OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 02, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-05-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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STAIarm Districts
... .1 .i.u nf river.
strict N. .,, of Main street
)! . ....l.nlrMl.
itohwwv. ,
l,rlcn"." . ... . ...i... ...
...u N. I """ "" '
..i.i Mn
.i t.i
c-i?rr. ;,.f M.m. i.
iHtN- ."";
li'ii cream nt Manning',
Mil Judii Lnl'mlrln Ml llilatnortiltiK
fur Hnii FihiicIp-i'ii,
Hvi'lVllllllK UMilMllll'I'il lit U'llllrl,'
Th Bc.relty of Statu to Mlnlit.r.
lonalilcrlng how great n part tlio
BilnLli-r nf all our (lunftmlnatlon Imvo
played lit tbo tintlutial Ufa fr .1 M.
lin centuries It 1 .Imply aatouucllnir to
nun imw iow nni mo statues tbat have
lni'ii rolmd u, ilirm In public place
during- llw (iniit M) ear or ho, Willi
Mr. mi.l Mm. II. I'. Itr.-ll.-n.t-lii l,nv. : , T" "' ' 7 "r r""k" of ll,u Unyo
K'Min In Pun ImtiilMii In M-u lliu lliit' iiii'iiiurlM In m-nrly every town In tun
eomii In. - kingdom, Uktu are today carcly a
, , , . , . . i ir slnlue all lolil of inlulter. and
An till. UiKnl.l..iH.,,t of KM. her., I., nearly ric, ,,, ,Ucll .t.tus "
Ihm kir iilln niul xlm (nntn fir liyn, nt been put up vt Ittalii tliu last tweuty
llm It-wloii HUiti'. ' year.- tariilnii Htraml.
'HinTwenlyMiui' Chili Mill (tUi- lln-lr
.. . ... ti-tH t.. ' . .i. i.i. i .....
fl . Nortn ' """ " i "'"'" ii i iniy nviMiiiiK .iiay H,al
mill. I lliiinlnii" iiNrii Ii'iiim'.
Asp' Fablf.
Tim fiil.U- .prlng from llm unlve rial
need of ini'ii to cipro tliclr thought
by roticrutii limine ami emblem ami
bs - ,,f M,ln' u'
Ti i Nflh
"""" " n Fifth ami Hovrnth. I ll..u.t...i. .,,
J,.j.t N'o. 81 Noulli "' !." . . Anollmr Urue ihli.iiieiil ol ..il,l t... ! I' I'niillcnlly wmial Willi hiiinanlly
inniiv. . iji.. i I iM.,i .,.,,- ,., ..... . , . . .
tw. w':": M.h . '-'- ,:'" -.i'i .-i - ;..,, ;z .: .r ::.
pUtrlft N- ' . N, ., l"l I'" ifcrU.il dy ih Hlnyi'r tliutnii I prohnhly th hlrllipluro of
uk. bft"r" ;lr .; . ., .I.UI HrwliiKMrlilniai(i'iii'y. """ itiii of lllcrntunt. Prom Hindu
j i No "1 It'll fl1'1""" """"
'.il.ln iml Ninth. ' Ml" l.ula HtfAH hit lh. h.nmiiik
JHrtN.W .S.,uth "f Walnut to rr ,llnt,ll,WI ,, , .H ,
ftrSttflf'wlU to..IH Km
PUUkt ' . . Klliili. , M,,tf i. I'nnninn un.l Ulim ll.l.
ll .. .1 L- L'
nt iiiv i n iv Ri.iir,
An Interesting Item
Tliu Klamath Kail Military llatiil
tifwl a piano, Juit a piano won't do, It
mint Iwa foul one Tu aland tlio round
uaiife ol ilanre work and a a rliih-rnom
Inatrilment, nml it 1 1 J lift muriral nimiiffli
to mret tlm Kivuni ri'iiulri'ini'iitr ol nolo
and vocul accoiiipanlmcrit wink, it luunt
hu trlctly IiIkIi Kradi- In every particular.
