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""- 3u jfoetly lU-ml I'l"-,r " Klimntli Full" Our Advcrttaera Get the Heat Results . . . Ik HffaUX HCOHpVBAit. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON. THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1908. DECISION AGAINST HOMESTEADER! democratic presidential candidates Dusenberry Loses Valuable Quarter Sec tion to Withers of Paisley RULING Of THE ASSISTANI COMMISSIONER Sfit Decision Appealed to (k-nernl land Of lieu from lake viewOlliicHcfiihler Is Sustained and Inlry Is Ordered Held for Couu'lliitiW Price, 6 Cents. Idiumlra I '"'t I"1" lu'"'" ""l"'' tnal'l. The Asuslaiil Comiiilaal'inrr ItldrfHr-l another liiii-orlmil n.nliat j (tin the hniiir'aliMilir (g like of I'm In Fam's tliult'i l(4lKrIvrJ a hlw which ha rnuae.1 t.omrtl tt'ck t Itll I" valtni. Tim tuslitlialnll'heatrr I.. Withers, til Mil;, Own. ' II.DuiiwiibrMy, II I hImimii llllll ll.r Iitxl is til f., llilll Va'l.ill I In1 lilii.-llrii.itr la uaiiull) yurli Ii whirr IjiKiiJ.- iIi.mi mI.ui lie ailllraini Inml heavily llmlx red and unfit fr tullivnllmi, $10,000 for Crater Lake ' Henaliir I iiltmi has ajaln shown Mill UtMirltjr. TlifJrfrn.UliHJIr.lmi ll.r M,wcr and Inllll.-.,.-.. lull,.. rnll.'.ISUt.-a tllta In NurmUrCil llll. and the eon. ....l... Mi,t,- ll. rniali-iMtVAtlaMilul-! AluH f-'.llO", H' , a....ill..i. ioi.iii.ill... nml trcnieil : OUnlHllrH aUudoninriil, ni.l at j .i,.orp.rat..ii .J u immU'rof u nl Itehftilnitl.rMlu June ol IK. ! mriit In th aiimlry rlvll Mil. amon rsfittsf ilrcLlnl III Hi Hie tUIallflaiid ll.r reenter decldi! III III)' flTof of ll.r ilrfriiillht. Tin' mailer lll.pMlrd In Ihr germst UnJ olllco itJ AhI(UiiI Coiniiilaaouir H. W. IVwklll l.a rmdrrrd n dvrlti.iu aua- Itlildf ll.r rrglalrr nf the l.akrvlew A1. Frto ll. tH'li'.im iiliinillr.l at ll.r Uarltf tberrgislri formed the follow IsfOploloii: "Tl.t ll.a hoiueatead rip UJlUuM U laurelled fur tlir tra.ori last tht cuiilr.ln' .has not ritillnl tllatl.f hoinratrad laws In regard In mUtnrr, cultivation anil Improve Mb; thai Ik la not acting In ''1 kith lo prucuie Ihli laud fur liuinr. Mlufothsr ptirpoara, owing In Iteblfh altitude and character i.l Ilia bad It U unfit fur agricultural porir wimlnf.Uit It I. morn valuable f.ii Umbtr; lUl l.r naed I.l. claim a "K. Ili-P.l our fuf IIII.IMl (r Crater ljvle Park. White llii-lilll lu.iwt Jet I ' ll.r Si'ImIi' It l ml.' In preiume rVn .11. if I ullon Hill U tum-a.fill in getting ' nl I.Ml lliia nn.iiiiiil. Crater l-akr park needs nil Nlvrlritrlrril A rani ntki-d fur, lint f 10.kM) Mill U-iuuili more M.ta .-I.l... I..H 1MBl -...I II I. I- . I .i"-'m'v ... .i, ( n-.f him i ii ii ia an .nit I tl.e -M,,. ,, iln, ,.v.iii ngaln he Indrhtrd lo r'rnatur Kit) lull fur Ida ef f.illa hi llirlr lrhnlf. Will Not Stop StuKo llnliiK In llii liraty Irnllli' llic Mi'ln-tll.-!-tin f-la.-r llm-friuii II. I lit) t.i I'.il.k'anu n III nut U ilifcnnllniicl It- ! iii.imuh ua .aa U-rii anrKiuncr.1, Ixil will ! ! n.iiliniml In ll.r lint of tin' month . aint loiiurr if 'In' I rritrl liiin ill.. .Many narinrrf tutnr an.) ko u llila ii.iit.' ruiy Jay ami tin' roiunny HEADQUARTERSNOW AT DORRIS Engineer Hoey Transacting Business at the New Railroad Terminus ADVANCE CAMP NOW AT DOWNING PLACE Necessary Bridges and Culverts Between This City Md Fdguof Marsh Will Be Constructed During the Summer and Tall of This Year I'iwoiI. uli.n lln-y uern r.fjr Kaule liiilttf nr.J ll.i'V nilliil mil fur (lie rliort iikI c'iit the nlslit Hun-. Tlie neit mmniiiKulicn tlir hIihI l.a.l nbIJcl HieyruHiil iodic Dunk ranch, hut the luiirich at that .lac a nut of older ami Ihey rr furcnl to wnlt until they roulil arciire liflp from Oih-taa. The O'l.Wa lannrli hal In the inran lime ittiiiv out lo look for diem ami conaider ahlu tlino waa lott Miitv Ihey couM get a' hoit lo low llivin to thi-Jr deallnallon. Dairy JU0S0N HARMON OF OHIO. UNITED EFFORT WILL GET RESULT llajollira.liiiarlrri uhrn nut ncnllni( l",',,'l '""I'''"'" 'I" "'"' n" '",li: n" ' Heal Estate Man Tells Why Very Small Per Cent of Pros- pw live Uuyers Coming to the Klamath Country Invest in City and Farm Property l.aii.U ill U'ifc lirrr aallry liatc U-rn i r'alli. Sjiiih of Ihcau t'rt i.iitlm ulio'aili.