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a i ': ; i i ! J? IB '- J H; J '!'? it & " jr vm 1 Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealing with Strictly Reliable House When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying serves as proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods" I am using G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker. Jeweler and Optician RFFUBUCAN BLOCK Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOmG:-Stemeiy Klamath leaves' Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. COMING: -Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:30 in the evening. Oregon & California Transportation Company Subscribe for The Herald Elvvood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum PERSONAL MENTION New Una ol lattcy SJotiteiilr inm at Winter. Nell Cntnplwll hai none to A.hlaml lo vltlt with' lil family. Men l'iiiim Hut. KKK Moio. SllllltUOr. Ijt.lle. iiiul HiUdii-na Straw Mala ol every tletoilpllon ilKKK itloro. Mtrril. The town without boom. Srt Vyititcr for jewelry. Tin' ire eteatit ivaaon ha U'ltuii ami our parlor ate open. Maniiliiii'i. Chicken dinner aery Miiitlay al 12 n. m. .Mr. A. Staler. Merrill. A natural traaecenter. Conretl liy Mr. Morgan ami Ml Nkkefou lll UMtnrlhynl your attend- ailCV. J. V. iiWvi'lliaeilfl', Republican Catulldntcn U.H.Uimiui-IIuii. II. M. Ue, a'ij U. !. Seintnr, l all lout e Mil " i"' In one camlMnte. Mr Cake la a man ol HomIii appeiti.tuee, an eloquent speaker, u 111.111 that mnlentmi'1 l'"' political limillu. Wlilte many IW'I that Mr. I'tilLm ai U-aleit, )et hi tealUe, hy lliovolo Mr. fake leoelteil In lilx home loiuil) lltal lie I"" 'Hr thereat Mi. Tolli'ii aalieie. Mi. Cake idoeiliii!ol hit pail) ole. CoiiK-Kiliiaii-V. C. Ilawley Ht In lila pal nconl wllli prl'tei '" ''' 'll1 leoonl i III lilalfotm. Jinlli-uol Ihe Supreme Coiirl II. K Ileiin need imi fHi iiii'iitlon I MIr ami 1 I tViiiiiilaaluiiet J. W. Ilille) Ultima Wliinri. " I!. I!. CiiiuiiiU'iloiier I'. K. t'aiupl!! TimU'i Ciiiiiipanv, aicuiiiiaiilwl hv hl tut nimi lot Hie people mil U entitled ile ami UUr ill rtillve in the tilt I In Hie supfoll ' Hie entile pari), toniiihl. MerrlU Valley the heart ot Klamath. I.. I.. Ilmwnell exiecti In Irate in a few da) lor ?n r-'raurltiii ami oilier Cilifornta politic I I'l.iw.uiiiij Alloniev l. V. Kuiki'ii- ilall, at I'roMinllln: Allornr), U plan lolly Hllhouloppoalllon. He ! well piatMed ami KUmalh ami Uke Count Don't Be Afraid IK Tl H'.li ll U tliklirtt In the hoiiar, even Ho. ln - -1 nml uil itii'iiiiiiK'llpl lo (it a tlnoinr, ilnn 1 , "" ''rn Hint .I.Klot'i pirtcilptlon in our .ton. u, !,., ,"n(, ','' '" ''rinj illicit lie .Mir. It.. ,,., ,.,,.,, V,'' '''.. V II malimi ,, lie..,.,. ,? "a ...till 1U .... .Illf..... I.. ... .. I... .1 . II ilillllinipi '" i" v I" 'I" noil nil' III., tut . , flifn hint complicated Hie pti'ilHiu 1. w, 1. . " ' '""U,,, mi ilillrienrn how niui'li lie iMirt Hie iii,,rhl ,. . . ' Himl. mlly n ll U ttilllen Hie liittillenla liteil A 1,1, Wi: HA V l "il.m'l U, afralil lo .i,,u ., ,,., I . II IL'l'tl .... .1 Iff-. ........ .! ... - 11 ."'ii'' ""'"" ""i',ireniiiiiii Li,,,), In wrlllliK Hie inrtciliilloii, you hato ll. ,,,,,, , . 'n'"' tt .ie.eilitlon In any lorn you iiielrr. We al,,.,!,,," "VlnHlil ton, talUUillon II )mi lirlng your iiefiii,ii,,i. 1 ,. "Mtto i: lll'AIIA.N rKK that umlrr lm roinlilnuli.,11 i' ' 11 l,i fir. Imliii'eineiit Mill aeallott a iiinle pi-irtlo.i. 1 rvi'i II trai'lly it Hie ilm'lor tttltn ,,,. Hie hlnheol iiKlllt iNlnlieiit m lilrli ,m , , Hi f riu, '"Ifrft "J ... .. ... - tllll I.I u.... .Mi-i It lartarlly italimiliii'liir Mtlteiii nlll , ,"""" Mil 'Oil l,l,. Star Drug store "The Store thai Saves You Money" 1.. ... I.. I . mIiiImIio! 1W1 lillllikf llliellml. a.uiuMe "-" ( - ' "" "- Iw.i, mIiI,, In itlace Hieomi'lelil all al litcalioit he till not letiirn here . . . It U not nrce.i.a.y lo leate ) . "'""' " "" "'"' " l'U"-wmrlii-iioliini; at Winlera. Wo ate! Male Sen ttor-liro. II. Meiijiiian, j now irriaiel In ilo jour work nniita Slate Senator, U a iMiit: touni! Slain- ly. All work Kunrantee.1 (or one tear ' ,1IU ntn,r nrtl oiielrnn In Hie Urn- Thn larneal nml iimal eonmlele loek rr IIimihi ami tlriiitniilralr.1 hit al.llll). of Killioit I'liunoKraplia ami Until iiuhiM! lieiiirtentalltet-lliir Slate lleM nl nHiirtliiii tliecountrt. Singer S'v ...1... 11 t, 11.11 ..... .,..1 11 t M'triitiiiirT. a rv ' (! I Villi Maiilillin'a ll ) on Haul he U- I liv rrram. NVflr Jtli'l H.-w In if Mbi-hlne allji. ,ie for all make of SenliiK Mmlilor.. ' ."liier SealiiK Maihllie tfi-nr . MSr -A Hint: of ti'ill Iwili Hilda , K11M rrnaa ll.ici-. U'lMirli lkeaMe Inn an I aolie, I'leam irlurn In Ihltolllie ami invite feaaiit, 1 ln( Machine Aliiiicy. Ilrallaiu, ate ilronk' ramlliUtet ami "ill Jlilnliro .title,! HI. Ilrtt liritilit Irani ,,, ,(.,r lM,Iy .tlriXu, toIorrU)e.ler.lay. Tltmuiili fieiitlil U ' UttM w. II. lUrne. I. tirll.iiwlltlnl not yet arriving there, hut (iiniilerali a , n t)ll Ml.,.( ,linlll(. .n it ,.,. .tiifl haa Iwn there in care .f r 1)( jk,.i-.,i,,,,.U,.i) .hrilll. the Mclntire tonipany, nml he U hritik- u a. a k'..l e.hi.lion, la an acllte lnK- It tlirouKlt as fa.t at II arrive.. A Wl, 4Cl1MII H(,, , ,r . Urue force I. at work m,ihe.trr. I liuilj,ng ,,, ,,, ,,. ,,, lioutenmi ny me lime llie lliroii(ii rate lie.) Into rtTrrl It will lv reaJy for uae If your SenlnK Machine ilm- not t'l) T)l,if rnt tu I'm 1 Klamath I ( 1I1U tiiornlni; to allrml lo hualnra ml ' tert for a fen ilaj., lie a aivoin. j (xnlr.1 lir Mia 'laylur. ' (lame Warden Coining 1 ED1M work rin'it, rail tip 'J.V1. Machine alto rrnteil by week or month. Singer Sew. ing Machine Agenry. Ytttenlaj'a .torui ilhl very Utile ilatit age aae that a few of the Hire nl the! MlilwayTel, A Trl. Co. Merecnwaeilaml some ol the telephnnea put out of mm minion therein. When Jon buy a Sewing Machine or Phonograph, get the l-M. Come In and aee them nt The Sinner Sewing Machine Ageney, cor. ilth ami Mtin treeta. Mont K. IliitchUon U 111 king a re urey of