Newspaper Page Text
1 HE EVENING HERALD Itiard datlr. eiceol Sumter, br Ue Herald Publishing Company W. O. SMITH, tdilor SUBSCRIPTION IIATES llellr, by mall. mr. llMllr. br mall l nwfl Dallr, by mall, thrre tnonU l.ffi l.U .M Jatljr. (Mlrrml br carrW-r, a wrk, , ,14 HOW TO KKMIT.-SeiW IWWUM IMMr OIMcr, .ipnm ocl.r, irrronal (heck on rwur local tana, .lamp, ruin, or currency. NnwarAMtK Lw or OamoN.-Swcllon SM( Dally, br mall, a month, , MARSH LANDS gon'iriLM- 77 A Mm .,.-.. v...!!... dr,,,t,st bantam., at ?20 per ncre and upward!. Easy, Tcrmi. nU.Rgj 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bardalna at fl20 per ncre and upwards. Easy, Terms. Timber Land Notice United Statu I-atnl Offieo, l.keii Oregon, rVliruary 18, I WW. Notice It hereby given Oml in cnin- lineo with tlm roialon o( llio not ( .'.,....., ,t 1i,.i..t ll?l .ttilllt.,.1 H t,i ih. U. of Un lineal, that .hrwm an, , """ " "" , ' ",'"' """ " imlvnconlralllnit a nrwparr .hall mall .urh act lor UlO Mill 01 timber lands 111 till' nrmrtpn la any urram In tU Mala wlinoul flr.1 teclvlnr an cnlrr Ihwfuc, .uca newapaprr Kail h diemnl In N- a aift. and no d.trt or oMIca- law ahall accrue aiettut .urn rnaun. wneiner aat newpaper I. m-rifi it u pni or nut. 1 br lb perwn to whum TIIUHSD.W. MAY 7, UW. state ol California, Oregon, Nevada ami Wnahlniitou Territory ,' its eltemlril In nil thn Public Land" States by not ol August 1, lSO-J, Charles It. IKUp, ol Klamath Kails, County ol Klamath, State o( Oregon, In llleil In this iitlliv Ma attnrti alitliMiiiiil Xi. 4lU'J. fur the pitful COUnter- imrchftw of the awijne, nwlroi4, that 19 grudg-! sec. II, tp. IMS. range t K. U. ,M mill will offer )inwif to aliow that the land inoiixht in more nliialile (or It. timber , . , ... or stone than lor ncilcultnrul miriHwe., Most women have a .nighty , ,,,,,.,, ,,,,,1.11,1 1.. a,.i.l U1..1 poor opinion of the man who be-. w(lMr t,P cmmiv Judge l Klamath lieves everything they tell him. , County, at bis mike nt Klamath Kail. mi 11 Oregon, mi Wednesday the UltluU) nl 'The energy that has been Mar ww. las, I.. D., Tine II., A. M. Jnmlon, nil ol Klamath lulls, That is but a feit'of gratitude ingly given. wasted in the chase after the impossible might, if rightly ap plied, have put the world cent- Oregon uries ahead of itself. Any nml nil ernii rlnlmiiik! nihrise ly the above ilrscilhtil l.iinlmitensiu'l- t . . etl to Ille their claim in thii ollUv on Kepubhcans, r for,. Mll, ,3n, ,lliy of j,a) ,,rtSt anti-Dourne -.'.sii 5.1:1 J. N. Wat.n, Mgi.ier. and con- which Summons 1-t. 1 In Him I'lrrilil (illtl nl tin. Slnlx nl Oregon lor Klamath County. John koontx iiUIiitiff, . Anniiula ' Klla Koontx ilefrnit.uit, milt IimiiiiII) (or ! ilivorce. In the name n( the .Lite ul Oti'gon; Yon are hereby riiiiilnil to niiir .uu antwerthcciniil.iiiit liliil u;.ilnt )ou In I ho above entlllnl -nit on nr U loiv .atnnlay, June tilth, IMW, U'lin; the latt day preicriUsI in the unlcr (or il- Secretary Garfield will visit licntlon ol thi miiiiiiiona, the tint imhib Oregon in July, It is stated that "'J"" ' "''''I1' MnB ;"iii'l,'r,I"-. Nl") iiii, iivo, min 11 iuii inn rii 111 iiunri, ''(or want thcrenl, llio iUintiff will aly to the court (or thu rclli'I ilenikinliil in Douglas County have selected an delegation to the state gressional conventions, meet in Portland on May faavjaaaaava. -aaaa iaBaaaa Socialists of Oregon have filed a state ticket with the secretary , of state. All positions urc pro-; vided for except those of railroad commissioner and dairy and food commissioner. while here he will personally in soect the Umatilla irrigation pro ject, but it 13 not knOWh Whether I the complaint, (lied