I-". ii hiu f 3iii; Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealia with Strictly Reliable House ' When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying serves "Us proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to. have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using G. HEITKEMPER, JtR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician REPUBLICAN BLOCK jBErLsvi w JL f'lfnBTB t Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOING.-Steaaer Klamath leaves Klamth Falls at 4 a. n. coaaectlmtf with atajte at Teeteri which arrive tDorrisatS. COMING:-Arrive t Dorrli at 4 p. m. by statfe to Teetert aad by boat to Klanath rails arriving here at 7:30 la the evealag. Oregon & California Transportation Company Subscribe for The Herald Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood - Fence we send out Geo. R. Hunt Palace Restaurant GOOD SERVICE ' GIVE US A TRIAL oma MAMAOUUNT er Hunitkcr 6 O'Conell SOME BRIDES ARE HAPPY When tbe Wedding TrtunU MtSm ColagU. AH Bride Art Happy wfctM the fr can cm irons WDflTBi. WE HAVE CUT GLASS, HAND PAINTED CHINA, SOLD) SILVER ' TUt Very BMt Uc Ma.ket AlwMS m tS SaacJalFrtctiaODayi MtaksM aatfftUU Ordcra EDLSQN tmfjL 4SEm SSEUBm itT W JT. WTMTKRS w ww n BrfwM avortta Iewkr" I PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invented- the phonograph. He made it an entertainer for all. It is manufactured at a price which everyone can afford, and we sell it on the easy payment plan, so no one need be without it. Have you heard aad aeea the New Model. We Want Your Trade Underwood's Pharmacy EVERYTHING Of DRUGS I IMiatwCtioa Owaraattcd I Klamath Falls, Oregon PERSONAL MENTION p in. lll'.V. Try Zlm for plumbing. ' Cbas, Pattee, at Donanra, Is county cat visitor tixUy. New lino ol lanry Sinvonlr smniiis at Winters. Mm. 0. K. Metdritm has gone to Port UnJ (or an attended visit. Utile and Children Straw Hat- id very description at K K K store. Carpenter have finished pntllng now Iront In ttio Mounted saloon build Ing. Mcrrtl. The town without boom. Mrs. J. I., llatrmsn it itritiliully re covering Iroin a mora lick pell. The Ire i-rcatn pvnxon has Ik-kiiii and our parlors uti open. Mannlne'.-. Oro. Illi'lin ami wile left (or Sun Krsii claco th-s inornliiK. They went to i the Heel roine in. Villi .Manning's if ion u mil Die Url lv cream. IVin Jolimoti liai returned (mm h tilp to the timber belt north ( llh I (roin a liit to Lakeview. Merrill. A Mtural tracer enttr. See Winters lor jewelry. Mens Panama Hats KKK stoie Bummer. Will .Mason will be In (torn hl liume- I ID n. in tteaj In a low days, lilt home lulu tin. Morning nnrlil pine belt North ol Illy. One-third ilown anil the lnliimv on Ave or ten year time will buy joii n home on the Hummers Kinney ranrh. Talk to K. II. Hall aUmt ll. Olll.v In Service At The Churches Service will be held In the never! churchca of Klamath Fall tomorrow follows! Christian Science Society - llegulat service will bo held t Klamath Con servatory u( Mtiulo ttniuirrmv morning nt II a. in. llapt.it 8ciKi fnnilay School 10 a.m. rieachliinltii.ni. II. Y. I'. U. Preaching ,:M p. in. I. II. Olturilll, railor. MvthixtlM .-ervliei-SiinilayHcho.il at 10 a. in. Piearhliiital II a.m. ."iibjetl, "Way l.le llrarrn " Cpwoilh I iitni' T: 10 in. -eriiin Hp iii..iiilij.vi:"IUi-Vlllloii" IhiMiilllliienf lhl eriiion lll U'l I. What le.ul In baikillilliiK, '.'. What cl l l"i lullileiinaniiot l Kclalintil. J. Wlul ili-itn W hiUIiiikI i (n nh it cntiillll'Mii. .'