Kir.t AiMltion to Klamath Falli. A numlier of Int. hate reeentlv liecn toliltn the i, 1,1 it ion an. I It ha be come necr.ury to re-eilabliah the Imun- olHrer. Vole for him. County Clerk C, It. Iieljp, ai ('miity Clerk, i. wi-ll kuoHii In )"il all, hating hi Vnl llili oiiint) aa Sch'ail .sUlln leinleiit in a Ha) that U a emlll In him. aelf. lie la linn aa-itlng aa (li'piity ."hrr. Ilfnf thiariiunly ito.l la Inonu In ! a Ihioiighly nimvieut man. I County Treainrer I. Alta fruit, at iTrraaurrr, it mil knoii to )ou all ami I he ilnlt with prMe to hla pa.t rrroril. 1 School Suirintemlent J. II. Saau U a man that hat lvn ioii,U' 1 Ivfore the public for the pt fire Jeaia ' ami haaacrornpllihrilttomlrriilieiliiaal. luimt llnea. lie ia ell fillr.1 (,,r the' place. Afirtaor licit II. Willinm.aa Aaaeaa- I.W m ll.M .I..I.I ...... I- ,!. . .1 . I - .,.. ,i,v ,,ft, iitnii 111 Hir ugni, having .rrvel a liiimU-r ol )rara in Hie llrpulyliamuWaiilrnM ml II. Ilnlili In, 11 haa I I t,i wnlil friHii the alate 1 game tarilrti, II (I. Mxvruanii, that be will arrlte here neil Mwiiilay He lll! male a thorough lute tlgall'iit nl llie ' game romllllona In thla a.vllnn, A ligbl riifoir-Miieut ol the gam laaa will help' l-lliate the game 'Uppty ol Ihla an-. ' Hull ami krrpop lit reputation aa Hie' inlaiuu'a pi,M.. ! t- Humor ma Philosophy t tUftCAN N MWta Urlet ol the Ion. ' Aburarl Oilic ami having a mmplrle tome in ami hear Hit-"Mn)" Hat of abalract of every plice ol ili-,,lnl laml h.ia.)ti riiouogrniih. In tliecoimtv. i.nia 1,1m I,. . ,.,ii., Ageney. Cor. .Ul, ami Main ,,,,., ,,,,,. ir ,,lrl4 M.a,ulrlUll I record, on the S. 8.." ;it reel. I'ort Klauulli Hill have aramliilate. I an) other man we km,. j County Surveyor-M.ll. William, haa , Ull tomorrow night, and . nmnU-r of llrrl c)1(11,y ,,,,. ,,,,,Uare thinking .. ,. ,,,, .,, , .,. . of .uendlnc Th. Ull at Ih.t f k, ,,,,,, ctl;d plare iluring llie primary campaign hi. l-aKii 101 ma (.iii'iinry (;nifitv t:,iiiiiiiiI,,i 1 1 .,.., 1 1.1..1.1.. 1 ..i ... ... ... ' . -. flHIIIglH ,""" "" , "" "" "' l,w '""" ' I'lonwr of Klamath Coun.y. , ,. I fiilli aurw ali.w,i wul ,1 ' itconiertatlto hualnraa man ami hi. iiinnierin rciiur my im k livfore I niiivu my building, am offering my en tire. lock ol crockery at 10 per rent ill. count for Hid next thirty data. lleo. K. Ilurn. male a aiuri-M l, ,, ,, lirM venturer, ami it U fair to na.uma that . he Hill iln a. Hell will, the rounly bun-' nt.t, ' AN APPEAL Dir ui !!. Jar 4ll Tlr ul Uaal tu amlla. Wliat'a tin Iim, at alatar, tV..Jnr all lb wlilU? Tiu .irfujti, tuur aixlnklliig Malira Hi ataa alart. HIIII uu liaaUn'l lak II Uutta a., Inuclt tu lll. One a Jc la .latitjr. Trulr. (".Mlnaaa knuaa, iVr our Ura nJvwr Vllll yuur buar liuaa Thai Hill inaka Ilia nwlalula Hlalt ll, l.u.l. ot War V ruuU alanil ot,r imljr Ittrry uthar Jar You'ra a',raUI.l lluubllaaa. April. ilar Mllll )utl at luu liuar lllalillmaa. I tut k 1.0 1 t au (la-l'l.nt Will, ruur walar iui, Ik'li'l lir to illacurar HI. at m ran anJula. Try u. xllli a l,a,,r