( the hualiirta iiirn of dip city, ilianclnit hamU In ll.r Aal iiinndi nnJ Jii'iMi in thla arrtl.ui, hut moat of thrill ' Thvrc U iiolhing MronK with tho latnli", tHlln of lamia that ar. ilii.tly UmWrari.ltl.atii ,iu lain U i-alnh-IU!1 Utwrcn aitrlciilliiral ami tlmlr todl. Moatol . rontMl JrclaloiiH lUlhurtlncnrcmlrrisllmvo Imh.'ii nJ. tan to tlio liuiiii-.tcmlfr. ami nil atu l on tlir non',i ulth u. Utl pivrrnlrii; limni-itc a.l ..ntilua. I.ut lUtlnrictrrnfth,. Uu.l I. alway, ink. eater rtlriinUuJa in that Uilnlty, i l'ph Manlr.1 to lrnil U l'..kivaiiia. ' 11 lUl Mi rrai.lrnro iil-in tho laml Mtlie iirr..iri ami not tlir rule." . Wood RiXXT LaildS Scllilli Tfiity.ii i-aaiiiiurn UanliM the' unity on the uart of llioao rninceU in lb Aaalitiiil Conimlailonrr train at WVrd jetrnUy for Klamath the vatale huilnni. and alio on the Itetlht mclitn'a oj.liiioii la nurranlnl, ! the mtijr a hil.l for raiinllatlon. Tail ilrtliloli likr a niiinlriil nthrr ! '"' l"lf,, paid alum a 1.1,; Incn-air in nrrpinvn n ho am looking for locations to hut thu oplf' iMIMttlvrn rrlidcml rrrmtlv. Ia Valura In tlio al lu Yr.ira, A llttlr I'liitatfr lu Iniilno ir Inriuliiir. I lila ttraaf Indication Dial the I)riartiiivnt cr n rnr no llrury lionlon aold wai not an umiiual occurrfner, hut lillailng to ut a atop to tin' lioiur. I'Ucr "I 'Jlilacrra for alwiil f.'O 'r acrr, ' Mthrr a thin1 that lake place innrly nml n almit time uroI.o Umitlit theaauir fyriy d.iy. Thratrratn ol hoinvaceuker plm'u of roH'rly at nhout f.'M ir aorc. ' krrp coining and guliiK. Thla can ho Tim land chauitiil liniiii) twice nml .Mr. ' Iracrd dirt-clly In tho lurgu nmotit ol llorJon purcliaar It from I,. V. (;.im puhllrlly that haa U'vu kIvoii tho conn UnJ. Another Jral InvolvliigitlM arrra try. One of tho notlcrahlu foaturea mi rouaiiuimatcJ when Chai. Wrillc-. aUitit lint purlin uho roiue hero U that torn .iU hit place to l V. (,'ok'Ium.I Tho print y;M it nlmut tM per arro. Iir. K. V. Iliiaon Mill prt-iuh nt tht "ilntflcmaUirallon In cifoa hiu .Mvtho!iat .hnnh ml Sunday vtriiliiK. BARGAINS THIS WEEK IK.K.K. $5.00 5.75 2.40 .75 STORE es $6.00 Khaki Sulti (This week) -taUe $7.00 " ' kdle $3.00 Khnkl Skirts - - -tew Split Straw Hats, values up to $2.00, WUdrens Blue and Pink Canvas Slippers, Reg. l.oo and 1.25, 80 and 95 the pair 10 Per cent off on all Shirt Waists 'and Ends In China Below Cost. Watch this space fc Special Prices OFFERED BY KLAMATH FALLS Best Value Givers K. K. K. STORE a rry ainall prrcent of thvm Invcat in provcrty in t lit x irctlon and aonio remain onnvly lonif rnonitli to get ncualnlod with nuy Mil of tho city or county. Nine out of ti'iiofdiouencoiuera Kink ed what they think ol die country when they 11 rat arrive In tho city eipreia tliciu. elvea well ileaol with nil they lmvo ireu,auJ then without going out of town Ihey Irnve, naying that theie ia aometliliig wrong with the furiiiliig country. Ono of the clly'a reul eatuto men wua nakeJ In explain why llila condition ex iiled nml liix explanation wna aUml ua followa; "A inun coiuea here with mon ey to invest and ho naturally fulls in with it real eatuto man who nhone him certain properties. He does not huy iuiniediately hut apouda name little time ithoitt town and soon ineeta other men engaged in the real estate liiuinena. lie tells them that ho haa heen out with a certain man looking over tome pro perties and has about decided la huy. Instead ol leaving the Imyer tiflie lint man ho at onco starts to tell him of hel ler hargalna ho haa and sometimes tells him that die land ho has seen la no good and the real estate dealer ia an ir- reapouilhlo party. About two Jolts like thin and tho prospective buyer secures a ticket for die railroad and qnltsJhu country in disgust. The whole matter id duo lo tho lack of The gentleman was asked fori remedy (or the condition, and he staled that the only remedy that he could suggest would hv to form some sort of an organization whereby the boosters' effort would bo milted ami would all pull in the same direction. Ho thought that the Cham Ix-r ol Commerce wta die proper body through which the remedy should 1 secured. Automobile Service Ijt Winter the pieillclion wus made that thla city would U connected