. ali'xiut'l i.'iln! bUcl'll luik'. lti:V. I'. ('l)NKIIN. I't"r. I.ll) Clitiiihul tell Mean- Ma at 7:30, SilD.h) it I0UW A. M. Ilrt II lrii.1.8 J II '.Ul. ttilij.t: "Cbrl'tMii Mnhwl" ('. II. prater merlliitf at 7 p. m. Kvciiiiii! Wonlilpal Hti. hi. ILvlnlnt 4 H-riei l frinoni m "The Malrilali Oulof Wlilrh .Mm Aie .Mi.le." Don't Be Afraid IKTIlKiKUlcanMln.hiioue,eveii Ihe in,t ,, ami you areromHMlo Ret doctor, ilttri't I,, .,i , Ihat iliK-lor'a pteacrlplloii to our atom In hate ( tltlol " lI'MAKKHii'Mlinerencwtouawliutheiliictorl. lll(k enre how c.nupllcale.1 the prescription la whlih l h,u " '!" '''" no illltetence how much lie ileelree the prracilptiui, in'i'' W aclly It I" written, ll makee no illlTeiriir.. m ,llllc ", ,l Ihe liiiirmllenle Ul In Ihe preecrlpllou to I hi llri '''''I A 1.1. WK HAY la "don't I (raid to brink Iho prr-cripii,,,, lf IT MAKKrt no dllTerence whine preMrlpllun blank j,ir ,i '!' In writing Hie preecrlpllon, you have the prlwIr.li.iV.'vi" I" pir.c rlptlon to any itore you prtlrr. We al...,,.i, ,' ,lM you, lallilacllon II you bring your pie.ctlpilun in M, "' WK (lUAIIANrKK that under noronal.leratliMi, r r ,, Imliireuientwlll weillowalngUprracripnii,i ,,, ',""""'( exi-epl ll I eiarlly aa the doctor wrltn lt,, ,, ,. '!'."',,, the hlihret juellly lnrr.enta which i an I .,,,llr, ,, , "k Star Drug Store "The Store that Savei You Money" Baldwin lllwk, accoud floor. , The punlli ol the r-'evruth ami Kmhlh ' grade, chaperoned by Pro(. It. II. Pun-, Cl"1' "" T"""'1 '' M,"""! at '' "' A" tr are out on a picnic today near Ihe ll" """ '" he iMi.-re.-atl..n 4ie liaitr.l McCormlck place. Thecroad walknl to l'"'J "" ""-"i'ic'l ihecl.it.. .,.., . I'leaio imllie Ihe ihni:e o( unediall the (rounds tbli mom iik. , , ., . , ., i . ... I l.i.ur In the time 1 1 Die etenlnn rtlrra. Uyoure)ei are lailiinr, claM dont' All, etUll Hansen In Ihe city, tit, are Winter. Iterl Kendall, foreman In the KepuMl-! ,l", rl"Ul!' Te 01 Them All Clean. Nurah, lie "green" ruuk. puked ber bead In l tlw .lining room dour. "I'leaie, ma'am." alte ked. "au' bow will I t know In' wlien the puddla la cooked r "Mtlck a knife luto II." said ber hU iKii, rrealllng tbe cookbouk Inatrttc. ilont. -If ile knife cornea out clean. rrelileriau Church Hible Hclnl at (tie pudding U ready to erve.M "Via, ma am " "And. ob. Nnrabr The rutilreea tad au aftrrltioiiKiii. "If tbe knife doe Cumra out clean yog mlgbt gtlcfc til the real of the kultea Into lb pud ding" Kterybudy'a klagaitoe. An Afrlaan Cfltle. Coder tbe beading "Prlated Re. relieil," a Houlb African journal pt.b llibea a report written by native of a conceit given by tbe raureamltk na tive cbolr at tbe Wealeyan ckurcb, Kof fyfoutelu. lu bla report Ike rootrlb ulor aaya. "Among tbe cbolr libra Norn Moucbo waa tbe beet aoogater, and tar cbeek were like an apple, tar mouth was like a cellar, tar eye were Uk aa ow l'a al obrhL her half waa aofl and 1 h I- welmme ! nil the erU-t id' curly, ber eara were Uk akatarock Bowen. but aba looked Ilk crane. I lie flrl iiiiiDii null "'Iiuth." liediiUr m-Milhl) iiieelnigollbe Mem' i!r..u.o. r rit.rr, i't..r buiniUDiis Mate ol can ofllce, and K. It. Allen, ol the Herald force, will leave in the worning (or .'