herein. to-it: lor I he intends to visit Klamath or ueerw uiMoiriim in 01 matri . mony exiitlng lietneen plaiiitift ami tie- Ml- I lemlant. ' Thiiauiiimnnit aertiil by ptiblirjllnn In the Rogue River Valley 'n the Kvening lleral.l. by nnlernl Hon. there are aDnroximntely 100 au-1 Henry 1.. iicnaon. Jmigp ol the cinnit tomobiles. In Medford proper by actual count there are Gl. These Medford motor cars repre- Court lor the first linlirlnl ilNtrict nl Oregon, ilateil May Int, llaW, ubich or tier reilirel llliitnoiit to lm nllilthril oneea Week (or lU cniiMviilite week sent an investment exceeding !'ro the in ilayoi May, uw $100,000, and there is not another town of Medford s population that can boist of as manyautos. Claiming that life at the Idaho penitentiary u far worse than . death, because other prisoners refuse to have anything to do! tended to all with him, and that he is com pletely isolated from human companionship, Harry Orchard has expressed the hope that the Idahp Board of Pardons will not interfere with the sentence of death pronounced by Judge Wood. a. i.. i.K.wirr. Attorney (or I'lainliff. KUaaatk taJla Pu.Sc library The Klamath Falls Public Library ia open every afternoon from 2 to To!0 o'clock and each evening from WIO to 10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation ia ex- There is a chance to secure ground for an exhibition build ing at Weed, which should be taken advantage of at onca. An exhibit at -this point would attract the attention ot thou sands of tourists and homeseek era traveling on the main line and would be the means of in ducing many to make a personal investigation of this country. Eastern Oregon towns are re. porting great success with their "Market days-" At The Dallee recently 1500 outside people vis ited the town on one of these days. The farmers brought in their stock and held an auction and all the merchants gave bar? gain sales. An immense busi ness was done and these "mar ket days" are attracting at tention whereever they have been tried. Humor s Philosophy r MINCAN N. SMITH THE BRIGHT PROSPECTUS. A letter with the following peculiar address was recently mailed at Portland; "Mister Josephine Ryan, he lives at 1721 Q st, it is on the right hand side of the street if you are coming down- town from the Buffalo Brewery, but if you get off the car al 7th and P and walk up to Q St., then it is on the right hand. side of the street, about two doors from 18th, there is a garden in front of the house, and some fruit jtrees in the back yard and Gus Lenord's pie wag on is in the barn." (Beware of the dog.) Sacramento, California. Alluring, comlnelnc and all alMveboaril Thn mining pruictu apirara. 80 frank, open facril, thai It ilrlvr fruin Ilia mind All doubta and aucficatlona uf fcara Th reader prujlng llm ufr ran a A prorata of pront au grmi That tlio.a hu cuino In ut 111 call Will Died be fur life tram that date. Admitting- no failure or poi.lble chance Of not making good from the atari. Of not coining money for thoao who at onca From caah In hand rradlly part. It cornea to the doubter and blda him take hope And Dull all the caah from hla ancle And acrape all hla aavlnga from here and from there ; To purchaae the beautiful atock. i To con It the hypnollied reader would , think That If lie Inreated a dime j Twould aoon Into large, dollar re. aolve, I Orow bulky In lea than no time, I And were lie to plank down a hundred ir I mora He would In a near future dale Be fixed Independent the reat of hla life Willi money on hand to crimate. That'a how the proapectua appear to the ey With proml of plenty aglow. It doean't turn out In each Imtance that way, Aa aoma of the wlaer onea know. In many a cloaet are atocka laid away In the family akeleton'a care That up to Ih preaent have, aid to re late. Paid dividend only In air. Heavy Frelrihtlntl n Spcdclly. BiuWotfe Orders Arc Given Prompt Attention 0. K- Transfer & Storage Company I'HONKS Havlnd up-to-date piano trucks wc solicit your fine piano moving KENYON G THOMPSON, PKOPK1ETOKS omrc n;i turn 071 KrlldcilCC tU.1 WOOD WOOD Sixteen ineh ami 1'otir fool wood in any qiinntilivii. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or KKK Store, Phone 174 JT WITT TaU'l? Wood Vurd mid Office . JLa. JP1jJL.1SjI Ncnr ci!y Hall I'lionc It I The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Honanzu. Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, Kiiarantccd, liand-made Saddles and Sliaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. Ready for Inspection ur line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Floss and Feltolene Mattresses Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thing for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, (51 Residence, 1W CHAS. K. WOltlHIN I'rexiilcllt CAfiLAL $100,000.(10 I l!l I' Mi.l.HASK V 1 I'n nidi nl The American Bank and Trust Co. Fatal Effort. -J Incorporated November Jtfftimnt . i, nf llm Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon D1CKMBER31, 1007 RESOURCES Iahwxh uml Dlncotintn Bonds and Socurltifri Itt'iil Kritutu, IluiltlliiKit mill Fixttircri , ('iihIi iiikI Sight Kxi'limim- $340,5300 OJ.B2344 LIABILITIES CaplUil Slock, fully paid StirpltiH and ProlltH Due Other Hunks )l'Kl.slttl 14,745.18 'rtt5i049j 1 00,00000 21,753.11 32,00084 431.Z93.4J SSB5.049JI I, Ale. Martin, Jr , ( 1 f t ,... . . ! '""ly .-r that .I., .!,'"' la tin., t.i II... In-.t ..f mv km ,.r .Jj.'f1 AI,K.M.1fs ificSfi Suliavr.111 ami awairii li U f. , rnnlkliCiLi if January, llw. """luiiki; I"1' .. , . 'I Winitin. Ni'tary I'u' .r forOfrci. OFFICEKS ALKX MARTIN E. K. REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE ROGERS - - PrttJfat Vlcc-PretUot - CukJcr Ass'i ciakr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Bt MILLS ADDITION are Advancing in Value VWien blocks in Mills AiMitum were offend at bargain prices 11 iiuiiiImt of nhrodinf torn bought; nincf that tinn- valuw hirt incrcaflct! matrinlly. These Loti arc Barg.tln Biyi nt present pricti, mid thi-rc m tvcry mw to anticiwite nn ndvnnco in pnc.'j. RtnKa Imt tlicno lot are FIFTY fnt in wFdlhinJ ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY lUT deep more than iloulil tin- an-a of nwt town lotH olferi'd to invcstum FRANK IRA WHIT CAPT. O. C APPLECATK Office 01 fUil FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. H. BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfit Klamath Falls, Orego' Strictly First-class Work- Estimates Phones: Business, 306; Residence, H "We nboulil do wlmt nu cuu to make I be world brlgutor." "L'lii-le Dill Nt'finu to tuiuU ho. IIu la n'oiklug tUe best tip cat) from tltua to lluie at painting bit nota." I lie S s sb . ""IFTTPSiKt nt IITI I I I (in tajaj rCa ' - s, m -, lill iil! M ;l. n nn Ml nt? n s .: 1:1 !3 i?; v 2& 5?s? aa 2 ci f,.'i aaar - I A HI. UiADIIPM I Cashier I ItKI) KCIIAM.OCK jlfv, Aun't Caalilrr M Cor. Sih and Main Street T"1aWttaaaaa.,,MJJ 1 Bennett's Feed SI Next to Martin's MU1 Now Open for BuslMg The Chute System of Feeding which permit" getting their mil, has ueen msw Plenty of Wagon Room JASPER BENNETT, Pro East End Meat Mark( CRIiLER & STILTS, Proprietor! Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and ... . ... ....... ....i iiniia 9 ' rroan ami uunxj nvum i Wo handle our moataln tlio mot muu..- , lineaa and lurrounuinga. rjrt - nj hannv to have vou for u customer. H