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pitied Advertisement! -iVTKU-Tu """'", "' '"". or ...It iwii". urnUlil nr uiilnrii Uli WfllK" ra;H.f:.rMll'l.oiw. 01...., Mm " j.ll.lliiliH'.IWwIUU.ei.r. '"' ... ....i ii... per inn "" HRICr MENTION MAt HTATE FOR SAW"'" Al'rn '"'I1 '"''''"I iHlinca!..'.'!, '" " III) lui cifmiii nt Miitmlng'. (Irn KiikI tame itoiwi Iroin Port Kin luiitli fil.'iiln)-. Jlvi'tvililliK ktuiitnnl I ut WIiiIi-ih, .M tliH.tirr lm ii'tiirii.'il (nun n lil In ll.t. mimnIh, HiiIiik Unit I'ltiiuiiiii ami Klniw Hiila nt llm K K K aloic. II, I.. AIiiihihIi'I-, llm (niH'iil.'i Ima moved lila Ininlljr tn llnrrli. Merrill. Investment not Speculation. l()oiir wntcli lrlik m-iiil It In Win. lr llo,llal. I". M. I'rli-at lliu.icliinic.1 tu llni illy . I.. .... 1 . . It -. - ... . AftirvAII. "... ..,..'-'i.-n.i u.'ar lI'Mluimi. HlJUunnw Ni'H limii'li'tn ii Wliilcm, ,",,ir,l,.li.ilcMloriillkliiiUl '. II. Ilmiillliiii !. K.,.. I.. Donl, lilirl ami '"'" Head'tnarlm Afitftl- i lif t- Im Mill Mink nt nii'iili-tlii lur r', IMil Ills In ttrr-ka. - ,.,, , lur llm l-eal f In tmin i, i ,i , WOOD roR BALK I m.,,,,,,,,.1, Hul.. II. W. Hi,.,, I'm .Slitrrti imh mi'l four-fool wood for ' ,,, ( al In my quantity. Uv. orilcM nt ,,,,,,,,.,,, . . i u. . . u W. A. ll-l Mail Imnmti p imi H.iiL.miK'r Jnwe ry Store r New. ' 00) ana unuci. - - -. -. FACTS ABOUT KLAMATH PROJECT .1. 1, toiui' ll)(1l,,itl'l""''i"'- ICAN !" "" "" ,",I"M,',, ' ,, K y,M it k.hI tncli i.l -Waerrs In Uq.ll vau.-y, .. !." Hill jroii. II. W. Krewit. II. ran IAU ilulary lur nullity rli'ik. It II. lUnla miiiu ii. (ruin I) iriU )r. , , . ImUy Hi Ii thaw ulllic Milliollt Hilt HAM. " riitr , ni wli-1 ; run r.. ...... i.!.!-.,..! ut that plan- ,Unl, "IK" H.kintC rhalr, imr lal.ln ami ' imahralinit Call t the Itilrk Merrill. I'ro.crly la reasonable. -- 'llii Kiati'flial llliilliriliiHNlul ! ii n Arn PrtJt! l4'"'"" "'"' ,,"l,r"",' "...-.ili.i,lty .,( 3500 fV.r.a 1 r.w ,K,ni5 ,(...u.t .imI ,illll,!ri-u 11. Tt Ukr.l.lp o.iiipai.y ! S100 acir. ' '"H I'V'tlicr tl..-y alNi el,o Ace Mrnl I.,. tlliji.1 aiMrr llm Ailanit illlrli llial It ''" III jiff MINT KHKK ..r mio )rar. Mm. W. K. Ki-lirn lit lnk.n iliau'r Tbt Inrtit-Ira !) IIm. ii( Ilia UihI nil. I nl llir Allirilcan illnin ii.nn, whldi ..... Tl -, ....i.l .t.r ol.,l ll( Ul'll lllll"l.l. All W. illll'll riK.l. in. iii" m hh'i - - wi ww plan ll.f lainl In 'Il.plrnl rf t all llm (! I.tll frM-tn llm rlilit t liirp llm Inl.lili', Tim Ukrflili ('iiii.aiiy, J Kiank A.lami, Minaitrr, Merrill OrrKn. Ill' rlllilil)ll, 'I III. . In yet lln U'it lural.lii Iiihii II All Interesting Item treasurers Notice Tim Klanmlli Call Mllltaiv llan.l rittxla a pUnii, .lint n ilaim muii'I .In, it limit U'a kin.I 1. in, Timlaiul tlm mimli naaiii. nl .laiiri wml ami ai a iliilwi.itu KoIIcp I. Imirtiy glrrn llial llmrr "'""''I. '"' "H" I"" "imlral .n..iiitli lamliln llii'Ciiiinly trratmy lur llm rr. IhiiimI llm wrrr ii-tiiri-inriit ( ln ilfa'tlon i( all niltataiiilliiic roiuil) nn.l l arriiiiii.iiilinriit huiL, it iimM arranlt 1.11 ami .rlor M u.,.liriy ,l!1K,1,,,.Pmy July H, MM. Iiitfrrili.ii aiim ttill .. ,. . . ,. . ,. rwwfii'm tlilailali'. " "'" '"" ' """' '" l') ""' ",,ft" )(tnl at Klatualli Kalla lliU ISlli ila) tnlrvi.l amli an limliiiinrnt, aixl allrr ol, IlKW. 1 .. ,.. ,, ,, , , ,, , , iniiir..iii.liiK llli M'Wiol li'itdlnk'l'laiio I.. Alva l.r ttl0 1 ('oillitrTlrMtircr. Imiiii mi llm n.a.t, Irn i'i rt-iil ill"' .. iiiiiint i tlm U-it I emil.l K't. Now I liatn In-cii In tin iniltlc lUii' rrrrul Auction Sale 1 . aaa l.lli a .1. '. tati.l i.tiaaiiv I tutor A.Arn.,Mlllr,ll .1 .UI.II,- iiell.m ''",, ".-...