-an Franclico. Tbe (ornier will m imnc (or aeveral weeka and the lailr i.i. ml In tlie tlicult tuuit ol tl return In about, week. "'K " '??." "V . "':. WUIIII mllIK .IBIII.III, .. .IIIBI.lia The abating rink on the iiirner u(' Klla KooiiliilelriiUiit, imtlnepiity lor Klamath Avenue and Will, ftrert , dliorcu. in Hie name oi u.o iiale ol iiregon: 1 and ber nauie waa Jan." open every afu-rnoon (rntn :i tu ami e;ery evening (rum it U K (or children, from 8 to 10 (or the general public and (or dancing from 10 Ml',!. J. (..John son, Proprietor. Mr. II. West, organizer id the Frater nal Brotherhood, ol t.ni Anm-loi, arrived In Ihe city hut evening, (or lh ptirpMo ol organliirig a lodge at Ihli plam The Fraternal Brotherhood pruvtdei lor an accident hcnelit in ita licy. Sixtecn-lnch and four-foot Moml for aale in any quantity. Leave orders at Heitkemper's Jewelry Store or New aom and Underwootl'a Drug- store, t. The stage company hai moved all ol ita stock used (root IMrrl to liray to the new terminus. Already the aiinroach haa reduced the uruoiint of stock that l j . (..... .....i..-.i. it I n.mmmij ,u, Uri.lllj llirr lll.o Ul roll" nect with the boat. Merrill Valley the bun of Klamath. TU Griffith and True IM.ap, two ol the county's school ma'ams, are In Iho eity to spend tiunday. The (ornier leaches near the state linn and the lat ter at Keno. II is not iieci-iiuiy to leave your watches so Ion at Winters. Wo ate now prepared to do your work prompt, ly. All work guaranteed for ouu war. Durge Mason caiuu In (mm lit home stead last night to get a load ol provi sions. Ills claim is filuati-d .North o( Dly and is one ol tluwe in conflict with tbe so-called "soonirs." lie will re. turn to Ihe woods iho llrst of next week. Norn-To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall, on April 10, in Alaika.n son. The moth. er was formerly Mist Klva Galloway, a teacher In Ihe public schools ol this city. Concert Hanging MM Oangeree. i "Itallruad rasualtle receive ancb wide publicity," aald aa baaurnac man recently, "that I be re I a roiaraoa ta IWf on lb part of Ita public that en Is iiKfr liable to accident wbUe Urn ellng tbao when living tb atapi Ufa lu tbe confine of hi tans Aa a Ml v .... i it. rr v tvm tati. aiaiMwcv eavir mm ,c '""" 1":,",T,, ; "' """ accident Inauranr eompaalM py saor answer lb couiplant tlle.1 against you ,,. , wbo . ta Hi tliealte entltlrd-uit on or Ufote ,,r uwn Iqo of 00 iheer preaasi J-aturday. Jui.e 3ili, IWi. Uing the than tbey do to popl hurt to fnBwaj liit ds) pircril-cl lu tlio order (or fill- acckleota Insurance compaaW pay llcntiun nl tlui ummom.tliFllril piibll, more money to people who get hurt rsti'iii ul l.i.l. Ieiii on haturdsy, Ma; hanlng picture or Uktag atove apart 2nd, 1CUS, and ll ou Ml to In answer, , than Ibey do to lb vlcttraa of tad- lor want tl.cn-, i, Uu- pUlntifl will apply on cntllalona. It sounds atraaga, but to tlio ouit fur il.v dll-l ileiuandiil in lit' lb truth."- Kansas City Journal. the complaint, filed herein, lo-wit! lor' ileere iln.oli itu ll... Im.i,iI. .. f. ..! ' inony eslilli. I.-Urvi. plaintlfl and dr i (endant Tliimiiminoiisl ..-mil l.y Hitcation In the hterilng Herald, by order ol lion. Henry I. I- mon, Judite of the Circuit Loud (or the llnl judicial diitrlct ol Oregon, dated May In, llJ1, which or. der rMiilrei iiiiumoiii to In- publlil.eil once a Kiel (or iU conn-cullve weeks Irnm Ihe lit day ol Ma), Wi. A. I.. I.KAVITT, Attorney (or I'lslnlifl. LOOK IIKItl.i A Ugihipmentwill .hj.i, arrived re(rlerator that will retroier ate without Ice, andcixikntovea thai will cook without lire. Call and luct them at Hum's llardnaru More. Auction Sale A. Arnold will sell al iil.llc aurllon on r-altinlay, May Uth, al I p. m at Ihe lllrd lMley plai-r, nrtr Ihe tunnel, the fallowing Items: Two wagons, harneai, one plow, two harrow's, all kinds id household rl and other rtlclc. Terms rash. hlasaatk lata P:k IkWary The Klamath Falla Public Ubrary la on every afternoon from 2 to 6 JO o'clock and each avenlng from M to 10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation la u tended to all. Cause ,i -M.,,,. , M. lolng pUlum film. . . polMloi,rUf..,1.iMo.T nea sl.oul.l rllli i,. r bleb u..t. . ,U n,. lujury rniiies from ,u winding an.) rewihJlu. .. J7 Ibruugl. tu mttblt, tUfr"3 filUt a r,,.ij. fuf,l. ..... 