Now tti- can't afford to pay the rlall
prhii ol Bin-It an iiittrumont, ami after
mrrrhitnllii vt Hit ccmtoI Ivadlnif piano
lioiiat- mi tlu roaal, tin ht cent din
count wn Hie mtl I could kM. Now I
liavii Ih-cii in Hid mimic Imnlncpii n-ri-ral
yt-art, Imtli nn a dealer and piano Inner,
nml I know Romi'thliiK ahout the price
and value of piauon, 1 know that ne
can afford Ihuhluheat Kradu imilriiuient
inaile II can only K't tliu hehellt of
whoieMle price. Alter cutiilderoMe
correKindenrii with rnanulacturer I
with tin.... of tlm e.t.-Nw York finally tune U-en fnrluiiile enoiiKh to
niii.-iiiiiii I it t ...
M-riite tint axenry for Klamath touiily
..,, T',pf",.1P,,'U,d"! ,.. '"' '" l!Mvlii plni.o, and then, Imi'I a
hlle out nliiMtliiK partrldea with i , '
three kuii e net walklug a imall ,H',,l'r 1""" """Ih ""',' "'" HIJwl".
fit Id of root nheii w fluihrd a covey , 11 ia lirci-epa ry , lioMever, lor me to buy
nf Ihu hlnU 'I hey ro aluifly. and we . i, t., -I- .i... i i-. ..
1m .i n. -... . . I "" ii.iihi in .nun ... Ki't iii.j m'lii'ill .1
r of them Tim fifth, being I , , , ,
killed four
(ln Hid Knnakrlt fohle pntnnl to
l.'lilnn, Tlhvt and I'erala, reacblutf
(Ireece nt an early period, lnci It I
ii'iiv know ii that many of the fable
M ll I'll linaaeil Aimioii'b flr.. Iilfillal
Irlfl fw. -" -. . ... .... -. -- -,. - -. -.
l,,wKnSl.t..u. j.wmo.
3irirtN.i !S,U,"", ""
ofKldM'1' K( u( ,111, , TlmU.Hi MH.lnhn.ia .ul.iUlii.il
P Utwr'ni fillli ami Wh. '' "u-m l.t Mr. Oll.er (l.l. , ul
fiurfrt Nu .11 Nr,M ol ,rl,r"""" , lief li.illii.oii Kwkuim lleltthta.
""""oi-.l. .ml Klithth. '
Kwrrti .-".- N ., 0, uii, i( ror urn iwat iiK In Iomii mil nl ll.e
P""1 . ..'. .. I'lulilli and Truth. . Muimuli flahlr.. II. W.Htraw. I'm- l,.r.i i.ii ...r.n.i .... ....... imi- .. the wholeiale l.ricv
rjtrlct N". ' N,",', "' v"rrm'n prlelor. t and dropM In a patch of braiuhle, , .Now here' the joint : I'm not koIiik
!ra:i,',h,,,",.T,'",!, , ' II. ny (l-lle, w. with lh .,.,.! "hrr".ri",,,"I,W"S ,OU.,Jd.,t. B.,,a' l",,,1'" I'1""' l'l.''. Vw omlhin(
j i Wo 4'' rUal of ranal. nny n.iur w win. u.u.r.iH.i niluitloii nf I lie Ov bird two bad . , , ,
rtifral alarm will be otllfleil by thl lrl thla limml'iK Inr Hn I'mm It... no fct. nnly tluiup; the two otbera ' "I"" 'w:l"it lltbereaie lour --oplc In
T1, ' .,.,1,1 ttrnke I".' lb Ix-ll. i nlinem llm imniuiim ..I llm l.alll.- U'"1 "u "" ' ''. 1'"' Klamalh County who want a first t;radc
Zj L the number of lb. Ul.trlcl , , , - -e uair lrnrci om. aiuoog mem. ,,,, ie ,c , fc , f
r .?..- I. I.Mlf.1. which will " '' y ert. 0 o,d on.-, and the .tump. ' '
rm l ii.. When lh ill ' "ar.l, latididalf f..i Mor, I. "" ,l"' . "'""K" '' ciud- ' - " - "i-
,hrc. ' T: ......, ... .....! ... I... .l... ' m..-liHlop Field. ,..rt..nlly jou'll never h aK.in I,, a
ll,rrprrnei 'J lifetime. People don't ii.na.lly ell
, ii No. 21. er Klvlnjf in iren MtTrMt ntilBcn, no, gpccuUl on. , ,,,' '," l',, ,'". .,,,,..,,1 , . ,,,,. ,
.;.!.- I..H will be tapped twice, "' linn any nli ou iliould put pUno for fun, and ordinarily you'll pay
liUnn in uniwnii "" enouirh water In a lareo wit to roahto .. ... .. . . ..