-... Mtialunlay.Slay IMli, at I ,.. in., at ".l I kn.m iH,,,.,ll,lk. .Unit llm .rl.c , Unlllnl plarv, nrar the tniiiml, anl alnraul .lani. I knott that i tha (oIIowIiik ilrina: ran ntliml lliu lilitlimt liintmuii'iit Taraaaifina, lnni.a., mm ,,i, hii' ,,,.,.(,. ( ra tmlv- k t tliu liiofit ..( hirroV...llkln.l... l,o,..,ol,l K ,H,,,,M,,. ,,, U.r Mntliirarllclt't. Trnna eaali. ' . , , iiilriMiiiili no' ultli inaiilil.iclill.T I DMAIITii:NrorTlli:iNTKHIcm..iiJ,r.i ,,,",11' l"," ,",l '""'""' i-miuisli In uii. orrur. WMMnfton, 11. O. Mi.rh n. .n-iin. Il.i nriirr lur Klaiiialli n.iirilv laa. NuTKturauTuaiTtoN urnwuo ijhi- rf'"'' "' ak"irjr mr niim.aiii t.niiii) N.r:.,,rirJSr;-o?rKiTnl:,,.'. '' ' i-". " "" ",, ' ttiZ!3l!5ift&&!? UiUt i'""'" ,"'1" ,u" "" "Mi.ii.. 1 lS,.IIK,"'h,l, " " '"" II. l IK It la iii'.'1'..jrv luittL.t'rr lur me t.i lIV , aiHaMirwuMlnnmMrikaialili.UKUraih lll,ll""M,l ix.wit'r, n.r mi ixuii) Bi2VlttSffi,,Z& '",,r i'1"""-'" ",l'r ,0 1!,, ,",n,,U "' wZ?LK&x'X!7:l2i:rZ .i.toi.H...un..i..i.w. is inbiiiK JlafTSV-.I'.,i5,.i"r'!r..,"'r. '' ." Klamnlh CuiUr win. want a tint SftriJJti l-rlw y-- ''" Sy-:" iVKO,6tSNaT?T' mK,, '" i-I'MI' ''''CH U an .... rMNittelUn','J,h0wwn,,u,,JomlHirliinltyj..u,ll imwr mo ogaln In a lllvlliim. I'ltipln ilcm't mildly roll piano. (r Inn, nn.l onllnarlly j ou'll pay 1 the AKrnt a I'rnllt n( two liun.lrnl to llvi I hiuiilrtil dollar. I auk no profit what i.'ir nn.l I thnll mII only tlii(onr.lanoa imci'iinry to .renre tlm ttholoaalo price. Till, in atllclly a proMnltlon man. nfacturora ilon'l roll at on In atallini'iilK. Now II yon know nl any. otto In Klamath Comity who la In a pa lllmi to appriH'Iato mull tin opportunity, you wlllconfiT a (avor.m llic han.l hy rrlrrrliiK tlirm In mi'. Ivts D.MKIN. llm Aul.unl (Wnlanr f the Inlarlor G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants ManfcflcM, Orttfoa, or Klamath Mia. Orctfon Zim Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Klratclaaa Line of Plumb ln( Spcclaltle and drat elaaa Workmanahli. A. O. U. W. Building KUauth Falla Jackson Hotel 'oil Klamath, Ore. Clean roomu, good beds. "W the table always aup with the best the fcttketafforts-Terms reasonable. C-C. Jackaon, Prop. On Po.iibl Honor. "Etrry boy bom lu llila country lia a. clinmo to bo iroIUi'Ul." "No; he tloesu'l. Ouly one can bo (irvaldcut at a tliuo, which cuta ev eral million, out." "I am spvaklui. of the poadblllty." r "Vou un probably thlokluK of'bla chance to be luviitloued for Tic praal dent," R.all.tlo. "Vour brother baa aucb Uue, healthy boyar "A lot of terror." "Vou don't appreciate tueui." "Yea, I do. 1 visited blui a week. Talk about your high spirited Ameri can. Tboio boya are n dime novel dramatized." Not Practical. "lie I one of tbo flneat meu I aver met." "lie may bo a ulco iuuu, all right, but he will uever roako a success lu life." "Why uotr "I saw blui buylug ou umbrella to day." .... I Tho Klamath Project Tliu Klamath Project ii the nam Hint Iiiih boon ajiplicd to the reclama tion of about 100,000 acre of land now unuvr tliu overflow of the Klamath IIivit nml of Lower Kluumth Lnlco and Title Lake 1111. 