OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 09, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-05-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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,v j
l-aot-J daltr. .arret Rundar. hi lh
Herald Publishing Company
IMIr, k mall, !'.
IUIIr.br mall .Ii month-,
(Mir, by mall, thre. mwiih.
Dally, br mall, a month. ,
Jall. daU-md br t artW. a we. . .IS
HOW TO riKI-IT.rx'Ml i-vawncv nwmr wiwr,
aitirma onlar. ecrronal cnk on ruur local bank,
lamp, coin, or oirrrntr.
JMra.B I. AW n flaMA!, -NWtlnM MS9 of
lha lam of Orrawi pro-tlaa thai -hwir anr I
mmm .-) -r imfl fa..,. , liVlACT CfllL
MMSH LAHLO JggiLg-iyr" " ARFT am
50 per ceat. v-getsble m.t.. KHnn-th's tfntfest barons t $20 per .ere -.1 upward.. E.Y Terms. nMJUt flJJf
Republican Cnmlidntcs
U 8. rVnator Hon. II, M. Cko, a
U, K Senator, Ii nil that wu can i (or
In onri candidate. Mr. Cake In a ninii
pnirarontrollliut a iwwaparwr thall mall auth'til pleaiing apiH-nrailoe, All eloquent
rvrwapr u anr -rwn in una Bia-a wiukju. . .
flnt nvarf ina an ordr Ihmfur, nth r.w.rr-r speaker, B 11111 that Understand 1 1
.hall l d-m-JtSt a sift, ami no d-bl or obl !.(.
tun aha!l arena aaalMt mica i-rraon. wh-th-r I political situation, hlle many (vitrei
alJ wnnaiwrUrKTlrxtbrthfPTnonloiahainl .,,,.,. ,
ii u ami or not. ' that Mr. tulton as beaten, jet no
rUTUKDAY, MAY 0, 11)08.
to h! -mat record with pride; In diet M
record is hi platform.
Justice til lliei-uprciue Court It . i
Hean needs no ieclal int'iillon.
lair ami Koo.1 Coimutislont'i J W.
rcalitc, liy the totu Mr. Cake tevched
In lit home county tlint lie isa popular
ThP ynmion. heard m-erv-l"'" Mr.Kulton washcic. Mr. Cko
where throuBhout the city in re- '" l,l""i" oI M ,Mr,y xo,
iranl to the ny.rtrnnizntion of tho Coniitwinan-W. l llnwlcy
Chamber of Commerce are niost
favorable. The new Directors
meet with approval and will re
ceive the hearty support of
every business man in the city.
One prominent business man was tuiu i. alio winner
heard to remark, "I have not It it. (.'iiiHMinm- i. K rinpMI
always been a very active mem unman (or the ieipie ami i entitled
ber of the Chamber, but with ioib.-upiMrioit.heentii,.p.iri.
tuchmen as now compose the l'n-iu in Attorney i. v. Kuaen
Board conducting the atfairs of dall. a-IWeeutini-Attome), i- pun
the Chamber, I shall be glad to icall) without opinion lit i- well
lend any assistance in my power qualified ami Kinmath ami Uikv count
towards its success and feel as l"' ' " r"iKmtuUtl on havm,-
sured that at last we are in to .iuveMiin;triit " "
shape to accomplish much KOod. tome) In nnmiiial'or. (or lh.. phi.v.
I do not want any office but will MateK-nitor-Ue... II. Meir-mau, -
gladly contribute toward the stai Senator. l riiins mw sinui
support of the organization and n""' hviiik'i-ruM one term iinluUm
do anything I may be asked to ,rHoitieiiJjfmontriisliin ni.ihtt.
do." The above seems to repre- l!"inei'tatnr Our m i:... i
sent tfie general faelinp among ''-. !' iMkna. ami li. a.
the leading men of the city and itmtuii..ati.'Mroiran.ii,i.ii.-aiil will j
bodes well for the work to be ",0"' '" i"'" ""'" iu" tn-m-th.
undertaken by the new man hrriir-W li.iume. itiliii.ilin.-.l
agers. The active work Being miiii thooiiice, iiaviiiw-crxe.lu.iMM--donebyMr.
