Newspaper Page Text
337S5M m -IFACTSABOIT KLAMATH PROJECT liiiuta ul ten or wrZ,m, furnlilifl or uiiiornwn. . .uanin iui - - - ... i - 1 ' -- 1 ;',". J. II. II..K W "'"co,M far ,,.! day,, L.'n-Tu if"' jiit- ..UrcOPi , mlilf l" Ih.!''!''111" rToTATK rOK SALE .. .... i,..h limit li l.watr.1 B8Al.f '"'," rH lew cream at Manning'.. Hoy llamakar will leave (or Lakevlew Monday In itlniil to bu.lntM matter . i L-I,..nlll Fall. ll(M"n . . lorumf (1.(1 !dm'!ril MUCEUANCOUi LiffMISO k CO., I'tr merchant H1"' . i .. ii,... mi.iier. Amerl lUni"""' ' , Merrill. Investment not Speculation, i ftprliig line I'aniifiia ami HI, aw Hat. tilioK'K K .lorn. II. K. (lultirliliiii, ol Dm Mvlntlm Tranapot tallim Co., ha. again been Irani lor iih (rum llio I'okrgama offlre to Ihli vlty. Merrill. rro;erfy Is rcMonablc. (len. Mclntlrx, nl tlm Mclntlre Trin. i portallun Co., will villi llorrl. tomorrow ' on company litiilnei.. For the heat ilg In (own mil it I lie roK HALE .,. ti i.milc11y iiw Herring' MniiiukiIIi Htnl,lr. II. W. HI, aw. I',.,- . ..i.. ., Imriraln. nnn Wx I ...i..... ... Uin Mll - - ' I l,.ni. t LdrUnJ ne SA.K I"'""-. I"''''"' K. I'. Mo,,,.,, .. ,,,clo. ,u ( lb,lIWlkrmf.Jlr . !c,11((irnI, ,,,,,,. , U r.,H r. 157 r,ei ol gol latin ! keen at Itotrtlll furuveral we.k. look fORrn,"" . ., 1 jMirlwl"l0U'r '"" . mg alter propeily inlere.te lie ! at I. Ow-I J'1II ,'ou" !,d "" that place X linn. '" W l,c,p' """' '"' "'" i lnl., laki-li t once. For lo not buy blended wlil.koy. Wbtti ' , r,,til,e I InraM office, iron want pu, wh.Vy . tint it I. " .ut Up lltiilnr the gcilneiit' "bonded H fill K Oiii .better , on" wa.h- waiehouie .lamp," a. I. the Contlnrii uJ Vn tocLinu clialr. oni table and 'tal whltkry, Walrr Mill whltkey, Nor. ".',.. ,IA,. Cell althe llrlck matidle rye an.l V V V. t)r. K.I.I by or C. I). II Ladle, an.l gentlemen will DniJ an r ) .Mih olitiaw a,..l I'anema bat. ,Ktunllr to lU.t.,oe In ftarlowloutw lb n tlieneil.KJuaya Kl.,,1 Htoir.ll.! .lac to buy1 '''' ll, Muale .n-l . ,l,,tl, l , ". "i 'iai "ra me r.i- - rtnal llrotlivibixvl. An Interesting Item treasurer Notice 3500 Acre Free . UWi'leriiiiaiiy ha !!MM arirt llinl omlrr ll.r AiUin illtrb Ibal It Tl.r Klainatli Km 1 1 Military IUii.I litf IIKNT YM'.V. lor one )rar. iins a ,'lami. Jutt a .lano won't mo, It iilntllri Ihc "' "I tbe taml anil muat la (! onv. Tolanl tbe ioiikIi iUr. Tt.' mit'T luiiit an.l utagpol lUnre work ami ai a cliib'iioiii lb In..) In enlllalloii Tl.vtrlit liiittuii.i'tit, ami ttlll v mutlral rnougb tti til ll.r r,ot but we ,rrMe tbr to inrrt lb tfitrr,' ,nilliriiirnlf r.l w.lo IOitu, Ibr lubblf, ami twil arroiii.anlinnit work, It mutt Tl.r CuiiiHiiiy, Iwttrirlly blgbKra.lelnrtrry particular. J Kunk A.laui..Managrr, Sum can't nfTonl to y tbe retail Mettlll Orrgon. .tourb an inttruinrtit, aivt allrr ixiuruiiilr.K will. rrial leaJIng piano Ikiiiwi on tl.p coatt, trn jr rent .!! fount wat ll.e U'tt I (outJ grl. Now I XoUrtUbrirbyglrrnlhal tbere " . i,r Iwtii In lli muilc ljelnrn rrvernl ' lathfcumytrratuiyror tbe re- . , . ... i tAm ..I .11 uul.un.lini wnnty ,' eti proimtril on ainl prior w ( " a -".. ....,...... Ijr M1J. Inlrrrtl mi Mine will amUalilr. nl plain... I Know mat we . J can all..rl tbe blgbt it grmlo Inttruuirnt I maile II we ran only grt tbe benefit ol wlmlrule ptlre. Allrr rontlJrralile rorrrtpumlriK'n will, mantilacturvr. I ! fl.talli. Iim.m Imm.ii fiirhinalM anntltfli ,(1 IK ii, V. K, Srlmrn ba taken charge . . ... ,. I lU Amfilo.n .lining ,. wblrl. """ "" '" "" """" """ I Urn rnnulflnl. All women cook. ! b't Ibe lUlilwlii piano, ami tbere lin t a rmlo)r.l. Tbii I. tbe place to gel Utter pi. no m.ile Iban tbe ll.Ualn.' Uilinr.l,iil.inn ll i t , ,rcMry, bowever. lr me to buy u crrift. w..M..ui. li. c. M.nk XI. ll.r wbolciale price. nu.iT hii iHtr.