1 lln miK'ilioii of about li0,000 ucrca of vallejr liiml iiiljnct'iit to the Kliiiiiutli Itivcr, nlon(f the course of LoHl Itivur mid the tributnry portion of the great pliilumi lyiiiK chielly in Klamuth County, Oregon, bat iiIko uiiibntcitiK a Iart of Siskiyou and Modoe Coon ti.'H, California, a total area of 200,000 acres. Tliu Project embrncca the construction of a Tory. i;ruiit mileage of canals, laterals and drainage oanakT nml will have its jirincipnl source in Upper Klamath 1 .11 lie. Clear Lake and lloraelly are reservoir aitea ulieiij Hood wuter will be impounded and utilized for irrigation of laud included in the upper portion of the I'tojcct. Work 011 the main canal was started in the Spring of loot! and the first unit of nine miles is now com plete.!. About 1:1,000 acres of land will be irrigated from the lirat unit, the laterals for which are being I'liiiNtruuted under the supervision of the engine re hiiviiiK chance of the Project, liy far the largest proportion of the land under the first unit la bow La KiiKvbrush mid must be cleared and broken In time for crops in the Spring of 1908- Work on the eeo .Hid unit is being done by the Government and era brace nineteen niilen of main canal and twenty-aix mil.H of luteruls lo furnish water to about 20,000 nil.litionul acres of land. Work on this unit will be prosecute.! us rupi.lly iih pomnblc. Nearly one half of the area to be irrigated la now niuler water to a depth of from one to fifteen feet anil will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to lower the level of the rivers and lakes. A large part of the Hwump In ml mid practically all of the valley land in the Klaiiialli Hasin are held in private own. ership anil some in very lance tracts which moat be sold in tracts of 1G0 ncres or less under the regula tion Kovernlin; the perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH'S For it development and proa- ORKATEST perity the Klamath Buin mart have NEED people, and the right kind of People at that. IU great need ia Intelli gent, practical farmers, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who wiQ buy land, not for ipeculative purposes, but with the idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per. manont and comfortable homes. 8uch men are ootui to succeed. There ia room for thonaAsda of than. Developing Siiunr beets have been grown ex. Various perimeutally throughout the Klam- Industries atli Valley. The percentage of sugar is Inch, as will be noted from the follow inn mial.vf.iit by the United States De partment of Agriculture from beets Kovn near hiiKiir in Im.'tM, per cent., 21.7; sugar in juice, per rent . 21. 1 , riieflicieiit of purity, 83.1. i;.perieiie. lia.s demonstrated that excellent as paniK'us, onions mid celery can be grown, the tule lands ImiiiK very similar to those of the Sacramento mnl San .lonipiiii Valleys of California, where such M-nelaliles are so successfully cultivated. Through. out tlie world the reclaimed marshlanda are the best suited for the blithest development of dairy inter- tHlM. There is no question that this will become a sugar licet producing section and that a number of facto ries will ho built ti lit 1 operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone thrive her.'- nppleri, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small fruits bear abundantly mid of excellent quality. There are n (,-rcat many small orchards throughout the basin that prove the adaptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. II, Ii. Smith, former president of the Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, k'Vch it as his opinion that the foothill lands me .specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, the sandy loam of the uplands producing them in great nbundanee. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, look the premium nt the New Orleana Exposition. The most important forage crop is alfalfa, the soil being peculiarly ndapted lo its growth. Exceu All landowners being required Holdings Must lo sell their excess holdings, there Be Sold is a large area of good land for sale nt reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20 to $50 per acre for improved land. Land adjacent to the jirincipnl towns commands lusher prices. The purchaser pays for the water right at a coat of about $lR.per acre to be paid for in ten equal annual in. stallments without interest. This amounts to leaa than tho ordinary annual rental paid private ditch companies. Some of tho irrigators of Klamath Val ley (and they arc the most prosperous farmers) have already paid out to such companies for water $60 per acre nml rwn 110 water. All of these companies have been purchased hy the Government and included in tho system. No public lands will be open for settlement for tovernl years. Climate The upland soil ia mainly a rich Bandy and loam of great uniformity and composed Soil largely of disintegrated aud eroded lava with nit admixture of volcanic ash and dintomnceoua earth, the latter material of plant ori gin, formed in tlm bottom of tho aueieut sea which covered the greuter part of tho Great Basin, aud of which Klamath Valley is a northwesterly extension. Such soil, characteristic of many of the richest agri cultural sections of the world, including much of Italy aud the great plains of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. The lake and tule lands are mado up of u volcanic soil containing much organic matter, a vegetahlo accumulation of ages, and is of n peatty nature. The climate is extremely healthful and not severe. There ia rarely any Winter weather before the latter part of December, and hut little zero weather during the entire Winter. Tho annual precipitation ia about fifteen inches, with little rain during the Summer months. 2. t..r THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines. Liquors and Cigars r Caters to tho better claaa of trade, with nothing to otTend the moat critical. You'll notice the illlTcrenco when you try it. Juat tho place to drop in for a refreahing bever age when you need a stimulant. Pure liquors of all kind for family trade a specialty The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Mottled Under the Supervision of the Government . . . None Better . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer Our new goods are now here and you are invited to call and in spect same. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anything In the Furniture line. "Our Responsibility ends whenever you are Satisfied." E. W. GILLETT 6 CO. Uert E. Withbow, Vice President Abstracting Maps, nana. Bloc Pruts, Etc. Aixen Sloan, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation .Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. K. President M.-RIWiluams, C E. Tressurer Klamath Falls. Oregon CHASE Get the Htbit-Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffees You'll be pleased with it. Those who have tried it say it's the best. We always aim to keep everything of the highest grade and want your grocery trade. Van Riper Bros Phoae 516 Professional Cards. DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Offltce over ioittofflce, Klamath Falls. Oregon TautmoNA 1 " D. V. KUYRENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Dank A Trn.t Co.' IIuII.Uiik We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At lac Bridge on Main Street CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falls a Wlnema Truck & Transfer COMPANY furniture and piano carefully moved. Itageage watron ana general draying. All work given prompt attention. Uuua to und from all Itoitts. Phone 103 COLBUKN & YOUNG Proprietors furs Wanted (1 D. Willson ia In the market for all kind of fur, for which he will pay the highest market price. Address bun at Klamath Fall, Oregon.