Xrtlluin IVrMi kuiiM Kith that traalmaril HulT. r mi rla,aa. You are mucli t,i llxirouati, !, uur wmk llwl On your Juti nt waln( .Try lo loaf n ., PHONOCRAd EDISON itivvntcl iin iihonoewa Mi uiiulf t nn cntmtj iit nil It m tninufactrJ al a pr,..' which tTnjat can alt. ml, nml wtkllita tin fun. tayment k fiiiofif mill Ik. wuhcdfcr Have you henrd lid m the New Moid Wc Want Your TNfc Underw( Pharmicy EVERYTHING Dt I SalUlacilon OiataaM Klomnlh FalIs,iOrcM XXbood jL Clothes for Boys I l.r aaLaaPHIaaai IhaTa aaaLaF I '" " V JTPJW Jtefcft, 1 UK ak m aV.-fc . aTT'aHiBaBaia..WtEttLtflBa I Make a list in your mind of all the good qualities you want to find in the boys' clothing you buy. Then come here and get more than you thought of - in an Xtragood suit. Good as it can be, style as it should be, lower priced than it ought to be YTRAG00D CLOTHES FOR BOYS MertidMtr, Stein Co. - . Makers balJor, Junior and Russian suits In many variations of style and fabric. Carefully tail ored and trimmed. Also a large showiitf of Norfolka and double-breasted suits Knaw th ft. mad, "Oh, I'Kiiir," an 1,1 the laiigubl young laily, ilropplng lulu the aofleat chair III the omrr, "1 nut ft alckl I do hope you ran loll mn what u ilo In get well." "What are the ayiuptoiiia)'' aakvl the iloctor. "Let im nml out Drat what ulla you, nml Hieii tin will aeo wlmt He can ilo," 1 "Oh, iliM'ior, cuii'l )ou make up th. aytuplomaV" "lltil how ran I iln tlwtr "V011 oiighi in iln thnt raay enough. I uaul n ae of ayinpliiina Hint rail fur a all iiHiulhi' trip to Kurope." Palace Restai 1 GOOD SLRV1CI GIVE US A TWA1 UNDIH MANACIMIITaY Hunsaker & 0'( The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store Baieball Outfit Free with Every Suit aaaawaiaaiaa MliundarateeJ. SOME BR1DBI AREHaAPPT Whin the VitiiiH ftagj Hft fuming la. illali A.r ii.pp. wlua tat Wt cms iiimtfromWBrn WK HAVE CUT GLASS, HAND PAINTED CHINA, SOLID SILVER The Very Mot " arr..rH. ! :: 5 S Special Prices SOW Ttlcnho..t and a Solicited. H.J.WINlTf "The Urldca. favorIM t" "UUy, I hatin't laltu aiiyllilnic fur Wwli." I llili' llilnaa.aall.iul I l.iafai aa Maaalaalli "- l-allIBI HHtV W I.WU.MI H111I U rruty ulwut u, fuatltiK fad. Iln ilulum It will do WoluUra. Won't you touiH uroiinil lu 11 vtiwk ami Ut um klmw how you twY' Maht Olffaranca. "OIJ Juiikluw doein't smi tu bava iiiiiilt or u rtfptiutlou fur truth ami turutlly." "No, Imli'tJ, 1 wuultlu't Uflhtva him iimler outh. Would youV" "Wll, nut uul ha waa uiy wli-ua." Nlghtmarat. lltj-Mm, Joum haa u uew bouoat. Hho-Yoa. Uo't It 11 dreawj Ile-Mayho It , hm if had dream lllta that 1 Woulil l, umtlnu tnr Ilia PERT PARAGRAPHS., "" . tud Umloiihkilly ru,,V"ilc ' lo I""' l'fP,"K 1 ; phllo.opuy i. Ltttl Mayhe ull men ure ""V.-ii them would Blop in o" '-Mm collect n luiioiii"" - II It i.U'i really an lulau. -jj what U lit "" ''iVMI under Kite.. clKii...ucf.M m know wuni .1 "' u " ... u al The man tlmt H". gaM" csn mm " --- j DouH worry V? 'SEfJSwl make good nml t" " M dwtor, out ror luaiu.ti.- s r3--: Ji ri& t-l V. . art-