-No,k, u b.rir Sow liero'a tbe mint: I'm not going! UMUawlHr-Urr,4lhl.trlarKu ' .. ..I UU.lU.lil :t I.ULI..MI .. I...n .!. ..I..... I.iol ... I '...i .mil., llltl MUWMmailTKla O. ttlthdr.v.1 tur lnt. ' ' ' . "i H"" ll fcf Junm u. in iw i-hi to ,lo:but ( tbere are (our iwiplo in ' NMlfrMlnr.-ihM'ilM,wlihlMKHmailiJ J ' t,7rr:l " '"""a ri 4 K amal i I'ounly wliu w-arit a ur.t graue IUUi.(Onvn.nd tir ku aulkwilr each i . ...... IMlUUlMlVnut ImMI kaafMM ..t.iti. II. m ....Am .I.IImIIv atltau, 1119 ,'!SltS!A"'u,1,,!h,f.,'",T,,ta,-,lfcr cbeap .tencll Initrumcnt, here I. an op. LixWI!J.u,.''" lln MutOTMarMl, ' . liA7",,M"'.bN?i"f. iwrlun ly you'll never una again in a Kef. or uu.n until Julvao, iiuLat laa. . H IlllM Uhl .Am .1 IaLJLJ 3- Mil... I I.....,.. .Irtn. t.llattw B..II pHIUlU.IMNira ...., t.rr,""(""","i"' rtfjbt i dun tl.liil.te tdt Fall, tbli 1Mb tlav .tll, IWH. I.. Air. I.exii, IViurilr Trmaiirer. Illn ortlrrvlM any rUKl mtLmI. i.l.nn. Inn. an.l nrtlln.rllv vnu'll liav r UlriMft, ( ,-u.lkm iMrun I ..." I junan, iwm. tiio agi'iil a prom 01 two nunuren 10 live t.i,,l'iB,",.v''.i'.ii"iii r i. '"' 1'r.iuillT ink rafrr " ", ii rin. AuUunt tW,.l.rr ,.r Ik. Int.rW G. Helming ft Co. Fur Merchants ManhlleM, OrttfM, or KUnuth rail. OreAoM IZlm's Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing Flritclnn ,n 0f IMumb W Spccluhlca ami llrat ! Workmonahlp. A 0. U. W. BuUdlig niamain nut ftckson Hotel 'ort Klamath, Ore. clen roonw, good beds. the table always aup- with the beat tie WW afforda-TeriM Mble. C. Jackion, Prop. liun.lrr-il ilollar.. laiknoproflt what' ever and I .ball aril only tha (our piano. I necci.ary to tecure the wholeialo price. Thl. la atrlctly acaab propoiitlon man lliacturer. uon I en ai wnmeeaio un hi- j tallmenta. .ow II you now 01 any one In Klainatli County who l In a poa. Ition to appreciate tuch an opportunity, you will conler a (avor on the band byt referring tbrin to me. Ivn Pakiku. ! Ttakcr Lud Notice United Htate. Land Office, Ukevlew j Oregon, February 18, 1908. I Notice I. hereby given that In com pliance with Ihn provialona o; Hie act 01 Congr.eoi.Jun3, 1878,'entltled "An act (or Ibeialool timber landa in the siatea'ol California. Oregon. .Sajrada and Waihlngton Territory," aa eitendeil to all tbo I'ublia IJind 8Ute. by act of Augu.t !,' 18W2, DeUp, of Klainatli Fall, County ol Klamath, State ol Oregon; ha filed in this. office hi (worn tatement No. 4013, for the irarchaao ol he awine, nwe4, ol sec. 3, tp. 38 8. range 9 E. W. M and will offer proof to ihow that the land ought la more valuable for It timber dr stone than'for agricultural purpose, and toVVtabllib hi claim to Mid' land hotoio'the County Judge ol Klamath Conn.yat his office at Klamath Fall, Oregon, on W' the 13th day o( "lfenamesawltbMiT. F. Nlcho la, L. D. Kltchlion, Trua H. Delap, A. M, Jarolton, all of Klamath Fall, Oregon. ... , Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described land are requeu ed tp die their claims In this office on or before Mid 13th day of May 1008. 2-98 6-18 J. N. Watson, register. The Klamath Projeot Tlio Klamath Project ii the name that line been applied to tho reclama tion of about 100,000 acres of land now ,,, miner i"o ovcriiow or the Klamath llivcr ami of Lower Klamath Lake and Title Lake mid tbo irrigation of about H'4,000 acrei of vallejr IiiiiiI adjacent to the Klamath Itiver, alotiK tho course of Lout Itiver and tho tributary portion of tbe great plateau lyiutf chiefly in Klamath County, Oregon, but aUo cmbraciiiK n part of HUkiyou and Modoo Coun ties, California, a total area of 200,000 