'I ----j wigj( ffMewjl t lbrllrlcy.ri(lll,r" atlHDafttir. .. . an. Ing tb nlm up M Uw " erateli .., .... ..ttM Mechanic a. Msmms'i KU. Tills prni, rbn, itw, Ufnai Krvucb ' A rn.ill.er ML t,r Mills r-llkthl lattse il,, . , t "'1 not alia !rr fur s at,. kk,, """"" " oj tlitclUio, 'i " '" 'r isoiiieri llNtkll ! Il ..... m ....-I.L k . .-.-.... "1'UU.igurilllal (lie inull.er ; ".Nf, ej 4Jt ... uu ., , .UUUig Mltt'JlJUl hiii.. arrji mj WOT4 Mil... .. . ui, loiiuma mimes," u;i rati "'. uh II U Ifrlltcg y word If ;wi ttiould kin e hit i wiuiiui worn i m ulertiT 0in M.ri,S. Owru Uere-lllh rnln tl fin "I.urlle l,ul nj'0 trrr t I In n.iitn.llei ihertiirrrisf t tbst werr made lu rwit-ctirsl "Wlul'. U uv Uiili Tflt-l Ibeui -e.,, will ltl, lUtlts Iblug lu tUtn If I ilj DHmtg the UMik w II U Ira, I bl U tin Iglioreil or furC'illru" III Ml of the mui sndta I U rtrrW of h k llmale frlricli frp qoofe n from II nbd Ira.-rllwd tl sfaiirrs under wblcli Itm (mi written A Dingtr AtliM. ll km a v lie iimjui mia iblfia Ufore lie amwrrrd It aUiv I bait a.kr.1 litm tu gueiUrir. 1 mint bale .me l-lri sUxItt,! said, with wbat n Inlr&Jel fl tvb sldewUe glsace. "I bate seieril Ueli," twl Wllb a siulle "fti orJ; tMUll tbal I beillate wUtatr I Blllf ten vears jouncrr oo irctrff looks or tin yean older M ircMstl your brains" Then, while lU wUw laMI blushed, be luok s pints! W "" ll To clesu uisrtle H t l aoda, one of pumice sad oaten all In powdrr. snj oil w i With water Hub thM " ' -uil nr.lllr to add grease," and wsih off wltkiH.' Finish with aoft cloth. Klin vu i -- ' clean cold " Music loers are promised a ram treat on Thursday evening, May 7, at the opera bouse, through the aiinonni.en.ent of a concert by Mm. Jtsale Urock Mor gan and Miss Lata Nlckemon, under the auspices ol and with Ihe assistance o( tba Klamath Falla Military Band. Both ladle are well know as musicians o( ex. optlonal ability, and they will he ably sopported by the concert work o( the band. Tne recent orsanliation of a dob, tbe large and complete library of music, and several yean hard work un der adverse circumstances entitle the organisation to the (nil support ol th Ity and its'peopls. VsnT'uMsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV-flnjflsnnnnnW BW mmu-mU mm mFMixtim annm vTwii - VaVeTsTsrsT' mmwmmw 111 i 11 1 t narJM sal lal I ?'ft:ft", WsV I .-!; ! i-iiiii. p . M " . The Service you obtain from your clothing is lwo-oli There is'ttyle service anil the tervice deftoe by the durability of the garments. The it a matter of taste and the other a matter d quality. The patrons of this store have learned that we J guard them on both kinds of service, and in addition to this we endeavor to give them at all times the W best personal service possible. Your good will w patronage are our existence, and we shall end to merit them-now and always. The moment we have a diaaatified cuatomer we expect to J our atore, unleaa it ia a man who thlnka ao little of httJJJ that Will Dlirchua aamarhlno thmt rlnM not Dle86 IllD. " "?. ect to tall ua about it. If you buy anything In this tof "j it dlsappoInU yon in any way, ahapa or manner, come m us about it; we are here to make it right. Portland Clothing And Shoe Store