, , llibt M. iw- J -- a , , ,,, , ,f Hl. n,v,. Ad( -K I"i 'o ......uriNi io mo
. -lit. liinrrr pauae, bihi invn it- rri in w. ... ... ..... ,, ... . , . i..- . Iniiulie,! .lot ra. I aak no iirr.fil mli.il.
a wi " ii . g . .i i i . 1 1 ,' ! nii ii) i . - -j------ .....--
iudlwlf mom before "un"naT
il tUrrn HI.
- Fa nan i . ' xBj.av -- - -------- - --- .--. -g-.-,v- -.vv...
f I h. 7n "n .'", i--- ,i HTv.ff . "''I-'"'''" f lt. on whole onion. ,.Vr, I .hall eell only the four piano
Treasurers Notke
ituieu corpe Were ahowu lllo.t mnftl
llitf III the lliorinie. ninl Del 1UTU low
ered each lllitht from the rout .S'eiif
..A- ..... I.. ........ l... u .........I.. ...ln..
I.l.,tn ..f nmn. T.a .nr fl.li and ."""""' " '""" '"" ""' I'""'.
II up In n new piece of cheeecloth Thi la ttrlctly acaih prnKaition man.
titled to the h.'i of the Dab. Tut In ulaclurera don't aell at wlmleaalu on In-
Io catch the roua thrown ner by V.. ,.iVr m l l,..Bi . owlr for tbir r ..."...-... .--..-
rflrtl.lieirl.yruri.ll.al there a. cu.lhro.la. Ve. the pui.l.hu.ent, ."VuulrV; ibwi Irl It Ml bird and f..t "'"'' ' " k'' )
lilalheCiMinly Hraauiy lr llm re- w by no irieaii lenient, and JrU)ll flir , ,,. ,tt,M. Uuwrap and one in Klamath Coiiuly who la in a m-
Jy.llW. inlrren nn "'" rony of hi own nparlment. when referilni! them to me.
Ivin I)mi:iji.
i... .i.i. .l.t... .... .. . ........ . .... ..
H"". . V"i .. i-ll. .1.1. IMI, .t.i wonaieiir ue ran" illacl.arKe.1 ll.e urig.n i uu.r.n.in..
'hM'" J'Hy "' ll 'm I" l-iK. lK "I'd ruf. Ill the fourteenth century one-fourth1
,.,,,.., .. .. ne ami l.ten iMiu.ln-. 'of the population or Kurope nr com.
'" i',!.i,Tiiiir ",,, lo ,,,nc '"'', of ,tiC tubou,c Claasiiled Advertisements
i-.ii.iy . . , Why Thar W.nt to School. plapie. Intr..luce.l from III eaaL Tbo
!... .. r.iu The miatemf Maucbeatcr mmmnr flr.1 mea.ure. to chiik It .prcad wer im win
WIKI 10 CIIMIMS . . . . . .,. ....,, Bja.,tc,l br the city of Venice, which HUP WANTED-MAU.
1 . . . . .. ..' .....kl..i. I I.. I1IU tl.r... .ai.sll.ttii nf
Tiiiniil-TV COlMtT ttK TIIK, lo boy pi to cbooir pul ton number opHnte.1 lu I3 three suardUni of MAN WANTKI)-20acre to clear and'
rtltl- ( K 0HI1M IN KOlt KI.AM-! ' ! wi'l r.il, "lo learn Io the public health, lu MU3 Venice ow. , c IW(knlli.r.,
,u vt' ", enjoy life while yountf" Another ly UUI.tr.1 a laurel, nr con .clot" clla-, ,
Atll COI..NT wro, ,.f , ,,,., , , !,, llo, , ,.,,. hoapiial. on n .mall Wand adjoin lweiry .lore.