ncreB. Thu 1'rojcct euibracet tho construction of a very (treat milcaKu of canals, laterals and drainage canal and will have its principal source in Upper Klamath Luke. Clear Lake and Horsefly are reservoir aitea where flood water will bo impounded and utilized for irrigation of land included in the upper portion of tho Project. Work on tho main cuual was started in the Spring of l!K)(i and the first unit of nine miles U now com pleted. About 13,000 acres of land will be irrigated from the first unit, the laterals for which are being constructed under the supervision of the engineer! having charge of the Project. I)y far tbe largest proportion of the land under the first unit ia now in sagebrush and must be cleared and broken in time for croiis in tbe Spring of 1908. Work on the sec ond unit is being done by the Government and em braces nineteen miles of main canal and twenty-six miles of laterals to furnish water to about 20,000 additional acres of land. Work on this unit will be prosecuted as rapidly as possible. Nearly one-half of the area to be irrigated ia now under water to a depth of from one to fifteen feet and will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to lower the level of the rivers and lakes. A large part of the swamp laud and practically all of the valley land in the Klamath llasin are held in private own ership and some in very large tracts which must be sold in tracts of 1C0 acres or less under the regula tions governing the perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH'S For iu development and proa- OREATE8T pority the Klamath Basin must have NEED people, and tha right kind of people at that. IU great need to intelli gent, practical farmers, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who will buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with tha idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making par. manent and ofmlwiable homes. Bach men art boun4 to succeed. There to room for thousand of them. Developing Sugar beets have been grown ex- Various perimentnlly throughout the Klam- Indjutriei nth Valley. The percentage of sugar is high, as will be noted from the following analysis made by the United States De partment of Agriculture from beets grown near Htignr iu beets, per cent., 21.7: sugar in juice, (per cent., 24.1 ; coefficient of purity; 63.1. Kxpirience has demonstrated that excellent as pnrugim, onions and celery can be grown, tho tule iuiids being very niniilar to those of tbe Sacramento and Sun Joaquin Valleys of California, where such vegetables arc so successfully cultivated. Through out the world the reclaimed marshlands are the best suited for the highest development of dairy inter ests. There is no question that this will become a sugar beet producing section and that a number, of facto ries will be built and operated with the development of tbe industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small fruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality. There aro a great many small orchards throughout the basin that prove the adaptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. K. L. Smith, former president of the Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that the foothill lands arc specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, the sandy loam of the uplands producing them in great abundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, took the premium at the New Orleans Exposition." The most important forage crop is alfalfa, the soil being peculiarly odaptcd to its growth. Exoeas All landowners being required Holding! Must to sell their excess holdings, there Be Bold ' ts a largo area of