Dolbeer's commit ,,r'n(Ul.eCounty,alioa.leMity-heiiI(.
tee towards securing new mem auocieOiuation, i an nie
bera is meeting with fcucce33 and ( """ wtl1 win-inie-rititii all the .ur.
indications ure that Klamath rouinlln rutinty ami mnkn mi efficient
Falls will soon have one of the oir'r Vo"-f,,r '"
strongest commercial organi County cieik-c.lt, ivu-, aiCounty
ZStions in the State' Clerk, ! well known tnyon all, havliiK
------------ terveil thi count) a Srhnol Miift
The United States Senators im'leiit In n ilmt l a mtllttohlm
want to know why Taf t has gone I ' ' n Mlni ai leiuty .-her.
to Panama. The Senate has in oithlrounty ami i known m iw a
adopted a resolution introduced throunhiy comient man.
by Senator Bacon, calling for" County Trea-nrer L. Ala la-nil, ai
COrrCSDOndence since January Treaiurer, l will known to you nil ami
18, 1904, between the United ' ? i-oit with iiri.ie to iii .nst record.
States and Colombia in relation -,-"- Superlntemiem-J. o. Swan
to the secession of Panama. I ' " '"n ,l "' in ompleuomiy
Prior to that time Cotombia felt heforo the puhlic (or the at five yearn
aggrieved at wbat-was inter- anJhaaaccomllheilnomleraliieluial
preted to be interference by the ionanines. lie t- well mie-Hor tin-
United States in her troubles P,lce-
with the State of Panama, and Atir-iiii K.withron,aA
demanded $10,000,000 of the r, ii the right man In the right place,
United States. Colombia also I"k ! niinlH-riiieari In the
asked for arbitration of this Alntract Olllce ami havini- a coniilete
Orders Arc
Heavv Frclrthtlnri a Spcclclty. nodilnite
Given Prompt Attention
0. K. Transfer & Storage
Havini) up-to-date piano
trucks wc solicit your
fine piano moving
Ofllre N7I
llarn (171
Kcshlcncc (MS
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
or KKK Store, Phone 174
J. L. FIELDER WooNdca'rarcd,tnyn,lianncc
I'lione U4
The Eldred Company
F. C. ELDRED, Manager
Uoiumzu, Orcrfon
Saddles, Harness and Supplies
We make -a specialty of first-class, KUi'"i-t"0(l,
liantl-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
The Gem
Restaurant" and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged, eating house
In the city. Open day and night.
Claim, Which Was refused by the al-tract of every -! ol ilee.le-1 land
United States, on the ground ln,'ecoant, 'u" '" '" '"''
that this country had been ' '"er J1"'8 ,,"f vIue0' real eatate than
charged with fomenting revo ny other man . know.
hltion in Panamt anJ abettin? County fiureyor-M.I. William. ha
the secession of the isthmian '''" con'Pici,0"lir lvl"rv '"' i,a,,,Ic
portion of Colombian territory. Aatin '"" "' 0,r'"'- '"" tt"'k
i lanii i mi ii i ,taki (or hit efficiency.
Contrary to 'the fond expec, Cbntr Comipiioner-c. J. Pwln.le
Utions of the Democrats, the fol-' u ',,oneer ol Klm-'' Cun-- - i.
lowers of Fulton are not inertlte IiuiIucm man n.l lm
l.b: , !. n rna-le a autre with liU nui hutlnem
iivvnuiH iw liic uuiiiici Ul uvurKe
E. Chamberlain. The knifing of
venturer, anil it la lair to n'aiiiiio that
he will i!oa well with the rniinty him-nei.
Vanity Fair.
la vanity Ulr
la mtnh In ir.a a r
Aoi Full) la RaunllnK - I
Hliv'a nalllni; aa fuir
llir rlnr la tl. mm
8h. a i.ulllrn Kray U'l.'lom .
Languaga F.nptrt.
"What U IhU 'innUe in lii-rmauy'
bear to uiuih about V'
"Unld In Ueriaany That'a (raulrlu
Nature probahly hai coiiiwnatloni
for notDtn. hut louiebow they hare
uot yet etoluted to lur aatlifactlon
Cake, which the Democrats fig
ured on, is not developed in the
manner anticipated. Instead
Senator Fulton has opened head
nnarfora or tho Imnorinl ITnfol tn the Circuit Court ill the State o(
n -ai i j i. . Oief-on (or Klamath County.
Portland and has men working, j0, koohu piaintlir, v. Amamla
enthusiastically for Taft and J Klla Knontzile(emlanl, ault in equity (or
Cake. iiiiorte.
ii i a i m I" the miD- ill the atala o( Orej-on :
( Vou are hereby itijulreil to appear ant!
arbitration treaty 'anower the complaint tiled aicain't )ou
in ttto atxie entitled ault on or before
lHattirda), June 13th, IWW, IrIiik the
States. The treaty provides for iicntlon ol thia aummoni.tho fir.t pubii-
the settling of all disputes ex- cation o( which lielni-onHaturilay, Mai
cept those involving t3rritory !2,,,,,,W)8, "' ' J0" '"" "i"'",,-'''i
. .11.,.. tor want thereol, ibo plaintiff will appli
and sovereignty by the Hague , to the court (or the relief lemunde.l in
Scraps of Science.