TATB IK JOHKI'll tOMIhll.t . I nm now." A third went lo Ins the city TbU w the beginning
of uarautli. Th word lUelf mean'
liF.Cl.A1M , kIiwI "lo help lo enllshleli other kh.
XoUV. Ii hereby irlven that the Lit t .,ln' biirdelia." a fourth "lo learn how '
Lilllfvl letUiiient l JnM'ph Collier,' o gi-t llm rU'l.t rhoiiKe for a ten ihlb
mmmJ.I.ii Icen duly proen and al Unit piece."-HI. Jamea' (lairtle.
JueJ to ,.,Ui and that Jnbn W.I A r wa, Jlf , ,, ,
"' "'' cl'"' wlHwn !' rn,.,,,! how abntuiln.ll her crandfa-
iluljrpillili-iaaeieruion uieie- (.r wn, ,a, ". nalkaruuud tblulc
III . I...I.. olall.iB tllItlll . . i ... . -.11.... ...! .. I.... I. a ...
. All TIPi'll liatlMK j - avi." Mir niwltll lilll 1I1I11Z. Ullll lit 11 1117 . ' . . ... .....
..e.U,e.rebe,eby,.p..,.,, pre-'mmH he ...... !.. Ital. -M Tto&Zrt T-rll
WUiiii.eHl.lli.rnwri.iic.im, im .iio.i..i oi .......-..... ........ , prepared by the brld.
litkiaii, month. Ir..m the d.l ol I.I. ( different fn.uiwb. he w.ll to re- Moo. i l y
rtW.lolhe ui..lrtiicnr.t at lb Flr.t Weluber."-! adtlpbla Iger. wfa y hc ,.,,, not
"forty" a ml Iniplle forty da a. the pe- WASTKII-ComiwtBiit nM for Iioiimi
rli.l of detention lu.fK-.-d on Trawla at , ANThl-Loin'tcnl girl tor linn
Ihl, fimt Venetian iiu.rantlne. 0- inll lamlly and Ko..l wase.
Th Icaland Brld. )
In Iceland, where, arlou Intcre.llns
and rantaatlc .uiwratltlon abound.,
there I an ancient citatum tbat every
Addrei box 27, Klamath Fall., Ore.
WANTKD-Oiil for Eencral hntmnork.
Iiillre at thla ollice. ,
New bracelet at Winter.
Iiiioml lUnk In ll.e city ..I Klamath .
riDi,Orr"n. '
Dtlnl l Klamath 1'alla, Onynii, thla
lltk ill; ol February, ltM.
ii. ?.':": 'IrffVi... To the Electors of Klam-
..v... ...-,..., ,,......,
oulr nral.e for her own Will, but ibe
I help atonic her own younger .later,
who aro theu aaauuied to b equally
well luatrucled In the lutrlcacle of the
Ftllt ltKNT Furnl.he.1 room lo rent
reamnahle. On Fifth Street U)ow
Walnut Avenue Mr. Cox. -MO
culinary art and coneqoently have' WANTKD To rent, bonae of ten or
EiKUbin nl ll.n latt will and leata
alblJowph Cnnxer, leceae.l.
nth County
their chance of marriage mora than
A Qn Point.
The critic I often bard put aa h
Ktand between the work be U aiked
i wen rriuih. All w.iuien cook
leniiliitnl, Thla ia llm t.lare to get
fcrwImtniMlfln lunu ll
ll)oqralrl.. .IrkM-nd It to Win
Mm. W. K. Kcehnrn ha taken chertf , IUmmmkn! Having rrivUnl llm
Im American dining imirii, wliUli , noiuliKili.iii of the llepubllcau parly r , i.i-mB unon and Ita com
thoolll.MoUlierllT, 1 wl.li loexpre to ,tMnt creator. U cannot al way gt
you inv appreciation nf jnur effort in off o well did the critic mentioned
iy U'hall. I feel tlm ...or gmtcful, In the Baltimore American.