with the outside world this Hummer by an automobile line, and now comes die re port that while In San Francisco last week Capt. J, M. Mclntlro purchased an upt-o-dute car and will put the samo on tho run between this city Harris within a few Jayn. The cur will be for passenger service only and when tho roads are put In a littlo bettor con dition tho run can ho made in about two hours. Tho transportation aclldes will bo all that can be expected when this service ia catabliihed. Sawing Plume Lumber The Long I-uko Lumber Co. which haa the contract for furnishing the lumber for the Lost Klvet Hume lias nliendy cut and delivered 75,000 feet of lumber and 0,000 feet is being cut daily. V. 0. Huson, the manager of tho company,' has just returned from his trip to Odessa to see how tho work of getting out the lumber was progressing, lie says they will have no trouble In tilling the contract. In shaking of hi being shipwrecked Mr, Hueon nid that the euglne refused John Cox from near Oh-ncwas trailing in Dairy this week.. Olios. MtCoinUr has his crop all In except aouir that will have lo be rrsown on the sandy land where the wind un covered the seed. Jas. Harris who has heen raring for Ihuatoikof rrof.J.O. Wight all winter was in Dairy trading Friday, from now on he will work at home. Uel llmaey went toLangrl Valley Fri day evening to visit his parents. W. I. Welch, II. J. O'llrlcn.and Wiu. Wight, netr by farmers were In town Saturday. I'm!. Hall went to Klamath Falls on hutincf Saturday. ('has. Woelk took a load of link to Klamath Falli Saturday and will bring hack a load of goods for Dairy. Ghus. ami Uufus Moore wcro in Dairy Saturday on lmilneis connected with their electric line. We had heard that Iheywrro going to leave us ontj bat from what wu heard today they will give ua a branch line. W. J. llrown, of llotmnza, wns out ex ercising his bronchos Saturday and came to Dairy, Uiught a few groceries and talked Prohibition, and that is all right Uxi. Wo hane no use for the booze. Gentle showers fell during Holiday night and the prospect looks gosd for more today. They nro heartily wel comed by tho farmers. II. I. Iloty, Chief Engineer of the California Northeastern Railroad, haa moved his headquarters toDorri which mcana that the road to that point Is fol ly in charge of the operating department. I lis office equipment haa been shipped to the new terminus and all business ia now transacted from that place. All of the construction work It now being done thiatideof Dorr 1 1. The advance earnp ia working on the aide bill at the Down ing ranch. The work la being proeecut edruore vlgorous'y, and the present plan ia to bring the bridge craw io thla side of die Marsh to build all bridge be tween this city and 51 Id land during thla Summer. Thla is done in order to cease no delay as soon aa the manh U croseed. Mr. Iloey will have hit headquarter at Dorr. until he move to KUaaath Falls.but throughout the Summer he will spend more or less ot bis time at the companyhtatqttarteraintbUcity. lira. Hoey wi I arrive here ahortly to take np her residence for the Summer. There ia no qneation bat what the Southern Faclflc U anxloo to cotapltte the road to tht city and ererytblDC ia being done to rash the work. The con struction department realist that the marsh it the portion of tbe road that will cause delay, and the bridajs en tbia aide of the swamp are to be pst la thla Summer to that if it abould be potelble to cross the marsh late thU Fall or In he early Spring no dm win be lott In constructing the grade and bridge from the edge of the marsh to tbia city. The engineers in charge of tbe work are rery reticent about laying at what time the line will be completed to Klamath Falls and will lie ready for the operating de partment, bat the lmprettion generally given to inquirers It that tbe road jrill be in operation Into thla city in the early Spring of 1909. (.Bowtrer, thb it not official and It ia poatlbte that the road may reach here late tbia Fall or that it may not be completed and be ready for traffic until lata In the Sum mer of next year. I M aBaaaaaVII saBl TH3lfSili. H I ltW I IMalliaJ 1 1 EssH F Lssaaaawetll" IILqgiJlj Bk 1 lL, ROBERTS & HANKS Hardware Dealers ij;JP'hL