The uorth atar la estimated to ahlne
with a Ilsbt ll0 tltuij-i that of the aun
The nvernKe uelKbt of the bmln of
a man 1 three nuil n half puuniU; of n
nplliau, two iMjuml eleteu ounrea
The humni: aLelelon touilata of aulue
200 lioiien, HioukIi the iiumfrt r of nop
urate hone-i inrleu nt ilirTerint tnnea of
life. Ilouea which ore illttnt In t.irl
life Ucomu fund In oM agv
A general
has been signed at Washington
between Japan and the United
Sixty witneajes have been
summoned either for the prose
cution or the defense in the trial
of former Sheriff C. Sam Smith,
on the charge of burning the
shearing plant of ex-Congressman
J. N. Willamson, in Crook
It can be set down as certain
that if the Republicans control
the next house of representatives
there will be a determined fight
against the re-election of Speak
er Cannon.
the complaint, Hied herein, to-wit: (or
a decree diafolving the IioikJh o( rnntrl
mony exiiting between plaintiff ami de
fendant, Thia auiiiiuona In neru'd by publication
in tho Evening Herald, by order of Hon,
Henry I.. Benton, Judge of the Circuit
Court lor the first judicial district ol
Oregon, dated May In), WH, width or
der require summons to be published
once a week (or six consecutive weeks
, from the 1st day of May, 1108.
"Attorney lor Plaintiff.
KUmaUi I alia Pu'-llc library
The Klamath Fells Public Library ft
open every afternoon from 2 to 6:30
o'clock and each evening from 0:30 to
10 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex
landed to all.
Savtd by a Smlla.
". I hail a uarron eaispu once. It
nn In t'aiiutia hIi.ii tlie (itague was
i raijliirf mmiy yearn ago, ntien Kit
I rit-v.iua tud little U-ttr thiii.e than
the nuilif. Thr hoipllalt neru fin
j to orertluuliig. nml . ultti many olli
I rrs. uai IIiik- In a large ilk-,1 put up
for the purpH- Home of tbe poor
I thapa mre dead and I pi.lt) nrar ll
when n man inuie arouinl wllti one of
tho iloctnrn u, lurasure the IwdUa, and
1 I Knnied from tlirlr talk that they
j counti-d rue nlrvady nmoug ttie corpses
I I was loo far goue to cry out. I could
not more; I could not eien open my
i ' Vint did Jon ilur '
Oh. I Jui suilied""-Westminster
A Historic Old Collsgs.
, The first flrtti. letter aoclely-l'td
I lletn Cippa- was nrganlied at William
I mid Jlnry In !;. nml among (he char-
ttr member urc John Marshall, chief
, justice, anu lliishroj Woshlugton, asso
, elate J-isilii-, of the supreme court;
Spenctr lloane, ho ivaa considered
the nbleal JurM ei.r p -luced lu Vlr
t KlriLs: John iti.mu i. I Htephen T,
Mason, snutors from Virginia. Wlb
1 lUm Hhort mliil.ii r to Hpalu nnd Hob
" "" i'ili i 1'jrtn.il.e. a Millie of
the preservation of tuluable books and
Oermun scientists, ufkr dtvotlng
deen stmlr (n th. fiiutii.fi r.t i... .i.......
of paper, hate found that Imcterla ure ! i,"""'"'l'"""- who -tihfi-he. chap
the chief enemies to Ih met with lu '" '"'" ""', Huriuril tun lv tv
..,.., i .. nullum IIIJ.I ,r; wn,
tin- first it-lin-i. p. U1, i ,(1. ,W.W
system of study ii.iHIh. ,r ,.,
In the KotiTuuii-iit r i , .in,,, ut,
Carlnj l.r tlw o,
"Ifa a rum,- thing said a .hx-tor.
that Hie Hirrnge m.in pi,, ,. Bt.
ten lor, to the most pronilmnt finture
or his fa... i,an to mi) t.r ,,urt of
UH tOlltlli linn, .. V.- ...... .. '
,, ' "" me nose Im
l-aklu of We ..., t with eye
IShmsea tli.it pin. h , r '
i heat . ,. Homl.rHtij Ii In
Pith and Point.