' i i .i 1 "There arc eom conalatent feature
knowing a. I. lo, that It wa, Ihelple, n ltaiMpe.. h,
wllliout any .HtUal combination, who ()j ue KrutinUeJ th picture,
have eo limmrcl me. I extend to each i "What are tbeyr aaked th anilou
,.f joumonallymytbankalorynnref. ". g .
fori and cniill.leiuv ill me. i placed above tho mouth of th
llMpeclfully Youm, j atreaui," wa the HlumlniUnf anawer.
W. II. IImimh. Qelng Oewn.
A public achool teacher had occaalon
" .to correct the pronunciation of a pu-
-rnn Acre. Free l ' Scotch origin. The lad peraUt-
3500 Atrcs rni ( 1( MfU)i .,Joon tMtod of MJown
" j Finally, the luitructor'a patience be-
Tli Ukral.lo company ha S.'M) acre I coming exhau.ted, he ahouted at th
o, land under the Adam, dltcb ,.,. "K'aWlSirt-d by
will glvo IIK.NT FHKI-. lor ono year. I Wg outburit i,ut another lad In the
Thla lnclu.li tbo u ( tlm bind mid rear of the room aprang to hi feet.
G. Helming & Co.
Fur Merchant!
Mttm MarahllcbJ, Orcgoa, or
KUoath FalU. Orcon
Zlm's Plumbing
Contracting ana Jobbing
r"lrtcla Line of Plumb
lnT .Vclltlea ami Hrrit
cltu Workmaimhlp.
A 0. U. W. Building
Klawttli FalU
Jackson Hotel
ort Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooma, good bedi.
the table always aup-
W with the beat the
Cc. Jackion, Prop.
water. The tenler nnial clear und
placo lb laud lu ciilltvation. The rent-
it uck out bl band In a mechanical
way, then, exhibiting great embarraaa
mciit, aat down
ergeliull tlm crop but wo riwrvo llm) "Well, my boy," ld the teacher
l.a i..-. .It.. il.iA.i tniial La a nnr.
riKbt lo paiturn tbo atiibble.
Tho Lakealdo Comny,
J, Frank Adam, Manager,
Merrill Oregon.
W2 il rice. wihl"ion.-li. C MK
;T.rir. rrMT AND KNlV.-Noll U ll.rUy
lv.a mat in. ociina ""
vtiti d.prun.ntl "?"
TO ttTTLKMKNT NI wim.-i'-'-T - -
ilv.n thit "hi .ctln Sr.lrjof lh InterW hi
ZSXSla 1 d.5irliiiMitl ord.r of wUhdrawd In 1
!ClV.:.m .,n.l.r ih. .cl of Juno I7.1W
But. MiTfOr ui In eonnoctlon with Iho Klmtli
ProU.1 Orcon.of Ih. followlt. dwcrlbod Und.
Ith th. Klamatk
dwcrlDKi Und.
1 .uihorlty aueh
after Jun. B). iw. oi
wuidiw boinc uprenb' liven that no eoijon will
iSiSSStSSuiiln or norclw ny rUht what-
WbUndUw.of Ih. Unltl Bute, on n J
In, or nlocllon until July W. lnu. i in
; JV-i .vnMMitf gflwit that no prton.wui
o'iw, iJssasstis&nxv
" TW AiiSunt SrUrr of th. Interior
good natiiredly, "you muat b foot
ball cuthuitait .
"Not exactly, air," replied th boy.
"I run the elevator down to Perktna'."
-St. Paul rioneer Pre.
Th Ploturqu Beg.
Among the wild tribe to It found In
Iho Philippine are th Bogoboa, tb
moat plcturoaque people In the tropic.
