Ibe worltl. UM nlaJMIte linger upon Ibe ttoy apot of Baglawd and. having Ibua oUttoralJ It, aaked where Coglaad waa. II waa aowhevw then. Hut by contract It la evefywbere now. It la Ibe largest enplra tkat mw etUta or tbat ever baa eiUtatL Liord Curio u. Himself Is aVams. A youthful verallsr la Waaalagtoa not lung ago sought lbs ertUcktsa of a well known publlaber wbo rbaacsdl lo be at the uatluoal capital oa with Ibe copyright dlvUloa of Us li brary of congress. "Hlr." said lbs user poet Indignant ly when the publUber bad brusquely advtsed him to "bum tbe stusr-"alr, mcta are burn, not mads." Whereupon lb publisher aaaltotl broadly. "Young man," mM as, "It wou't help your case la la toast t try to ablft lbs blame on your parsata." -Kanaaa City Journal. Tbs flesb of yoaag gtraaTs, sataactol ly tbat of a young cow, to gomi, somewbai Ilk vsaU with a gamelike flavor. Tbs tongas, from eighteen lo twenty luebss long, to also very good. Hut tbs marrowbones af ford the greatest luiury lo las Bouta African hunter. laller W. JlfiJ1 rliii.rt omie 11.,, $$ ' Can't t.y lie. deal "I Caller Mb, n, uiuriiiiitf -i My-Wrll tu, ,u over airiM th, n ik ' ' lto 1'. - " li..l 11 .- """, -.. -.-., iivit "lbat mtii makraalvtoli mki one rarturjr tlablutM "Ve.." anmrrrd t , ,mm n ill, ir H 0 (,fl The forruiin tint lm( i. that bn rao bit tuc "M 1111 uiiw lull dt U'. lugiun nt.r Mr Jim hark - )j r6i or.ri nut I lit JWIti irw aoiill' Mr. JtwUrk WrU, U111 10 rutt 1 in lu uriitrr 11 1 the I toll I Uutri tint till UVl aud I'm tfi.ll Id fin bl 1.11 eltll.l riirt "llUblr; tl tum) MI ToMtlr, "tlkl lirl (0( 1 rtjj! live up to" "I hrtrd l.o wti uirrWal wMow," rr.llr. llroes. "W 1 lb reputation jwj tprti kT "III Wlfr 6fl boiUUi'-N lUlphlt I'm A youtif man wtmiaihg. tba omrv of JftTOilib Ullrllai New lauililrr Irrjl Itttnl atudy law ailrd tU li;i .bould la-jlu Mr lltwm iilolleg U tksb the lll.nrr atirltti, Itim4l ally, "Anywbrre" 1 1. m ndrrM-n, tU rmt I writer wa in rirrultt'; I man. and be tid . itr; ptitt being hiirtnl alive (tormti dread that eirr; blftt Ul bl to l.l ho would pHrttJ Wt Urge inr of r M (tilt I wrliteu. "I am oolj ifrr::;. Of KuiflUh loui liKjbXi Ibe uutriill. lilt tteUtH bl It ruvlnm btle br. W I our Ut viillrl. lBio(tosl uirntlutir.1 t'h.urer, fieurfi aJ aou, Mlllon rui-. Bro.wti Arnold. Jlorrl oJ ii don Ulnar; "Hay. pa" k.i'i..i 1. tit ,, uai i ... , . "Can a unu who U WOW' k. rr.ri.rr. I Cttled I ' "What kind of a 01a U eat I - ii i.rt l lli rorMfir n'uiM,.-.. ". . --- v ... i... i.i-r.1 o&a. MMV I rrrea. An AM '"Myild BMSD WUCU mi aa.a. tl. I ArkgtOO-i1 " OSJ nijr ""'., MhU - l.nHi,r tl" M W -n am pa i.Mi.w-HCItv'nuirt gfiBfgH?v3Vrl laBaVSBBWTl. aafaW'tTAV'- Is frat mwmkljBB aaari''''iim .iaaaT mwpmw iy.iVHav Si '4 111 If w II I ilia aVfli' 2 H B j The Service you obtain from your clothing if U There is style service and the service by the durability of the fUrments. Tfce is a matter of taste and the other a mftW quality. The patrons of this store have learned that J guard them on both kinds of service, ana in " to this we endeavor to give them at all times v best personal sendee possible. Your good wwr patronage are our existence, and we snu to merit them -now and alwayo. 'Pl.o 4 ..- 1 ji ...! .......0m wuMDCCt t our Btoro, unlesa it is a man who thinks so 1H"e", "-.j. lect to toll us about it. If 7a buy anything in this i ( ii aiwppomia you in any way. anape or nium us about it; wa are hem to make it right. Portland Clothing Shoe Store 5V- '