Ocfasloually tho iMt.it on I hoot at
the roiig time
A iiuin'H tempir Is IIU u ily u
full Kroun the mouiiut It ii..irn
The excuse of eierj man who does
not mind hi oun IhixIumm N that he
Is trjlug to i,i good
How would you IILe to . a jpr
hriin'er and be tlosel) iisoriitn -im,
'loiisetleatilng nearl) ettr, Unj ,
Don't for'et that the iiHg,,r
Hjieu joii, ir i-tt ilnirt bfhiii,'. Ui.-j
Incorporated November 20, iqqT
1 1
Statement of Condition
. or 1 mo
Klamath County Bank
Klamath Falls, Oregon
DECEMBER 31, ,007
ItuiK ami DlHcnuntH $3-10 nin n
Kent Kntnto, liulltllnifH uml
('unit and SIkIiI Kxi'Iiuiiko
1 0U.247.6D
Cnpltiil Stock, fully paid $100,000.00
nuiiiiin iiim I'niuis
Dm Other HatikH
I. Al.-t Mutllll. Jr . ('ashler of II.,
l-ntik, do solemnly avs.ar tlml tho .
infill la true to the beat of my know I .
Hubtftlttrd ami a v. itr It In Ufon u
of January, l
lralf II tt
N. tary I'ul lu f
ar,l (l,
' iir
' t ll llir
Asb'i Cashier
Pioneer Bank of Klumath Basin
E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor
Cholceit of Wlnei. Liquors and Cjin'
fr('atrra to the l-rttrr rtaaa of trail a r rutlitig Is tf sl
tho most critical. YWII notirr . 1 ifcrrwi sl-i
try it. Just the place to 'drop . t . a irfroU-jUa,
age when you nrit' a stlmu'sr' I'uie ll it ll
L kinds for family trade a i-ecik t
Ready for .Inspection
Our line or Carpets. Muttinj, Tapestry,
Linoleum, Art Squares, Tabic, Louijc
and Stand Covers, is ready forimpeV
tion. Something entirely new
Also Silk Floaa and Feltolenc MattreMO;
Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pcfr.
ell woven wire Springs, the only tWai
for hot weather.
Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oik
Rockers. '
Successor to B. St. George Bishop
Ill e. ... . .--
1 nunu-aiorc, 01 ucsiuencc, iod
The American Bank and Trait i
111 llllj I... I - - -
'"' "I .lli- Tor t nine la
j" t .rins t.-.i ... t ,,.,. .,:";
klioiv It, And 1 hey tell It .U,,, , C, ,, . . " '. ' ''"' ! s.,y ,,, ,
au. eu.r,he,.. eUe .UchLon (!,o.,e , Z ' ZtVVt'Z '"
inn nf 11.. r ' wn,,.
' " Mil IIU III rir
rtriiiinniK, bill th
Scraps of Science.
Ola-: made Into mluoiiopie objic
thes Is more u.atly tbin KoM
.Mflii'a temperature Ii USd deitrna
uall'a Is "il nnd n chtcl.en'a 111
The efTectle temperaturo of the mni
1 nenrl) 5 too decrees O (H.71W ,u.
-roes P.
flMbet to !H. ,KtUI1 - (((, (,r
end lifioiiHK ehiHiie una ul w ,,,
o teloitii'l or K-ie an u.splMi dirln
be coatlnujiaVj of thU low temDera'
ure "
""e, Hlrtch
' Hpt to Ik) pu,,
IHeil4 It tin.. 1 ... ..11
: " mi is 1 nr im irtl ,,nu- i,
""""wu it M, iV.iuw'ff J
it ii... y
riiia til. inii
",v '""" I lie 11 soil I. 11,,..
I- Hl lieKlocleil -I ,e ii,,, , t?-5Sri4T
lliibln. .,n,i .1 M".UM "'COluu VlVr.
,,, ' "" """ '"' "I Id UP. A
little iiiumus,. Huu,j , , u V- A
."eh. k-h (b, iuh,,,,,;,"1"
.otlu- the men -on ,. ... .
T S. r V '
rv - 1 iaa amja ZT1 ":mT ".i"-nn ' -TJSJ
rTr -S , Z-T r"" ,",m' h-r- fl
aim laRa? -; U 9 9 II
IlJJi..ia ,i Miiii
Jt iSi mM a9& (safiam itS 2 m SHI
a-t vi &
A. M. WOHDEN '"E? 5fSS3
Ca.hler ' . 3
Cor. 5th and Main Strcci J
1 fc.

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