good land for aale at reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20 to $50 per acre tor improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns commands burner prices. The purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about $18 per acre to be paid for in ten equal annual in stallmcnta without interest. This amounts to less than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch companies. Some of the irrigators of Klamath Val ley (and they are the most prosperous fanners) have already paid out to such companies for water $60 per acre and rwn no water. All of these companies have been purchased by the Government and included in the system. " ' No public lands will be open for settlement for several years. Climate The upland soil ia mainly a rich sandy and loam of great uniformity and composed Boil iargely of disintegrated and eroded lava with au admixture of volcanio ash and diatomaceous earth, the latter material of plant ori gin, formed in the bottom of tho ancient sea which covered the greater part of the Great Basin, and of whioh Klamath Valley ia a northwesterly extension. -Such soil, characteristic of many of the richest agri cultural sections Of tho world, including much of Italy and the groat plains of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. The lako and tule landa are made up of a volcanio soil containing muoh organic, matter, a vegetablo accumulation of agea, and to of a poatty nature. The olimate ia extremoly healthful and uot sovSre. There ia rarely any Winter weather before tho latter part of December, and but little zero weather during the entire Winter. Tho annual precipitation to about fifteen inches, with little rain during the Summer monthe. .... IT WILL DO That's what people often lay when they get articles In the Gtocery line. We don't sell the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee absolute satisfaction. ph... sie van Riper Bros. Get the Habit-Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffee Our new goods are now here and you are invited to call and in spect same. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anything In the Furniture line. "Our Responsibility ends whenever you sre Sstlstled." E. W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Wiiiirow, Vice President ALLEN SLOAH, Secretary Abstracting Maps, Maas, Blue rrlnts, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. L President . M. D.lWlLUAWS, C. K. Treasurer Klamath Falls. Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER S STILTS. Proprietors Prime Beef, VeaL Mutton, Pork and Poultry Frc.h and Cured MeaU and Sauugcs of all kinds. We handle our meat in tho mot modern way In clean linoM and surrounding. Try us and wc will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE' HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of .most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAFT. O. C. AFFLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Offllce over po.tofflce, Klamath Falls, Oregon TlLtrHONE i D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Bunk & Truit Co,' Building We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House "Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At the Bridge on Main Street CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falls, & Wlnema Truck & Transfer . J COMPANY , Furniture and piano carefully ' moved. Baggage waeon and general draying. All work given prompt attention. Bum , to and from all boats. Phone 103 COLBURN 6 YOUNG ProBrietora Furs Wanted U D. Wtllson is In the market for all kind's of furs, for which he will pay the highest market price. Addrces-ltun at Klamath Fall), Oregon. V m