Their orlglu I unknown, aud all aort
of opinion bar beu expVencd con
cerning thorn. One tale told of tbem I
that their firat ancaitor Wer all
poota and muaclan and tbat th dl
llk for tbo practical, which la ulwoya
noticeable among tbem, baa come down
through tbo generation. Those that
bara taught among the Bogobo ay
that, given a song or poem to learn,
tbey will atudy and dream over It for
hour, but give the Bogobo problem
In mntbumatlca and b Immediately
becomes 111 and want U go bom.
Manila American.
twelve loom, fumlihed or uufurnUh-
ml au I table for lodging Iioum. Cloe
in. Mr. J. II. llulae, Pelti llal, cor
ner fill, and I'ine.
FOIt SA1.K Team of borne, 1100 each,
with harnei and light wagon. Will
m-ll cheap. Apply at till ollice. V9
FOIt KAI.K Until May lit only, egg
lor batching, llarred Hock, Black
Manama, and Silver Hiangleil Ham-
burg, fl.nO per IS egg. Phone 10.1.
Mr. O.T. Oliver.
I CAS locate you on a bomedead. I
can veil you a good ranch of -HO acre lu
tanged Valley, at a price that will
nit you. II. W. Keenee. tf.
A. lll'.l.MIXO A CO., fur merchant
uty bigbeit raah price for all kind of
hide and fur. Head.uaiUr Ameri
can Hotel. tf
Merrill. Prof crty l rce goiublc.
' Th 'nut.
Tb peanut grow lu the grouud,
nver above It. Tb Dower above
ground ar aterlle, but after tbe flower
wither a stalk from an lucb to two
Inches long shoot dowu Into th
earth and form tbe nut. As to th
nstlve cour.tr." of tbe peauut tbe opin
ions of botaulats are divided between
Africa and America. It 1 extensively
cultivated in all troplcul aud subtrop
ical countries, but seems to thrive best
In tbe southern states of tho American
Unlou. The peanut crcp In tbe United
States alone amounts ,b over 300,000,
000 bush!.
Marie Wasn't It shocklug about.
Cholll Worthing tour Ho fell out of
his new airship when It got stalled
bait mile up In the alrt I.lllan-IIow
did Cholll come to fall I Marte-H
thought b was In his automobile and'
Jumpd out to push It back bom! Bo
Btsuaa Hiiutu,
E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor
Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Cater to tho boiler cla of trade, with nothlnif to offend
Iho moit critical. You'll notice the difference when you
try It. Juat the place to drop In for a refreshing bever
ur -when you need n stimulant. Pnrn liquor of all
kind for family trade n specialty
The Cream of the Best
Old Continental Whiskey
Normandy Rye
F. F. V. Rye
Bottled Under the Supervision of the OorcrnmcBl
. . . None Better . . .
Sold' By
C. D. Willson
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Of Furniture is on Its way to tbe Klam
ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the
American Hotel. Mattresses already
"Our Responsibility ends whenever you are Satisfied."
Bert E. Withuow,
Vice President
Maps, runs. Blue Frlatt, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and IrridatlonljEndlneers
C. E. M. E
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Don J. Zumwalt, C. B.
M. D.iWlLLUMS, C. E.
Get the Habit-Use Chase & Sanborn Coffees
You'll be pleased with it. Those who have
tried it say it's the best. We always aim to
keep everything of the highest grade and want
your grocery trade.
Van Riper Bros
FhOM 316
Professional Cards
Office over Klamath County Bank
Attorney at Law
Offllce over postofflce, Klamath Kail,
Attorney at Law
Klamath Falls, Oregon
American Hank A Tnmt Co,' nuildiug
Open Day
and Night
Private Dining Parlors
Oysters Served In Any Style
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
We Make Little
But there is always
something doing at
our place in the House
Furnishing line. We
carry the largest stock
of House Furnishings
in Klamath County.
See us for a Square
At the Brldsjc oa Main Street
Klamath Falls a Wlnema
Truck & Transfer
Furniture and piano carefully
moved. Bagvag watcon and
general draylng. All work
given prompt attention. Bus
to and from all boats. Phono 108
furs Want
C D. Willson Is in tho awrkot for all
kinds of furs, for which ho wUl pay th
highsat market price. Addraa WV at
Klamath Falls, Oregon. I
, l),ftJ

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